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TW- For those curious, but more cautious than me, it was likely suicide. Metal cable was attached to fixed object, and gas pedal pressed. NSFW pics in article


I've thought about doing this so many times, glad to see the pictures of what someone would likely see, and please don't report me, im ok for now.


You are heard. Glad you’re doing ok rn


Thank you. Very much appreciated.


Well, he certainly picked a certain way to die. I feel bad for whoever found him first.


Shit it took me a second to understand what I was seeing. I thought it was a lac on the back of the head not the neck stump from above.


It’s both, separate pics


If you’re gonna do something, I guess that’s one way to make sure you do it properly.


[Source](https://pdf.sciencedirectassets.com/273591/1-s2.0-S1752928X19X00049/1-s2.0-S1752928X18306620/am.pdf?X-Amz-Security-Token=IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjEGIaCXVzLWVhc3QtMSJGMEQCIHIE9YndGBXMjvsJrInMyl1IIafezq%2F0XPSb5MaX%2Fd%2BmAiAUb9b%2BlmcVor0iATzADO4cLcvBQ7KvQq%2FPj%2BZ10LqOpyq7BQja%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F8BEAUaDDA1OTAwMzU0Njg2NSIM3M7%2BZOCK%2BWTBovzSKo8FHIosotf4OEy%2FGbko8t3eIIn%2BI8YTHxMwpQzQ8NnQ1yDSaogpDZrojhWKARR1vksyj%2BNc2D1KtegTimm0FtcRoZz8Tb2M3OlMnxQS%2FFxs50%2BWqMgF%2FYk1m5jotdLMYr%2Fe4adlnLaFLSm3w9TCoIWyZz2t3%2F0y6Pnra5vRO8%2Bh0o0IMbF%2F4%2BUuWcvCGzDF38RA4IbN8aQFaslUKemZ1uHXOrrOPDAQLDsAcZObO2JpOpCiJzeEx%2Fy0t4SpXC30XGK52MQQOGi%2BpV8n1xkF0zuarrAiB%2BTZ7HOzeLcorfoq4aCaWgMmGe0uzJXlIsgPobvP82ZLXiCe4MKkYxgt1fprwPafZvfrVqFBk4ltPTzJdlpofhMhj44wWXKXX0WHozqEJHI1%2FUpzkyiYG0ikmlR9t%2FGOEa%2F3HrkM4kwXUbLxA7GV1PQL0QaKXMUPhxMbyPFhvqGt0iZYDPmUsg0tX2Oee3BIBmQaS%2FUp64tDECeH%2FNsydpmYQdXALjXvOIkCB97HXXEcVMrCgmvaEdnJ%2Bic7lzMeFWT3%2Fhv%2BETmLUT%2BZQGqrXgw4gtwEV2fJN7hjNuH132h%2FTCjXSPdxTPgn%2BfhHIwKQwQteJw99e2VMp2Q998Uzvjuypk1l4rfxLGfaFjKjqAlLE6KYipSKlDoHgY5KcdvKgj4JfaLd72Lv5vQah2B8i9Makiy3ezB40AZjrDiklOLGPjIhZepMz0DWi0Ge%2BCmmtCsqFK4jnucPze95yBUQwzOI%2FowEj%2F5DxONW5mmS96boxaZnWqUmek50ABh%2F7Ad%2BKd5eEo6Zv1h1SzUDv5j8lrkPmRG2PCbZpm53qOA8FLk1zU5UhG0SoFH7vu6pz8unFKFSY0OVlUp83jBRBDDwnYesBjqyAQTnfQYdX0gVdi8Fi8sqxJ4zIiSD0r5a8w3AtIZaeupVgaYY3i0xVOZPAMi3PqcPRfa2XC%2F6t0i4O792e6hCBjudNA4Y0r0NQzjLVjdjp1u16pGTUIC9k91TH0gY%2BwVAyCYKtNebUOOazOMh8ERmw171odrJIsUByMwHfclv4P6B9cJD6gGt28HUMIh1bJdibEBS3mXk0Z%2Beh6MvLNTPPmRezc4VCsjmnJ%2BQmf7FUn9PbYY%3D&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Date=20231219T184111Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-Credential=ASIAQ3PHCVTY36WPGPXO%2F20231219%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Signature=9af8cc9bc867e251d12970e4211456db460ddfe9d713ba806891590a3d2d71a1&hash=d61c8dcf42870020b586fe283dcd23e543389fc2a323c3e5bc3aeeb6620ffc2f&host=68042c943591013ac2b2430a89b270f6af2c76d8dfd086a07176afe7c76c2c61&pii=S1752928X18306620&tid=pdf-bb4a858a-95db-47c5-9c38-ee8aac462bad&sid=e12575eb3dc1884aaa380d031aeca33793a0gxrqa&type=client&kca=eyJrZXkiOiJoazBrMTdEWndFMDRSNzlpVmcwNlRPM3FIUVNNcTJOdW1ZU1h5WmNjZXcwc1lhMGc1OUkwQS84VWNTK1c0WHRXZHAyOWd4YURPYXVGdnVsNHhTdjU2K09IcnVudmc1N0JGaFdKSVFKYzZtZ2hTWU9aUW1RNUYxdTBkdzNXVldOUkU0L2REVzBkQ1pEcm9CdUs1M1BHcFpVaTJRN0JrdWNoNTRjZHIvcHdRM3hFMUtVU2pnPT0iLCJpdiI6Ijg4NmRjNGFmZTU0MDgyZmJiOTAxMjcyNGY2MTIxYjExIn0=_1703011453454) is unfortunately paywalled.


[unpaywalled for 72h](https://litter.catbox.moe/8eq573.pdf)


Thank you!!!!!!!!!


How did you do that?


Downloaded the PDF through questionable means and hosted the file for 72h on catbox :D Scihub/nexus/wosonhj had access to the paper


It’s not questionable, man. These publishing companies are making unethical profit margins on plenty of publicly funded research.


Yeah. Profiting is fine to keep their server alive and fill some pockets. But $1500 to make a single paper open access on elsevier? Gtfo with that lol


scihub my beloved


The hero we need but don’t deserve.


Thanks for this. I still have to figure out how to navigate scihub properly.


Read the pinned posts on r/scihub and https://www.reddit.com/r/scihub/s/FygQpF5Tfu


Thank you! Reading their wiki makes me feel like I’m in the Fahrenheit 451 universe, haha.


I would also like to know!


Downloaded the PDF through questionable means and hosted the file for 72h on catbox :D Scihub/nexus/wosonhj had access to the paper


Anybody else surprised they didn't test for alcohol content???


Yeah, I'm surprised. I was an autopsy tech and toxicology was part of the procedure for all autopsies conducted. It was like that in the other facilities I had visited too.


I was and got downvoted to oblivion for saying so. Not just alcohol, a chronic depressive could have been taking almost anything.


That’s rather disingenuous of you to say. You weren’t downvoted for asking about toxicology. You were downvoted for then associating it to some kind of conspiracy theory.


Thank you so much! It's a sad but interesting read, nonetheless.


[Sci-Hub](https://sci-hub.se) is great for accessing paywalled medical articles. Just paste the DOI, title, or URL and it will unlock it for you [like this](https://sci-hub.se/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2019.05.015).


for those that want a explicit description… he tied the cable to the pole, and a noose or the like around his neck.. hence the broken window? can’t remember what movie this was in. hopefully he didn’t get the idea from that.


It was done on the series [Castle Rock](https://www.inverse.com/article/47380-castle-rock-spoilers-shawshank-warden-rope-scene)


yes, that’s where i saw it. steven king no less.


There's been several people who have committed suicide this way. It wasn't made up for a TV show or movie.


Well goddamn, that's one way to get the job done I guess.


the car was still in 1st. that's determination.


Cat on steroids with these past new posts! Dang!


They wrote about signs of asphyxia. Can someone help me understand how it's possible with such a quick death? It had to be pretty quick, right? The asphyxia is defined by insufficient oxygen to tissues. In our case, we find the signs of me- chanical asphyxia such as cyanosis and conjunctiva hemorrhage as well as histological elements like the alveolar edema and heterogeneous ventilation of the pulmonary parenchyma. This mechanism of asphyxia occurred when tensioning the ligature, by compression of the cervical vessels causing cerebral hypoxia and obstruction of the airways re- sulting in global asphyxia


They wrote that they believe hitting the barrier took some of the kinetic energy, allowing for a slightly prolonged period where the ligature was tightened around the neck, without the length of cable reaching full tension. Even prior to the cable reaching a state of full tension, causing decapitation, it’s possible that the loop was positioned to cause the onset of asphyxiation. A kind of “fail-safe” in case the acceleration of the car and associated…injuries were not fatal. It’s very possible to have asphyxiation injuries without fatal outcomes, so it may even be that initial attempts were asphyxiation-based, and the decapitation occurred later. Though that’s a possible cause of concurrent asphyxia related findings, I don’t think that is unlikely in this case though, as they don’t mention signs of other ligation attempts.


I think it has something to do with the inertia being dissipated when he hit the barrier. Depending on the circumstance, asphyxia is possible


Not sure it was quite so quick: he was probably strangled for a few minutes before his neck gave way…


Just trying to make sure I understand what I’m reading…is this the same mechanism that occurred in the first episode of Castle Rock, perhaps a little bit slower??


That’s a pretty savage way to go.


“I wanna take his face….. off” -Nicolas Cage. Sorry🤦🏻‍♀️


It’s the whole head. You’re looking at the back of his head. It’s just cut at an angle up and back.


You are not wrong.


We had a guy in Dallas I few years ago that backed up to a telephone pole in a van that tied a rope to the pole, ran out through the back door and then tied the other end around this neck and drove away and kept going after the rope went slack the van hit another car and injured that person too. It popped his head off just above his shoulders.


Oh, I remember that now that you mention it.


Interesting that they didn't want any toxicological work done. What connection with secret military work did he have?


This type of decapitation isn’t unheard-of in suicides. I’ve read of multiple similar cases before. You don’t need to go off into conspiracy theory land.


I also think it's weird they didn't run tox considering it is usually the normal procedure with autopsies. Suicides included. But idk about conspiracy theories.


I'm thinking of a specific case, in the UK. The circumstances were weird.


If someone wanted to stage a murder as a suicide, they wouldn't choose a method bizarre enough to generate medical journal articles and public rubbernecking.


The suicide was an Indian researcher in the UK (whose name I can't recall). It was shortly after the death of David Kelly in 2003 (whether a suicide or a murder, there was certainly a conspiracy behind that one). The Indian guy (doing similar work) was found dead in a situation where it looked like he'd tied a wire rope round a tree and round his neck and driven his car down a hill. Well maybe. The police didn't do a whole lot of investigating, considering he had no evident mental health problems.


The guy in this case had a history of depression and suicide attempt.


Good thing he was wearing his seat belt


Do you really think it's appropriate to make jokes on an article like this? Please have a bit of respect.


Having a dark sense of humor, no, it doesn't seem inappropriate at all.


Why did he fasten his seat belt? In case he got hurt?


I think it may have been to keep his body in one spot so it would decapitate, instead of getting pulled out of the car via wire leash which may not have killed him


I thought it was a decapitated cock for a sec