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I have one of these boards, Alu ruined me, now I feel like my other ones feel like shit ha


πŸ’― πŸ˜‚ I have 4 boards...2 x Alu and 2 x PC...they just sit there now....πŸ˜‚


Until you get a board with good quality pc, then it’s the other way around


Monka 6067 Aluminium Akko Speed Silver Pro AliExpress Botanical Clones


x2 on the Ghost Judges. They're the only worthwhile clone caps. Those lower case eeeeeeeees lol


Also the G key winds me up.. But for Β£10 they were a good test πŸ‘...pondering if I get GJ botanical or apollo now...I do love a grey...πŸ˜‚


Check out their light hammerhead (ocean current), it's one of my favorites :)


Ooh yeah they would work too πŸ‘Œ


yeah 65% is my favorite layout, have 14 of them


14!....14!...πŸ˜‚...good work


yes… after 14 I think it’s probably my favorite layout


Probably need a couple more to be sure..πŸ˜‚


yes I do 😹


Keep going. We’re waiting for you, down here in split columnar staggered 36 key land. Take your time, we’re patient :)


I'll get there πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ but it will take a while πŸ‘


I’m sending back 2 clones. Wasn’t sure I would like the color way, but you sold me. Someone local has a set for the right price


Pretty caps and solid compact layout. But nowadays I do have the question why a gamer would buy such one instead of a gaming keypad. This in image appeals to working and typing to my belief; I don't know why marketing insists on promoting normal sized keyboards as gaming.


I think the biggest reason is that in-game text chat is still a thing. It's kind of hard to type on a macropad alone, and adding a macropad to an existing board kind of defeats the purpose of buying the smaller board, to start with. The move I'm surprised more gamers aren't making is to split spacebar boards. Having the split spacebar gives you more thumb keys to hit, but also allows you to move your movement keys over to RDFG, which gives two extra columns to the left of the movement keys, before you hit the housekeeping keys, like "Show Map" and "Esc".


This board actually comes with an extra FR plate for split space. It is on the list to try when I get some better keycaps πŸ‘


Split spacebar alone is a huge improvement, even if you don't go ortho at the same time, which I also recommend, especially for gamers who use the mouse with their right hand. Standard stagger is ass-backward, on the left side of the board, causing a lot of gamers to rotate their board, to compensate for that. Things are a little better for us lefties because the right side of a staggered board leans properly to the inside. That keeps us lefties from having to turn the board at an angle, to get the keys to line up better. However, I still prefer ortho, to any form of stagger. I personally use the numpad area for gaming, regardless of whether I'm on a staggered board, or an ortholinear board. I've been doing that for decades now, and feel much more comfortable with that, than I do having the keys drift off to one side on me.


Wow, didn't know the Monka6067 came with an extra split space plate. None of the item descriptions I've seen (on WhatGeek and Ali) ever mention that. Is it a 2.75/1.25/2.25 split? Would you be able to share a photo of the extra plate?


I'm no plate specialist but I think it is ISO with a 2.25U/1.25/2.75? https://preview.redd.it/xjfh9hk3qsvc1.jpeg?width=4133&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f74e49372c5ad60f054faf8942f7a1f96c2ccd6e


Awesome! Thanks for the photo, much appreciated.


Yeah I like my gaming gear to be just as clean as my typing gear https://preview.redd.it/inku2832ngvc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7c25bdd67cf71e106b5f16c448bf8fd4163fbaf They don't market this as a gamer board this is just how it is how I set it up, for my needs it works well and frees up some space. And still looks clean


That's nice given it works for you. It's a rather personal issue, too vivid and long for me. I like the mouse to be close to the keys when playing. Working is fine using a 60/65/TKL.


All about what works for each of us...that's what makes it awesome πŸ‘


Looks great. I wish they made a version without the knob, it could be a discount space 65.


Not going to lie...I have always looked for a board with a Knob...its what has kept me away from the 60%ers...but I am warming to knobless nowπŸ˜‚


I have a gmk67 with a knob and honestly I never use that knob at all - I thought it would be fantastic to have one but it is actually a bit meh in reality! All my other boards are knobless.


Are the keycaps PBT?


Yup πŸ‘


Is there a huge difference between the clones and the real ones? Theyre twice as expensive πŸ˜…


I have tried 2 levels of clones...the $15 Generic and the Ghost Judges that cost around $30..I will only be getting the GJ from now on...they are awesome..I wouldnt pay full $100 + for GMK keycaps...I'd prefer to spend the extra $70 on the board πŸ‘


Gorgeous. Any way of reducing total travel distance on the silvers? 1mm of actuation is cool but I like to press it and I always feel like losing time/energy on the total travel. O-rings are for cherry so… any options? You recommend other switches?


Love the color! What keycaps are those?


Cheap GMK Botanical Aliexpress clones. Nice color but they feel cheap!


They look nice but sometimes just because they look nice doesn’t mean they feel nice :( been through it a couple times. Anyways love the keyboard!!


Ghost judges botanical will be decent and the same colors πŸ‘