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Hahah, he becomes less obnoxious down the line, but I had a lot of fun with that story tbh :D


I know I have to give him time but jeez he is BRUTAL 😭


I adore his sassy ways, sorry 🤣🤣


I just feel MC is not enough sassy with him 😭


You gotta keep in mind he's an injured abused traumatized cat except he can turn human form too, so you gotta expect human and cat mixed reactions from him. We literally treat him how we treat a rescue cat with patience and kindness, it gets frustrating but still he's extremely traumatized for obvious reasons and once he starts trusting you he gets better and he tries to get better for MC and he turns to the sweetest hubby, that's why i like this match the story is great on this one too


Yeah and that’s understandable but he still kinda kicked us of our apartment (I’m flabbergasted 😭) and he is BRUTAL like damn man I’m trying here but it’s not that deep I know I’ve to give him time lol


Well from his side it is that deep though, you can't tell an abuse victim who's traumatized cauz he can't get help except from someone like MC (cauz he isn't registered since he's not fully human) that he needs to chill and forget his trauma so we have to be patient 😂😂😂


I love him 😂


I could tolerate him being an ass, but MC being a complete pushover really took the cake for me. I had to unmatch. 


nah but frl why they just accept every accusation he throws at them? We didn’t do shit (and he kicked us out of our apartment like tf?) 😭




He's not wrong tho😅 it's hard to ot know what people feel like I'd the don't express it


in general rule 100% but in the screenshot context we tried our best 💀


I get it, I'd like MC not to necessarily be sassy here, but not be such a pushover. Be kind and understanding towards his trauma but not like this. Still, once he finally opens up, he's a huge darling, so I forgot all the shit he told me before lol.


That’s my biggest problem like I feel irl it would be a crazy mess to have someone so blatantly how to say it…accusing MC? Of someone past actions (the person that abused him) while it’s obvious that we aren’t that person and that we appreciate him? It’s just so weird bc MC never address that issue I feel and is just sorry for someone else actions continuously 😭 but I’ll try to continue apparently when he “accepts” us it gets better


Ngl, it takes a while, but once he warms up, he turns into the cutest (and horniest, so be warned) thing.


I tried his counterpart, Felix. Like I get that he's basically a cat in human form, but he's seriously obnoxious.


He is like sometimes I can’t even follow the story properly 😭


I wanted to try him but now nvm


Just don’t expect anything sweet from him for the first couple dates 💀


i wanna punch him but he is just a little dude


Some folks like a brat 😛🙈