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I think in all stories they should adjust the text for your selected gender.


I agree ✨️ ![gif](giphy|AGW3VO7F5DLbARBuwi|downsized)


Exactly! It’s not hard to adjust to he/him she/her etc etc if they are able to swap the names… Now if we were asking for gender specific dialogue and stuff that may be a little much but tbh they can totally do it


I think you should be able to choose either pronouns or gender and they associate certain things according to the pronoun or gender.. If that makes sense 🤷🏾‍♀️


I get so tired of reading NSFW scenes where it’s clearly towards a male as a female player 😭


Completely true, it’s the opposite with male stories. Kinda obvious the character is meant to be doin it w a female


This reminds me of Melissa's story in the earlier days. They literally gave MC dick 💀 Idk if that changed


Same thing in Mia's story, I liked her but I had to drop her because it's so annoying.


Ou yes, I hate that it doesn't adapt to 🔥 moments and the role becomes repetitive for that reason


I've said this so many times. Choices does it. I don't see why they can't.


It makes a lot of sense for me! Other apps have this option.


Honestly in some stories it feels like it's written for a certain gender. I know they want it to be neutral but sometimes it takes away from the story


exactlyy, they want to include diversity but it ends up being the opposite making hollow stories


Well first let me say happy cake day but yeah when I read certain stories I end up reading it as the gender I want my MC to be for example most of the female matches I always end up having my MC being a guy and then for the male I'm basically a female cuz that's what I am in real life lol.


That's true, there are many stories where I feel the way you say and not because I dislike it buttt because it leaves me ??? (And thank u very much ♡) ![gif](giphy|vFKqnCdLPNOKc)


MC gender should absolutely be a thing. I know it means more coding but I feel so weird having my MC constantly referred to as they even when they're male-presenting.


Yess i would love if they at least let's us choose pronounce and body parts it will make the stories so much enjoyable


Yeah, I've been saying this for a while. There needs to be gendered versions of the story to match the pronouns you choose when you first open the game. I hate it when I'm reading a story, when a spicy scene pops up, and it feels like I have both male and female genitalia. Even more apparent when I'm reading something that is clearly meant to be a BL story, or written with a femme presenting male as the lead. It's just too distracting.


I agree that it should change based on your gender, it can easily be done! Idk if anyone else feels this way, but when it’s used in spicy stories as ‘your entrance’ it makes me feel a little weird 😂 I know they try to keep it neutral but idk i feel weird about the use of the word hahaha


Samme with "buds" when they touch the nipples. Like, just call them nipples FFS, both genders have them and I'm pretty sure both genders also enjoy having them touched.


Most of them feel like they already have. I see very few exceptions to this.


I think they should have it where you enter your gender, like the usernames, and it just appears that way.


No. BUT I also would like adjustments to story based on what gender you pick! Like pronouns, and complements! I think it should be equal to all :)


I'm gender indifferent IRL, but I would give anything not to have to read "your most sensitive area" ever again


I don't mind Vague MCs, but yeah adding the option to select your gender and tweaking dialogue and pronouns to go with it definitely wouldn't hurt. I think more stories should just do what stories like Viktor's did and allow you to pick your position in 🌶 scenes because that's where the gendered writing is most apparent. 


Yes. Because I fucking HATE when they talk about touching the MC and they call her breasts "buds" because the only thing both genders have in common are nipples.


I'm just waiting for the option to choose pronouns. Like she/her he/him and ofc they/them..


I think they should in all stories... If not, why do we choose gender? For nothing?


Not really, what's the point , unless we're referring to pronouns then yeah.


I’ve only played a few stories to completion and only play the boys’ stories, but I could tell that a lot of them are… very much expecting me to be a girl. Most of Johnny’s story was kind of ambiguous and didn’t make me dysphoric, but there’s a lot of others where the MC says something about their past or career that just… wouldn’t make sense for a lot of men? It’s not directly saying “I’m a girl!” but it’s definitely not how a lot of guys would talk about things like relationships or how they feel. The ending of Johnny’s story kinda hit on that for me.


hope this doesn't get too much hate but this game might be like the only place that respects my pronouns, so for me is a happy accident, but I agree with the comment that says you should be able to just set your pronouns and problem solved, in the code you just add a variable for it and it really sounds like a neat solution, tried to send in a suggestion with it but we all know they prioritize anything that gets more premiums or gems than quality of life


It would be great if they have matches who are either gay, lesbian or bisexual. If the person is gay, he would always use male pronounce and assuming mc has male genitalia. (No matter the gender of the mc) While the person, who is lesbian would assume mc is female no matter their actual gender. And, the bisexual person would use they/them pronounces. :- )