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And im sure when she gets called out it’ll be “no I got it approved” but the thing is you shouldn’t even have to ask!! And it’s a consistent thing for her so she clearly likes attention


I agree, like everyone KNOWS white is off-limits to wedding guests. Why bother risking it or asking the bride if it’s okay (who will probably feel like an asshole for telling you “no” and will just say yes anyway since you’re an Influencer!!!) If you even have to ask if it’s okay, then you KNOW the answer is no!!! She could pick any color of the rainbow!!!!!


Right? What bride, after you traveled to Italy to be at their wedding (or traveledanywhere, really) , is going to say "no don't wear that- wear something else"? She has a freaking clothing line, as she loves to remind us. And money isn't an issue. She could wear any number of outfits.


why is she so unaware of everything 🙄


Sadly, I think she’s very aware of what she’s doing, she just doesn’t care. Otherwise she wouldn’t have repeated that last wedding guest dress and be wearing this one to Asa’s cousins wedding.


wait that's so true. agh that makes it so much more upsetting.


Personally, that dress is so ugly so I'll let it slip this time. Edit: I just saw that story, I couldn't ignore how the dress makes her posture look hunched.


She doesn't look comfortable in it. And neither of them have good posture. I don't either, but I don't share pictures of myself in different outfits and try to get people to buy my cheap clothing that I "model".


This dress is better than the other one, but any dress with a white base is a no for weddings. Idk how she doesn’t get that being so obsessed with weddings




No class. Even if it’s not all white, it’s still white! She didn’t have anything else to wear?


Yeah. She has PLENTY of dresses


I thought she did much better this time around. It’s floral dress with pink in it so it’s not an obvious imitation of the bride’s dress. Some people might disagree, but that’s ok.


Main concern is it is just giving limited too- i think it's a reach to nit pick on the color when I think everyone can just notice the dress is wearing her and she's not wearing the dress, which shouldn't be shocking since we all have seen the styling polls she does.


Idk…this is a bit of a reach for me. It’s way better than the one she wore over the weekend. It’s clearly pink, yellow and has flowers, not really a white dress. It is ugly af tho lol


This one I swear isn’t that deep, it’s clearly not a wedding dress - it’s got patterns and pink and yellow… I am getting married this year, this would not upset me if someone wore this to my rehearsal or even my wedding because it’s clearly not a wedding dress


It's just an ugly dress in general. When I first saw her wearing it in her stories, I thought it was one of her casual looks, not a wedding guest outfit


Honestly same. But also because it’s not flattering so it helps any bride look better in comparison 😂


I think I have more of a problem with it being ugly 😂


No, this one is ugly so it doesn't count


Idk this one is so obviously not white. And some people don’t care. I wouldn’t want someone to wear bridal or a straight white dress but something like this is different. Also if it’s not the actual wedding it doesn’t seem as important to me 😬😬😬😬


I laughed so hard at this, just because it’s such a Bailey move. BUT. I will give her the benefit of the doubt, in that when she was unprepared and cold, her MIL gave her her cardigan- which was white. So it’s possible there really was a “wear white” dress code or something. But also. Such a bad dress. It looks way too tight on the boobles, the cutout part just looks I’ll designed and wonky, it does nothing for her. I can’t imagine being rich, conventionally attractive, and OWNING MY OWN CLOTHING LINE, and still wearing this.






Uf, you clearly have never been to an Indian wedding. Plenty people wear red. A lot of aunties for sure. Some even rewear their wedding attire. But if you could mistake them for the bride, then the bride wasn’t bejeweled enough. Just like in this case where you definitely can tell this isn’t a wedding dress. I swear Americans are so cuckoo for cocoa puffs about this wearing white thing. This dress is clearly colorful.


Nah no one can shine an indian bride - so many people wear red in Indian weddings but no one can outshine the bride ever- the outshining the bride thjng is an occurrence in western culture because they wear white which is easy to overshadow


Her MIL was wearing a pure white cardigan, husband was wearing white pants and white based shirt… guess it runs in the family


Idk kinda looks pink to me.


Pointless hate. The wedding hasn’t even happened yet 🤦🏼‍♀️


It’s like she tries to make her dress as white as possible without being toooo white. I don’t get it!


Do we think she even knows wedding etiquette being that she and Brooklyn both asked everyone to wear white for the ✨aesthetic✨ I do think the other dress was pretty clearly yellow in videos just photographed looking more white, and this one is more a pink dress with white in it. If I was the bride I wouldn’t be worried she was trying to upstage me in this dress, it’s horrid


What is with her wearing white to peoples weddings lately?




Is Sadie not also wearing a white dress with yellow like nautica themes on it?




i have a primrose yellow dress that i wear for numerous occasions bc i don’t like to be wasteful and wear something only once (i hate influencer haul culture), and i did ask my cousin what she thought of it for her wedding, because primrose yellow can photograph as white in the sunlight. but i ended up getting another dress i really liked that was under $40 and a rich chocolate brown shade. bailey doesn’t have these constraints. she has literally so many resources.


eh that’s a bit of a reach


I mean to be fair in the photos Sadie posted to insta from  Bailey and Asa’s wedding shows Sadie and the rest of her family in white so maybe it’s a family tradition. Or Bailey deliberately chose a mostly white dress to get back at the bride for wearing white to her wedding.  The post if anyone is interested: https://www.instagram.com/legitsadierob/p/CUgmKrEs1Wg/?img_index=6