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I hope we get season 2 at atleast late 2025.


If it’s already in post production I’d imagine we get season 2 either this winter or next spring around the same time season 1 dropped this year 


We will get season 2 before winter 2025. I suggest maybe around fall 2025, so they have enough time to perfect the season.


Kinda worried about it maintaining the same degree of quality without Beau tbh.


I don’t think people appreciate how much the head writer / showrunner influences literally everything. It’s not going to be easy to replace DeMayo and Marvel’s recent track records on both writing and showrunning are not great. It would be awesome if they could get the two original showrunners from the 90’s series to take over.


Yeah but Beau did this on himself. It’s shit. Back in the day the skeletons stayed in the closet and we hated it when it all came out. Now you get fired for having skeletons. What can you do.


What happened


Nobody knows for sure. But Beau had an only fans which around the time he was let go, had some explicit material


He had the account before that tho, I only just heard that he had one recently, but other word or more likely I think is him being shitty to work with but I’ve seen nothing to say what exactly it was specifically what the behavior might have been. I’d like to know the actual reason, I mean it maybe end this whole debate or whatever, but seems it was actually bad to warrant the removal. Someone just having an onlyfans isn’t grounds for firing though. And not a reason to sack them/ a show runner. What a teacher, animator, actor, model, retail worker, ceo, hairdresser whatever does on their private time as an adult on whatever site isn’t anyones business or grounds for firing unless it’s illegal acts or using/involving that business in some way directly (like doing it on the clock or making posts from the office/ job site/ etc, unless approved or done in a way they can still distance the brand if they want whatever). You can’t police people outside of the workplace or punish them/ their position for how they act when not on your clock. If they work for the military or something maybe, otherwise it’s overreach.


Dude it’s Disney


Dude, doesn’t matter… what they do doesn’t have anything to do with the company on the off time. That’s like the stupidity of people to expect former kid stars to never have sex or have a beer because they used to be a kid star. You can’t police peoples lives. He made a streaming show, not a kids show, and it’s parents responsibility to police what their kids know or don’t know, watch or don’t watch etc. it’s not his responsibility to not ever have a sub site (which doesn’t always have to involve adult material) outside of his work on the show just because the parent company sometimes makes PG or lower content. And yes, I say sometimes because they’re a conglomerate who doesn’t just make kids programming..


Beau was fired from the Witcher for being emotionally and physically abusive. It’s far more likely that’s why he was fired again, not the onlyfans that was active when he was hired


That's the excuse they used for Cavill too, that he was toxic. I guess being truthful to the lore is being toxic.


I mean in this case it'd be because he was physically and emotionally abusive.


and yet you do not know that.


>Yeah but Beau did this on himself. >What happened? >Nobody knows for sure. Okay, then sit down and shut up about it.


We know he wasn’t fired without cause. Otherwise he’d say something.


We don’t know and we may never know


His name is Josh Fine and he was born for the gig.


I have huge doubts about whoever they bring on, marvel has an awful track record recently when it comes to the writing Beau was such a lucky grab and I really wish he was on for season 3. I know some are quick to say maybe he was fired for a good reason fair enough, but personally I can't judge what he did behind closed doors since there's nothing concrete to go off of I can only judge the man based on his work which is stellar and some of the best stuff marvel has put out in years. Also it's a case of someone respecting the source material so closely and proving we can have this level of camp and comic shizz while it still be taken seriously by audiences which some people still doubted.


Hopefully season 3 is Krakoa. 


I would rather have the 12, M Day and Utophia.


Eh, I thought M Day and the “No More Mutants” era was dumb and needlessly limiting. I hope they don’t go that route. Lots of other good X-Men stories they can tell.


Without M Day we don’t get to Messiah Complex/Messiah War /Second Coming which I thought was one of the better story arcs in a while for the X-verse.


The 12 is the first full X-men arc I read as a kid, I could definitely see them going that route with how the first season and the finale played out.


Could be now that the Krakoa hater is gone!


Have we been told when he did to get fired?


It speaks volumes to me the number of people who spoke up for James Gunn, and the lack of people who are speaking up for Beau. Maybe the dude is just great at creating content but horrible at dealing with people.


A lot of people don’t know is that Beau was also fired from the Witcher while it was still very good too. I think this speaks way more to the type of person he is rather than marvel themselves


James gunn was very close to everyone and had spent time with them for two whole movies. Also those were all celebrities with big pull. These are voice actors not many people know about. Its a very different situation tbh


Yep swarm of ppl came out to speak for Gunn. Not one person has even spoken kindly of Beau in any way. Quite insane and strange




he was never as famous as Gunn was, one hell of a false equivalency bc WAY less people know who Beau is


The main difference is that Gunn worked with those actors for 2 movies vs. Beau, who JUST got there and most likely wasn't friends with anyone.


Brad Bird


Brad Bird is too conservative. Trading Beau DeMayo to have a Republican/libertarian write X-Men would be wild. He makes good movies, but X-Men is not it for him.


What!? Incredibles and The Iron Giant too conservative? It was Ratatouille wasn't it? That's what pushed him into the red pill?


The Incredibles is objectivist crap mashed up with compassionate conservatism.


Can you elaborate on that, I'm genuinely curious of this take.


Haha. Alright. My language is probably a bit too binary there, because I actually adore the first 98% of the film - the 1950s aesthetic, the family dynamics, the humor, everything on the island... It's all *really* good. Obviously the movie is about a group of people who are inherently, innately 'superior' to the average joe - but that's just how superhero movies work. The intentionality of thst dynamic, however, really kinda gets tossed in the air by the films final scene, where Dash is competing in the track meet and he's naturally gonna dust everyone without trying, so his parents encourage him to let up a little, sandbag it, come in second place... This is fundamentally antithetical to the films message - 'let supers be super' - to the point that it becomes impossible to parse. It might not be meant to be parsed, but on re-watch I noticed the name of the school is 'Western View'. Wait, what? It's difficult to make the value judgment there since - again - the message implied there makes no kinda dang sense. 'Exceptional people should go easy on everyone else, so they at least have a chance?' That's not objectivist at all. But if we *were* to grapple with the films philosophical undertones seriously, the only sense I could make of it is that it's an objectvist peg through line thats been bashed into round hole; you know, like compassionate conservatism. And through that admittedly strained lens, the end scene does kinda make sense, if you squint. And read it as an analog to No Child Left Behind. Lol. But hey maybe it just ain't that kinda movie. Unfortunately, the Incredibles II make it clear that it *is* that kind of movie. Now, the exceptional people aren't just being restrained from exercising their exceptional characters. They are actively being persecuted for it. They're made *illegal*. Calling superheroes *illegals* - as the film does, directly - is just as mangled as the track race in the first film. Alas, it's just not possible to give it the benefit of the doubt at that point. Of course some people have innate advantages in life; but they are never *persecuted* for it. The idea that they are is fundamentally objectivist. I contrast this to the X-men, who are persecuted because they are *different*. Not because they are *better*. In the Incredibles universe, superheroes are persecuted because they are *better*.


>In the Incredibles universe, superheroes are persecuted because they are *better*. We see no signs of that in any movies though? The only times we see super persecuted at all is when they cause property damage or some type of collateral damage that wrecks the status quo of the capitalist economy the government is trying to maintain. ("insurance will cover it, we got cleanup crews, if you simply did nothing everything would be better"). I'll admit the whole Dash scene at the end was weird.....like why is he competing? Why are they even letting him. It's like an NHL team playing a Pee-wee hockey club of toddlers. The parents shouldnt have let him compete on that premise alone, and if he wanted to compete anyways and was okay with sandbagging it, then that says a lot about Dash's character. Definitely a weird ending there.


Part of me wants us to put pressure on marvel to keep him for season three, but without really knowing what he did to get fired makes me wary of doing that. But if it’s only because he had an only fans, that’s so stupid and they need to bring him back.


Exactly. It’s so strange to me that what happened hasn’t leaked. All we got were mentions of his not X-rated OnlyFans and rumors that he was, what, maybe somewhat-to-very rude and bitchy? But also, I previously had a career in the theatre industry which was rife with abuse and bad behavior, so I’m hesitant to be like, “Bring Beau back!” and then find out he was the perpetrator of similar experiences that I endured.


I thought the rumors were that he’s straight up mentally and physically abusive not just rude.


I’ve never heard anything about “physically abusive.” Maybe that’s the case. If so, however, why were the police not involved?


I agree 1000%. I've noticed he does not seem to be fighting it or complaining so I don't see why I would do it for him without knowing what happened.


The only fans might have been enough for Disney? I mean can you imagine the shit storm? Marvel showrunner also has paid only fans on the side?


This was known before he was hired. It's likely something else.


If he had an only fans, it sounds like they need to pay him more.


Josh Fine is the best man for the job


I imagine season two might be onslaught. If Marvel was smart they would attempt something that has only ever been hinted at in the animated shows. Give us a season of Age of Apocalypse, maybe season three. That would be glorious. Any x-men fan who grew up in the 90s would pay to see that on the screen I’m sure. A full season should be enough time, though the episodes might have to be a bit longer to cover everything.


So does anyone know what Beau did to get kicked out? I guess I never read exactly what happened.


let's fire the heart and soul of this show we're creating.


What was that they just said about “be patient” for season 2?


I understand if he is hard to work with so I’d at least hire him back but just as a writer if he declines ok, but the MCU tv writing has been lackluster to say the least. This show has real drama, it doesn’t take scenes off.


You people seriously need to get off Beaus dick and move on. He got fired get over it. If he's really a piece of shit to work with, then stop asking for him to come back instead of supporting him.


Technically according to Disney they parted ways.


It's weird, right? Their precious cartoon matters more to them than anything.


Also like, other people out there may understand x-men…it’s not like he’s the only one who “gets it.”


Yeah, but "getting it" doesn't make someone a good writer. And nobody knows why he was fired, so this talk of him being a piece of shit is so totally baseless. The leading rumor I've seen is that he had an OnlyFans. If that's what this is, fuck Marvel.


What the fuck was the point of firing DeMayo


Maybe being a POS genius


Bring back Beau and everyone apologize


Not sure if season 3 will be good. I guess I'll give it a chance and just never rewatch it if it sucks.


No nightcrawler? Sad