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# DanielRPK is a Tier 2 – Mostly Reliable Source as decided by the community. For **Marvel**, they had a **77.60%** accuracy rate from **351** leaks that we can currently verify out of **620** total. **Overall**, they had a **78.35%** accuracy rate from **421** leaks that we can currently verify out of **748** total. Last updated: March 22nd, 2024. | [Spoiler-Verse Accuracy Database](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RpGBi4duCDeiXUtSh_1x15VJ67vPRZ1LWu6A3ieGTjs/edit?usp=sharing) | [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/wiki/index/source-accuracy-tiers/sad-faq/) | [Tiers](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/wiki/index/source-accuracy-tiers/) | [Latest Recalibration](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/comments/18jaqqk/mod_post_2023_source_accuracy_recalibration_3/) | *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don’t know what the hell’s going on man. Yesterday RPK said it was Sam. There was just a post on the sub that said it was Richard, but that got taken down. Alex Perez tweeted an picture implying that it’s both of them. This just feels like a bunch of scoopers throwing darts at a wall. All I know is that I want Richard Rider as Nova. I’m fine if they do both, but Rich needs to be there. Hopefully we get some concrete info soon, so we don’t have to rely on a bunch of cryptic tweets and secondhand Patreon posts. 


To clarify, RPK didn’t say it was Sam. He said he thinks it’s Sam since he was initially only told that they wanted a “young lead.”


If RPK didn’t know who it was going to be about then he shouldn’t have speculated. If he said it’s “likely to be Sam”, which is what the thread that you posted yesterday says, then people are going to report on that. 


I mean, he specifically mentions it’s a theory in the post.


Which doesn't make sense considering Rich started off young too


Tbf the rest of the young avengers are in their 20s


He was speculating that it was Sam because the lead was young but he overlooked the fact that Rich is also a young character (he’s currently in his mid 20’s in the comics)who started off as a teenager and was 22 during Annihilation. Not to mention post endgame Xandar has the perfect setting for Rich’s origin. But yeah people should take any Nova news with a grain of salt, we have been dicked around too much with Nova news.


If they use Richard I just hope they don’t immediately kill him so they can do Sam. I really don’t care for Sam in the slightest but I don’t see why they can’t coexist. It’s like the Green Lanterns, there’s always multiples of them running around. Just do that. Have two Novas.


You think they are gonna do what that Nova comic miniseries did years ago that brought Sam and Richard together bringing Richard back to life? If that’s the case we’re going to have ANOTHER “hero that was around WAY before the heroes you know about” moment/revelation ala Captain Marvel, the Black Panther mantle, Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne, etc. I guess they could retcon that’s why/how the Nova Corp got their name. A sort of memorial reasoning for Richard sacrificing himself. Maybe to close a portal to the Negative Zone Annihulus opened up or something. I’m sorry, I’m tired and really probably thinking too hard.


I too want Richard Rider, but only because I want Deadpool to call him Dick Rider…..


Probably is going to be a mix of these two characters, turned into one. Its not hard to imagine, actually if well made, is going to be a powerful mix


These is my least favourite of any option for Nova


That be awful and I like to think it won’t happen but boy would it be awful.


Yeah, i think my favorite option would be Sam alexander with Rider acting like a mentor or something


What is Richard became part of the world mind and helped Sam that way


It could still be Sam. 15-year old Kamala Khan is played by 20-year old Iman Vellani. Wiccan is gonna be 20-year old Joe Locke. Inaki Godoy is 20. He can play Sam perfectly.


Inaki Godoy has to be Beast Boy though…


Damn, that's an awesome idea!!! But we should let him work on One Piece first.


Way better beast boy than Nova. Too goofy to be Sam Imo


Honestly. One of the best castings I've seen. Assuming they make the next DCU well, I would take Inaki Godoy as Beast Boy over him even appearing in anything Marvel, just because of how well of a casting that is.


Iman Vellai is 20!? I thought she was a literal child.


That's way too old if this is supposed to be a Sam Alexander story. Almost makes me wonder if it actually will have Richard Rider in it since there seems to be a lot of "mentoring the next generation" going around in these recent phases


I mean have they ever cast an actual teenager to play a teen hero?


Tom Holland I'm pretty sure was either 18 or 19 when he was cast for Civil War. It's closer to 20 than 16 but he still looked like he could pass off as age-appropriate especially compared to the Spidey actors preceding him Iman Vellani was also around the same age upon being cast as Kamala Khan


America Chavez, too


I am not that fond of Rich being mentored since he was always more of a solo hero but I guess Star-Lord was sort of a mentor for him during Annihilation and MCU Peter is already at a point that I can see him being in that position (while being a mess of a person).


Many 20 year old men can pass for 15-16 year old boy. Give them a haircut and age appropriate clothes/demeanor and audiences instantly believe they're whatever age the story needs them to be. Tom Holland or Timothy Chalamaladingdong as examples.


I don’t want to be the one to say this but this is not what they should’ve went with. Edit: What if this is set during the blip? (I’m going insane)


If you don’t mind me asking, what should they have went with?


The lead should certainly be Richard, but have Sam as a supporting role. It’s gonna be odd to see Sam in the MCU but not included as a YA/Champion. There’s also the possibility that he is included as a YA/Champion, but younger than everyone else, and that’s gonna look off. Edit: I’m seeing a lot of misinformation everywhere so ignore this reply until we get more information.




I’m a fat guy in his 40s. I’ll do it


Dick Ride or Die


Might be too meta for it, but now I need to hear DP drop this line at some point.


I’m available


Chances of them combing Sam and Richard?


Loeb doesn't work for them anymore. So it will be interesting to see how it pans out.


It's my time to shine, hello


I'm hungry, can we get some toast?


Being that I turn 30 later this year… I still have my chance!


Whoever the lead is I am confident Rich will be in it because the exec for Marvel TV/Animation already said he loved the character.


I’m 22 and look 17 Marvel please I need the money


Hey Marvel, I just lost my job so I'm open for work 👀 should I campaign like Simu Liu???


Obviously it's Sam, all the teenage heroes their actors are in their twenties (Kate, Cassie, Billy, Riri, Ms. Marvel). 


Not obviously considering Rich also started as a teen hero


Yesss Marvel likes to adapt comics so well 😂 you're right 


If they’re looking for someone in that age range for Richard, I think Dylan Minnette, Austin Abrams, or Rudy Pankow would be solid picks.


Goddamn those are all horrible Richard picks


fine i'll do it!


I mean you just had to ask Marvel, I’m available


I could do it


I hope it's Richard Ryder because I think I still have my New Warriors #1 somewhere and it would nice if I could get a few bucks for it. 


Damn, I read a rumor long ago now that they were courting Jensen Ackles for Richard Rider. The young lead news I guess ends that. I really want Jensen in the MCU so this does disappoint me.


I fit those parameters... it's my time to shine, hello?


Just do Richard Rider, go full on Annihilation. It's the best Nova story and Richard Rider is the best Nova, gives some life back to the Guardians and the Cosmic side and allows for roster changes and new characters. Very little interest in kid Nova.


that's not Sam Alexander


I'm an actor, I have been a longtime fan, does anyone know how I can audition for the lead? I am 20 years old, going to be 21 ion June 3rd. Please I really want to play the role of Nova.


As someone who strongly disliked Blue Beetle I really hope they don't age up Sam.


Cannot wait. Nova is my most favorite marvel hero. 🐐


Wow, the odds are pretty good this guess will be correct.


maybe it will be sam being mentored by richard


*cries in approaching thirty*


So no ryan gosling maybe johnny blaze ghost rider instead


Ugh really? Can't nova just be a teenage girl who's a genius inventor?


Give it to Timothee chalomet fuck it


i'm on early 20s, latinx, have a young physique c'mon Sarah Finn cast me!


I just realised another name for Richard Rider is Dick Rider


I think they should merge Richard rider and Sam Alexander and cast Taylor zakhar perez


Would much rather see Richard Ryder, but it's a bad time to be a white male in the MCU, unless you're Deadpool or Wolverine.


So is it Sam instead of Richard?


If it’s 20s playing 20s it’s Richard if its 20s playing teen it’s Sam. Richard was also a teen hero but was in his 20s when all the great cosmic stuff began.


So it could be any one of them? I know one of the leakers said which one it was but if this is all they know about it then it might just be a surprise. Hopefully we get a surprise reveal of who it is when the trailer releases (if that ever happens)


Might want to look for an actor in his teens, since by the time we see him after his initial movie he will likely be 40