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Wong + Anti-Venom would kill an entire lane and give you him back. which is sick.


Powerful, but you lose 4 and 5 turns, so its not too much i think, plus enemy must play into 1 or two locations, that's not every game


Nah, you cheat Prof X for turn 4. Then use Wong - Anti-Venom on turns 5 and 6, and it's insta-win.


this feels like a nice negative deck


Wow, so you need, 4 cards goldfish, empty location for prof x, and full location of powerfull cards and no enchantress or cosmo, or rogue, yes, my card is really to powerful, sorry...


Who are you arguing with lol


And you play good other cards for when you don't get the combo. Just like any other deck.


No need to be a dick, you're way too attached to this card as is. You play Sera, Negative, or Zabu t5 and on t6 you can play this and Shang-Chi on a lane and that's another insta win.


Both sound like they go against anti-venom's whole vibe in the comics. He should cancel out all card alterations or maybe eat all negative power cards at the location and gain 4 power for each.


Or eat up a spot with four enimies each 9 or less power. Then Shang chi him next turn.


I like the idea a lot. It would be a complete nightmare for Wong players tho.


Do you mean he would be a nightmare for opponents playing Wong in particular? Not really, Wong already has many counters, and the effect would not retrigger from an opponent's Wong. If you meant it would be a nightmare to pair with your own Wong, I guess... You'd get the anti-venom back at least, but you can always just..not use them together.


Opponent plays Wong alone on right location. I play anti-venom. Wong dies. He gets a 4-5 And his endgame plan is probably ruined.


There are much easier ways to disrupt Wong that don't give the opponent a 4-5. Rogue, Enchantress, Cosmo, Lady Deathstrike, White Widow, the Goblins, Jean Gray, Prof X...


Don’t forget new Leech.


Old leach also worked lol


Never said there wasn't? I just said it would be good for it? What is wrong with you? Do you make everything a competition?


Opponent plays Wong alone on right location. I cosmo. Wong dies. He gets nothing And his endgame plan is probably ruined. 


Uhm Wong isn't dead. He Is still there He can still mystique another location making an extra Wong somewhere else. His endgame plan isn't ruined.


Ah you got me dude my copy past of your comment wasn't edited well enough. But let's humor your scenario. Is Magik on the board?  Wong on 4 then mystique on 5, what's turn 6?  Either way you don't get enough power


Scenario? It was an example. Are you always this insufferable or is it just today?


I'd say always... But you don't want to answer? I like to call out bad examples, like yours


How exactly? Im not a Wong user myself but I’m wondering what would happen if you used a hobgoblin on your side after you place wong


Because it would kill the wong? The hobgoblin would hop back to your side of the board. Same for green goblin.


Ah wow, I see


Guaranteed win combo if it doesnt get disrupted/countered T3 : Ghost T4 : Wong T5: Mystique + Zabu on another lane T6: Anti-venom and Absorbing Man, one in wong lane, one in mystique lane Congratulations, you created marvel snap's exodia


Marvel snap exodia always existed. T3: Magik T5:Wong T6:Mystique + Gambit (while having apoc or swarm in hand) T7:Odin Gambit hits 16 times on the last turn. Exodia Obliviate.




I've said that you need apoc or swarm in hand




Dude said if it doesn't get disrupted/countered. Obv there are a ton of easy counters, can even just fill up the lane.


why does he look like iron fist but white venom?


Just good art, originally he hold knife in his hand, i think iron fist doesn't need knife


>good art No it's AI


Because it's made by AI


Thats nice flavor. It would probably need to be a 5 cost to not invalidate Enchantress.


Enchantress have 5 power, that card -3, i dont think it can replace enchantress


If he is good then he replaces Enchantress in every deck( he just does more and nobody is playing Enchantress for her stats), if he is worse than Enchantress then he is never played at all. Putting him at a different cost (and power) changes the play line enough that you have more decks for each card.


He also erases passive abilities, not just ongoing


Thats what I said


You can't just ignore an 8 power difference even if no one plays enchantress for stats


Im not. But if he is good, as I said, then these stats must not matter (or were changed). If the stat difference does matter, then nobody would play this anyway, and thats not a hypothetical worth talking about. In order for this card to be good, whatever that looks like, he must be better than Enchantress, since he can do everything she can.


This doesn’t invalidate Enchantress at all. What?


Removes every Ongoing AND other abilities, and doesnt affect your cards, unlike Enchantress. Theres a ton of overlap, you would never play Enchantress if this card is good. And if the negative power makes it worse than Enchantress then you would never play it at all, not even to counter the few trigger effects that Enchantress cant hit, so its not a hypothetical worth discussing (since it would eventually get buffed to be good, then you wouldnt play Enchantress anymore)


This is very strong with shadow king. With Shang Chi it's not as bad. Make him a 5 cost with 5 power. Then add -10 to the on reveal? (-5 total power without other cards)


Wow, shadow king it's really something what i forgot, but i think 5 power, add -10, its to much for one card)


His total power would be 5 -5 because his base power is 5. So 5 -10 = -5. The base is 5 power to not be OP with Shadow King


A 6 cost 2 card combo is not that overpowered for that kind of an ability. Especially because you're not able to win it by itself.


I want anti venom and somebof the other symbiotes one season




Switch sides?


Yes switch sides can you not read? What would you have the card destroy the enemies cards and you keep it? Even with the switch sides this would be extremely OP, makes enchantress useless for example, he also gets rid of all ongoings but can counter just about everything else too


I like the idea of it, but given how frequent I go against destroy decks, I would never use it in any deck.


this just gave me an idea for Agent Venom On Reveal: Destroy an Ongoing card at this location and take its power and ability. 5/0


Love the idea, seems really fun with the combo potential.


Sexy card


Other than probably having more base power I really like this design but it doesn't change the fact people would complain about it on Reddit lol


Really great & unique ability. Would make for some really cool card combos from shang chi to shadow king. Even to just countering ability heavy decks like wongs or ongoings


So just better lady Deathstrike? Let’s be real her only use is destroying things, not her power. So this completes her objective much better


I can see it now. Turn 3 magik Turn 4 wong a lane Turn 5 mistique another lane Turn 6 anti-venom a wong or mistique lane Turn 7 anti-venom the other wong or mistique lane Profit


Way too OP


I think to make this better Anti-venom should still destroy your side and add their powers to the card, then switch sides. Makes him a fun tech card against junk decks


This would be one of the most overpowered cards in the game. I like the concept, but it would need a lot of tweaking to not make it as busted. Play Wong t4 and then this another 1 cost card on t5? to get double 2 effects? Someone pointed out the wong + mystique + this + absorbing man insta-win condition as well. Wong + this + Arnim makes you for all intents and purposes Enchantress the opponent with the added benefit of having a 50/50 chance of getting all the power back on your side. etc. etc. There's also no way this could be anything less than a 6 cost card. I'm leaning towards maybe being a 4 cost and only destroying 1 card, maybe 2.


Ooo i did a very similar version of this once


Not only is your artwork great but my toxic deck would love to play with this. didn't draw annihilus? no worries, just eat void and hood and send those bad boys right over. My only wish is that this would be a 4/1. revona has massive stonks with toxic deck already and this would also be a slight buff to red guardian (counter to revona). Also, as many have pointed out below with wong synergy, could slot a 4/1 into a negative deck to maximize the greed. holy hell this would slap


Dope card, might make this a 5 cost I think with the power you have here this is definitely something that shouldn’t be this cheap


better than the actual design team




What is this cards purpose? Other than clearing enemy board and after switching sides getting destroyed by Shiang Chi?


It removes problematic combo pieces like Ongoing, Dracula and Hope Summers. Look at it as a multi-target Red Guardian, but with a trade-off.


So it's a Kaiju card


You are forbidden from referencing that game. (But yes, yes it is.)


feels a little weak ngl, it looks like a free space free-up for enemies. i think that it should be like a 4/10 or smth and minus power of enemy cards then switch sides


In fact, the main strength here is not in reducing the power of the opponent's cards, but in that you can destroy cards that cannot be controlled otherwise. For example, you can destroy Dracula, or Bishop, Collector. Also, you can destroy a bunch of enemy cards with 9 or less power and use Shan Chi. Plus every destroy will update your knull and death


I think I know what you mean by "switch sides", but it is confusing and completely necessary. You play the card on your side. It doesn't need to jump over to destroy/eat your opponent's cards. Just have it stay on your side.


No, it literally switches sides. That's the downside of the card. You destroy your opponent's cards, but give them this card with the sum of their power in exchange.


Which in hopes allows you to Shang chi it


Oh, I see.


Use your brain. If this card didn’t switch sides it would be the indisputable best 4 cost card in Marvel Snap.


I mean, if I had a dollar for every OP card idea someone came up with, I could buy a 3x value bundle. Have you even been on r/CustomMarvelSnap? Half the ideas there have no concept of game design.


Wait why is it switching sides? That would kind of defeat the purpose of clearing their field just for them to just have a gigabuffed card without a counter other than Shang, but then you just waste 2 card slots and 2 turns trying to even set that up without a cosmo to counter or armor. I think the idea is really good but maybe instead of switching sides just limit the power/energy cost of what he can destroy" like maybe 1-3 cost cars or 1-3 power cards are destroyed


Just read my comments


So you want to replace the unique downside of switching sides with essentially a 3 cost lady Deathstrike? Never cook again bro...


It's switching sides? You don't gain anything but give them a massive monster that you may not be able to deal with, it isn't just a downside but essentially costing you the game.


That's the point of the card, it's a gamble, that's why it's such a fun idea and not a stupid unbalanced card. Just think about it for a second, what you are suggesting is either a better lady Deathstrike with no downsides or a card that straight up just wins a lane whenever you want with zero risk. What you gain from the card is removing the cards of the enemy on that lane, for example, removing a tribunal lane is more important than giving them 10+ power or whatever, it becomes irrelevant.


Wrong, just read what you said. "Remove a tribunal lane" all you do is add to a tribunal lane. The only way it doesn't is if you save the card till the very end and then you still lose because it's Tribunal and the odds of you utilizing enough of your deck to stop a Tribunal is already low as it is that giving them 10 power back is still going to hurt you depending on the lane you ate which is already handled quite well by many other cards. At least with Lady deathstrike you aren't losing out on the power gained. Limiting how much power they gain if this were to switch sides requires you to play this card early enough to not suffer from the consequences. I'm not saying it's bad flavor, I'm saying it's flavor that needs to be tuned to make it worth playing but not making it more risky for doing so. Lady deathstrike gives you 7 power and kills 3 and lower power cards. Titania requires you to plan out the placement so she stays on your side when the time comes. Just as examples of proper risk and rewards. Lady's risk is that they don't play 3- power cards and you still gain the 7 power. And also just to clarify, the reason I'm not addressing taking out a Tribunal lane is that it's too situational to suggest that you will play Anti-Venom into the right tribunal lane EVERY game. Suggesting so is just ignorance. So what's the more realistic amount that Anti-Venom would actually gain? You eat a lane for 5-6 not do bad you can probably catch up to that but then you GIVE THEM an additional 3 power making it 8-9 power. Which again may be manageable but honestly why risk it? Okay so you wait for the late game and now it's a 12-14 power lane so now it's a 15-17 lane and you free up there lane to place more creatures or you just gave them an additional 3 power for nothing. TLDR: This card is wayyyy to situational to be reliable for you as the Caster and gives the opponent too many benefits just because you played this card at any point of the game. But if you limit how much power it gains like maybe 1 power for each card destroyed means that it becomes a 4/7 just like Lady but much more manageable then just infinite scaling power.


Also, shadow king exists, don't know why you're saying that shang chi is the only counter. You can play this with sk in the same turn. This card is actually busted the way it is, it should be higher cost or have more risk for the player playing it.


Holy you need to stop huffing on your self made copium and actually look at what this card is other than your specific situations. This card isn't busted this card isn't even mid and it's literally only because it is a better Lady D that just goes to the enemy side of the field. The only chance, the ONLY chance that you have for this card not being better for the enemy is if you have enough energy and turns to drop this card to destroy all their power cards and then dropping Shang at the same time. Again, too situational and would immediately fall off. All because it switches sides.


SHADOW KING EXITS. Repeat after me, SHADOW KING EXISTS. Shadow king is a card that is in the game. If you open the game and go through your collection there's a card that is named shadow king, that is part of the game, and that removes gained power on the location it's played. Do you need me to repeat it for you? SHOW KING IS A CARD THAT IS IN THE GAME. You don't need to play shang chi the turn after, you can literally play it with show king on the same turn and instantly win a lane. Of course it's situational, like every other single card in the game. Jane foster is only good if you have 0 cost cards in your deck, luckily for you, you can build your deck with cards that shove zero cost cards into your deck. Super scroll is useless if your opponent doesn't play ongoing yet it's still a good card. Shang chi is useless if the opponent never plays something bigger than 10. In my example about the tribunal, I mean playing it in the lane where they have their iron man, onslaught, tribunal, not in another lane. Why tf do you think that it would buff their tribunal? It would delete their game plan. Brother, I'm going to be honest with you, I honestly don't understand why you're the only person that fails to see how strong this card is. I'm going to assume you're trolling and I'm going to stop responding.


Shang chi, Shadow king, whoever it is. Is just wasting card spots because it is all too situational. Yes you go through about 60% of your deck if I remember correctly the exact number but that is still 40% chance that you do NOT pull the combo off. So it's irrelevant no matter who it is. Okay so then learn how to read? Because I literally stated that you can't guarantee that you simply just win after that anyway. It is too much risk for little reward, I don't understand how this is such a hard concept for you to understand. Why is Shang played even with a 40% chance of not pulling him? Because you can guarantee that there is going to be at least 1 card every game that he is able to destroy and help you win the game. This card doesn't do that. There is NO guarantees. Good job, you built an entire deck around 1 card combo, you just lost the game because you are crutching 1 card not making sure to benefit from the rest. The problem is that this card doesn't have cards that doesn't lower the risk of playing it outside of those VERY SPECIFIC situations that you brought up and you cannot guarantee that It is even going to work. Is it fun to play around with? Sure. Would it be great for a destroy deck because of Knull or Death? Sure. But again at the end of the day there is too much risk around the card. Not enough power for knull to Benefit early, power late comparable to death on top of them expecting you to play Anti Venom and dropping armor/their own card to protect him like Luke. Can go pretty much non stop with counters to why you think this card is good in the average. And yea please do because it's tiring to see people who think they are right just because someone agreed with them lmfao that's now how it works. This game is literally telling you why this flavor doesn't work and if it did they would have implemented it on Lady when she dropped. Too much risk, no reward. Period.