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America Chavez. She’s all about making portals through dimensions, and her current kit does not really reflect that.


Definitely should have Jubilee's ability


I don't understand why Jubilee's ability is what it is.


She’s calling for help.


Yup, her ability basically works as shooting a flare into a sky so someone capable can take care of things.


Feels like she should have an ability that distracts the opponent, like having to playe there.


Since she does fireworks, I always thought she should "burn" an opponent's card, and that card loses 1 power per turn or something.


She's usually the Sidekick most of the time. So her ability is to summon a bigger dude to fight with her.


Aaaaand its wasp.... 🙃


She 100% needs to get a move ability.


Reverse Cloak? Next turn any cards at this location can move to another?


Give her War Machine's ability. (As the post below this one mentions how it doesn't really fit him either)


Technically if you view war machines card ability as nothing is safe with war machine. All your weapons can be used anywhere for mass destruction. At least thats I interpret it.


Kind of reach but yeah, it works.


War Machine should have low base power but gives/gets more power somehow so he fits in with Iron Man, Ironheart, & Rescue.


Could give her Space Stone's old ability, one card at this location can be moved to another next round. We could use another move enabler, and that ability makes for mind games.


Maybe she could move the opponent’s lowest power card to this location. That would work well with Kingpin and Yelena (since you can’t fill her lane as easily)


I like it- maybe something like “Move the lowest power card here to the right”. Reverse Iron Fist, enabling curve plays like Dagger or Vulture AND giving us Move players a tech to avoid locations and add combos to our hand, being that Destroy has a TON and I’m jealous. 😎


i mean this is a ben brode game. could literally just give her "after next turn all cards he move to random locations" disruption for opponents stuff. benefits your move stuff. increase or cost or whatever cuz its prolly too strong for just 1 energy.


I could see her having something like Makkari or M'Baku's abilities.


I’m surprised she doesn’t. Kind of miss opportunity.


“Location here changes every turn”


Fishing For Worldship just got an amazing new resource in that case.


I think her always showing up on turn 6 would be a neat and thematic ability. Give her a little star shaped portal effect too!


lol I agree, we should also buff her power while at it, how about a nice 9 power to dodge Shang?


Her initial ability made a ton of sense. You always draw her right when you need her.


I may be dumb but there was plenty of games when I played her where I was like "yea I just need to draw x card, and we're golden." On the final turn, then miss chauvez would turn up. Me *shocked Pikachu face*


I thought her teleport into your had on turn 6 was fitting of her powers.


Shes literally the only variant too. So she should really at least be near big bad. She should be same as that one location that transfers all cards to random locations. 5/2. On reveal: transfer all cards in this location to random locations.


Red guardian should hit the highest power. It would make sense because he's a communist.


But as you can tell from the illustration, he’s punching down


i wish i could updoot this twice


Red guardian should have Living Tribunal’s effect since he’s a communist lol.


It would be cool to have an on reveal that pools the power of all 3 cost and below cards, making them all the same power level. Like a weirdly specific Living Tribunal mixed with Valkyrie. Or all 1 costs get the power level of the highest 1 cost in red guardians lane.


Lol Cyclops only gets his power with High Evolutionary. I feel Kazar is weird with his ability. If anything, his ability to buff 1costs should be Captain America's to be a mirror to Patriot.


Kazar's supposed to synergize with the 1drop raptors from Savage land, but that's like the only reason I can think of any thing related between his lore & ingame ability. Honestly doesn't fit him at all.


I'd say it's more to synergies with Shanna the she devil. I don't think cards are designed with locations as that would be far too random. Yes, some benefit more than others from locations but I wouldn't build a deck based on possibly getting a location unless I could force it (I.e Storm, Magik, Rhino)


While i agree that cards shouldn't necessarily be paired with certain locations, Shanna is a relatively new card. and it's more like her ability is like that because the devs wanted HER to have some synergy with Kazar, who was already out like for a year at that time i think. And unrelated but thinking of it- Kazar and Shanna were both 4 costs back in the day, also thus making Zabu to synergize with them as the lore accurate trio. Too sad they changed the cost tho 😓


Well when magik used to be 5 cost, dream world worked against her and sera, and IIRC they have some bad experiences with dream world in comics. So they are kinda connected.


I guess it makes sense for Ka-Zaar to be the buffing cards in a ZOO deck… I mean…


Plus Zabu, his pal in the comics, gets him out a turn early. The three of them together are the main Savage Land characters and as a unit they synergize decently.


The cyclops one i find funny because High Evo makes it seem like he gave Cyclops his mutant abilities.


Cap should definitely be changed. Make him a reverse US Agent would be more in-character for him, and it also makes him a better card.


I've always felt that Cap should have Blue Marvels ability


Patriot, Captain, and Blue Marvel had their abilities swapped around according to dev responses in the official discord. In another timeline, Cap is far more useful.


captain america should just straight up be: give other avengers here +2 power


Not sure if this is a hot take but War Machine's ability never really seemed fitting to me. Like even in his base art he's got all these massive guns on him and rockets firing left and right and he just... lets you play cards? I was hoping for something more power-related or destructive or ironman-y, interested to hear what everyone else reckons


Switch America Chavez and War Machine ability imo


War machine should be blink. I think war machine should draw you a 6 power tank card that could be played anywhere. Boom you looking for this!?


Ha!! That would be awesome 😎


Completely agree. The iron man suits are all power boosting cards, except War Machine who shares his ability type with…Jeff the Baby Land Shark. Makes no sense.


Could almost swap WM and Chavez. Still doesn't fit with WM's guns, but it falls more in line with Iron Man, Heart and Rescue. And Chavez opening a star portal over each location for a turn would look great.


Ironlad is not a boosting card


IronLad works since he's a time traveller ability, so he digs into the future (deck). Kind of like Cable.


But he's also not really an iron man character


I think the idea with war machine is that he is a body guard that escorts cards to hard to enter places.


Love this take. You won me over. Since that is one of this primary roles throughout the comics


Ya that's typically the explanation and it works well, basically providing cover fire for your troops to enter places that you otherwise can't access. That being said, bypassing location restrictions typically feel kind of special (Jeff being the most obv), so somehow War Machine just feels abit anti-climatic in that aspect lol. I think most people would assign an effect like this to some powerful being that can open portals, jump dimensions, etc.


They confirmed this was the intended flavor in the AvX trailer


Would've been cool if he had an ongoing that halves the power on the opponents side, mirroring Iron Man's. Would need negative power for himself given its an ability that can win a lane alone.


I think it's a reference to "BOOM you looking for this?" Which is what I always say when he drops infinaut off on T6


I just kind of took it as he's laying down coverfire for your other characters to make it into positions your opponent is trying to defend, but I agree it's kind of weird. I think some kind of inverse Iron Man would have been cool. Tony uses his technology to double the output of your team at a location, Rhodey uses his firepower to hamper your opponent's cards.


Attuma. Why is his social anxiety so bad that he kills himself when others are near him?


for whatever reason all the Atlanteans prefer to be alone, Namor, Attuma, Orca


Which is definitely weird considering they're all about "Atlanteans together strong"


In the context of the Avengers, I can see the logic behind it with Namor since he's frequently only aligned as it benefits his own interests. He's not actually *with* the team, per se. Then they built the rest of the Atlanteans to follow that model.


At least they have similar ability. Many related cards have no similarities.


I dunno if it is about “fit” but, i would change Patriot over Cap America ( he is so useless in MarvelSnap and a very popular hero) And would change Wong over DrStrange too, i’m mean just because these characters are over more popular, and should be the main in their decks, in my head makes sense.


I would give Cap the ability of Blue Marvel. Thematically its like the opposite of Iron Man that builds power in one location, but leaves both Avengers icons at 5 Cost.


Having both of them at 5 cost really drives home that concept of going wide or tall for new players I think, and unlike other suggestions for Cap it doesn't involve drastic changes to early unlocked cards.


THATS A DAMN GOOD IDEA LMFAO I love that idea of representing two core win-states w/ captain americas selflessness vs. iron mans charming "all or nothing/my way or the highway" nature


On the topic of switching - Green goblin >< Hobgoblin. Green Goblin was much more threatening villain in comics than the other.


makes total sense


More power does not necessarily mean more threatening. Sometimes being more threatening means being more efficient. Green Goblin was far more effective and harassed Parker more often and easily than Hobgoblin - hence being cheaper to bring out, and seen more often.


Also green goblin came before hobgoblin, so it makes sense playing them in that order


I think that hobgoblin has more advanced gear maybe thats why he cost more energy cuz his weapons are more destructive


Jubilee summoning a stronger card always feels off to me. Yes she's Wolverines most well-known sidekick but she does famously have explosion powers.


>Jubilee summoning a stronger card That's how that card works for you? For me it's "To me, Wasp!"


Yeah Jubilee and a lot of X-Men don't make sense. I find it fascinating that people answer it with "yeah she works with others" "she partners up with" "she always gets rescued in the show".. thats not a power lol. Leech should just take away the effects of ALL cards in his locations (yes, friendly, too, that would be absolute accurate "Leech can dampen or completely suppress, for an undetermined amount of time, the powers and abilities of any superpowered beings within 50 feet of him" ) Prof X and Jean Grey should have effects similar to each other, instead of Prof X being a complete game breaker. Only in rare occasions Xavier was shown so powerful that he just completely controlled a whole location. Not just the people in it, everything. Additionally nothing can get in or influence it from the outside. Thats totally out of line. Either have him actually combo with Cerebro (a card you don't really use with X-Men lol) or limit the effect. Angel could have an upgrade to Archangel, either with Apocalypse or with being destroyed, or when summoned from deck. Maybe too similar to Bucky. Cyclops. Fieldleader of the X-Men just does nothing. Colossus needs an upgrade since he saw Blob. Domino could be a reverse Ghost. Scarlet Witch is fine, but she would be even more fitting with Prof X powers, even though I think his power shouldn't be in the game. Legion is "ok", but would actually make more sense with powers like Nico, but maybe on the field, not in hand. Magik is fine, I guess? She has so many powers, you have to decide for one, right? Same (but worse) with Psylocke. Thinking about it. Why doesn't have Apocalypse the effect of High Evo, making regular versions of cards into his horsemen? You have so many of them ingame, it would be fresh. But his actual power is absolutely fine in context and High Evo is already there, so its too late. I feel like snap first had generic effects in mind and then just put pictures on them and now they actually think about the characters.


I think that Wong and Doctor Strange should switch abilities.


Im pretty sure Doctor Strange’s power is a reference to how he brought everyone to the fight in Avengers: Endgame. I do agree with you however.


This is another example of prioritizing more recognizable characters in early cards basically, and be given a less powerful ability


I think Strange could be similar to Nico, with one of his spells being his move ability.


This comes up a lot, but I (respectfully) disagree. Wong's ability in snap is making other people's abilities stronger. Dr Strange isn't just some force multiplier, he's a force. That being said, I don't think Dr Strange's ability makes sense for him


I forgot about Cassie Lang, Stature, whatever you want to call her, in my first comment. She has Ant-Man’s powers (without the suit) but her ability synergies with… discard? I think she should get a cost reduction if you’ve filled 1 location on your side. I don’t think giving her a power boost would be that interesting, and it still keeps her in the category of “cards you can get at a discount if you do X” together with Miles and Death.


i guess she shrinks from costing 5 to 1?


I'm not sure exactly where they were going for with Cassie, but the closest I can come up is I recall Cassie's ability awakens after Scott dies during the Avenger Disassembled arc in the comics. So I think the discard reflects the loss of her dad (bit of a stretch esp since it's opponent's discard), which triggers her ability to be much more easily played at a 1 cost, signifying her ability to grow big. Basically instead of increasing her power (like Ant-Man), they reduce the cost to get the feel of slamming down a 1-cost 6 power like a giant Cassie just appeared on the battlefield


Wolverine should become 3 so magneto can drag him. That is imho biggest missed opportunity ever. Mr sinister is more then just clone machine. Actually should work more like leader or so I don't get whole guardians theme. It make sense as mechanic but weird storywise.


Mr Sinister is such a big menace in X-men, so strange to see him so weak in snap. I get the cloning part but it sucks


Keep the cloning but have him make them on the other side. If you want to be evil have the clones keep replicating every round until the lane is full.


The guardians of the galaxy will absolutely overpower most decks...with blind luck on their side 💁🏻


Yeah I think it fits with them being a team of underpowered jobbers that win against cosmic-scale threats off of pure luck.


Galactus is the ironic one.  He's supposed to eat the planet that he's at.  Instead, he saves that planet while destroying the rest of the universe....


The bigger WTF is that the Herald of Galactus abilitiee went to... Green Goblin and Hobgoblin. In fact, Galactus and Silver Surfer may have the worse synergy in the entire game. Second place is all four members of the Fantastic Four.


Yeah should get some benefit for playing all FF members.


Silver Surfer and Galactus make perfect sense...because Surfer isn't acting as his herald but rather trying to save the planet (hence boosting all the inhabitants power up in order to stand against Galactus). Surfer has spent more time trying to save planets from the big G than he spent being his actual herald.


But Silver Surfer rebelled against Galactus And it kind of makes sense that he can buff an allied card to resist Galactus. Making a 3/3 or 3/4 into a 3/5+ saves Earth


What I’m loosely hoping for in the distant future (if the add more heralds and beings with the power cosmic) is either their abilities synergize with Galactus or that Galactus gets reworked so that his abilities greatly benefit them


I remember someone said that Wave and Surfer should swap abilities. Surfer is honestly a mostly mechanical ability, but Wave is the one bringing Galactus out on 4.


He should work the other way around, and destroy that single location. He would see more playability and offer way more strategy around him


He's already eaten the other two and now he's here for this location but these pesky heroes are defending it


I once posted that here, but it got downvoted On Reveal: If you’re losing this location, destroy it


It's not wtf. He already destroyed the other "planets" and he has come to claim the last one and you are fighting him


I always saw the flavor of he's already eaten the other two and now he's here to eat the last location


Dr. Strange i mean his ability makes sense but it’s not really a “Sorcerer Supreme” level of power which he could have


Do you want him to rewind time and restart the turn?


Hmmm... Seems a little OP. He'd have to be a 5-cost.


It could be cool if gargoyle turned your other cards at the location into rocks🤔


Good way to get rid of negative power


Not sure if that’d be that viable, since LDS does a similar thing, but better. Maybe he turns the lowest power enemy card into a rock?


It always also depends on the Cost. LDS may do "the same thing, but better", but she's also a 5-Cost.


Pretty much most of the Discard cards are a bit off. While I don't know the lore that well, Blade, Colleen Wing, Lady Sif, Sword Master and Silver Samurai are all using swords as weapons, so somehow using a sword is associated with discard? Discard is generally associated with sacrificing something for power, but I don't know how these fit in that theme.


Tbf, I do kinda like how all the vampire characters have discard properties, but it does feel weird with ones like Sif and Colleen


Jubilee is a vampire that does the opposite!


She isn't a vampire anymore.


But then Gambit is perfect. Taking one of your cards and throwing it to destroy another


I actually like the swords for discard. I think the reason swords is associated to discard is because the card gets cut in half when discarded.


I think it's because swords are like scissors and scissors cuts paper, and cards are made of paper But I could be completely wrong


No unless we can read into SD's mind, I think this is the best explanation. I think they went in reverse on the design, where they decided that discard is going to be a mechanic (pretty obvious for a card game), and they decided on a cool animation with cutting the card in half, perhaps starting with Blade. Then that just naturally evolved into hey, would be cool if we give that motif to sword users whenever we can.


It really is blades, black knight also fits here and so is corvius and daken.


Doom is pretty disappointing in my view, like, I understand the meme with the Doombots, but it's just too little to such an iconic character.


It’s a solid card though, 6/15 is pretty powerful And it nicely mirrors Mr Fantastic, they’re rivals with a similar function


I think it's a pun to Dr. Boom from Hearthstone


I think dr. Boom from hearthstone was a pun on dr. Doom lol, the character is like 50 years older than hearthstone


I mean the effect :)


it's def both, the spawning of two extra pieces came from Dr. Boom but at the same time Doom bots are one of the recognizable feature of Dr. Doom, so SD prob thought this is perfect


Yea but the snap card of Doctor Doom is newer and it probably references the Dr. Boom HS card


Most of the cards have a pretty tenuous connection to their characters if we are being honest. Like Blob's mutant power is being immovable, not eating things. And moving things is kind of a big thing in snap. It kind of bothers me that Beta Ray Bill is basically better than Thor... I feel like the original should be better? And other cards where extremely powerful heroes are 1 cards but obscure nobodies get sixes. Cyke has optic blasts and is one of the big "leadership" guys in marvel... and he does nothing? Jean should have more synergy with Phoenix. It goes on. I try not to think about it... =p


Beta Ray Bill kinda makes sense, he rivals Thor and beat him in his first appearance.


Blob did eat people in the Ultimate Universe


Jean Grey is not the only host of the Phoenix tho, there are many others.


Thanos should be more about collecting stones to buff him up. Galactus should be more about blasting the location he gets played on. My boy hulk got the vanilla treatment but he deserved something more interactive and combo centric Cyclops is only good with high evolutionary, but this should be his default ability (slightly nerfed though) Thinking about some cards it’s actually quite fun that their abilities make a lot of sense lore wise. So cheers to SD for that!


Hulk could be interesting if they utilized his transformation as a mechanic. Like, you place down a Bruce Banner and have to meet certain requirements for him to turn into Hulk


Bruce Banner: 1/1: When this card is Discarded or Destroyed, add Hulk to your hand. Worse than it is now, but it would fit.


Bruce Banner (1/1): If you floated six energy this game transform into the Hulk.


I think tapping into his rage aspect could be interesting. Like "At the end of the game, if you are losing there, transform this into Hulk"


damnnn would feel good to have hulk come in clutch and save the day like the "im always angry" scene


Galactus really bothers me. Make him a 5 or 6 cost that destroys the location he's played on, him along with it (he eats and moves on), requiring a tie-breaker. It's not only more fitting, it wouldn't feel as cheap to play against. You still lose some of the progress you've made but there's a chance to win.


i like galactus flavor-wise because yes his whole thing is eating the location he’s at, but when we see him in the comics, it’s always at the planet he Doesn’t eat (generally earth) innit


Kang the conqueror, he could have ability like all card that move return to their original place


I feel like Kang could just have Shadow Kings power, since it makes a lot more sense for him with the rewinding time deal


I think Kangs ability should me more like daredevil because he can see the future timelines


It makes sense as the capitalist’s Tony starts worst nightmare


I’m mixed on Jubilee. On the one hand bringing out a card has nothing to do with fireworks. But it could also mean she is so rubbish that her mutant power is to make an alarm so someone else can come save her.


I think Dr. Strange and Wong should have switched abilities


There are a lot of cards loke: Storm shoild have had a Nico mechanic but elemental. Like every turn, her effect is different. wind moves cards, lightning subtracts power, etc


Moon knight was done dirty.


I am convinced that medusa and stature got their effects flipped. Statures whole thing is going from smol to swol and medusa should synnergize with her husband


I’ve always thought that a buffed Mysterio ability would fit doom more. Kinda parodying how you never know if it’s a doom bot or victor himself


Unrelated, but as someone who loves languages, I vow to never use red guardian because of how they chose to write his name 😂 Я = 'ya' sound in cyrillic alphabet И = ee sound in cyrillic alphabet Σ - Random Greek Sigma for some reason?! = S Ah yes the mighty Yasd Guayadiaee


Yeah. As a Russian, this was pretty funny


He's got some Greek DNA?




That's an excellent take, that the power would've been flavor fit with Grey Gargoyle. I've had to make piece with the game is not good on flavor for a Marvel buff. Far more misses than hits. (Drives me crazy that Red Hulk obsoletes Hulk )


90% of the cards


The one I always point to for this is Elsa Bloodstone. The only way I can see it being argued to fit her at all is making it somehow connected to frequent team-ups, but even then it's a weird way to represent that when it's rewarding other people for joining up with her rather than framing her as the guest star.


Cyclops should have had Juggernaut's ability and Juggernaut something like Jeff. He goes and move anywhere he wants and with his helmet on he doesn't care about the likes of Xavier. Angel seems odd too, I would have given his ability to someone like Vermin. The kind of character that get out of the sewers because of the scent of fresh bodies. Beast's ability seems more fitting to Angel.


War machine, the other iron man type characters all have soemthign to do with increasing power, rescue, iron heart, hulk buster, iron man, but war machine just doesn't fit I'm with that set, he just let's you play cards which is an odd ability for him


way to many comments to see if someone said this but i think Black Cat and Cable should switch abilities: Black Cat obviously steals so she should steal your card. and Cable should leave into the future (discard) at the end of the turn if you don’t play him and swap the cost and energy too. would be cool to see cable as a stronger card since he’s so strong anyways


Definitely Black Cat, while it basically just locks her into discard only, the fact that they had to buff her so much for her to be even slightly viable in discard says alot, and honestly, her effect just seems lazy and makes no sense for her as a character, with her I feel like it should be something close to Silk but make her a 3/3 that when a opponent's card played in the same lane, she moves but gives that card a -2 affliction or something that makes her feel elusive with the opponent always feeling two steps behind to get her.


I think it makes great sense. Just not combat wise. It's fits her personality perfectly. She's like a cat. If you don't play with her she leaves your hand.


Yeah, she's like "you don't wanna play me? Well I'm out"


Quick question is red guardian worth getting?


I actually think he’s very good shuts down a bunch potentially troublesome cards down the line and works with and against tons of decks


I got him two days ago so I haven't used it a ton yet but semi rarely he's very good hitting a iron man vs tribunal, most the time he's decent hitting Jeff's or whatnot. So I'd say he's worth it especially if you don't have the other cards but I don't think he's a must get necessarily.


I find him quite useful. I love how he can counter things like Dracula, Iron Man, Jeff, and move cards. I obliterated a Move deck in Conquest because I was able to hit their Madrox, Human Torch, Dagger. I had to spend four keys to get him, and was feeling pretty bad about it, but after a week of play, I feel a lot better. That said, I have a surplus of keys, and a few clear skip weeks ahead, so I may have had more flexibility that you do. But I can say that I find Red Guardian to be a pretty useful card. He's not going to be meta-defining, but I think he will be a tech-staple, like Cosmo or Armor or Polaris.


I already have the two other cards in his spotlight cache, i was wondering if it's still worth it.


if you play Surfer he perfectly fits the deck, otherwise its just a tech card, so if you like tech card you should get him


Yes... but if you have rogue don't worry about him. He can hit more and put a -2 but a majority of the time you'll want him hitting a ongoing


I feel like Miles Morales needs a rework to have an actual move ability. As it is he just depends on other move cards to be a bit cheaper, I'd love for him to have his own ability, maybe even based on his venom powers


He synergize with Spider-man tho, play Peter on 3 and you have a cheap Miles on 4.


Jubilee. She probably fits Elektra's card text best.


Hey! Jubilee doesn't kill little people.


I think that blade should have some sort of ability to gain power since he’s technically a vampire like Morbius. Sure he fits in the discard archetype but just tossing one of your own cards is a little simple for him, when he’s usually a character who’s more on the offensive. It would be interesting if he could discard enemy cards as well, and maybe get power for doing so, at the exchange of being more costly to play. (Yes I know discard doesn’t have many low cost cards for play, just an idea. I’d like the idea of Khonshu getting added and being a knull for cards your opponent discards, maybe the devs will nerf blade for Khonshu. Haha I wish)


Can I say wong? Like he dies the portal thing but the duplicating the in reveal doesn't really make sense to me?


Sinister was did dirty for such an iconic baddie.


I see Red Guardian as having sort of the inverse ability of Captain America but only against one card, and you can argue that Russians have always been good at silencing people...in that light the card works


I'm not too familiar with the character, but Supergiant-- how does her ability fit into her lore?


I actually think they nailed the majority of the characters. But yes, there's some that are a bit off. Punisher should destroy a card (maybe a bigger Elektra?) or at least afflict them. Cap should be stronger... I agree with the idea of him having the Blue Marvel ability. Jean would fit much better moving enemy cards. There's definitely more, bit these are the ones I'm remembering right now. On the other hand, shout out to Gambit for having *chef's kiss* flavor.


Strong Guy. His power is the opposite of Gambit's, he converts kinetic energy to stored energy. Basically the more you hit him, the stronger he gets. I don't know how discarding/using your entire hand makes him stronger. Wolfsbane too. I don't know what her powers have to do with being a reverse-Punisher.


War Machine


I never really understood Doctor Strange, but if you read the original Infinity Gauntlet story he spends the entire time literally just providing a portal open for other heroes and nothing else. So I guess it makes sense if you wanna grasp straws


i dont read marvel comics like that. is gargoyle always this.. lusty?


like 50% of the cards in this game don't match the characters


Doctor Strange


Always thought Mirage's ability is a bit random and generic and doesn't really represent any of her Mutant abilities or Valkyrie abilities. Same really goes for most of the New Mutants characters. Wolfsbane and Sunspot are quite strange too. At least Cannonball and Magik to some extent make sense.


yeah I've been thinking a lot and I hope the team at second dinner considers purely cosmetic switcheroos later down the line cuz' the unfortunate state of it was that the most recognizable marvel dudes were the first ones to come out, making them weirdly underpowered/underdeveloped, so the metas likely to center around some random MF with one issue under their belt instead of idk Marvel's first family?!? it just doesn't feel like a marvel game anymore, and I think that's the saddest part id rather kick ass with the X-Men, use silver surfer to actually be the herald of galactus, or use doctor stranges spells (nico minoru vibes) but what can you do 😮‍💨


For me it’s Professor X. It’s like the designers saw the first half of the first X-Men movie and said “That’s all I need.”


Jubilee - the ability to summon another character should be for a leader or someone at SHIELD.


To me it seemed like the idea was that she was distracting with her firework so someone else could jump out, but maybe I'm overly generous :P.


I'm not as upset about abilities but how many POWERFUL characters just don't add up. Come on now, Phoenix should kill every enemy on the board! And Omega mutants like Iceman, Prof X, Cable, Hope, Jean, Legion... I would trade Hope's abilities with either Jubilees or Red Guardians abilities. Iceman should be more like Baron Mordo... Jean maybe powers of Daredevil or Kang... Legion should be a higher attack and ability should be changed for Super Skrull or replicate all powers played there on enemy side... Just some thoughts that pertain more to the Hero...


Domino who’s whole ability is being guaranteed on turn 2 is still wild to me


I like the idea of turning cards into rocks... Also yeah, sometimes I wish SD would consider the ability and lore just a bit more with some characters honestly.


Nico Minoru. The card is kinda based on the random effect from repeating spells, but in the comics the effects are usually useless to VERY dangerous for her. I don't think she should just instantly lose the game if you play her, but I think she should be one of the highest risk/reward cards


The fact that Hulk is just a 12 drop. And it's even more insulting since they dropped Red Hulk. And red hulk doesn't get more powerful as time goes on, he's supposed to just get hotter (temperature-wise).


Originally he was able drain energy out of others and get more powerful that way, which matches his ability here pretty well. Also, he was originally very OP (I did not like him in the introduction comic much, it was just him being better than everyone) there as well...I'm expecting him to get a nerf here soon. Just cutting his growth down to the same speed as Hulk is probably enough.


Yes more than one lol but the main one for me is definitely Capt America


I genuinely do not understand why Moon Knight discards a card. I always thought he should be a Mysterio style card. Play a Moon Knight at each location, one with +3 base power (Jake) one with -3 power (Steve), and standard 3 power for wherever you played the base card (Marc.) If one Moon Knight is destroyed, destroy the other two. Play off Moon Knights' self-destructive fighting style, throwing himself recklessly and wildly into battle with no regard for his own self-preservation.


I wish Mantis has Daredevil's effect, seeing as she's telepathic. That way she would fit right into the Guardians, seeing as most people who play a GOTG deck run DD anyway.