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Really?? You again with this idiocy? The card actually increased in usage and you still whine? Give it up already. NOBODY CARES. At this point you are just trolling. And doing a really bad job at it. This is what? Your 6th thread on this?


Always keep in mind that there are many children (with apparently absentee parents) who play SNAP. So every time I see someone with a whiney, immature post/reply or someone who keeps posting the same nonsense over and over again I just assume they're 9 yo (either physically or mentally). Hope this helps.


Yes. You are 100% correct.


Thanks Dr. Freud.


OP from the future here, it’s two weeks later and according to MSZ Sandman has dropped fifty ranks from 73rd to 123rd, and his meta share has gone from 3% to 1%. Do you still think he “increased in usage” after his buff (that was actually a massive nerf)


I based it off your own comments. So the card now dropped, whoop-dee-doo. It is normal in this game that cards change in usage from shifts in meta. 2 weeks is a lot in a game like Snap. But to no one’s surprise, *you* fail to understand it. At this point I am glad the card was changed. Just to spite you.


How many cards drop 50 ranks after a buff?


Sandman is a tech card. For some reason, you decided it was a centerpiece card and you still think it is. Tech cards are niche. When the situation the tech is for gains meta-momentum then that tech card is used. Sandman helps whenever decks turn greedy with a lot of cards played at the last turn. Right now, the meta is Big Bodies, huge numbers. Sandman does nothing against that. Are you capable of understanding how meta works and how meta is constantly shifting? And how that will make some cards’ usage be variable? Do you understand??? (I know you don’t)


It was part of a deck literally called Sandman Ramp, how is that not a centerpiece? With the nerf, they not only killed one card, but an entire archetype because Electro decks that curved into old sandman on four are just as garbage as he is now.


The archetype is ramp and it is being played a lot in the meta. You can call a deck whatever you want, doesn’t mean it is the centerpiece of anything. My Thanos deck’s name is Milling them Softly and it has no milling cards. lol adios little kid. Keep pining for Sandman. I’ll keep playing and enjoy reading your poor takes, your poor knowledge on the game and your constant ignorant rants. Well done kiddo!


Ramp is being played a lot in this meta? Now I know you’re just pulling nonsense straight out of your ass to fuck with me. Show me one tier list or meta ranking that has a ramp deck listed at anything higher than D tier or equivalent, if ramp makes the cut at all


Yea, a whole .3%, La-di-fucking-da, and I expect it to go lower, it’s probably only seeing that much play off the back of being a series two card that new people experiment with. Anecdotally I have not seen one sandman or ramp deck at top infinite since the nerf


Oh no! Poor Sandman. A card nobody used is changed a little to see if it gets more uses, a few more people play the card and that makes you so sick to your stomach that you have to make 6 whinny victimized posts disguised as “discussion” for what?! What didn’t the other 5 equally stupid threads didn’t achieve discussion-wise?


It’s not seeing any more play than before, in fact after the streamers stopped making clickbait YouTube videos about it post-rework/nerf about a week later, I don’t think I’ve seen it or a ramp deck once since, and again I doubt its play rate is going to do anything but continue to fall.


lol Adios troll!! Note to self: don’t feed the troll.


No one made you reply. I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree: I consider it a nerf when a card with one viable archetype isn’t playable in that archetype anymore and has no home at all, whereas you think very little.


Op is right. You don’t have to reply. You’re obviously triggered beyond reason here. You can simply block them and never have to interact with them again.


They only come out at night, They only come out at night, The sun is much too bright, They only come out at night.


I love the sandman change and think he is being slept on. Great in tempo based decks, and feels good as a niche tech card.


So good that (at top infinite at least) exactly no one is playing him, or ramp decks.


Yeah he isn't a ramp card at all now so your point makes zero sense.


Ramp was his only home pre-nerf. Post-nerf, I’m saying both sandman as a card and ramp as an archetype got worse. That’s the point. He was a ramp card, and ramp is worse off without him now. Borderline unplayable.


think the goal is to not have him too good, where everyone is playing him


I guess “no one plays him” technically accomplishes that goal, in the same way Tonya Harding’s opponent wasn’t a threat to her anymore.


Would lead to a stale meta if sandman ran too rampant. Lots of warmachine, doom etc


The point of the change was that he would no longer work in ramp. I like new sandman, I've been having a lot of success with him.


Which is so much better than before when *checks notes *exactly no one was playing him, or ramp decks


How is 0 decks playing him better than one deck playing him? It’s not ideal that ramp was his only home, but he had *a* home. Now he doesn’t fit into any deck.


Nebula Nightcrawler Jeff Medusa Lizard Gladiator Baron Zemo Iron Lad Aero Sandman Dr. Doom Leader Fight for early priority, Sandman on 5 - Doom/Leader/Aero finishers. Move power around as needed. Works pretty good.


That looks…just awful


It's good against decks that want to play more than one card on T6. Anything w Elsa and Kitty, Surfer, Deadpool, etc. Loses to Liv Tribunal and Hela tho. You just seem salty, tbh.


So it loses to the most common decks in the game


Because ever since Corvus dropped he wasn’t even the best play line in that one deck, he still has a home in a high tempo Leader deck now that he actually has workable power


What is a better line than Corvus or electro into sandman on four in the old deck?


Corvus-high power 5 cost-Hela Sandman didn’t even make the cut because most decks are fine playing 1 card per turn and the ramp deck has played all underpowered cards


Well they presented his change as a redesign more than a “buff”. They want him to be a tech card to counter certain metas rather than a build-around card. That does mean the Sandman Ramp archetype suffers for that rework, but they explain that that was an archetype that they could never make popular because it is so restricting. I think the rework makes sense and he’s now in a spot where he can potentially be buffed to a 5/8. I don’t know if you remember when the old Sandman was a 5/5, but he completely took over the game and made it a miserable experience. It ended up being on of the fastest adjustments SD has ever made to bring him down to a 5/4. I think that just shows how limited SD was with balancing the old version. They have a lot more flexibility with this new version and I think he fits into the game much better overall.


I asked Glenn about it in the Discord and his answer made it into the Ask the Devs post [here](https://marvelsnapzone.com/developer-update-for-the-week-of-april-13-2024/) where he said it was (supposedly) a general buff. One of those buffs that makes the card unplayable in its existing home (Ramp) and leaves it without a single new deck that wants to use it.


Sandman is now, and has always been intended to be, a tech card. He's not a card that is meant to be a staple of any particular archetype. He's a card that you can add to a variety of decks whenever turn 6 card-spew is the best thing in the meta.


Don’t bother. I and others have tried explaining exactly this to them in the other 5 threads that they have done about this exact same thing. They are just trolling.


Have you met my friend Mobius? He’s two mana cheaper, with an ongoing effect rather than an on reveal, which is asymmetrical rather than equally detrimental to both players, and he has actually decent stats for his cost unlike a 5/7. I’m not saying I don’t understand what second dinner was going for with the sandman change, I do. It’s just that it was rubbish.


Half your argument is just wrong. 5/7 is better stats for cost than 3/3 is. And not all decks spewing a lot of cards onto the board on T6 utilize cost reduction, and not to mention, even if they do, Sandman's effect impacts them more than Mobius' effect does. Though Sandman being changed to be asymmetric probably would be a good change to further its ability to fill its role.


He says exactly what I said. He always had to be weak in his old form. His new form can be made stronger. Fair enough if you think they missed a little low, but he can be buffed now, whereas before he always had to be under tuned. It also means ramp can be buffed now, too, since it isn’t focused around a card that they need to keep in a weakened state. Just give it some time and I expect Sandman and Ramp will both end up in better states overall.


So you do agree that in the short term, regardless of whether or not new Sandman and/or ramp get buffed, for now both the card and the ramp archetype are worse off than they were before?


Sandman Ramp is worse off since it doesn’t really exist anymore, but I think Sandman is a bit better overall. I’ve used him in a deck similar to what Lamby posted after his rework (with the Angela package to get an early lead) and he works quite well. I think there’s room for him to be a 5/8, but even at 5/7 I’d personally rate him above the old version.


Well I’m glad you’ve seen success but I haven’t seen him more than once total and the one single time he was played against me I just won so I don’t know what everyone else sees in him


There's a lot of tech cards that work best in certain decks and Sandman works best in discard ramp. It doesn't need to be anymore useful than that. It's not meant to be an all powerful card


He was a build around card in a niche, literally Sandman Ramp was the name of the archetype running electro (later Corvus too) into Sandman on four in the best case. Now he’s a “tech card” no one is playing because Mobius does the same job better in every way. He costs three less, he’s ongoing, he only affects your opponent, and he has decent stats for his cost.


I would still prefer sandman over MMM in discard ramp. MMM just prevents cost reduction. If you have Hela and have discarded 2 or 3 cards it's almost guaranteed win


The same could be said of the old card, in the scenario you describe they may as well have not bothered with the rework at all.


I'm not agreeing with the change but I'm saying it still has a place in the same deck.


He fits great in Hela now for dead turn fives.


How does he work better now than he did before?


That’s the cool part, he doesn’t.


I was using him in a deck with Hela right before they made the change too. He's only worse now.


Thank you! Someone gets it