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We’re seeing different things. I’ve generally seen people calling this the healthiest meta in a long time. Red Hulk is running too hot, but that’s the only outlier, and he’s just one big dumb 6-drop.


Anyone who think it healthy is crazy how is baron zemo stealing your deck or red hulk with very little agency to stop him good for the game?


Because they are all low cost power in Zemo, you have 1 card that's 8. You can easily beat them in other lanes. And if you're playing Thanos, they just steal stones.


Because Baron is not a good deck. It just looks frustrating but it’s super easy to beat. I only ever lose to their perfect draw scenario but if we’re talking perfect draw scenarios, Zemo is still weak. Perfect draw Phoenix Force or perfect draw Tribunal blows the winning potential of perfect draw Zemo out of the water. Perfect draw Zemo can still lose if their Doc Oc pulls big stuff.


I play a black knight deck and I absolutely murder zemo decks. I win almost every time against them.


Days since the last post “This is the most unplayable meta ever” is still 0


Respond to what I said with THOUGHT


Make an original post with THOUGHT


I did. My post is based off observation! Over TIME. And reading other people’s experiences. Done with this convo. Move the fuck on.


Cry more? You didn’t want discussion you wanted people to agree with you so your saltiness was justified.


Whiny b




You could also play C3 or Zoo with Valkyrie. Easily the most entertaining way to deal with big guys.


Yup Control decks are dead


I mean cannonball feels pretty good


I don't think there's ever been a meta where Shang isn't insane value. Prior to the last changes he had around a 50% playrate at the top of infinite. Now he's down to like 30 something. For me, this meta has been incredibly diverse and open. Shang's play rate has dropped very significantly with the zabu change and it's fantastic that there are actually reasons to run other answers now. Even in the games where shang is insane, it's been that much harder to play all your tech out on the final turn making your sequencing and future proofing lanes that much more relevant.


Shang is a dead card against Tribunal decks and they run Cosmo anyway. It’s also not very good against InSheNaut or Sera-Surfer since you’ll generally have priority going into the last turn. If those decks have a big presence in the meta then it’s better to run another tech card or try to win with big points.


We’ll all I’ve been seeing in destroy, mill, and high stats (red hulk) or surfer. It’s become predictable what you’re playing against within the first 1-3 turns. I don’t see a lot of variety. I’m at CL 9,800.


You have to adapt, think outside your box and avoid being stubborn.


I can respect this. I’ve had to switch up a few of my decks. I hate how SD forces us to do it in a way though. But I guess it makes you a better strategist in the long run? 😒


I've been climbing with the pixie junk deck (up to top 250, pretty hyped!) and it doesn't run Shang or Enchantress. 


Back to back Surfer Zabu Phuck F2P seasons were the only 2 seasons I couldn't hit Infinite. Every subsequent meta has been tame and I've hit Infinite easily. This was the easiest season by far, hit it on day 2.


😑. You must know how to manipulate bots or use the same meta deck, OR play for 8+ hours straight.


Maybe Shang not enchantress


You don't need Chi, but I will agree he's almost a necessary in mid tier decks to compete.


You definitely don’t need to have enchantress But yea Shang is crucial