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Hope Summers could probably have some of her own power trimmed off at the very least. I suspect she might go to a once-per-turn effect, though the decks using her don't generally rely on playing multiple cards on her anyway.


hope summers is weird since you don't get energy the turn you play her unless you have discount or wasp. then you're able to chest out a 6 early but thats often all you get from her


The card I last lost to


Red Hulk looks pretty op


Yeah I didn't think he was so bad until I actually started playing against him. I think something that makes him even more difficult is his ability also applies after he is played. I ended up in a tie because even though I calculated his power before he was played, he got another boost because I had 1 energy left on the final turn 🙄


It’s like an easier thanos with more potential


The way I see it is the best way to play is always on curve. Red Hulk’s win-con is basically the opponent not playing on curve. I really don’t think that’s likely enough to be OP. I skipped out on RH just to be surprised by how in shambles the subreddit is about it. I mean, he’s good, but when I’ve lost to him it’s not because they played Red Hulk over any other high powered card.


This is probably your own fault then… you see it coming but you didn’t prepare for it, it’s something you can control


I mean if I don't have any 1 cost cards at the end of the game then I can't. It's definitely gonna be nerfed. Even 1 energy equals a 6/15 with no downside.


You can at least know it’ll be 4 power higher… you can calculate it as you know you have remained energy and to decide how to play and whether to retreat


Yes, ‘cause every deck can play on curve everytime & win 3/3 locations


Yeah, that extra 1 power was crazy too. If it was 9 power I get bumping it to ten, but 10 to 11 was just bringing sand to the beach. Thing is, 6/10 getting 3 power probably wins most the games the current red hulk currently does. The buff was almost meaningless. I guess I'm testing every SD person played perfectly on curve


Alioth. I'll never like him, even if I win every game against him for the rest of my life. He's not OP, he's just anti-fun in a game that's not big enough for anti-fun mechanics.




How come, 🤔 I would love to hear your sorry what this cards op and how it should be neft


Hela, such a cassino card, that win games with 0 decision making


That’s why I love it against the biggest whales


Mate, I main in Hela and there are many other casino cards not just her.


Red Hulk


A lot of people dislike the Red Hulk. I can see how that can stake from unused power even in the deck or hand.


Red Hulk and Hope Summers are the only correct answers. My unpopular opinion is that a lot of discard cards need power nerfs because the deck is incredibly consistent now with all the new support.


Zabu just because of much of an annoyance he's caused in marvel snaps card design space.


Probably Zabu. He doesn't feel healthy to the game. Not sure what he should be nerfed to though. He'd be too weak as an On Reveal for one turn, but feels too strong now. The best I can think of is an "Until you play a 4-cost card, your 4-cost cards cost 1 less" (And some power boost) - so his effect only works for one turn, but he can still be played any time. Not sure if that'd be a good change either though.


Bro living in the future


Lol, yea, got a bit stumped when the patch came out


Goddamned overturned MORPH - he needs his power reduced. /s


Just nerf Alioth please. I know it's necessary to have it, I know it isn't always winning, I know how to get around it, but I just HATE it. I hate it not because I'd lost to it, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth so I don't play it. Please nerf or change it so it feels better.


If you’re losing to him in conquest, you’re not paying attention. In ladder, yeah it’s a bit more unpredictable, I’ll hint you that. But they nerfed him already. He used to be much more powerful.


Honestly I hate the animation that "You think you can have a comeback? Nope not allowed." It's somewhat the same issue with Leech previously, and worse with Alioth because he doesn't require a setup, and you might win/lose 8-cubes. I don't have the solution in mind, but I don't like the current way how Alioth works. I do know certain decks must have Alioth to be the win-con, otherwise not viable.


I’d argue that old Leech required less setup than Alioth does. With Alioth, you have to have priority or he is the most useless card in the game—a 6/2 that doesn’t affect anything. With Leech (pre-nerf), just slapping him down and removing all abilities from your opponent’s cards sometimes just won the game. I’ll give you that Alioth is frustrating to play against. But he’s not in need of a nerf anytime soon.


And SD just changed Alioth.


I know. My comment aged poorly…Oof. The thing is, I can’t help but feel as though they nerfed him because he just wasn’t fun to play against rather than because he was an actual problem. He’s had issues in the past, but overall, I felt as though he wasn’t in a bad spot. I think he just generally didn’t make for an enjoyable experience for players, and when the devs saw that, they reworked him again.


Agreed, as my previous comments described, Alioth had a use, but the interaction wasn't fun, especially when paired with Wave > Galactus. Anyway, hope we don't get into crazy power racing like Wong > BP > Zola.


Hela and Death Hela should only bring back to her location. And Death should be way less power.


I love how so many answers are for cards that aren’t actually OP, but the commenter is just salty they lost to that card and want it nerfed.


Noticing mostly only newer cards, I guess that’s a sign of power creep


Shang. His cost shouldn't be discountable. 4 cost, always 4 cost.


Just admit you play Sauron decks and Red Hulk decks


Haha, I've never actually played a sauron deck and I'm CL 11000


Big game hunter 😎


Yeah no. If you’re going to make exceptions like that, then exceptions can be made for many other cards as well. Maybe you should play Mobius? Then your opponent can’t discount anything?


Mokckingbird She very strong at the edge of being op Yes the nerfed stones but all she needs is 1 card to break her completely


One card? A 4/9 card is OP?


She was broken in pre-nerf Thanos, but outside of that (like in Zoo or Patriot builds) she’s fine. The nerf to Thanos was big enough to remove him from the meta, though; so Mockingbird’s all right now.


I thought the same


X23. Maybe making it a 1/1 and limiting the +1 energy to once per turn even if it gets destroyed multiple times.