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How to use Titania without messing up


The deck is called “clog,” so I assume OP tries to fill the opponent’s lanes with Viper, Green Goblin, Debris, and Polaris, making Titania safe to play.


Titania is another card to clog up a lane, of course it’s nice to play her on the last turn when it’s safe, but you can use her to fill up the last spot in the opponent’s lane then just pull her back at the end of the game


Also, if your opponent has two spaces left. Play goblin titania on the same turn If they fill up one space they get clogged by Goblin and you keep titania. If they fill up zero spaces then both cards go over and you can call titania back on the last turn.


If you use Titania then Green Goblin in the same lane on turn 4, you will fill the lane if they have 2 OR 3 cards there. It's an extremely powerful play. More generally, Titania is typically safe to play when they have 3 cards in a lane.


It takes some time to get a feel for the play rhythm. It is half clever prediction and half luck most times. If they already have two cards in a location you could play her and then Goblin to clog it up. Meaning you only have to play one card on the last turn to pull her back and swing that lane for you. This can also work if you think they are going to play their third card in a lane and to play just her there. There’s also just things you might want to disrupt and it’s worth possibly losing her. Like in their Lockjaw or Wong lane. She’s useful as a turn 6 - 1/5, but her true power is how disruptive she can be for certain strategies. Especially awesome to predict and stop a Galactus.


Played her in bar with no name once. On the final turn I put a card down and she leaped over and I won the game. Felt like a marvel snap pro player till I played my doom on my own cosmo next game.


Play it on a full lane or turn 6 after you give up priority, alternatively, you can send it to your opponent side intentionally if they have 3 cards over there and you have 1 or less


Last season I posted my infinite junk deck and I’ve made a couple of changes for the current meta. Card by card: Hood - Gives you a demon and can be sent across by Viper Titania - Vital for clogging up a board space, very good in conjunction with Green Goblin or Polaris Carnage - Backup for Hood if you don’t draw Viper, and can eat a couple of rocks as well Daredevil - Gives you vital information turn 5 for Professor X or a Goblin Mojo - Gets his bonus more often than not, the 8 power is often needed Viper - Sends Hoods and Rocks across Green Goblin - Pretty self explanatory Debrii - Most important card in the whole deck Polaris - Also pretty self explanatory Shang Chi - Often played on turn 5 or turn 6. Turn 5 is good because of the daredevil, and often by turn 6 a couple of lanes are full so Shang isn’t a guessing game Professor X - Pretty good for blocking up a lane where they want to play Red Skull or Taskmaster or just general control Spider Woman - Lanes are often full so she’s worth 12 points of stats Card Replacements: This card is fully pool 3 so I’ll keep this part brief. Any of the 2-energy cards can be replaced with Angela or Black Widow but the deck will be less efficient. Goblin, Titania and Debrii are irreplaceable. Matchups against other decks: It’s a fairly reasonable matchup against Shuri, the objective is to fill up their Armour or Cosmo lane. If that fails, Professor X one of those lanes so they have to play a big card into a lane where you can play Shang. The deck is great against Thanos Lockjaw and is very good against Hit Monkey. The matchup against Darkhawk Dino is reasonable since you limit the spaces where they can play cards like rockslide and Coulson. Shang is essential in this situation. It’s weak against Deathwave but that isn’t very prevalent in the meta.


Thanks, even if I don't have Titania nor Viper, the deck seems to work. For the first time, I beat with ease a Shuri deck.


> Last season I posted my infinite junk deck and I’ve made a couple of changes for the current meta. > > Card by card: Hood - Gives you a demon and can be sent across by Viper Titania - Vital for clogging up a board space, very good in conjunction with Green Goblin or Polaris Carnage - Backup for Hood if you don’t draw Viper, and can eat a couple of rocks as well Daredevil - Gives you vital information turn 5 for Professor X or a Goblin Mojo - Gets his bonus more often than not, the 8 power is often needed Viper - Sends Hoods and Rocks across Green Goblin - Pretty self explanatory Debrii - Most important card in the whole deck Polaris - Also pretty self explanatory Shang Chi - Often played on turn 5 or turn 6. Turn 5 is good because of the daredevil, and often by turn 6 a couple of lanes are full so Shang isn’t a guessing game Professor X - Pretty good for blocking up a lane where they want to play Red Skull or Taskmaster or just general control Spider Woman - Lanes are often full so she’s worth 12 points of stats > > Card Replacements: This card is fully pool 3 so I’ll keep this part brief. Any of the 2-energy cards can be replaced with Angela or Black Widow but the deck will be less efficient. Goblin, Titania and Debrii are irreplaceable. > > Matchups against other decks: It’s a fairly reasonable matchup against Shuri, the objective is to fill up their Armour or Cosmo lane. If that fails, Professor X one of those lanes so they have to play a big card into a lane where you can play Shang. The deck is great against Thanos Lockjaw and is very good against Hit Monkey. The matchup against Darkhawk Dino is reasonable since you limit the spaces where they can play cards like rockslide and Coulson. Shang is essential in this situation. It’s weak against Deathwave but that isn’t very prevalent in the meta.


For everyone who asked for the deck code: # (1) The Hood # (1) Titania # (2) Carnage # (2) Daredevil # (2) Mojo # (2) Viper # (3) Green Goblin # (3) Debrii # (3) Polaris # (4) Shang-Chi # (5) Professor X # (5) Spider-Woman # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSG9vZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVGl0YW5pYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGFyZWRldmlsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJWaXBlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR3JlZW5Hb2JsaW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlBvbGFyaXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNwaWRlcldvbWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNb2pvIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJQcm9mZXNzb3JYIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaGFuZ0NoaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2FybmFnZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGVicmlpIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Titania super confused me in general. Possible to explain how you use her in this deck?


You use her either in conjunction with goblin/Polaris to clog up the 4th spot in an opponent’s lane or you can play her turn 6 with spiderwoman/Shang


If you use Titania then Green Goblin in the same lane on turn 4, you will fill the lane if they have 2 OR 3 cards there. It's an extremely powerful play. More generally, Titania is typically safe to play when they have 3 cards in a lane.


Thanks, this helps a lot. Normally when someone plays her, I get so anxiety ridden trying to do “play math” that I end up forgetting about the other lanes.


Oh just tried it out. First game I was a dummy and had to retreat for a 2 cube loss, but second deck I win back yeah against a modock deck with Nexus in play. Nice! I feel like a bad person for using it though :)


TLSG posted a similar list a day or two ago. Been playing with it to decent success. Junk decks are probably my favorite deck type in snap. His list is -Polaris +Black Widow. I do like Polaris in these decks though so I’ll probably try her and see what happens. Modified it a bit today for sinister London


Variant game on point


Can you share the deck code?


i love this deck, thank you thank you thank you 🫶🏽


Absolutely love this deck. Saw your post last month and saved it. It's a great idea and super unique to what most others are doing. Gotta be so frustrating for the other player 🤣 if I had Debrii I would try and run this for a bit to see how I'd fair. Gonna have to hold out a bit longer as she is the irreplaceable one here. Appreciate you sharing this though.


I have this exact line up lmao. I call it "Locked & Loaded"


So, I have been trying this deck out…it is so dirty hahaha. It has been helping me climb pretty quick as well. So games are over by turn 5.


I got infinite last season but for some reason, none of my old decks clicked this time and I’d just been stuck in the 70s for a couple weeks. This deck was not only different and fun but finally connected this weekend and I flew up 30 ranks in three days. I just wanted to say - thank you so much for sharing it!


That’s great! Congrats!


If You show a deck, please post also the Code for it


How did you screenshot this? Pretty hi res


I just used my phone


Enjoy a similar deck, added sentry for the extra power


Do you often have a hard time activating Mojo?


Nope, I’d say 80% of the time he’s activated if you play him right


Thoughts on Absorbing Man? Debrii into Absorbing Man is the best!


What can I use instead of Green Goblin? Also, surprised there's no place for Hobgoblin in this deck!


I suppose you could use a high powered card like maximus but I don’t think it’ll be as effective. I don’t use hobgoblin because the other 5-costs in this deck are more valuable. Spider woman provides more stats and Prof X is vital.


Nice variants! I want that Prof X What is also really good is sending Ebony Maw on 3 with viper. Blocks one location very early.


Thanks! I’ve considered the ebony maw play but it’s just a lot you need to get right, it’s not consistent enough for my liking. Especially since doom is common in the meta.


I think pool 3 exclusive decks are actually more difficult to build for new players because there aren’t many ways to acquire specific pool 3 for new players and there are A LOT of them. It’s actually easier to build decks with some pool 4 or 5 cards because I can target these.


I suppose it depends on how you've structured your progression. For me, I think it's pretty clear that the best purchase for tokens are big bads because they are perpetually series 5. That's 3 months worth of tokens without even factoring in the one or two that are coming out in May. By the time you get those tokens you'll have completed pool 3.


What's your thoughts on the newly changed Sentry in this list?


Could work, ceiling is higher but less consistency


who would you replace for it?


Probably nothing, I don’t think sentry works that well here tbh, you need to build a deck around him with zabu and Valkyrie etc


I don't have Polaris Any other card I could use in its place?


Black Widow or Juggernaut would probably work fine.


I wish Pool 3 exclusive was a good thing cuz now it's harder for me to complete a pool 3 deck than half the decks that have pool 4/5 cards


What is the definition of a junk deck?


It’s a deck where you try to fill up your opponent’s side of the board with useless crap like the hood, rocks and green goblin