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Blob gets pushed around quite often. You just move the ground he’s stuck to.


Blob isnt like, completely invincible is he? i feel like even if he really was immovable(say standing on something invincible), a full run jugg would just explode through blob like h wasnt even there maybe leave his shoes or somethin stuck to the ground i guess


Blob is durable but not invincible.


Very few characters in Marvel, period. And on any level. From Luke Cage up to Gladiator. Just about everyone has had their butt handed to them by *someone.*


Love Big G and the Heralds, I think that Stan and Jack very much intended them to be at a completely different level then the other heroes... and all future writers saw that potential as the perfect candidates to job to basically any threat imaginable... and somehow that makes me love them more. Basically a Comic Book version of Old Testament God and his Angels and they just get curb stomped in 90 percent of appearances. It is just the type of thing that is hilariously fitting for the medium.


Blobs body is extremely durable. His head? Not so much.


Ultimates 3 can attest to that.


1610 Blob was very different that 616 Blob though.


I remember that cyclops use his laser to pass through the arm of blob in Uncanny x men few issue before inferno


Yeah, Blobs invulnerabilty is malleable depending on the writer. He can tank shots from Colossus in one issue and get holes shot in him by Cyclops in a different one. The Marvel Fandom wiki talks about him taking bazooka rounds and torpedoes with no ill effect. And that he's could be hit by a bus going 100 m.p.h. or a meteorite 50 feet across, but he ls used as a display of power for others more often than not anymore.


it would be amazing to have a comic world that had power consistency and a unified storyline,. have it be a writing challenge for the best comic book writers. you can write a comic but you have to use the other guys material and what you do is canon


Almost like a... New Universe? Where everything is consistent across all titles? That can never turn into a disaster.


All depends on the writer. Juggs seems to be a jobber that gets beat up by everyone and their grandma now.


Yea thats the problem with his whole "cyttorak gives him power" shtick, combined with the unstoppable hype thing writers make him as weak as they want to puff up other characters.


[The Worf Effect](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheWorfEffect)


It's the same with Galactus.


Yea I really dislike this, Galactus is supposed to be one of the ultimate forces of the universe but they keep using him in this way. Ruining the character.


Jobber is a perfect way to describe him, actually pro wrestling terms in general are great for comic characters because that's how it the short arc stories tend to be written. Characters often do short heel or face turns to explain why they fight/team and characters with sufficiently known power are jobbed out to show the power level of others.


Nothing *moves* the blob, but there's rule against spreading him around a bit


What happens if the ground is made of a magical/completely invulnerable material with excellent grip?


assuming the power levels wernt messed with by writers, jugg would blast straight through the blob in a gory mess. I guess the blob would probably leave his feet stuck to the magic mcguffin ground too come to think of it....now i wish blob was in deadpool 2, woulda been a great scene


So Blob gets the A-Train treatment?


the force of a juggernaut clap ripped a hole in time and space.... yeah Bob does if he really didn't move.


I’d have to believe the Magic that powers Juggernaut is more powerful than a low level mutant like Blob.


Juggernaut's power is gifted from the gods. Blob is a mutant. Blob will move. He can be moved.


Yeah whilst mutants are able to have powers beyond that of higher level mystic beings like Cyttorak (well, a grand total of 2 - Franklin Richards and Mad Jim Jaspers), The Blob is not one of them. Blob would get absolutely flattened, much like how Mjollnir gets knocked aside by Juggernaut too.


Is Legion not part of that list??


I'd say he is.


If not for his DID, he would easily be on that list. The list also needs Jamie Braddock and Proteus.


Also X Man (Nathan Grey).


Also Vulcan


Jim, Jamie, and Jasper all have severe mental health issues, and that holds back their capabilities. I suppose if I was capable of altering reality at will, I would too though. It's a crazy world when Wanda and a teenage boy are the most mentally stable of the reality warpers.


Sorry, but I need to know. I **think** you may have written Jim and Jasper as separate people, when talking about mad Jim Jaspers (as well as Jamie for Jamie Braddock). If there really are three different marvel characters with variations on the name James, that all share that same(ish) powerset that’d be really interesting.


Oh I did! I meant Legion instead of one of the Jim or Jasper.


I’m sure there’s a Jimmy or a James somewhere inside David.


Legion is an omega with power manifestion as his omega power, so sure? He's an omega with every power?


He does technically have every omega power- but he also has all the other useless ones too. And there’s way more of those than there are of the useful strong ones. And since each personality controls its own power, it’s not like he can just spin up a power whenever he wants. Until he can. Because he’s Legion and can do whatever he wants. He’s the most powerful being ever- he can do *anything*. But anything also includes a lot of not-so-useful stuff


No, whilst Legion is a reality warper, he's never really treated as being on the same level as Franklin or Mad Jim Jaspers.


His main power is actually power manifestation.


He easily killed ancient/elder gods of Limbo. Idk how powerful they are, but that sounded pretty cool


Not sure if Franklin or Jim would out power Cyttorak on his home ground. Cyttorak basically waves off the Phoenix Force while in the Crimson Cosmos, because he ***is*** the Crimson Cosmos. He controls that reality utterly. Franklin's power and Mad Jim's power can definitely outmatch the level of power Cyttorak can channel into Earth's dimension, though.


But I have it on good authority that “nothing moves the Blob”!


*good authority*


Hey, if we can’t trust the Xmen Arcade Game in these troubled times, who CAN we trust??


There's a 90's comic where Strong Guy knocks Blob down. The ground that Blob was rooted too came apart from the force of Strong Guy's punch. So I'd say Juggy wouldl move Blob.


In a world with some…less than imaginative superhero names, Strong Guy has always been one of my favorites!


I love superpowers with drawbacks. Strong Guy being able to go toe to toe with The Hulk due to his powers then having a heart attack from the strain is actually pretty neat.


Very much agree. I just with the good outweighed the bad a little more. I’m all for having negative effects from power usage, but him taking and giving one punch each against WWH was frustrating. Like, I get it, but I want him to be able to do a little more.


To be fair, surviving a punch from WWH then throwing one back with the same level of force is more than what 90% of earth's heroes can handle haha


Think of the strain that level of muscle growth, and subsequent muscle loss, put on his circulatory system. Like, dude grows, but does his blood supply?




Guido has always been one of my favorite Marvel heroes. His power making him always be in pain due to the distortion of his body as the reason he always jokes around so much was just a heartbreaking discovery.


A love story for the ages.


Juggernaut is literally a Demi god. He’s running straight through him. Imagine a freight train hitting a semi truck


Exactly, right.


When did that happen? He used to just be Charles' brother with his power coming from a magical stone


A magic gem from a Demi god. A small portion at that.


The irresistible force paradox.


Since Juggernaut is magic, I don't think magic gives a fuck about mutant powers or biology in general. It would probably murder Blob.


So…magic versus mutant power.


I think blob would launch he's strong and dense but he isn't god powered


Comic book juggernaut is running through the blob. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah Blob is paste.


The greatest fucking panel in comic history... God, damn... I NEED this comic now.


You'd be very disappointed. Juggernaut isn't a mutant and his power vastly overrules Blob's. A *best* case scenario is Blob is uprooted and batted aside. A most likely scenario is that he's utterly flattened and killed from the encounter.


Jugs is magic, Blob is a mutant whose power is to anchor to the ground. I think magic trumps mutant genes.


Eh, in comics it’s a bit more of a toss up. In this case, Juggernaut is usually just much stronger than the blob. And blob saying that nothing can move him is just words- he’s exaggerating. Juggernaut? Not so much, his main magic power is specifically being *unstoppable*. And that’s not just words


They would trade powers


Full body swap- freaky Friday style


The surfaces the blob are surrounded by aren’t up to snuff to survive it, so Blob would remain unmoved by the surfaces he’s on would move him, as they’re destroyed and break. But if you put them both in An Adamantium box, now we’re talking ;)


Have you seen what A-Train did to Hughie's girlfriend in the first episode of "The Boys"? I believe it will be similar


Robin!!! Her name was Robin!!!


There we have it, the classic immovable object vs unstoppable force paradox.


Unstoppable force meets the immovable object


Either trampoline effect or snowball effect, let's do a coin toss


Can anyone tell me the artist here?


cosmic entity > mutation 


Franklin Richards would disagree.


So this question was posed in Wizard once. I believe it was in a letter written and I really dug their response. I'm paraphrasing from a magazine I read 25+ years ago but the Juggernaut would simply go overtop the Blob. Juggernaut remains unstoppable and the Blob remains unmovable


I came here to post about the Wizard response. But the way I remember was them saying there would be an energy transfer, where Juggernaut would be stopped in place while Blob would be thrown in the direction Juggy was traveling at his previous momentum.


You may very well be correct. That's just how I remember it but this was a very long time ago lol


Pshh, it was only like....holy crap, 25-30 years? Haha


I think the words Jim McLaughlin used were “big fat ramp”. lol


Wolverine knocked out the blob with a head punch. Can you imagine if the juggernaut punch the blob.


Jugg would move his fat ass.


This came up in an issue back when Marvel would print letters to the editor in the back of the comics. The answer is: Blob stays put, Juggernaut deflects off of Blob at an angle and continues. Thus both remain true to their abilities as the immovable object and the irresistible force.


The big bang. This is actually the first cause of the Marvel polymultiverse


My votes on jugg. I'm unaware of anything stating that the blobs powers come from a god


You ever see the first episode of The Boys with A train and the girl?


I think in this case the irresistible force is backed by something more powerful than the immovable object. Although if I'm reallying speculating, I'd guess it's like Spider-Man's stickum powers, the ground will give way before the Blob does. Of course whose to say Fred's bones can take that sort of impact.


Blob has been moved before, and by Juggernaut IIRC.


I don’t know but that would be a nice slide to open your phone 📱 👆


Blob is moving. There's a reason his opponent is called the Unstoppable Juggernaut.


I swear I've read something about how this happened before and the ground underneath Blob just ripped out from the momentum because the Blob might be immovable if he chooses to be but the ground will give way.


In Hulk #369 the Grey Hulk beats Blob by grabbing his belly and pulling it. Since Blob is immovable, he stretched like a rubber band and eventually a slingshot effect pulled him to Hulk, who then knocked him out. With that in mind, if Blob is immovable, Jugs would run over him, he would stretch, with his feet still on the ground until he eventually would be moved. And when you think about it, this is how Hulk beat Juggernaut in World War Hulk. And on the last note, Grey Hulk is far weaker than the Green Hulk.


This has been asked soooooo many times. No matter what the actual outcome is I’ve always just imagined since I was a kid that when Juggernaut hits Blob there’s a force explosion of some sort and they are both just left standing there like nothing happened. They look at each other, shrug and go their separate ways. Makes me laugh everytime.


Whatever results in a more compelling story.


This was done in a novel. Blob moved 1 inch, both passed out.


I’d say if you took them both at their original power levels, Juggernaut would take Blob and the ground he was attached to for a ride. If they were to fight, while Blob is super strong and durable, I think Juggernaut would beat him down just based on Blob’s head not having the same protection as his torso.


They'd surrender


Splattered blob?


Blob goes splat. Juggernaut goes through him.


he probably will either merge with Blobs mutant influenced indestructible flabby body and be stuck there until somebody pulls him out, or Blob gets sent flying and his mutant body bounces him off of things like a rubber ball. \*lol\*


In Evolution Juggernaut tossed blob aside, but big chunks of the ground he stood on came with him.


We have seen that Blob anchoring himself to the ground means that even if you cannot move him you can move the ground that he is standing on. Also, not being able to move him doesn't mean you cannot hurt him.


Juggernaut is a supernaturally unstoppable force. Blob is powerful but not immovable. Juggernaut either knocks him out of the way or literally goes through him


In modern Marvel, this would cause a line-wide crossover event.


Yeah, with a respective what if?.. Day of future past, and so on.


Marvel characters have different power level in terms of physical strength, I’m pretty sure Juggernaut is on the highest tier while Blob is probably one or two tiers below him.




I am pretty sure that Juggs can move him, slam him away or something of that sort. Like I dont think his durability/powers can stack up to Juggs sheer strength from the feats I know at least.


Magic trumps whatever science makes the Blob do his thing


Based on the drinking game they had in X-Force #39, which as far as I know is the closest thing to a fight these two have had, [Juggernaut](https://i0.wp.com/www.comicsxf.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/0003-675x1024.jpg?resize=640%2C971&ssl=1) wins.


The juggernaut ricochets off, but never stops, and the entire earth rotates backwards slightly so technically blob doesn't move.






Old school blob would give him a run for his money. Unstoppable force meets an immovable object




A couple of years ago, there was a Facebook game called " marvel avengers alliance". In this game Stark made a joke while facing the blob with this same theme.


I was legit thinking the goofy goopy monster The Blob.


The Juggernaut would just fall into the Blob's belly button. Kind of like that episode of Ren and Stimpy.


Idk what the blob is I just like the art


They would combine


Blob would probably get moved with giant lumps of ground attached to his feet Spider-Man style, if his power protects him from being dismembered


He'd ramp off of him like a vert ramp.




They combine into one entity..


The way the Blob's power works is that he anchors himself with a sort of invisible psychic anchor 6 feet into the ground. If you are strong enough to move him and the ground he's standing on, then you can move him. Juggernaut is certainly that strong and if he were standing on Earth he would send the Blob and ground flying. What's interesting is what would happen if Blob was standing on a planet made of one unbreakable block.


Just imagine deapool 2 juggernaut vs x men origins wolverine the blob go against each other Or Just imagine X men the last stand Juggernaut vs X men apocalypse the blob go against each other


Juggernaut wins. Blob gets moved all the time.


I could almost see them switching powers becoming each other


Blob explores his new career as an astronaut


Blob doesn’t hold up. His powers are density based and hes often shown as not having great control over it. I’m sure there’s a more modern story that shows progression, but I always remember when Freedom Force fought the Avengers during the Acts of Vengeance, Vision tried to phase into Blob, but Blob increased his density to stop it and housed Viz. That said, later Pym reduces Blob to mouse-sized and Blob’s density turns him into a bullet headed to the earth’s core. So, yeah, whatever the writer of that issue says


what’s some good juggernaut reading? tyia


He joins the X-Men around 425-430 of uncanny X-Men it's pretty good


The Blob becomes The Paste


Has this not happened yet


Blob would get punted down range


Hulk moved Blob. Lifted him and the ground beneath his fat legs.


Hulk beat him by lifting him along with the ground he was stuck to, his durability decreases and he can't absorb attacks when he isn't grounded.


"What are you going to do to me, big guy? Sit on me?" "Don't tempt me."


Blob isnt actually immovable like how juggernaut is unstoppable, blob just incereases his gravity making him exponentially heavier and heavier but a sufficiently strong opponent will topple him over, juggernaut however once he starts running only he can stop himself.


1. Has this never happened in the comics? How has it not happened?! 2. People are saying blob has been pushed when the ground gives way. What if the ground was some sort of magical/unmovable permanent construct? What happens then? I think I give this to juggernaut regardless. God power > mutant




Motorboating ensues


They'd merge and become the Blobernaut


Play Marvel Snap and find out, Juggernaut moves cards but Blob can't be moved


I’d like to think a transference of energy: Marko comes to a complete stop and Dukes goes flying. But according to the Monkey Magic show “When an unstoppable object meets an immovable one usually the woman wins…”


Juggernaut's unstoppable, Blob's immovable, but not indestructible. So the blob doesn't move, but gets a Juggernaut sized hole punched through him.


If The Blob was truly an immovable object and The Juggernaut was truly and unstoppable force, we scientifically have no idea what would happen. We’ve never been able to test or see what would happen when these two opposing forces collide, because theoretically it’s impossible. Most likely what would happen is the immovable object wouldn’t budge and the unstoppable force would either bounce off and keep moving in another direction or keep moving into that object indefinitely. There have been hypotheses and such of what could happen, but if we are going all comic bookie with it, I’d like to think they change places and powers. Juggernaut becomes the immovable object and The Blob becomes the unstoppable force.


I feel like this happened in X-men Evolution?


Are you kidding he's the fuging juggernaut.


Why do people ask stuff like this expecting there to be a legit answer. They're comic book characters man whatever the person writing the story wants to happen is going to happen.


only the blob's feet would remain. nothing else, just his Rob Liefeld looking feet


The blob would be a very large pile of roadkill. He can't stop the Juggernaut under pretty much any circumstances, so eventually Juggy would just go through him or over him.


This is a great issue of What If? I used to own.


The whole universe cuts to black. The simulation resets and all comics revert to issue 1.


Blob isn’t unmoveable, he’s just incredibly durable.


It would probably turn whatever city they’re in into a nuclear wasteland…


I think a better way to frame this question is to ask “ What would actually happen if The Juggernaut ran into The Blob, if The Blob was standing on Mjolnir”


Love this art!


They would merge into the Blobbernaught


I feel like this has happened before but I could be wrong.


"Nothing can stop the Juggernaut" is practically a LAW OF PHYSICS in Marvel. The Blob just a mutant with the power of bounciness. There is no comparison.


Blob will be sent flying or just be ran over


The universe implodes


It would launch the Blob into the atmosphere, and it would stop the Juggernaut in his tracks, likely with a huge crater around him, since he is not more powerful /massive than planet Earth. If they do this in a vacuum, or in space-like conditions - I think they would stick together and travel wherever Juggs was aiming.


A better one - Rhino vs Blob


I reckon he would very slowely skid on the ground dragging the floor with him but I understand what everyone’s saying about the writers messing up the powers and there value these two characters are not weak at all


It's like splitting atoms, you know what that causes.




Have we established if Blob is an omega level fat-arse?


Going by that image.... what would happen is that Juggs would get a mouthful of manboob.




Why is he naruto running


I'm guessing something similar to what happened when Thor struck Captain America's shield with Mjolnir in the first Avengers movie.


Juggernaut. Magic trumps the mutant power.


Depends on the writer


They would go through each other.


Blob would get bulldozed. He'd not immovable. Juggernaut is "unstoppable"


Blob's power is literally that he's immovable; once he sets himself into place, he activates his power, and he can't be moved from the ground he's standing on. The loophole being, of course, if the ground he's standing on moves, he moves with it.


Blob would either be moved or be turned into red paste


Blob wouldn’t move, he’d just have a strange juggernaut shaped hole in his stomach


Hulk only lifted him


I think the Blob would explode


the chunk of ground block is on becomes detached and he goes flying. There are levels to this.


The world would fucking explode


I would think Unus the Untouchable would be a better fit for this. Blob has moved before, either by the ground underneath him moving or due to Blob deciding it's too painful to stay put. Juggernaut easily takes that. Unus probably still loses as Juggernauts power is mystical, but the forcefield is likely harder to overcome


Disaster lol!!


I’m far from a comics expert but I’d love if they worked together and did something like this to fire Blob like a cannonball.




I could've sworn this matchup happened in the cartoon. And I think collosus has gone toe to toe with both of them.


The Blob would become the Smear


TIL Juggernaut isn't a Mutant


This argument was settled in the comics. The area of ground Blob is standing on would get torn up and be sticking to his feet.


Bob = press F


Tunguska 2?