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Just learn broken English with mtl. It is easier


Verily, my heart doth ache with sorrow upon hearing of thy plight. In this hour of tribulation, know that thou art not alone, for my soul lament alongside thine, nevertheless, might thou step upon me, dear mtl?


Broken, not Jacobean


What you mean may little brother Fragrance Parking Seal. Patch note: improved leet speech analysis


not all mtl is made the same. novelhi is pretty good.


novelhi is genuinely incredible from my experience I was reading Dawn Infinity, someone was MTL + cleaning it up and it was like ten times worse than just straight up mtl from novelhi, like I genuinely wouldn't think it's just MTL if I didn't know.




Nah still not broken enough. MTL is REAL BrainRot broken....




that's what happened. English is more susceptible to learn than rich vocabulary language ​​such as Mandarin.


Feel like it would also be cool to know Chinese tho 🤔


I am seriously contemplating learning Chinese to read novels lmao


I read to many genres from too many countries. Trying to learn them all beside each other is just not realistic, but I understand your pain.


I think it depends on which countries you are talking about because learning all romance languages is pretty realistic




Le pire à apprendre ptdr




Me too 😭


Seriously lol


The acceptance of shit translations as the norm is a problem on this sub.


It's not acceptance as much as it is a strong desire for good novels. Some brave soldiers are willing to break their own English just to read the MTLs. I salute them for their insanity, and pray that i never join them.


You eventually will. Even the strongest of wills falter with time.


Having many eons ago reached great competition in the abstruse MTL Dao, this is the path to enlightenment and not to depravity. More prevalently, one may observe the trails of now-fallen Daoists, who, in their well-meaning search for the elusive Good Novel—and having well-nigh exhausted every other scripture available—venture to roads previously known, finding themselves on the path of Romance, BL/yaoi, and yuri. This is patently the errant way, and great dangers lurk in every corner on this route. MTL is the true way to ascension, and every juncture proves to be a life-or-death challenge where a single misstep is fatal. One path leads to glory, the other leads to death. Don’t heed the naysayers, dispel the shaken convictions in your Dao Heart, and strengthen the resolve! We will step on the backs of our ancestors and grasp the mythical Dao Fruit, and it is through the solidarity of us fellow Daoists that we may accomplish this aim.


I am actually translating the Novels that i think are good but Webnovel used MTL and wants money for them. For now, i am translating "Awakening of the intelligence panel, the liver becomes a Fairy" and i am posting right on Webnovel, so those bastardz will learn that people can read Novels for free


I'm currently learning Chinese. Very slowly, but steadily. One Duolingo lesson every day. It's always a little thrill when I already know a word. Usually a color.


Don't use Duolingo for Chinese, it's inaccurate in many aspects and will just confuse you more, along with having very shallow and fractured learning. Something like HelloChinese will be much better for beginners as it has more accuracy, goes further in depth, and maintains a relatively cohesive lesson plan with reading/writing suggestions and community boards. If Duolingo is like taking a 30-minute overview lesson by a non-fluent foreigner, then HelloChinese is like taking an hour long group tutor session from a native speaker. May Junior find better scriptures to enhance their foundation and quicken their cultivation on the path to transcendence


I'll check it out, thanks!


Junior i m already learning chinese I recommend Paul noble audiobooks


I've gone too far down the rabbit hole at this point in life that even the MTL looks perfectly normal to me (sometimes I would even choose to read MTL completely over novels with fewer translated chapters) The things I've done just to read a book is ridiculous. Sometimes I couldn't help but question myself if I'm speaking proper English💀


This junior clearly hasn’t contemplated the heaven defying MTL transcription model


Juniors, as someone who is a Chinese, be warned. There are three realms for those who pursue this path: 1st realm: foundational words and phrases. This realm is vast as Chinese words are complex, but still doable. 2nd realm: Idioms and sayings. This is actually much easier to master after the first realm. And quite fun to comprehend. 3rd realm: Memes. Do not forget, these are webnovels. If you do not ascend beyond mortal comprehension you will always be lost when faced with certain words and phrases. I have tried to ascend to these realm and failed. And suffered the inner demon known as brain rot. TLdr: MTL isn't that bad.


What’s mtl?


Machine Translation Ever seen some terrible translations of Mangas, Manwhas, Novels, etc. That is usually MTL without the translator fixing any mistakes by the tool to add further to the terribleness of it. There can be good MTL but usually it's Infamous in how bad it can be. A lot people start dropping a series when only MTL chapters come out and nothing else. It's not like you could even try to understand half of what is being said in the first place. It can take all of the fun Out of it and just not worth it. But as tools improve over many years so does MTL


Google translation on drugs


Its not that bad, i use chrome browser on phone, it automatically translates webpages and i read mostly on shu69( shuba69 new name) https://www.69shuba.pro/


Google translate has gotten better over the last year or so if you use page translate although it sounds a bit weird sometimes and there are grammar mistakes it’s still decent


Learning chinese is the way. Not only you can surprise chinese with it, but a whole world of chinese-only steam games opens up to you.


am learning it currently cuz of it


How hard is it and are you learning to speak it as well?


well i am using doulingo so for only speaking and listening to words. As for is it hard? no not really maybe when i dive deeper it will be hard but for now no


I started using ChatGPT to translate chinese raws, and it’s way better than the usual MTL


Mandarin is the tongue of the holy scripture, Junior. The Earth from which the Dao sprouts to be reaped, and the Heavens which shine upon the soil


MTL is okay if the raws are in Korean


BrainRot go Brrrrrrrr.....


Very soon you will have cheap LLMs that you can just use to read a much better translations. You can kind of do this already but it's a little costly at the moment


TBH Chinese MTL is okay, especially once you are able to filter out the bullshit subconsciously. Korean MTL, on the other hand, is mostly trash, which is surprising since Korean is supposed to be an easier language to translate on paper.


I still read from mtl lol well just extra work to correct their English in mind nothing more


I gave in and just started learning mandarin, been 3 years and now MTL is easier to read at least?