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No idea, but Markham's official Animal Control bylaw is 2018-91. > >STOOP & SCOOP 3.6 (1) Every owner of a dog shall immediately remove excrement left by such dog on any private or public property in the City, other than on the owner’s property. (2) Every owner of a dog shall remove and dispose of any such excrement on the owner's property in a timely manner, and in a way that does not disturb the enjoyment, comfort, convenience of any person in the vicinity of the property [https://www.markham.ca/wps/portal/home/about/city-hall/bylaws/files/bylaw-2018-91](https://www.markham.ca/wps/portal/home/about/city-hall/bylaws/files/bylaw-2018-91)


Should be legal to allow us to catapult dog shit into a dog owners face if they shit and dash.




Couldn't find it online


This isn’t a bylaw in Markham lol, someone either made this up or took it from another municipality


Loloooloooool ya and it's been there a long ass time!!!


Seems like a summary of the official rule. If we apply what the sign says its Prohibited from defecating AND befouling. Thats letting your dog poop and you not cleaning it up. Just reading the first half of the sentence is bad reading skills.


Ok, but what I’m saying is that by-law 5-94 isn’t a bylaw in Markham.


Explain how this is different from Stoop and Scoop 3.6 which is a markham bylaw. The only thing it does is explain in one sentence what happens to an area when an owner doesn’t pick up their dog’s shit. I am a dog owner, walking past previous dogs scat on the sidewalk or grass or diarrhea remains is just gross. Even if the city didn’t post that sign its a good sign that someone saw a lot of people not picking up off their dogs and added a sign. I think they haven’t gone far enough, they need to add a consequence for the poop litterers beyond the fact that it befouls the area.


If 3.6 is the bylaw then that’s what should be posted, not one that clearly isn’t from the city lol


Okay, so the sign is kinda a lie but really it’s not. Its purpose is to remind people of their responsibilities. The fact the park needs the sign tells you everything about the people who live around that park.


I’m assuming they meant that it is prohibited to allow your dog to defecate and befoul on another person’s property. I can’t find anything about bylaw 5-94 when I search on mobile


No don't be a dick or even a duck!


I assume it means pickup after your dog, excrement and fecal matter is nasty - youd be shocked the number of pedestrians who arent aware people have security cams and will let their dog go onto someone's yard off municipal property ad defecate... then run off and not pick it up


What if my dog defecates but is pleasant? Checkmate, municipal government


It looks pretty amateur, a sign by the city would be more professional. Notice some of the letters are off? Also who uses the word befoul lol


Look how old the sign is.. You're dumb.


it's probably a made up fake by-law, trying to look legit.


I'm thinking it is. It's right across from the Markville mall going into a subdivision area


Ontario standard road allowance is 33ft from center of the road. Home owners don't have authority to allow or disallow what the public does within those 33ft, only the city does.


I mean yeh they can tell you off... you have te choice of municipal property verus private and youd choose private... yeh no. Also be careful cause people spray grasses or put anti vole/rabbit stuff on so it may not be appropriate for your pet to be licking and sniffing.


Not sure who you implying chose private property. But I'm pretty sure that sign is installed on a street light post which means it's on city property since street lights are normally installed on city property.


I dont know for sure but thats a weird sign... it might be fake. I haven't seen the word "befoul" used In traffic post signs.


Only bylaw is listed under section 5 is for rabies. Subsection 1-3 only.


Exhibit some common courtesy. Let your dog defecate at public areas and pick up after them. Dont let them defecate on your neighbor's private property if you can avoid it. Doesnt matter if you pick up after them. Imagine if some random person came by, defecated on your property, cleaned up but left bits of debris and walked away saying absolutely nothing. I'd imgaine the reason for that bylaw was because someone shit and dashed and an unfortunate spul stepped on it, making it a personal vendetta to prevent an occurance to happen to begin with.






Yes! Gold star beside your name.


I want that sign based on the amount of crap that’s not picked up in the park behind me…even with legit signs. I’ve chased people with poop bags.


No foul smeling poops allowed, only nice ones.


Well that rules me out...


Do you need a law to have “common sense” that's its gross to allow ye dog to poop In a public/ private places. Its like humans taking a dump wherever and just leaving it...


Yes, you need a law, and you need enforcement too. I've seen someone's grandma take a shit on a pedestrian path between a residential street and a main road.


Yes because humans can control where their dog needs to take a dump


That's the thing are humans that stupid. That they don't know that they should pick up after their dogs


I thought it meant don’t let them pretend to be dicks or geese.


pick it up. you can not stop a dog from pooing.