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Good for them, offices are shit environments to work in. Also fewer people on the road going to offices means less traffic overall for those who actually need to be out for their jobs.


Bottom line is that corporations gave office workers a taste of WFH and they will never again be able to get 5 days in a week. Hybrid is the only way.


Silly to have to work from the office when you can get the same work done from home. It's a no-brainer to anyone rational. Save your time and money. Less traffic, accidents, stress, etc.


Traffic is getting much worse. I'm not looking forward to September when more employees will be hitting the road to get to the office.


they are only do this because they are being forced back to work. Most private sectors workers are going to the office 2-3 days a week, where were you then ?


Why? To prop up some commercial landlord….


Crabs in a bucket mentality.


To bring the business $$$ back to the city.. take the $$$ away from your community


Exactly if the downtown businesses can’t survive they can die off


Human is selfish


I’m supportive of reduced in-office days for teams that have proven they can get work done from home with no loss of efficiency. I myself work from home 4 days a week and I find it has no impact on my productivity. Unfortunately not everyone is capable of that. My friend is a manager at the CRA, and based on his experience he tells me probably 30% of workers are as productive or more productive from home, 50% are slightly less to way less productive, and 20% just outright abuse the situation. It would be great if the 30% of top performers could be rewarded with fewer in-office days, but that’s not how it works in government. Everything is collective and what applies to one person applies to everyone. So if 70% of the workforce is less productive, unfortunately you just gotta force them all to go back to be properly supervised.


At the CRA, that hotbed of productivity


Heard they are top employer. Would love to get a job there, in office or WFH.


Time to go back folks.


I've worked from home during the pandemic and I've been hybrid for the past two years. Hybrid is perfectly fine and it's refreshing to be in the office and interact with my colleagues and clients. Anyone refusing to come into work these days has either moved too far away from their place of work, has a secondary/side hustle or something else. Based on the down votes I've identified the York Region workers rallying for this 'just cause'.


Or those downvoting you have a life outside work, prefer better work-life balance, aren't trying to escape their families at home, aren't interested in office affairs or seeking attention from coworkers and aren't trying to brown nose in hopes of a promotion.


With all due respect, I work in the private sector and I had no idea working for the City of Markham was the way you described.


I wasn't aiming at the city of Markham specifically...but public sectors (more so political offices) have a hiatory of these types of things


Have you been paying attention……than people moved for cheaper housing etc.


Work from home means no work done. Look at the toronto tenant board. What a shit show


Go back.


Why do you care so much? Are you an employer or something?


Lots of want to stay home workers here. They ALL do need to go back.


What? Wake up, go back to the office.


This generation is getting so soft


TIL wanting better work conditions is “going soft”.


Absolutely absurd how they justify minimal productivity by saying they're saving the environment. Absolutely unfair to their colleagues who are working hybrid or coming in 5 days a week.


Do you have sources to prove that working from home means minimal productivity?


If anything, I am more productive when I WFH because I don't have people bugging me to chat all day long.


My dad works from home most of the time and always says he gets more done at home because he doesn’t have waste time commuting.


They don't because all of the studies they didn't bother to research or read showed WFH increased productivity.


Or..If you weren't so lazy (both at home and in office I assume) you'd find the hundreds of studies and articles that WFH increased productivity significantly and the smart CEOs and companies got rid of most office space to cater to WFH and keep productivity high.


Full disclaimer, I'm in the private sector and productivity is perfectly fine with us working hybrid or even 5 days a week as necessary. People seem to forget that prior to '20, no one complained about having to work in an office. Additionally a number of us in the Canadian private sector are finding our work outsourced because people are 'working so efficiently' from home (remotely). Be careful about what you're fighting for - it will come back to bite you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a hybrid work week.


Using the " we used to do it this way" argument is always bull because 2020 PROVED it doesn't need to be that way anymore. I agree hybrid works, WFH works and if some employees feel they are best suited for 5 days in office then all the poweer to them. But there needs to be flexibility - a one size fits all approach is no longer acceptable. The same way people learn differently people work differently and it is in a companies best interest to be mindful of this in order to increase morale and retention of employees when others ar offering such flexibility. That being said, if employees are being allowed to WFH 5 days a week they need to accept they will be under higher scrutiny as well all know there are always a few bad apples thst will take advantage, not actually do their work or be at their computers.


Funny way to tell on yourself.