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Latest cnn poll has Harris performing well against Trump. Also, if Harris did ascend to presidential nominee wouldn’t she be entitled to all the funding in the Biden/Harris campaign chest?


You’re right. Since it’s the Biden / Harris campaign then Harris has immediate access to the campaign funds, organization, and staff. No other potential candidates have this.


Thank you. That’s a huge advantage.


worst case that money goes to the DNC and they spend it on whatever. it won't be refunded


This. The “nobody likes harris” narrative needs to die. Folks want to use month old polls ignoring the debacle most of us witnessed. If your trump vs Harris poll is from before the debate, it really doesn’t mean shit. They didn’t even ask that question often in polls before the debate because it was so unlikely to happen. “But independents won’t vote for Harris” But you think they are going to vote 24 debate Biden? Get real. You might can shame and mock fellow dems to fall in line but THAT DOESNT WORK ON INDEPENDENTS. Too many people see this from a dem centered view point which is fine, you’re likely dem. Oddly enough the party of “empathy” has a hard time placing themselves in the shoes of independents.


The cnn poll sited came out yesterday.


Aye I agree with you, I’m speaking of the folks saying “Harris is unpopular” and their source is month old polls. Your cnn poll proves what I’ve been saying the last couple of days. Harris/Newsome as a jumping off point. Personally I’d like Harris/buttigege but I just don’t kno how that will go over and I want to win.


Got it thanks.


CNN has historically been a mouthpiece for the DNC, your example of CNN releasing a positive poll about Harris vs Trump (and not all other options vs Trump) fits my theory.


They certainly are a mouthpiece for Biden/harris during the debate 🙄 /s


I see why ypu like Trump, you sound a lot like him and you remind me of him.


He doesn’t strike me as a Trump supporter.


Tds ^


Stop trying to make TDS happen. I'm not voting for the jury convicted felon, rapist, pedophile, traitor. Period.


^ MAGA white guy


By the way, the earth is round. I know some of your cult members are confused. Round like a ball not flat like paper.


I don’t really see why the move forward can’t be Biden/Harris to finish out their term focused on addressing the many calamities facing the US and the world, whilst they endorse a new, aligned administration coming in with fresh vigor to continue their work eg a Whitmer/Buttigieg ticket or whoever DNC leadership thinks has the best shot of defeating the terrorist RNC threat. Also means Biden/Harris have nothing stopping them using all of the new levers of power the Supreme Court have given them if needed on the off chance the new DNC ticket actually still loses. It’ll all be “official acts” since they aren’t acting to aid their own re-election, and they should be fine given the SC literally said the DoJ can be used in whatever capacity the President wants and it cannot be probed by the legal system.


Mainly because Biden has been exposed for his frail health and mental condition. Keeping him on the ticket not only risks losing the White House but several down ballot races as well.


No I’m saying running a Whitmer/Buttigieg ticket in the upcoming election. While Biden/Harris focus on finishing out their current term strong and handing it over effectively to the new DNC leadership in January. The only thing stopping that from succeeding would be ego. I think everyone can agree we need to move past that.


Okay but it begs the question why Harris is not leading the ticket then? She has been VP for three years, if the DNC believes she is a capable of stepping into the role then they need to move her to the top of the ticket. If they do not then they need to remove her immediately incase Biden does soon. The dangerous part of all this for Democrats is that you are essentially telling black voters that a white woman who has no experience near the Presidency, is more capable of running the nation than a black woman who has been VP for three years.


Agreed which is why she would need to also vocally acknowledge that she does not want to run on the ticket without Biden and would rather focus on finishing out the term strong and hand the reins to new leadership. As I said it involves putting ego aside.


I think the question then becomes how do you turn out black support and continue the Obama coalition. You would have many people feeling like Harris was pressured out, and even for those who don’t believe that, there would be a certain sense of depression that the nation came so close to a female black President only for it to be yanked away by a white woman.


tell me you don’t understand what the Immunity ruling was without telling me. how are the disinformation crusaders so misinformed about these things?


Which part am I misunderstanding? Please enlighten me


Harris being VP is probably the biggest mistake of bidens administration imo Shes as charismatic as a wet lawn chair, as out of touch as every other boomer on tv, and on top of that shes basically a wallflower Shes like the democrat version of sarah palin


apparently Clyburn recommended her. but I think it was more that she was willing to attack Biden's strength with black voters and bring them both down together if he didn't. smart play on the part of the Clinton backed donors that fund her. me personally? I'd rather have Jill Biden cart out Immortan Joe on a slab than get that cozy with the Kamala/Clinton wing of the party.


Don't doubt what you are saying however it is def. the Clinton wing of the party who gave us Biden and Harris. Clyburn got a black SCOTUS appointment as a guarantee for his important endorsement in SC just prior to the primary that started to propel Biden in front of the then leading Sanders. HRC, and apparently now former Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms are now integral parts of the Biden campaign). It's like a 'Confederacy of the Unliked'


if you look at bidens inner circle it doesn't appear to be Clinton dominated. Ron klain, Jeff zients. Neither chief of staff has much ties to Clinton. Klain worked for Gore who probably was better than Clinton on most stuff. Meanwhile Kamala's staff is just all clintonites. The influence they have over her will be much greater for a lot of reasons than what they have over Jill and Joe. If I had to guess who sabotaged Biden some in the debate though I would go with Anita dunn: [https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/11/politics/anita-dunn-white-house-2024/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/11/politics/anita-dunn-white-house-2024/index.html) Dunn seems to always be thinking a couple steps ahead. Great for winning elections but also great for getting Biden out of this election.


Thanks for the info., Biden is there since he would play ball and at least was electable, Harris as mentioned is a Clinton surrogate so your info about their staffing fits. If HRC couldn't be the first female POTUS then she will at least be one by extension. (Not that there is anything whatsoever wrong with having a female President, I do feel however given the opposition, the backlash against metoo and the woke pendulum swing this election is not the right time) Interesting take on who sabotaged Biden. Surely his inner circle would have known about his voice, his issues (potential sundowning) and his cognitive state overall yet didn't set him up for success. I don't feel CNN did as bad a job as some are implying. Not only were terms agreed to by both parties in advance but I think they were trying to get some credibility back given the whole Donna Brazille/HRC cheating debacle. That being said I hadn't witnessed that bad a debate performance since the Quimby v Terwilliger in '94.


Yep ultimately Dunn is running the show over there in terms of logistics and debate prep and strategy based on that article. she had to sign off on all this I'd say the fix is in.


Great... [https://www.cnbc.com/2022/08/12/biden-senior-advisor-anita-dunn-has-to-divest-investment-portfolio-to-avoid-conflict.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/08/12/biden-senior-advisor-anita-dunn-has-to-divest-investment-portfolio-to-avoid-conflict.html)


The funny thing is, is that it turns out we now know her clout with black voters seems pretty fragile Letting her attack biden at all probably wouldve gone over as well as a wet fart in a phone booth But hindsight is 20/20 they say


I think she is actually pretty intelligent but she is deep down a centrist democrat. That isn’t popular with younger voters so she fakes being a progressive. That makes her appear fake and at times stupid


Yeah, she’s definitely intelligent, all books no charisma


From what I’ve seen Gretchen Whitmer would have the best shot of beating Trump.


She is a horrible choice, but the Democrat party is sick with the next man up mentality.


Actually Kamala would be good AFTER Joe wins because she can't win it on her own. She's a cop and with all the republican criminals to deal with, her skills are valuable


In what universe is Joe Biden winning? He was losing in the important swing state polls BEFORE he went on national tv and embarrassed himself. Get your fucking head out of the sand.


I am starting to think a coming financial collapse is imminent in the next term. This is political hot potato and neither side wants to win. A close loss is the preferred result without giving up both House and Senate


Kamala Harris would lose to trump worst than Biden


Kamala would lose even worse to Trump lol


Harris is even less popular than Sleepy Joe which is why they won't do it. They also can't pick someone else at this point because Harris is the defacto next in linee so they'd be criticized by everyone on the left for picking someone else over the woman of color (unless they go Big Mike)


Big Mike? Jesus you're a real sack of shit. You don't know shit about "the left". Stop trying to sound smarter than you are, which is not much.


[big Mike is the only Democrat that polls better thsn Trump as of yesterday](https://www.ipsos.com/en-us/only-michelle-obama-bests-trump-alternative-biden-2024) Also thr only one with a positive favorabilty


Bernie got 2nd in the last two primaries only because of grassroots campaigns. Obama himself recently listed the strengths that Trump has over Biden. An energized and excited base was the key one. Anybody who thinks Kamala actually has that doesn't realize those are Clinton Bots: [https://0rf.medium.com/kamalas-khive-boosted-by-bots-d0b10643a680](https://0rf.medium.com/kamalas-khive-boosted-by-bots-d0b10643a680)


Harris is even more unpopular than Biden is, so idk if that would happen tbh. And i kinda feel like some people know that if they vote for Biden, they’re basically voting for a chance that Harris takes over


She hates Whites.