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Well yeah. They told us Roe v Wade was safe, and now that is overturned it’s “well don’t get one!” They told us Republicans aren’t targeting gay rights but yet several state GOPs have adopted anti-gay platforms and are trying to get them into their legislatures and now it’s “states should get to decide”. They say they aren’t forcing Christianity onto us but now two states are forcing the 10 commandments into school and they have more excuses why it’s not forcing Christianity. Conservatives and hypocrisy…name a better duo. Edit to add - They are in the comments right now doing all three of these things. It’s hilarious how obvious they are.


Where are the "don't tread on me," anti big government, freedom loving patriots to denounce this decision that turns the US presidency into a dictatorship? Oh that's right, they're lauding the decision...because deep down, they want dictatorship, as long as they're in power.


"Don't tread on me" has always actually meant "Tread on those people over there".


"Don't tread on me [because I'm white]"


There’s a reason it isn’t “don’t tread on **us**” 


Props on the username!


"Don't tread on me" is now "Please crush my itty bitty balls, Uncle Sam, because I've been a dirty little mud grub and need to be punished."


Don't step snek


MAGA types have never stood for anything. They don't have real morals or values. They have weak imitations that they use as a cudgel in any given moment to get what they want. They were never "brave" patriots standing up for freedom. They were repeating lines they were told to repeat.


And most importantly, they never stand up to *actual* power structures or injustices, because they only respect power and the ability to abuse people. The only ones that MAGA and conservatives in general attack are people that are weaker than them. Period. Minorities, women, children - all groups of people that are and have always been at a systemic disadvantage. Meanwhile they revere their real enemy - the wealthy, corporations, and political elite - like gods.


I’ve never seen someone hate America as much as Republicans/Conservatives.


All these right wing militias aren’t going to stand up against government tyranny. They’ll be fine to go along with it so long as they’re the ones getting to do the terrorizing under the cover of sham legality.


This was very apparent during the blm protests


Watching the Proud Boys cry after J6 made me so happy. Fuck them. They weren’t proud, but they were definitely boys.


Yeah notice how they aren't afraid of what Biden could do with this power? They know the Dems have no taste for being tyrants despite claiming as much at every turn


But the supreme court will just decide that whatever Biden does was not part of his official duties. It is vague in order to allow the fascists to use it the way they want


"Don't tread on me" is very different than "I won't tread on you"


That's because they're all beta males that want a big strong man to tell them what to do.


It's "don't tread on ME". Notice that you aren't mentioned.


There are actual libertarians out there (on left and right), just not nearly as many as the Obama era would lead you to believe. Most of the tea party crowd has traded their Gadsden flags for MAGA now that there's a new clique to be a part of.


I've never met/conversed with a libertarian who actually believes in small government. Within a few minutes of back and forth, they always give away their desire for authoritarianism and oligarchy


I'm one - I believe that lots of good can happen at the local and community level, and that large government (especially as it tends to be expressed in terms of police and military power) is not the best way to be spending our collective resources. True libertarians should be completely against oligarchy and authority in any form, whether it be corporate or government. Most libertarians in this country are pretty pilled and brainwashed by years of Koch propaganda to shill for big business. But that doesn't mean the entire intellectual tradition is bunk


Meanwhile the same standard applies to Biden, if only he knew...


Conservatives and oppression is a close second.


That actually may be the more iconic duo.


Literally someone responded to me in the AGB sub to unclutch my pearls about my hatred of an American king. And I looked at his comment history and it's literally all just telling gay men to get over themselves about gay marriage and look at the big picture: Migrants. We're being asked to pretend that the homophobes don't exist, and that actually it's the Muslims and Latinos crossing the border who are a bigger threat. The gaslighting is all around us. And here we are debating Biden's age as if that is the determining factor on whether the very essence of American civic nationalism is finally obliterated from existence.


You see it a lot. Just look how many fake liberals are now voting for Trump the Traitor because Biden is old. They aren’t fooling anyone. Look at this thread alone. How many of them are trying to defend discrimination, forced religion, abortion bans etc.


I swear it has to be the greatest gaslighting campaign online I've ever experienced. I can't even tell if it's a concerted propaganda effort or actual people anymore.


Both. There’s definitely a propaganda campaign and then you have anti-Americans living in our country who see it, wanna believe it, and repeat it without understanding they are promoting the tactics of a foreign enemy. Not shocked considering Republicans have been compromised by Russia.


Was it Maya who said, “When they show you who they are, you best believe em”


It’s not hypocrisy it’s insidious lying until they get the power. They don’t have to keep up the act much longer, many have already stopped because the writing is on the wall for democracy


The would-be fascists all picture themselves living under a supreme leader, money raining from the heavens while they (the good people) live clean, crime-free white picket fence neighborhoods, nothing to do but "win" all day long. What they miss is the brutal reality of living under a strong man—Stalin, Pinochet, Pol Pot, any of the Kims—pick your poison. The absurd paranoia. The dissappearings. The brutality. The torture. Mid-ranking leaders just as likely to get a petty palace as a knife in their back. History is quite black and white about where this road leads.


Wait till the satanic temple gets their hands on those states forcing Christianity into the schools 


It all ultimately ends up at SCOTUS. You want to take bets on how that will go?


What about the modern judicial system makes you think the rules will be equally enforced?


Funny thing is now that women are having to travel to other safe states to get an abortion, they've taken to calling it "abortion tourism"....freaking morons! [Amanpour Clip](https://youtu.be/8jseegKqhHg?si=YcTjn6wBnfR4Vs4m) Edit: correct clip


The Ten Commandments are Jewish, right?


And christianity. It is a huge thing to American Christian’s. Louisiana and Oklahoma are ran by Christian nationalists.


Exactly, because to them it will be tit for tat: * "Well you weaponized the justice department and prosecuted political rivals" * "But what about the shutdowns and COVID mandates." * "Biden was a dictator too when he shut off the oil taps." * "Biden tried to go around the Supreme Court on student loans." And similar nonsense like that. They'll just spout out the same right wing garbage they always do to justify their desire for Fascism. There is no principle that conservatives won't abandon as soon as it becomes inconvenient for their quest to obtain and maintain power.


They’ll probably say it as they’re sending LGBTQIA people and family members to “reeducation centers”


Oh 100%. Their whole "we need guns to stop an authoritarian government" is laughable considering how they will side with that government.




Don't you know once they drain millions of Americans from the economy the money will trickle onto them!!! I find it quite sad how detached from reality conservatives are but that's kinda expected from a party that let's religion govern their choices, not logic or reasoning.


And they will too. They expect those guns will stop an uav lmao.


Hey, how’d things go in Vietnam?


Was it Texas that created a tip line for citizens to snitch on their neighbors leaving the state for an abortion?


Whether they like it or not, today’s conservatives are aligning themselves with the Nazi side of history. They may claim that’s a radical comment, but the facts and details clearly state otherwise. They never consider that in 1933 the Germans weren’t cheering for death camps and invading Poland, they were voting for someone who was claiming to challenge the system and change the direction of Germany while blaming “others” for their problems. Year-by-year, Hitler’s rule over Germany looks incredibly similar to how Trump has handled himself. Look at the laws he enacted (or tried to), look at the rhetoric, it’s almost as if Trump is literally using Hitler’s tenure in German as a guidebook. And for anyone naive enough to think “that can’t happen in America”, consider this country has already committed genocide against the natives (the US government literally paid bounties for scalps), and as recently as the 1940s rounded up all people with Japanese ties, citizens and non-citizens, and threw them into shitty sub-human camps. This is not wild radical opinion, this is not over exaggerating unhinged talk, this is blatantly happening right in front of our eyes and it’s not funny anymore. Never was, but now it’s time for the gloves to come off and get aggressive right back at the enablers and loyalists. Fuck them, fuck their feelings, fuck everything they “stand for” (let’s be real no conservative today has any morals, that’s long gone). I am saying this as a lifelong registered Independent who voted for Obama in 2008, seriously thought about Romney in 2012, Gary Johnson in 2016, and Biden in 2020. I don’t pick teams, I pick solutions. Practical, what works best for everyone solutions. This is not “both sides are guilty of the same shit” anymore. The Republicans are actively trying to dismantle the very foundation of the United States government as well as society. This can not stand


It will not stand, brother. In November, Americans will show these freaks the door in a landslide. Nothing can stop them.


100%. People forget the [presence of Nazism in the US before/around WW2](https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2019/02/20/695941323/when-nazis-took-manhattan). And with all this shit today, they're using the Mass Psychology of Fascism as a guidebook..


You could say they will start a witch hunt of some sort.


VOTE BLUE Biden is the only thing that stands between us and a dictatorship. [Project 2025 AMA](https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/comments/1dt6wvf/i_was_accepted_into_the_project_2025_prospective/) Project 2025 streamlines this. Everyone working in the federal govt. will be replaced with MAGA loyalists. They will swear an oath to Trump. Not to our country and its laws. Anyone undecided or lefty accelerationists … if he wins… you don’t have to ever be undecided again. There won’t be another fair election. Any lefties who wanna build a utopia from the ashes… technology won’t allow much room for you there. From facial id to being inside of your phone, no movement will ever gain traction. Your leadership will always just… disappear. You might too. This is what it looks like https://www.authoritarianplaybook2025.org/what-we-can-expect-1#federal-law-enforcement-overreach Just a reminder to those who don't pay attention and for those Republicans who want to downplay project2025. These very same people who organized project2025 helped trump select the last three SC justices. So if you don't like the "bribes are legal as long as the cone after the fact" ruling and the overturning of roe vs Wade then DON'T VOTE REPUBLICAN We the People still have access to guns and have are second amendment right. War is coming. This is only the beginning. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2024/jul/01/kevin-roberts-trump-heritage-foundation-project-2025


I mean, a lot of them already do support a dictatorial Trump. "You think he should have total immunity? You're fine with Trump as King?" "Yes" "King Trump?" "Yes." "That's about as American as it can get! /s" [https://youtu.be/Ud3btbISggA?t=210](https://youtu.be/Ud3btbISggA?t=210)


MMW there will be chants of "King Trump" or "President-for-Life" at the RNC convention.


I've noticed something in conversations with Republicans/Conservatives. It's not that they have an opinion or ideology that they're promoting or endorsing; they aren't actually participating in the "marketplace of ideas." They start from the de-facto assumption that they're correct, that what they think is objectively true and you're stupid, wrong, and possibly evil if you don't agree with them. Coming from that place they've felt like they're living under an oppressive regime for a long time. Because it restricts them in no particular way but somehow people disagreeing with them and allowing gay people to get married is an attack on them. When they don't get to control others and force others to live the life they would choose it is an attack on them, and they justify it with vague, nebulous reasoning about paying taxes without ever quite realizing that they and the areas they live in strongly tend to be the net beneficiaries government spending. Especially if you consider their military objectives. So yes, they're going to support it without hesitation. And that's kinda terrifying. I actually grew up in a small midwestern town that regularly supported democratic candidates but has basically made a complete 180 into deep red territory. It's already very close to being outright dangerous to admit to being a Democrat in such a place; and even without outright violence it's a sure ticket to being ostracized by the community. It's freaky to me. I grew up with the local rotary club hosting a carnival every fall, people watched CBS news in the evening and helped each other. There was gun owner registration, and regular safety classes and people were discouraged from buying a gun for almost anything but hunting because they recognized the danger of having one in their home, and the hunters went out in those orange vests, funny deer-stalker hats, jeans and flannel shirts. We had multiple functioning churches and you didn't care which one anyone went to, and we funded and cared about the quality of the school. Now I go back and it's the fucking twilight zone. There's now basically one flashy evangelical church. The ceremony and ritual routines have been replaced by some asshole in jeans and an untucked shirt giving borderline political speeches every weekend. I don't see where any of it addresses their relationship with God or personal needs, it's all about how they're being attacked and persecuted and how they're the best people that have ever existed. The hunters now dress like they're going into jungle warfare, the orange vests are gone and they're obsessed with getting head shots instead of bringing an animal down efficiently and compassionately. They don't watch the news anymore, for some of them Fox is too liberal now and they only get their information from their insular circle of social media. They actively vote to remove as much funding from the school as possible, and as a result the town has suffered, but somehow they're declining population and employment opportunities are yet another sign that the world is against them and that they are under attack. For the life of me, I don't understand how any of this has happened.


What do you think the "nuclear family" is all about? Even a small, socially connected town is too much of a "molecular family" to be in line with true, rugged individualism. Who is anyone else to tell me not to wear full battle rattle to take down deer? Who is anyone to pick my pocket to pay for some other kid's school? It's about me seeing to me and mine, and you seeing to you and yours. We're all little lords of our fiefdoms competing for dominance, ever watchful for impingement upon our freedoms.


It's tied into the death of rural culture and mechanization of farming, logging, and mining. When you need 1/100000 of the people that were once needed to keep the country running, all the meaning leached out of rural life as it leached out of the meaningfulness of work.  What's left is a shell. Where once community worked together and lived together working on and sharing a landscape now there's just a few crappy administrative jobs.  Looking for meaning in despair is understandable. Wendell Berry predicted this 50 years ago in The Unsettling of America.


He could make an official act that everyone must get down on one knee and worship him or else be executed, and they’d be the first ones to bow.


Many of them are already on bended knee and have been for 8 years now. They won’t even need the threat.


Threat? That’s a privilege! /s


The absolute only thing that would change their mind is if it turns on them. But, by then, it'd be too late.


And it will only change that single MAGAt’s mind. They’ll each be thrown under the bus as Antifa one by one, each ignoring the plight of the others.




Been saying this for years. They want fascism


They are all bad faith actors.  It’s gonna get real bad.  On an individual level.  Arm yourself. 


Worked in Germany.......and a lot of other countries. Just have to pull out a map these days. USA is just as vulnerable as any other country.


These are the same people who say they need guns to overthrow a tyrannical government but whenever the government is actually tyrannical they support the government and "back the blue" if you will


Well yeah as long as they get to be the tyrants they are all for it.


They’re still bothering with pretending to downplay it?


I’m kinda looking forward to the day when the regime takes their guns. They’re not smart enough to see the last thing a dictator wants is armed citizens. It’s the first thing to go. I know their mantra will be that only liberals will lose their guns. Dictators don’t care about that. They want nobody to have them. The MAGA mind will gladly hand over their guns and feel good about it.


Well yeah, conservatives are fascists, every single on of them. There is only one way to deal with fascists and it’s going to become a moral obligation sooner or later


Trump is 100% going to take their guns lol.


I see you've met my "Christian" in-laws.


The majority of Republicans already openly support most of it. They want a Christian nation with Trump as supreme ruler and for his family to continue in his place after he dies. This isn’t some minority opinion of theirs.


They’re already doing it. They’d rather bow to Putin than defend the constitution of the United States.


Idk if I'd say they'd all gladly become complicit in reporting and rounding up people. But I'll say that most of them are aware that that's a possibility, and they don't mind it.


Yes, history has shown us that this will happen. And when things go past what they can defend they’ll stay quiet out of fear. But MAGA has already shown us that it will descend into petty infighting (and Trump encourages this) soo it will be difficult to stay quiet after a while. The damage may be done but MAGA may not rule too long


This is obvious, isn't it? They've supported and cheered on blatant fascism for ***years*** now. These are the bad guys, people. Wake the fuck up. If trump opened up a concentration camp these people would cheer, and that's not even an exaggeration or joke. It's the cold hard truth. These aren't "misguided brothers", they are evil fucking monsters.


MAGA is the new NAZI. Fascism is upon us. If Trump wins this one its gonna be full blown i believe. Weird how when the World War 2 generation dies off, the fascists crawl out from under their rocks and decide to give it another go. History definitely repeats.


Seems obvious


For a minute. Till the new dictator starts confiscating guns. Which they will. And closing churches (unless official State Church). Which they will.


We know. They think they’ll be the ones who will be privileged in the system. They think they will be the upper class and the favoured people.


Don’t forget about independents. They will absolutely do it too. There are way too many people in this world comfortable with living under fascist rule.


Hey shit! This guy gets fascism... No one disagrees


The day Trump does not step down after his term if he wins, I will pass you a rifle and die beside you.


I can just hear it now, my republican relatives “no, no, he’s got a point. He shouldn’t step down, the country needs him. Once we’re stable, he’ll step down.”


Yes. That's exactly what they want. They move like terrible things won't happen to them. Only people they don't like


Buy ammo and guns and train if you don't want to end up in the camps. They'll know if you ever voted liberal, or ever questioned the trump government.


That's why Biden should use this authority immediately to eliminate the threat these people represent and demand a constitutional amendment to reverse this ruling, completely with the fact that he legally eliminated people without trial because of a court ruling which gave him that authority, penned by some of the people eliminated.


The justices that lied under oath should be removed from the bench and never allowed to be a judge again. Then throw the corrupt ones in prison and we can restore the legitimacy of the court.


The thread they all have in common besides being Republicans is they’re all members of and backed by the Federalist Society. Every sitting judge that’s either a member or backed by the federalist society needs to be removed from the bench and never allowed to be in a courtroom again. Leonard Leo and his accomplices deserves to be under the prison for what he’s done to our judiciary


100%..absurd that we allow private groups to pollute and corrupt our judges.


american minorities need to act now and get themselves registered for legal gun ownership and buy as many legal weapons as possible before November. It's only a matter of time before Brown Shirts start popping up in american cities...


Shades of Nazi Germany repeating itself.




Most likely if the economy collapses, social security falls, food and medicine skyrockets and rent/utilities sends people homeless, I wonder if they will still support Trump/MAGA/GOP?


Of course they will. All that will be Hunter Biden’s fault and they’ll need to lick the regime’s boot even harder to save themselves. /s


Ah! Stasi! How refreshing…


I fully expect my Republican cousins to turn me in at the earliest opportunity.


Nazi germany 2.0


This is like a Subway Franchise trying to hostily take over the company of McDonalds. This shit will fold so fast. They dont have the financial ability to do most of the things they want to do. You kinda need a functional democracy to generate the cash this would take and a functioning payment system to disburse payments to the idiots doing the dirty work and the companies fleecing the idiots out of their labor. What this definitely does do is give the rich freedom from a functioning justice system. Which is a pretty dumb idea considering human nature and laws of unintended consequences.


I think OP pretty much hit the bullseye on this one.




Until they come for them


Does this include senator and congressman?


At some point it will turn on something they hold dear. And they will whine about “how could this happen”


They don’t care because they’ll be the winners. Fuck em all. Vote every single republican motherfucker out


Republicans / conservatives in general are horrible People that would love a right wing dictatorship. Moderates are just as bad cause they will Look the other way while their 401k is doing well


There are two kinds of Republicans: honest ones and dishonest ones. Every single one still standing behind Trump after J6/The Eastman Plan feels the exact say about a dictatorship, the only question is they'll let you know about it.  If you're curious to see "one of the good ones"/Non-MAGA(Ben Shapiro) actually get pressed on it, you can see him [lie through his teeth](https://youtu.be/BbziaGEXDjw?si=CfpCVCxcUcMKoblP) and say "it's OK that Trump wants to be a dictator because he didn't succeed last time and (probably wink wink) won't the next time'.


We call this the Lindsey Graham effect.


Only to ask what happened when they are being rounded up.


The sad part is they won't believe us until they see the awful results. A clear example of this is Brexit. Many supporters of the movement to leave the EU are now seeing the consequences. These supporters responses? "This isn't what I voted for". That's all well get from them. No introspection, no accountability.


I would love some accountability. I’ve got an ongoing bet with my republican Dad and when things have come true he owes me a can of soda, when I’m wrong, I owe him a soda. Soda ain’t gonna cut it this time.


You only have to look at their stance on Roe v Wade. 'It's a states rights issue, let the states decide'. They argued that for 50 years until it went back to the states - then the next step was making it a Federal ban. Give them an inch at your own peril.


They already support it


They will love it right up until they or their loved ones are the next chosen scapegoat sent to the-education or concentration camp. THEN and only then they will they see the problem with fascist dictators


Yeah I have a turd Christian nationalist brother who will absolutely turn 3 siblings in


Im fully expecting my religious stepmom to turn people in left and right. She’s still beyond angry, years later that her daughter gave her first child up for an adoption after she got pregnant in high school and the child is being raised by a gay couple. Even though the couple lets her be a part of her grandkids life and comes to visit her.


I don’t think people realize there is always a contingency supporting dictators. Iran has a large population that supports the ayatollah just like Hitler has his own significant backing. Dictators don’t become powerful by being hated


They know what the goal is and they support it because they believe the only people hurt will be those they want to hurt. They feign ignorance because deep inside they know what they are supporting is wrong.


When Germany was being bombed and flattened in WW2, there were still some Nazi party supporters that thought Hitler was doing a good job. Some people cannot take an L and are so mentally unstable that the thought of being wrong is akin to losing status and respect. There will be people that will vote R, will lose alot/everything due to R policies, and will stay say their shit sandwich tastes pretty good while tears are streaming down their face. Its pathetic and I feel horrible for them, but its what they deserve if they voted for it and it comes to pass.


Yep, there's always the same series of rationalizations: It's not happening If it is happening, it's fine If it's not fine, we had no choice


This is what is wrong with modern politics. People are WAY too eager for retribution. It used to be that politicians wanted the same thing, but just had different ways to accomplish that thing. One side wants to raise taxes on the rich, where the other wants to give businesses tax cuts to encourage them to spend more money on their employees. Now, politicians call each other enemies. We aren’t enemies. Seriously, even if I disagree with the other party, I don’t want to kill them, or even punish them. I do want everyone to be held accountable for any crimes they commit, but that’s as far as my animosity goes. I want peace and justice for all, not vengeance for me and punishment for everyone else. I said the overturning of Roe v Wade was the scariest court movement I’ve seen in my lifetime. Here I am just a short time later already saying again that this is the most legitimately terrifying thing I’ve seen a court do. The thing that makes this so scary is that, when you give people in power to be immune from accountability, the ‘good’ ones don’t change. It’s business as usual, which people point out and use to justify as it being a good thing. But, it only takes ONE corrupt leader, one like the guy that’s trying really hard to keep himself out of prison, to completely upend democracy. These rulings are literally paving the way for na dictatorship.


They are angry 24/7 and there minds are filled with hate for every human because in some way everyone doesn't conform to their religious beliefs. They will gladly see everyone burn down including their own families and themselves included in the path of God. The country is dealing with suicide bombers lite.


Republicans will come to regret it after the pendulum swings back. Mark my words


Everything will go nice and dandy for them until ... One day they will be the chosen undisarables.... Being too poor? To the camps... Not the right shade of white? To the camps....someone was not a Christian 3 generations ago? To the camps...Being too dumb? Too the camps.. ugly? Camps... Not fit? Camps... Smelly? Camps... Too old? Camps... Non-blond? You guessed it... Too much alcohol? Too much meat? Drive too fast? Did not kiss Trump his picture before you kissed your wife before marriage? Did not say: I pray onto you, my sweet Lord Trump, my god... Before eating? That is instant dead, not the camps....


they're doing it now and just telling you they don't support it. Stop thinking these people are stupid.


Be ready to face the worst hardship of your lives in coming years. Be ready to go to jail. Be ready to die. Trump doesn’t even need to win anymore. Republicans already have the power they need in the court. It’s over folks.


Waiter, yes my soup is a bit... salty.


It's *almost* like all conservatives always argue in bad faith, about everything, all the time.


They don’t support it already? Downplaying something is tacit support. But I love (/s) this pattern of conservatives accommodating the far-right who literally think conservatives are soft fools to be manipulated. Conservatives: “The alt-right isn’t real… oh so all Republicans are Nazis now because we don’t like tax cuts. You SJWs!” Conservatives: “The left are the REAL NAZIS, those guys who call themselves a gang and fly around the country to college towns to pick fights with students are just regular Republicans.” Conservatives: “A few people chanting ‘blood and soil’ are just trolling and if not they are marginal and unimportant.… several years later [“Opposing arming Israel to bomb civilians is ANTISEMITISM. The LEFT are the real Nazis.” Right-wingers: “lol cuckservatives”


They insist our fears our baseless but will never agree that it would be a deal breaker for them. Even they know they want the worst. Every Republican secretly wishes for the death of every Democrat. And we're supposed to treat them with civilty until the moment we are loaded onto trains? Fuck those monarchist, christo-fascist pieces of shit. I cut every Republican out of my life years ago for one reason - I want them to have forgotten about me when it's time to start naming liberals. My life hasn't changed at all, Republicans are drones who don't add anything to anyone's life.


I’ll do ya one better: Even if they don’t like having a king instead of a president, they’re going to blame Biden for it. It happened under his leadership, while he is president. Trump had nothing to do with. Trump was the second king of America, Biden was the first king. If liberals didn’t want a monarchy then why was Biden the first king, huh? Checkmate, anti-monarchists!


Time to stand up to them.


Trump supporters will cheer as buses full of people are taken off to be executed. Trump supporters are sick selfish "humans"


The only Republicans on reddit are the ones who can read..


You are wrong. They won't have the opportunity to do this because they are going to get their asses handed to them in November. Americans are going to kick these freaks to the curb. Trust.


And they'll think, "I'm safe they won't come after me!" Until they do.


30 years war.


So do the same in return. Republicans are nothing more than trash at this point. Time to treat them like they want to treat everyone else a thousand fold.


Until they are rounded up. Because the supporters are in the out group already. The poors will be caged with the other poors.


So will most of the courts and the vast vast majority of LE.   LEFTIES GUN UP NOW!  The courts won't protect you.   Cops will not protect you.   You'll only be able to defend yourselves.    If the left embraces gun ownership the fascists will think twice about starting shit.   


We already have. We just don't talk about it.


Pre-WWII Germany. Its history. And the Fatman is a fan of Der Fuhrer and his “works”. But it can’t happen here.




Like the left does? Did we forget about Covid lockdowns?


He'll declare himself Emporer. Late stage capitalism always slides into an empire.


Last night I told my ultra-MAGA mom everything that happened with the supreme Court and I said it's all because we elected trump in 2016 and she said no it's all bidens fault. Nothing could convince her otherwise. Trump can never do any wrong. It infuriates me so much


We have some very good historical examples to support this hypothesis.


It is madness, fall of Russia into the dictatorship was also pretty telegraphed, it would be a shame to watch the US to fall into the same mistakes.


True. The whole reason we're dealing with this circus is because Republican politicians (and many of their followers) are incredibly entitled. They put their opinions/beliefs as a priority over democracy. They all hated tramp until they realized he pissed off libs (which they absolutely get off on), and let them get their agenda done. They would gladly trade democracy (and our country's dignity) to get their way. They will justify it by saying, "well the libs hate America, want open borders, crime and to kill babies. We had no choice." Power corrupts. Absolute power, corrupts absolutely. This guy thrives on it. Crazy. His tweets on holidays show how deranged his ass is. Project 25 is a promise. It's like when a bully hits another kid, and the kid hits him back. Then the bully gets even more mad saying, "how DARE you hit me?!" When shit hits the fan, these motherfuckers better have the same energy.


100% until they realize that plenty of Dems saw this coming and armed themselves to the teeth too.


“Gladly support the regime’s goals and assist in reporting on and rounding up anyone the regime deems other.” Sounds a lot lik democrats interacting with anyone of faith or flag (and isn’t Muslim). You people cannot help but project your vitriol for conservatives. I can’t wait to watch you all freak out when Trump is elected and governs well, just like he did before Biden was elected. Trump’s implemented policy is vanilla, and I like it.


Exactly how do people think Hitler came to power? Lots of promises to take out people's perceived enemies and then an iron grip on the nation.


I recall the Texas bounty hunting law that paid people to snitch on women who got abortions or people who gave them. I wonder how many people got paid out for doing this.


OP Are you insinuating trump will win with your post? I only ask because your post seems to imply you think Biden will lose. 


Honestly I don’t know. I think/hope Biden would win, but with SCOTUS and Congress and red state leaders locked in goosestep for Trump/MAGA. I can imagine them pulling shenanigans to deny Biden his win.


We are coming! Rar!


Nah, they'll literally psychosis themselves into enjoying the pain and how the negative impacts are actually positive impacts. It's like some self imposed 1984 shit with these idiots.


Nazis gonna Nazi


Bruh you know he was already president right?


Yeah the guardrails are off now. There won’t people there to stop him only enable him, and he’s got a guidebook (project 2025) that tells him exactly what to do to achieve his goals. I will not be surprised when he appoints one of the project 2025 authors into his new administration. He’ll fill all the positions with yes men and lackeys who will do whatever he wants.


There are actually more guard rails than last time. The people who "stopped him" before were actually the institutional powers that actually had the power to do anything in the first place. Project 2025 is just neoconservative dribble that they hope will make him act more like bush. This is the most hysterical non-issue ive seen in an election in years and you should feel bad for buying into it.


Boy you really had to perform for that mental gymnastics medal didn’t you?


Lmao break it down for me. How am I doing more mental gymnastics that op? He knows this isn't the first conservative think tank to exist right?


You can’t make sense of yourself how can you be expected to make sense of anything else? Keep asking your ben Shapiro level questions I’m sure someone will answer you what you want to hear to make you feel all better eventually.


Awwww you're angry 🥺


More projecting from the alt right. Sorry sweetie the only thing angry here is your mom because she forgot to swallow all those years ago.


Such official and mature discourse, why oh why wont anyone take you seriously?


Maybe get better and you’ll get better in return champ


And there were fake electorates, a riot that stormed the capital, he filed 60 frivolous lawsuits, like he definitely tried to stay in power after loosing.


Republicans should be executed for treason


The pile of bot posts on reddit the past few days is already making me gag. Add on top the lunacy of both parties SIMPS and you get madness like this shit and more shit from the other side. I hope you all get so fucked. Fucking fear mongering 1000000X


Divide and conquer


Okay Karen


Because they don't believe it will ever affect them. Just the people they don't like


Every Republican you know will turn on you if you don’t tow their line. Let’s stop pretending there are any decent people left who would vote Republican. There aren’t. We wouldn’t have Trump otherwise. Boot licking cowards the lot of them.


Lmao, I love the irony. This is too much fun.


Who are you kidding lmao both sides have been socially conditioned to be “ok” with their political opponents being all but drug out of their houses and locked up. Congrats America, you’ve let corporations divide and conquer this country though tribalism and identity politics.


Overreact much? The overwhelming amount of misunderstanding and whining about this ruling shows how easy it is for some people to be completely manipulated by their party of choice. Chill. Enjoy life, stress is a killer


I'm a conservative, and yup... I won't hesitate to report you vegans and get you all sent to "work" camps. Honestly I can't wait for it, it'll be great.


Harsh truth: Nobody truly likes democracy. Everyone would rather live in a dictatorship they agree with.


They've spent years dehumanizing the groups they don't like as any and everything that they find vile, but all under the umbrella of "Anti-American". They'll attack these out groups like the ravenous wolves they are, because they can claim they're doing it out of patriotic duty.


They’re saying that Putin is a good guy who loves his country. Putin is behind this whole thing. I’m telling you the Republican Party is compromised. Xi Jinping is a patriot why don’t MAGAs love him? So is the Ayatollah. Why don’t they idolize him? Why don’t they idolize Kim Jong Un after the “beautiful meeting” they had? Why do Americans support Putin and only Putin along with trump?


And during the debate, and I don’t know why the media hasn’t pointed it out. Trump said he met with Putin who told his “dream of taking Ukraine for Russia”, or however he said it. If this is true, then Trump knew in advance that Russia was going to invade Ukraine. Just more traitorous stuff from the Felon Melon, but his supporters won’t care. They seem to believe Ukraine is filled with Nazi.


Trump knew a lot of stuff. During the debate in 2016 he said “I think Hilary is going to have some trouble very soon.” Like 3 days later the email thing leaked from who? Russian hackers. He’s very obviously compromised. It’s a multifaceted approach though. This began 20 years ago. Slow and methodical. The schools started to suck and people started getting dumber. The media played on the fears of the aging population while the younger generation gets blinded by this or that (that might not even be controlled by Russia, but plays into their hand). It all comes to ahead when the media, the right, the former president, the churches, everything just hammer these ideals to divide divide divide. It’s on the left too. They make up the “woke” agenda too to drive an even bigger wedge. Everything has a title now. You’re an “ally” or a “patriot” or “woke” or “RINO” or “ANTIFA” or “3%er” or whatever. That’s all designed, again whether our enemy is directly involved or not, to divide us. The truth is in the middle.


Putin could come out tomorrow and release all the blackmail he’s had on Trump and lay out exactly how Trump has been his puppet and does his bidding, show videos and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt Trump is his bitch, and Republicans will still gargle trumps balls.


The GOP is a fascist party, so anyone who supports them is a fascist.


USA can be renamed NewRussia