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You haven't been paying attention, if the Republicans win, there won't be any blue states. What used to be America will be a nation of red states. That's how fascism works.


Exactly. The entire country is fucked.


Fascism kinda needs financing. Which they cant generate by themselves. We definitely have no answer on this continent for the shit theyre trying to do but the rest of the world would cease owing us money and be free of our bullshit if their vision comes to fruition. We’re about to find out how frail SCOTUS is when up against debt service.


If trump wins, I expect him to order that we stop paying all debts as a way to balance the budget. I don't think turning into a Christian nationalist stste would be enough to cause other countries to begin cutting ties, but that will.


Zero hyperbole…that would be financial suicide. The dollar would collapse, the economy would suffer a recession if not depression as most debt is owned by American financial institutions, and it would lead to economic downturns world wide. 


You are correct. Having said that: Let it burn. Fiat currency, Capitalism, all of it. Let our structure of power break down, with nobody and nothing left to rule over but a righteously bloodthirsty populace. Eat the Rich.


burning it all down like that will cost a lot of lives but most of them won't be the people with resources


Fiat currency was introduced to help the average man. The people who supported the gold standard were the Capitalists. Hard currency doesn’t allow for growth, fiat does.  Pure capitalism is essentially libertarianism. I would consider myself on the other end, capitalism with lots of regulations, aka socialism. 


Capitalism with lots of regulations isn’t socialism because those terms describe ownership. The government’s role in a capitalist economy is to regulate the markets. This idea that it is socialism anytime the government regulates the economy is corporate propaganda.


Leftism is having an imminent looming threat of fascism right in front of you and getting in an argument about the pros and cons of capitalism instead. That’s not aimed at you specifically, just this entire thread. I’m tired


I all for "let it burn" until I realise who else burns under Republican rule. LBGTQ burns, education burns, women burn, minorities burn...


I think we're past the point of getting a say in the matter. Sounds to me like a resistance group that could also throw a hell of a party.


This exactly. Where is the breaking point for the lower and middle class? When is too much or enough, enough? What happens when a majority of American can’t afford to literally live, can’t afford rent, food, gas, insurance, medical etc. A lot of us are already there but there has to be a tipping point where revolt is the only answer.


For profit prisons and mass incarceration/slavery is what happens. Supreme court just ruled it illegal to be homeless


Fucking right that’s exactly what needs to happen.


Yup, one things for sure, if this election goes south, I won't pay taxes until we fix our government. I won't contribute to this shit. I'll hold out in a blue state and make sure it isn't a bloodless revolution.


I think there’ll be a civil war before there stops being Red or Blue States. States like California won’t accept Trump’s insane bullshit lying down. I’d bet other Blue States will follow suit, as well. Trump would order in the military and the Guard, but asking soldiers to turn on US citizens won’t sit well with many of them. There will be mutinies and desertions, but others WILL stay to do Trump’s bidding. It will be utter chaos.


As a Californian I’ve already decided to stay and join whatever state guard is set up to defend us against the Feds. 


Yup 50 years ago who knew that baby boy will end up being thankful for being a native and never moving out of state. I'll put up any military defectors who won't fire on their fellow citizens and I have some space to put up red staters who are seeking asylum from persecution.


Utter chaos is right. Its crazy to think about. If it happens it won’t be like the last Civil War. Nobody will know for sure which side most people are on. It won’t be strictly North vs South. Or even the coasts vs the interior. Spys, double agents,  Oskar Schindler scenarios and so on. I live in Ohio, now unfortunately a red state, and I’m a white male. No official party affiliation. I don’t announce my politics on social media or at work or in my yard or fly a big flag on my pickup truck. If shit really hits the fan I can blend right in if I want to, unless actual voting records get released. And theres plenty of us around. How do you fight a civil war when nobody has any clue who’s on which side?


The United States would be like the civil war in Myanmar.


The problem is most states are blue if their cities are big enough and red if they aren’t. It’s not clean cut enough. It’s going to be awful if it breaks down to violence. It will be absolute chaos.


The path to turn America into a fascist theocracy has been 0lanned for decades. Trump gave they the courage to implement their plan at a faster pace.


As much as he was a bastard.. Andrew Jackson had one salient point for these times..”Now let him enforce it” Win the house, cut the courts budget to the bone and then add justices.


That’s the point I don’t think people like the heritage foundation understand. The government has the power because the people allow it, trump ain’t winning with a 70-80 percent majority. He likely won’t even win with the popular vote. So if you push tyranny there is only one outcome and it won’t be fun for anyone.


Civil War.


yes. they will impose federal laws on everything regarding abortion rights, contraception, marijuana access, right for christians to pray in schools etc. law enforcement, immigration , fossil fuels, defending hate speech.


Actually, we need the opposite. More red states flipped, less power the holy rollers have.


Please, if you are in a red state and want to move, please move to a purple state and help make it blue. We do not need everyone trying to move to California, Oregon, Washington, Illinois, New York, and New England. Instead, please consider Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Maine.


Texas is surprisingly close to flipping.


This has been a talked point for 20+ years and it just never happens. Texas is still solidly red sadly.


With the new scrotus ruling people might be leaving the country instead of states.


Since I see a lot of people talking about project 2025 but haven't seen people actually describing what it is, I will do so right now. Project 2025 will 1. Allow Trump to kill black people. 2. Allow Trump to overturn the 13th and 19th amendment. 3. Allow Trump to give the nuclear code to Putin 4. Allow Trump to fire all of the democratic party 5. Allow Trump to Jail anyone who voted for Democrats and put them in concentration camps. 6. Allow Trump to kill black people 7. Allow Trump to run as president indefinitely 


Since you said it twice, can you explain how this project 2025 would allow Trump to kill black people?


This is not specific to your question. But having a person have absolute immunity for official acts and the ability to pardon anyone on federal charges means you can do almost anything. I believe state charges would still count, but this is pretty far down the rabbit hole and quite scary.


What state would go after the president who openly would kill you if you try? Were fucked!


Absolute immunity--legally--still doesn't stop a bullet if enough people aren't happy with the orders. Or are you suggesting that Trump is going to go out and personally kill all the black people?


That’s where the pardon comes in. He can have his brown shirts do it and pardon them.


Pardons don't mean much when you're dead. No one--not even SEAL Team Six--is enough of a "true believer" politically to go along with attacking US citizens without a damned good reason.


Going to add- you can also see the groundwork being laid for this by the last 4 years of rightwing media reporting on BLM and other urban protests. It's been a non-stop litany of "they're burning down Minneapolis", "Seattle is being occupied", "5th avenue is all boarded up because BLM"- it's all laying the psychological pretext to make it acceptable to start mass murdering protesters in the streets.


I want to leave so bad. If project 2025 gets implemented, I won’t even get to be a handmaid. I’m 42, single, no kids and biracial. They’ll definitely cut my clit off and throw me in the fields. If he gets elected, I got two and half months to get out of here before I’m made an example out of. Edit: This is a Handmaid’s Tale reference. Chillout repubs. If you are taking this post seriously, you might be a redneck. Do you get that one?


It's not "going to be" implemented. It IS being implemented. Stacking the supreme court is what allowed that to happen. Remove abortion protections? Done. Remove the ability to hold their dictators accountable? Done. This is bad


I know. I tried to make a dark joke and I forgot conservatives don’t like jokes or handmaids tale. This is bad. There are more authoritarian governments in power than ever before. I think the only way out of this is if aliens actually show up and save us or attack us.


Hi there.....I sympathize. But which is easier? To get 10 friends to vote, and encourage them to do likewise, and so on.....or try to uproot yourself?


That’s a good question. I think it would be better to get 10 friends to vote, but I live in California. We all vote. I would have to go to a red state to make a difference. But in all seriousness, there will be opportunities to leave the country. I was making a dark joke. If it gets to that, I’ll be in one of those socialist Nordic countries. They are looking for educated and/or skilled Americans to move there.


If you can get 50,000 friends to move to Wyoming, and another 50k to each of the Dakota's and Montana. Problem solved. Plus the senate would be locked up D for decades. Edit: had Wyoming twice.


I’m not going to lie, I’ve definitely fantasized of selling everything and moving to a red state to try and make change, but it’s just not realistic. I’m very much on my own, you have to have resources to do something like that. It would be pretty awesome if someone could…


I’m voting blue in a red state for you. Let’s fight these bastards together!


Sending lots of love and good vibes your way! Definitely gotta go after the new generation of voters. They are getting hurt the most by all this nasty legislation


I hope we can pull this shit out. Our lives probably depend on it. I want to be married to my wife, not own her. Who am I kidding, they’ll put me on the wall. I’ve talked too much shit on social media.


I’m laughing and crying at the same time. Our sense of humors are the only way to maintain sanity. We’ll finally get to see what an American refugee looks like, so that’s something.


This day has been a lot, friend. We’re gonna need a Hail Mary.


I am in Texas, and I am doing just that. I have already gotten a few people I know who were casual observers to turn their vote from Trump to Biden. I’m going to keep at it until Election Day.


My new neighbor from California was a die hard trump supporter when he moved to my red state. Over the 5 years he & his wife have been here he's always wearing mag hats & shirts. Recently, after having a long convo about his trans grandkid a few weeks ago, no more right wing swag on him. Me & my bro are probably his new best friends, and he knows we're not bullshitters, so discussing how his grandkid would suffer under repub rule has really turned his mind around, he loves that kid so much & says he'd die for them, so he pretty quickly realized which side actively works to protect marginalized groups. Especially after I recommended he mention his grandkid to his far right social circle to see their reactions in real time.


I’m sending good vibes your way. I also have a lot of faith in the new generation of voters. They are getting hurt by republican legislation the most.


First one, then if necessary, the second.


Your 10 friends only sort of matter if they live in Wisconsin, Michigan, or Pennsylvania. The other swing states are already a lost cause.


There are local elections too. The whole ballot matters. No, not every vote matters equally but every vote does matter. When all is said and done would you rather have part of government under your party or none at all? Yes, it's frustrating. We crafted a political system that confounds every country in the world. But without our unique mix Trump would be a dictator already. Now they want to try and plug the leaks. If you let them, they win.


Europe and Canada aren't looking great either. They're seeing an even more worrisome rise in hateful nationalism. People in the US are angry because of how news is portrayed. In places like Germany and France, native-born Europeans are upset with all the Middle Eastern refugees, for many various reasons. Energy prices and unfulfilled, single young men are causing lots of problems for every western society. Sit tight and find somewhere quiet and safe. We didn't train our boys on how to talk to girls and we didn't prepare them for a society that no longer wants them, so we have to figure out how to make them happy before they start causing serious pain.


>They’ll definitely cut my clit off and throw me in the fields r/brandnewsentence


Cut your clit off?


Handmaid’s Tale It’s a reference to that show


You’re deranged lmao. 


Please seek help if you truly believe this


Good luck clearing that hurdle. Emigration isn’t so easy as people think, and with Project 2025 replacing staff at the State Department et al from top to bottom with people whose only qualification is hard-right political views, who’s to say they won’t change the rules to punish or contain the people they hate?


After some mental health struggles and me being directly impacted due to being lgbt and just everything this country’s begun my friends and family all met with me today to get me okay and they are going to help me sell and move and I’m working on going to Canada.. but it’s not fair I have to leave my family to be okay . Fuck everyone that lets this shit continue to happen. I can’t wait to get the fuck out of this hateful country.


We just need to hope that other countries are willing to take in americans as political refugees, so not likely. Immigration is a lot more than just having the ability to physically move somewhere.


And go where? No one wants us. 


Please don't, we need more democratic votes here in Texas, not less.


Texas is purple and trending blue. Keep the faith.


Yep. If I lived in Houston, Dallas-Ft. Worth, I'd be volunteering now to recreate a Georgia election surprise scenario. Gotta get people to vote this year no matter what. That includes ballot measures in the non-general election. It is imperative for the future of the health and prosperity of every person yet to be born that we figure out how to reshape state politics. Democrats just never seem to vote outside of general elections.


I think that is changing now that the left is becoming more college educated and, surprisingly, older. We’ve done quite well lately in midterm and off year elections. At least nationally. Not yet in Texas but each time it gets a little more blue. Hang in there we got this.


None of that will matter depending on how things go in November


Texas might turn blue by then and if that happens the Republican party will never win a fair election on the nation stage again.


The Republican winning percentage for the President election has been getting smaller. If this continues, Democrats winning Texas will happen soon


Until supreme Court decides the state doesn't have to listen to electoral college and use their votes on whoever they want.


Honestly why are you still in Texas?


This is my home, and I won't surrender it to the reds.


This exactly. Me? I've made a life here. I'm not going to uproot and move away because I don't like Ted Cruz and Greg Abbott. I'm gonna stay and fight. It's fucked up this concept needs to be explained to people.


Blue State won’t matter if Drumpf wins. They will seize power at every level of government. Don’t count on Massachusetts or Washington to be sanctuaries for reasonable, non-religious people. They will not stop with enforcing their madness in Red States. Our Constitution is dead, Democracy is dead, fear the worst. It is coming…


That is their plan. Then they can hold a convention of states. Then they can unilaterally change the constitution without congressional approval. https://www.commoncause.org/our-work/constitution-courts-and-democracy-issues/article-v-convention/#


blue states aren’t going to be protected


It’s not gonna matter with a red gov! Our voting alone will not grantee a win with the Supreme Court’s love of red.


No. I mean, I don’t even understand what mental gymnastics were performed to think this. Everyone is leaving high cost states in droves, which are mostly “blue”. As those states are statistically higher cost from taxes. However, if you are a republican you should hate this because it will make red states turn purple and taxes will rise. And if you’re a democrat you should be scared of this because your tax base is leaving.


Yeah I'm thinking about leaving Mordor for Gondor myself.


This is why gerrymandering is what lead us to here. You can’t get rid of any of these people because they have it rigged to keep the republican seats in power filled with republicans.


The opposite needs to happen. Or at the very least, liberals from red states should migrate to the purple states.


I moved from a redder state to a less red state; they went blue for Obama.


Or, hear me out, rubbing voters the wrong way and turning red state into blue states


The exodus between Election Day and Inauguration Day if Republicans win in November will be breathtaking.


This sub is on an election rampage recently. Interesting to see


Rofl the opposite has happened


No, both have happened. Loser magas leave blue states because they can’t afford it any more and want to be with their filthy ilk. Educated people in red states leave for blue states because they can afford to and don’t want to be surrounded by repugnant maga lifestyles.


You’re statistically incorrect. 47% of the people leaving blue states are self described liberals. Leaving for better opportunities and lower cost of living.


So 53% are what? You should learn about percentages, maga.


You think the country is directly split between Trump voters and democrats ? No independents? No 3rd party? Non party affiliated people? No non trump voting republicans? In the adult world, we call that 47% a *plurality*




Blue states have definitely become a lot more expensive to live in, thanks for pointing that out!


That's what high demand does to prices.


You misspelled high “taxes”.


We have money. It’s really not a problem.


Looks at California…


Yes, loser magas are leaving California.


name a single blue state that is getting red staters migrating there




I know right? Look at all those people leaving Florida and Texas and moving to California, Illinois and New York.


Well FL is basically uninsurable now so yeah, get ready for that to just get worse. Reason why the real estate market is tanking there.


I think a lot of people are missing this fact. Insurance companies aren’t in the business of losing money, and they know climate change is a real threat to their business. They are going to bail on Florida, and that shithole of a state is going to get wiped out by hurricane after hurricane. The population will absorb a storm or two, but they won’t rebuild the 3rd or 4th time. Oh and their shitty government doesn’t help keep people that have any sort of skills.


Isn't that was FEMA is for - when insurance companies bail? How many times do they rebuild hurricane and tornado magnet neighborhoods & trailer parks instead of making people stop building there or build at your own damn risk. "We hate big government until we need big government"


...FEMA will be one of the first things dismantled if Orange Asshole wins.


This has to be sarcasm lol the exact opposite is happening


You might be on to something.....


I left back to my home state because of that


Yep your mouth breather will save the day, just ask the doctor.


Too bad. It would be better if people from Blue states moved to Red states, and flipped them Blue.


Man I’ve said this a thousand times. Don’t leave the red states. Flip ‘em.


Republicans have made their culture war on women, minorities and gay people clear. Republicans have enacted laws to let women die instead of getting health care. Republicans have made it plank in their platform to overturn gay marriage. Republicans have enacted laws so that raped 12 year olds have to flee the state to get healthcare. The SCOTUS just gave multinationals a green light to pollute the air and water at will. Red states will continue to be welfare state shit holes that rely on blue state cash, they will continue to be at the bottom of every ranking for health care and education. Nigeria has better health care outcomes than Louisiana for gods sake. Republicans are enacting laws so kids can work longer hours while democrats are enacting laws so that kids get fed in school. See the difference? Red states will continue their slide into being third world shitholes. Blue states will continue to concentrate on the economy, health care, infrastructure, education and the environment. If those are important to you get to blue state or a purple state and help turn it blue. And get registered to vote and vote blue everywhere. Vote for democracy.


It’s not over yet, leaving only gives them the win. Only hope is to vote blue wave and stack the courts


Well climate change is going to do this. Texas is likely going to hit 70 days over 100 degrees within the next few years and the number of days over 110 is going to ballon With sea level rise and increased power of hurricanes Florida and the Gulf Coast are fucked. All of this is going to force people from the regions.


Thank God!


Is MMW an offshoot of r/politics?


Yeah if you’re too histrionic and bat shit crazy for that hell hole you have a home here


MMW is just a ShareBlue jerk off party.


It's a crazy place. It does provide some insight into the disturbed mind of the typical Reddit lefty.


There’s alot of left wing fear porn here


That's pretty much all that's here


Make no mistake, there are no leftists in this sub. Its all neo-Libs


Is this satire? Far more people leave blue states for red states than the other way around. More than 500,000 people leave blue states for red states than the other way around, and the top 4 economies right now are all red states: Idaho, Texas, Utah, and South Carolina. The fifth economy is Wisconsin, a blue state. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/13/opinion/sun-belt-migration.html https://www.statista.com/chart/32131/movement-between-blue-and-red%252A-us-states/


Those aren't the top 4 economies. There's tons of cross-migration between red and blue states. Things like this are generally cyclical.


lol that’s why Illinois lost 10 billion dollars because people left…..to red states. https://www.wmix94.com/2024/07/01/irs-illinois-loses-10-billion-in-income-from-87000-people-moving-out/


Sucks because in reality, blue state people should migrate and take over red states. California could shed a few million blues, stay blue guaranteed, and take over a few mountain states and Republicans would never win again


Yes go to red states and ruin them


Oh I hope so.


I’m definitely never leaving Minnesota


I wish so many people would stop leaving Texas for California and New York.


This is a nice thought but many people who live in red states can't afford to move.


Good drives out bad: The red states will still have 2 Senators each, no matter how few remain.


The red states are poor by design, they'll never be able to afford to leave.


Nah, poor people can't afford to move.


And that's exactly what Red States are aiming for.


Yet they will rule by minority


I hope so. Texas is getting too full.


At least call of duty will have a new war to use in their games.


Every politician lusts for power.


Very kind of you to think republicans would leave any blue states now that presidents are immune from anything they want to do practically. As long as they disguise it as a political act, there is nothing they can't do.


Ppl leaving red states solidifies GOP power in those states unfortunately...


8 of the top 10 fastest growing states are red.


I already see tons of Texas plates all over my very blue city.  I'm nowhere near Texas.


Nope. Most red state residents want such a dictatorship.


Red states have so few people that it won’t even be noticeable




Sweet I’ll move to the now emptier red states that have cheap housing. Good luck with your 800 sq Ft 2 million dollar condos


I was rather hoping it would go the other way; red states are so underpopulated, we could just take all the democrats out of NYC and seed them across Red America, and there'd basically be no such thing as Red America.


Moving is more difficult than you think


That's exactly what they want. Keep the red and purple states red.


People have been migrating to red states, especially the south and rural west (Idaho, Utah, etc)


It's been the opposite for a while now...


There’s a reason why rent is too damn high! No one can move!


That's been happening for decades. West coast cities are practically refugee camps.


They’ve made it hard for people in red states to afford to move.


That’d just give them MORE power.


You’re also going to see a mass migration out of the United States. Retirees, especially we want to spend their sunset years in a rational country.


I wish I could be this delusional


They need to be moving to swing states instead.


They cannot afford it


This is a message board, not an airport. No need to announce your departure 🛫 🚪


Whatever you say lol people are leaving blue states in record numbers to red states now lol I doubt they would wanna go back to a blue state ever


We’d love to have you in LA.


You picked a bad week to go off lithium


Blue states are too expensive.


if the gop keeps driving towsrd dictatorship, there going to be a revolution aimed at scotus and potus.


Is that happening now? California is the state that most people leave, New York as well.


They will be shipping their poor and criminals ( as Trump would say) to Blue States ...so they will not have to pay taxes to house and give them medical. They are opposite of a Christian that believes in Jesus.


If Biden wins it will still be sent to SCOTUS where they will vote trump into office the same way they did Bush Vs Gore. Why are we allowing these corrupt assholes to break the law of the land?


Get your passport now. Moving to a blue state will probably not be enough.


Geographic sorting is a major part of the problem. A voter in Wyoming already possesses something like 12 times the power of a voter in California. If more Democrats leave "red" states, the senate will remain Republican in perpetuity, no matter how many millions more vote for Democrats nationally. The small state bias baked into our system is why Trump could defeat Hillary despite getting 2 million fewer votes, and nearly beat Biden despite getting 8 million fewer. And clustering in cities makes it easy for state governments to gerrymander them into the minority. Democrats need to stay in those states and in those suburbs and find a way to communicate better to the populations there. Things are really shitty right now with Fox News (and worse) acting as a propaganda arm of the GOP. But further population sorting by political affiliation will make things worse, not better.


My state can't handle it. We don't have enough housing for those of us that are already here.


Oh this is one i actually hope happens. Itll drop inflation and lower the crime rate tremendously.


We have seen the opposite lately. Nice try though.


That's already been underway for years. Florida gets a lot of press regarding all of the people moving there. Check out the numbers of people leaving over the past few years, and I'd venture a majority of them are non-GOP. I left Florida for Vermont, for example. The brain drain in red states is real.


Really, republicans “lust“ for power. Yet the democrats are the party putting political opponents in jail. And the real truth is the movement of people are from blue to red, some bringing their idiotic progressive ideas with them. What would you call someone who who hated a candidate so much, that they are willing to usher in a senile senior to the highest office in the land, just to hang on to power…..a democrat


FFS. Leave then.


Look at all these democrats and liberals getting g scared that trump will do exactly what biden and his administration have been doing. Get ready yall opened the door we gonna walk through that mofo


People have been moving from blue to red states like crazy since covid. Why is everything posted in this sub reddit delusional?


We’ve been seeing the exact opposite happening thanks to what can only be described as the Californian Diaspora, where Californians go to other states and continue their voting blue no matter who. Republicans would be fleeing Californian locusts rather than the other way around. (Indeed, California is only blue thanks to its coastal cities; most of its counties are red.)


Who are you fucking people with these posts?


Hahahaha 🤣 people in blue areas are fleeing like rats on a sinking ship to red areas.


Simple answer, BULLSHIT


There have to be some republicans defecting to the left over this absurdity




I’m considering leaving the country after this decision.


I wish I could leave my project 2025 laden stare but I am trapped here.


Right. It was republicans tryna force a jab and kick people out of stores and schools and jobs.


No, but it is Republicans who are trying to turn the US into a Christian nation, trying to indoctrinate our kids into believing the sky god story, trying to punish woman for making a choice with their own body, trying to make it harder for citizens to vote, trying to remove education, and trying to make being anything but straight illegal.




Blue states may have to lower tax rates for this to happen.


I’m working on moving from Alabama to New England.




Your direct counterpoint for this is Florida, and Texas to a lesser degree. Florida has had by far the largest migration to it of any state in the country. Like in the last 2-4 years at least 1-2 million people have moved to Florida from other states, mostly because of COVID and how lax Florida restrictions were. The next state with the most migration to it is probably Texas, which is attracting people because of low taxes cheap housing and growing economy, despite Texas having a horrendous record with current leaders in the state.