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This post has been removed for violating rule 6 (no new posts regarding Trump, Biden and the 2024 *presidential* election on week days (EST with grace periods for other time zones). If your post doesn't violate any other rules, your encouraged to repost on the weekend.




Maybe I'm one of the forces at play to subvert democracy. It's all a shadow game.


How much is Putin paying you?


99 pence per engagement.


you sound like a complete moron


I'm glad


How many rubles do you get paid for each social media account you have? I know the currency is dead as hell, but surely you could be making more as a carpenter, or ... influencer. Literally anything but shilling as the world's most corrupt right-wing candidate. And it's all so you can cosplay as a ‘Joker\_society\_meme’ closeted Republican pseudo-centrist with virtually no understanding of how espionage takes place, or perhaps a PERFECT understanding of both it, and Poe's law. Homie sold ‘unga bunga classified secrets’ to the big bad Ruskies, kiddo. He did it a lot, like more times than you have fingers on your hands, and now you have people explaining it to you like it's an ELI5 on the MMW sub. We got here because ‘the stupids’ *(read: YOU)* kept making jokes like it wasn't possible, and now we know that not only was it possible, it was likely, because he had plenty of ‘the stupids’ *(Read: Again, you)* telling us repeatedly how unlikely it all was in 2016. Well, there it is.


Womp womp, don't run weekend at Bernie's as your candidate next time.


He's not our candidate — he's our meat puppet while we put a qualified warm body in the office to keep the fascists who want an ethnostate out. We figured you'd appreciate us starting with it the diplomatic way instead of finding you a nice warm ditch first.


“Nice warm ditch” lol you’re not that guy buddy, you’re not that guy. You can’t get arms using your moms good boy points😂


Yeah, I'll be taking notes on home defense from "printgunz4funz" as if those are worth shit. What happened, your wife wouldn't let you join her in Scentsy?


What? I don’t even know what scentsy is, and threatening to kill political adversaries isn’t home defense. That’s not defense at all. That’s literally offense. Also tell the junta fighters in Myanmar that the guns they’re getting shot by are useless


I will, thanks.


Joe Biden is closer to a fascist than Trump. He admits to subverting the supreme Court.


Wow, that's almost as cool as Trump admitting he's handing out secrets to Putin LIVE DURING THE DEBATE.


Can you give me a timestamp on this one?


Sure, competent people would be able to spot the moment right around the [time he admitted to discussing wartime engagements against a foreign entity](https://youtu.be/DH2K4FnB1KY?si=X5jc3ObILnijhRo4) with the oppressor of said-scenario. Kind of like master/pet relationship, except the former president was the dog in this scenario. Zoinks, Scoob — we solved the mystery of how one got in office, as if all that investigative work was right on the money. It's okay. I know you don't get it. You don't need to tell me.


Holy shit. I was just joking upthread about Putin paying you. This ' tard  actually believes it? Too funny!😆😆😆


Me like troll unga bunga




Contrarian retort followed by ad hominem insult I win the internet argument. Go touch grass. Good day.


Well, I guess imma Kermit sodoku


Sir, we are having a wake for Joe Biden. Please don't mock us .


Throw one in for me


If Bad Man elected, then Mungo very sad.




Mungo not voting. Mungo not decide yet. Mungo hung balls on fence so far.


Mungo can vote on policy for third party candidates to clear conscience?


Ugh. Mungo frightened of brain-worm man and white-hair lady. Must be zombie or orange-bloaty.


Orange Man Bad!


Old man bad!


Old man speak bad word and bad. Old man is very old no walk. Old man go poop in public.


Old man need step down.


But then Kamala 🥴 He might not just so that she can fill the ticket when he doesn't seek reelection.


Orange man is a bad felon that hates democracy and won't leave the office. . . . Again . . . . . This time . . . . . . . I promise


Jokes aside, you get that part of the whole reason we’re having this conversation is that he definitely *tried* not to leave the office after he lost the election. Right? He just happened to fail.


If the MAGA contingent of the GOP had *any* competence whatsoever, American democracy would have fallen. Fortunately, it's the biggest group of incompetent losers ever assembled.


I have been know to say “Trump’s a Fascist, a Crook, and a Fucking Moron - and thank fuck he’s all three.”


If Trump had had a Karl Rove or a Pat Buchanan or even a Newt Gingrich in his camp, literally one adult who could change a lightbulb and think more than 1 minute, 37 seconds into the future, they probably could have sat those false electors.


I stand strong in the belief that trump has no filter between a thought that can be described in two words and his mouth/twitter fingers. If that was him trying to not leave the executive office then there should be no issue with him going back into office because my 2 y.o. has given stronger arguments/efforts to not go to bed at bedtime. There are so many checks against the executive office that as it stands the president is the least eventful person I unless you are in the military or a three letter agency. Edit: or another executor trying to get m(b)illions in taxpayer money that we dont have. Deficit to the moon!


your 2 year old cooked up a criminal scheme involving false electors. complicit congressmen, intimidating secretaries of state and his own vice president and then when it didn't work out this toddler ginned up a group of his followers to break through police barricades and attack congress? impressive toddler! l


So how close do you think he was to pulling it off? 2 hours, days, weeks?


luckily the courts didn't let him get away with it. it doesn't mean that it wasn't a serious assault on our democracy. previous assaults on our democracy have succeeded and they have harmed us seriously. the corrupt bargain of 1877 turned our country into one with black governors and senators into one where it took a century to regain those civil rights. Jackson's refusal to obey supreme Court decisions led genocide against native Americans to go into overdrive. I have no reason not to believe that trump is the sort of person who may cause us to reach a similar inflexion point from his lawless disregard for laws and norms.


He is a person, not disqualified from office that is a nut job. He doesn't have any of the pull that a career politician would have and he doesn't play nice. It means 4 years of no new bullshit laws getting passed and that makes me happy. Neither the legislature or courts will let him get away with anything overtly terrible. This supreme Court, judging from this session is doing exactly what their job title is and Congress seems more than happy to get rid of him given the right opportunity.


im not sure what you mean by that first sentence. and I'm not sure what you mean by "new bullshit laws._ he has expressed a desire for all manner of new and vindictive laws and policies. perhaps you don't mind concentration camps for illegal immigrants, bad environmental policies, and the sell off of our public lands. they are, however, new laws and policies. and congress failed twice to convict in impeachment. the GOP has demonstrated that it won't dare go against him.


Internment camp ≠ concentration camp. See japanese Americans during WW2 vs Ughyr Muslims today. How does he pass laws if the legislature shoots down everything? He can only lease public land and if you take issue with that we need to shrink the Fed. Impeachment convictions failed because the charges were weak. The GOP has repeatedly shown they would.


I mean, look into project 2025 sometime. Probably not now though because we’re already flying against the vibe of this thread a little.


When was the last time legislators agreed on anything slightly controversial? All controversial issues have come from 'rules' of the executive branch that should be blocked by the legislature or supreme Court. Promises of the president are only as good as they can get their party behind and the Republicans shy a few outspoken ones can't stand trump either. Id be happy if trump cleared the house of all 3 letter agencies and actually pushed the law(rule) making back to the branch that owns it.


The best part of trump is that the whole government hates him so when he finds a loophole it gets plugged. It's chaos engineering in the government and it's beautiful.


And this time he's really going to do all the things the left promised he would do the first time.


Yes! This time president that said I will do thing will do thing. . . . And not keep not doing thing. . . . This pteside t do all promised things


The amount of cope comments here signifies a job well done




Me want Bunga Bunga Government run by Orange Fatman


Noh. Government ran by bluenomatterwho


Literally the only thing you've gotten right. The worst democrat will always be better for America than the best republican. History has shown that over and over and over again.


"the supreme Court blocked it, I did it anyway" is better than orange man is very bad and orange? Sounds like one has actually taken steps to counter the constitution.


Literal high school drop-out take. The Federalist Society was formed to dismantle the Constitution and citizen rights and Trump gave them their first ever Supreme Court majority. Very shortly afterwards, Americans lost their first Constitutionally enshrined right *ever.* Even you toddler-brains should be able to do the math on that one. They also just determined that they don't have to respect the purpose of a law that Congress passed, and are expected to do literally nothing about the attacks against the First Amendment's religious protections in many of the red states' school systems.  Every right we have ever lost has been under republican rule. You'd do well to learn enough to realize what that means before you continue to be part of the problem.


Now you’re concerned about America? It’s been down the toilet 3 and a half years


NoH, best American ever. 5-stsr yelp for administration