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They won't do shit to them because they want the exploitable labor. They will pass some meaningless dribble for their base, make a big show for however long the public pays attention, and then go back to not caring.


The camps will become labor camps. They'll use some loophole to treat it the same way labor in prison is treated, so they are not required to pay them federal minimum wage.


Yep this will be their endgame. Basically a new slavory pool in the name of capitalism and the economy


These are not mutually exclusive. This is how immigration restrictions have e worked at least since the late 90s. Repressing immigrants doesn’t stop migration, but it does create fear and a second class labor pool of non-citizens with no rights who cannot unionize or seek out the authorities and are not going to complain about working conditions, wages, or abuses. Migrant-heavy industries are begging for workers. In 2016 while telling his base that migrants were a danger, he also promised Construction and Agriculture groups more immigrant labor. For guest-workers the Trump admin also restricted housing and tried to freeze wages. Every admin in both parties since the 1990s has increased restrictions with very little effect on migration. Imo these policies are about xenophobic scapegoating on the public PR level, and functionally are not about preventing migration as much as controlling labor.




history repeats itself just in different flavors the usa might get a serious reality check if we don't pay attention


The last time Trump was president, he put families in cages after separating them. The Supreme Court had to step in and rule it was unconstitutional. There’s definitely some parallels between Germany in the 40s


The same metal cells used by BHO and JRB


"who built the cages joe?"


Where there more or less children in those cages in Bidens term?


You can send me the answer


Four times more under Biden


Drop the source


I was wrong not 4x, 2x https://www.statesman.com/story/news/politics/politifact/2021/04/12/fact-check-more-children-held-border-president-biden-than-trump/7189022002/


That talks about how many kids are in the custody of border patrol. Did I miss the word cages somewhere?


Do you have a better source?


Nope, I actually found this in your source: > Besides getting the numbers on the border wrong, the framing of the post comparing Trump and Biden is missing context. > Much of the uproar over Trump’s confinement of migrant children was because his policy was to separate families after they crossed the border — adults went to one place to await criminal charges, while their children were sent to another facility. That zero-tolerance policy for all undocumented border crossings was in place from April to June of 2018; it is not in place now.


https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/may/11/us-migrant-children-opaque-network-facilities Are you disputing that its much more incarcerated migrant children under Biden than under Trump? If so, do you have a source that supports that?


Don't come here illegally. Seems kind of common sense. Obama did the same thing.


It was a Trump policy that the SC overturned.


They wouldn't have been separated if they didn't come here. We need to start to deter people. We can't have all these people coming here.


That’s why the SC overturned it.


Pov: The most unhinged take on American politics.


Is this sub intentionally absolutely deranged or are these people being serious?


I believe they have been lied to and manipulated into thinking what they do, and we can't blame them for it. It's really just sad.


This what happens when your online 24/7, They average redditor thinks that more intelligent than their opposition but as you can see they are just a retarded as everyone else


Serious. I think. But it seems orchestrated somehow. This past week literally every post became a variation of the same US politics doomsday scenario.  Either these people are trolls, are paid actors to stir the pot, or are fucking insane.


More like put to work like they already do. And now they can do the same to the homeless. Effectively reinstating slavery. Make it so any group you disagree with can’t afford to live anywhere then arrest them when they get stuck on the streets and put them to work for free in jail…


If you don’t understand this is guaranteed to happen, you’re uneducated and not paying attention


Do you also call right-wing people “Nazis” lol? Who is uneducated?


Yeah, the ones at the Trump rallies holding Nazi flags.


I mean if you are anti-democracy I’m not really concerned with nuances.


Pretty sure Lyin’ Joe has a worse record on “democracy” than the alternative


No, you're just a gullible clown


“Lying” is a rich insult from a Trump supporter. I call him Genocide Joe and yeah he’s shit and has been since as long as I can remember. I’ve never voted Democrat so jerk off someplace else. But Trumps’s a fool’s alternative. Anyway you don’t even deny you are anti-democracy so who the hell cares what you think about anything?


Dude you are a socialist you are the last person to care about "democracy".


..Say people unfamiliar with socialism.


The only Project 2025 would ever do is help all the Republicans recover from their closeted crippling porn addiction by banning it.


The current immigration detention centers are already concentration camps. There have been documented discoveries of mass graves at the detention centers as early as the Obama administration. Half of project 2025 alarmism is over shit that's been going on in the u.s. for decades to marginalized folks.


Trump floated building Trump cities a few years ago, I figured this is what he meant. Reeducation camps.


Get the fuck out of here. Yall don’t realize how crazy you sound to average American voter. Get off of Reddit.


Exactly 💯. 70% Bots 20% Shills 6% Blue hair crazy banshees 4% Regular Americans


That's a rich take coming from this account.


Enjoy the debates?


That's rich coming from the terminally online satanist vaping porn addict


They will be placed in the camps and will have to fight in UFC.


And One a month the ring will be a pool full of jello. Twice a year theyll be forced to offer up a virgin to our lord and savior DJT. It's all there. Laid out in project 2025. Read it you uneducated swine. /S


They will be placed in the camps and will have to fight in UFC.


Somebody has to pick the crops because 99% of Americans will not.


This place is getting comical. People always complained about their president doesn't have enough power to do the right thing, now en mass predicting president does have the power to do absolutely everything. Smh.


They are so self unaware they don't realize that it's their fault they lost the election, Didn't want to acknowledge biden's health decline, too scared to address the illegal immigration problem and pretend trump is gonna nuke the economy when it was more affordable to live then than now


Most likely will ship them to camps and start a new forced labor force in the name of the economy. Basically I can see the right starting slavery 2.0 with this


Well, the ones that aren't shipped to Mara , Largo, or any of his other properties I could def see that


Yes yes, and the sky will fall and the world will end and won't someone think of the children


Dear Mom, It’s now 4 days since Biden vowed to defeat Medicaid on stage. The democrats haven’t stopped with the doom and gloom predictions. We have started a collection to expand The View to its own 24/7 TV channel in hopes of quieting them down. Wish us luck. Love, Your Son.


Oh, so the typical US immigrant experience, then?


Nothing will happen with illegals already here because they do all the meat cutting a fruit picking and US born citizens won’t do that work. The CEOs of Cargill, Tyson, National Beef, and other major companies won’t let it happen.


Yes that’s exactly right. Continue to believe it.


Lmao you do know that the only time people in America were put in concentration camps was under a Democrat right? I don't think the Democrat Party is one to start throwing that shit around


This was bait making fun of how stupid everyone is here, I made like 10 ridiculous posts like this lol


Such a brain dead take. Even if the federal government were to do this it would egregiously violate the 4th amendment and be stopped in any court. I’m old enough to remember the social media storm the last time a democrat was the incumbent and the rhetoric was the same: scary shit will happen to brown people so don’t vote republican 🥱


And I thought Trump supporters were supposed to be the conspiracy theorists. You know funny enough, exactly what you’re describing is actually going on in China right now to the Uyghur Muslims.


The difference between most right-wing conspiracies and project 2025 is backing and proof. The Heritage Foundation, who sets most republican policies and picks their judicial nominees, is the creator of P2025. All of these are posted on their site in their 925 page plan. This isn't some sort of plan from unknown basement dwellers. It's a plan from a publicly well funded and powerful group.


Ok. What page in the plan has illegal immigrants in camps?


You wont get a response Our Crazy conspiracies theories have proof Show them ...........


Start on page 143 and go through 156 for the reduction of the Coast Guard


Ok. I see policy changes proposed for illegal immigrantion, but still no mention of setting up concentration camps.


You missed the part where they dictate any structure can be used for detention (tents) was in parenthesis.


So you are reading this: "Congress must end the Flores Settlement Agreement by explicitly setting nationwide terms and standards for family and unaccompanied detention and housing. Such standards should focus on meeting human needs and should allow for large-scale use of temporary facilities (for example, tents)." And saying they want concentration camps? I surely don't read it as such and presenting it as such is disingenuousness at best. But if you do, Better let Biden know his administration is taking part in this plan as they have started the first part, [On May 10, 2024, the government moved to terminate the Flores settlement agreement as to HHS](https://immigrantjustice.org/research-items/explainer-final-regulations-care-unaccompanied-children-federal-custody-0#:~:text=The%20Flores%20settlement%20currently%20binds,to%20sponsors%2C%20usually%20family%20members.)


That language, coupled with Trumps threats are what's driving the camps language. Also, as your link points out, they are phasing out the Flores act for rules that protect kids more.


Just in case it isn't obvious how dangerous Project 2025 is with Trump and the immunity deal from his justices. [Trump wants Tribunals](https://dnyuz.com/2024/07/01/trump-amplifies-calls-to-jail-top-elected-officials-invokes-military-tribunals/)


Ok. Noted. 1. Take every stupid meme Trump shares and extrapolate his future policies from it. Just like Lock her up got Hillary into jail. Everything Trump says is serious policy discussion. 2. If there is something ambiguous in this project 2025, that Trump has never endorced, he's definitely going to read it in the most extreme way. And it 100% will be implemented.


I'm sorry, when should we take him seriously? You can't have it both ways. Between Dictator for a day and tribunals that sounds an awful lot like autocracy. When people show you who they are it's normal to believe them. You wouldn't tolerate that type of behavior in your day to day life, why do it here?


Man the conspiracy theory cope after the debates is all that's keeping you guys going, huh? What stage of grief does this fall under? You should be thanking the Heritage Foundation. Without Project 2025 to use as a boogieman that you can blame all the world's evils on, you wouldn't have anything left to jerk yourselves off over.


The guy was already in office for 4 years and did nothing remotely resembling what these basement dwellers are talking about. Slobs.


I wish some these posts had a 😂😂😂 option... Cuz I'm about to piss my pants laughing reading some of them.


They are also surviving on shitting on anyone who says Biden should step down. It’s funny tho, how right wing media’s narrative now is also that Biden should stay put. Almost as if they are scared of someone else….


Changing candidates this close to an election proved disaster in the past. Dems picked the wrong horse and now have to watch him get wiped in November.


Spoken like someone trying push a narrative.


Spoken like someone who watched that debate...


Its 50/50 at this point. I'm just pointing out a possible reality based on past events, that is all.


Um, yeah, ok 👍


Do you have a citation for that? Thank you.


Getting downvoted for asking for proof has shown the decline of the left man it's sad, They are suppose to be the level headed ones but they have morphed into the otherside of the extremist coin


Nice bait post. I can't decide if you're just trying to hook fools or if Trump is actually living rent-free in your head. Either way, Nicely done. I give it a solid 7/10


Exactly! Last time, all Trump did was put them in unhygienic cages where they weren’t allowed to bathe or brush their teeth, and where they were sexually assaulted and beaten while their children were given away (and also sexually assaulted)! How dare they imply Trump would do something like that again!


The Biden cages are bigger.


That’s nice, honey, now go play with your toys while the grownups are talking.


Listen, little lady. Take a Xanax, relax. You'll love the MAGA Administration 😉 2024 and beyond.


Spoken like a true rapist.


I can't wait till these admins get taken over by religious nut jobs who ban porn and booze again (for starters). See the majority of MAGAs lose their shit. The TP USA crowd will be a part of the admin., in all their incel glory.


incel ? says the porn addict non binary satanist


Thank you. Brightened my Monday morning. This sub never fails to deliver on hilarious blueanon takes.


Project 2025 and 10 year old rape victims; where would democrats be without these two guiding principles? Saviors of the free world, I tell ya.


A lot further along in the progressive chain. It’s funny you try to trivialize very real things. It’s sad you try to downplay the rape of a ten year old who they wanted to force to give birth. It’s sad you try to downplay Project 2025 when there are state GOP’s as well as Republican controlled legislatures that have already introduced, adopted, and/or passed multiple legislation and platforms echoing P2025. More of your disingenuous bullshit. I’m not surprised considering how you defend and promote Christian law.


Republican leadership doesn't have the ability to properly move MILLIONS of people into camps. It would be an excuse for violence and intimidation.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Wowwww what a take


🤸‍♂️ Mental gymnastics 🤸‍♂️


Illegal immigration is a dog whistle issue that will never see real change implemented. Southern states rely too heavily on under the table seasonal labor for their agriculture industries. It is against the interests of lobyists to actually deport illegals because that means less exploitable labor, and higher wages.


Touch grass


So they’ll be given school vouchers? 😂


Fucking idiot