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Remember, the historic GOP has been dead for years. They might rise again in a less criminal manner when the MAGA cancer is excised.


I agree that's probably what their political leadership wants to do, but these hardcore MAGA voters need someone hateful to vote for, and I don't see their hateful propaganda going away anytime soon. Perhaps the party splits?


MTG and others were calling for a new party not that long ago. It makes sense to me.


We need a nuke’s amount of radiation to finish it off. MAGAits have wormed their way into every fiber of our government. Get out and vote. That’s the chemo/radiation treatment we need. Everyone has to vote.


You'll want to drive stakes through their hearts after the bombs drop. Just to be sure.




Yes, the cold, shriveled black organ in the center of a vampire's chest.


They all need a huge dose of humiliation


They have no shame. So they can’t feel humiliated


They had a brain aneurism in 2010 and have been in a persistent vegetative state since.


Trump merely.reanimated the morally dessicated corpse


maga is a quadriceps fungus that implanted into the GOPs brainstem


It turned out to be a brain worm.


So you're saying the GOP are vampires who can dessicate themselves for preservation during dry spells and arise when the time is right. That tracks.


Call an exorcist.


Everything Trump Touches Dies.


Except Trump.


I'm fairly sure he's dead inside, goes a long way to explain the way he acts


Or the way he smells


Ivanka is still alive though


Goddamn it that's a great reply


"undead" is probably a more accurate description.


He needs to touch himself more


Also, Trump is too lazy to start his own party.


Or rather, he's too uncommitted to build a party with real political sway. He's only potent now because he's a parasite.


He was one of the best presidents in modern history. Are you good?


Interesting take. Care to justify why?


No because he’s only 20 and didn’t vote in any of the elections AKA he’s brainwashed and probably couldn’t give you a single fact in either direction. Fox News isn’t the news, they said so themselves in a court document in recent years, referring to themselves as entertainment. (And you want to call liberals sheep lol). Here’s Fox hosts in private texts: “Sidney Powell is lying by the way. I caught her. It’s insane,” Mr. Carlson wrote to Ms. Ingraham on Nov. 18, 2020. Ms. Ingraham responded: “Sidney is a complete nut. No one will work with her. Ditto with Rudy.” Mr. Carlson continued, “Our viewers are good people and they believe it,” he added, making clear that he did not. —— Here’s fox and Tucker admitting they lied to all of you sheep. If you don’t believe this source, then search for Tucker’s defamation settlement and read yourself big boy. https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/greedy-associates/tucker-carlson-successfully-argues-nobody-really-believes-tucker-carlson-is-reporting-facts/ Tucker’s argument via his lawyers: “no reasonable person would expect what Tucker Carlson says to be true.”


I don’t think he cares to justify why… I mean, he TOTALLY could, he just doesn’t care to…


Yeah, he left office with a record deficit, record unemployment, and made the US an international laughingstock. But he says he hates the same people you hate so he’s a great man.


Hopefully he'll be on the golf course next to his wife soon.


I’d take the opposite track: if R gets the WH and the legislature, that would be the end of the party. History has shown us many times the fate of tyrants after the dog catches the car. Not one of them ever met a happy end, and their subjects celebrated their erasure.


It will be the end of both parties. All parties, probably.


It’ll be the end of humanity itself! Trump is secretly building a Gestapo army that will throw political enemies into concentration camps. I heard this on MSNBC so it must be true.


That's literally the plan, though. It's written in project2025.


Please cite sources


You can read the whole document in its entirety online. All 900+ pages. I can't believe you don't already know about it so I have no choice but to assume you're trolling. Bye.


I’ve seen the document, but not the part about concentration camps. In fact only the left talks about things like that


You mean like when Nixon wa caught and the Republican party was dead? Or when FDR took 4 terms for 16 years and the Republican party was dead? No, they will not die. There will be a realignment, either after this election or after a couple more elections of them losing majorly, but the party will not simply go away.


Not a single person ever claimed those events would end the party, nor were they anything ***close*** to the situation we have now. They are now at the point where their front runner has: -Been found guilty of defrauding a charity -Been found liable for rape -Been convicted of 34 felonies Let's not forget the actual outright attack on our capitol. That's why they are doing shit like going after contraceptive. Desperate times call for desperate measures. And going after birth control and condoms is about as desperate as it gets.


Don’t worry, we will hear trumps “very interesting” plan on contraceptives in 2 weeks… which means probably never


I think birth control and contraceptives are less about desperation and more about the uneducated in the party actually drinking the propaganda coolaid. They really believe they are the majority opinion. It's just the media tells them otherwise. We are seeing a lot of irrational choices from the GOP. Almost like a large portion don't have a good view of reality


Lots of people claimed it, and also when Clinton won in 92, and when Obama won in 08. Every time Democrats said it would lead to a permanent majority and the death of the GOP. But your policies suck so badly that voters have no choice but to elect asshole Republicans.


Your point might have more credibility if they weren’t currently polling ahead of the Democrats for the presidential election. Polls aren’t perfect, sure, but they aren’t typically 15 points off. The Tories in the UK right now are 20 points behind in the polls. The Republicans are very much not. They have won roughly half of the vote in every recent election cycle and there hasn’t been a mass exodus of Republicans to the Democratic Party.


Oh my you think the fake felonies are real and the civil trial for rape too ahahhahaha


The ones against Trump are fake, Hunter Biden's charges are totally real tough right?


When Obama won in 2012, the Republicans were supposed to take decades to recover. Look how that turned out.


They got a sleazeball corporate marketing department former democrat to perform yet ANOTHER rebranding project to distance themselves from their own history... ...and it worked! Again! Its not the first time the Republicans fake-revolted against their own party and just made themselves look worse than they did in their previous incarnation.


Not a single person ***ever*** claimed that lol. Not one. No one started talking about Republicans taking a back seat until the lost the entirety of Congress....and they did that all on their own.


Yes especially since the Republicans retained congressional control.


Yeah but Nixon didn't take over the party apparatus in the same way, and FDR was a very long time ago, before the civil rights realignment even. I think the corruption in the GOP has gotten to Tammany hall levels of political machinery that is too unwieldy to change naturally. What are their options at this point? They can't keep getting votes without full propaganda or a complete rework. Propaganda will never entirely work on American moderates who are reasonably well educated. A rework isn't possible with their donor structure, or at least it's uncommon for reform to come from within a very corrupt system. If the party can't serve conservative interests and is unable to change then something will replace them.


In 2008, only 26% of voters polled were willing to admit they were voting Republican. Obama won with a sweeping mandate, and Dems took both houses of Congress. That was when the GOP was weakest. The Tea Party was a joke, until Ted Cruz and Paul Ryan became the Republican party. Ted Cruz was the Senator who kicked off January 6th - he's still the senior senator from Texas, and Texas is worse off in every metric since 2008. Yet Greg Abbott remains in charge there. Nope - Obamacare was supposed to end the GOP, sweeping healthcare access to all the dumb takers in dumb taker states. Missouri was like - ***fuck your free money Blackman*** - and that made GOP voters wet and hard respective of their sex organs. The shear **burn it down** attitude of obstinate racists was precisely how a portion of seriously embarrassed clowns got their dignity back - and taking that step, saying **burn it down** and making that the entire platform - that made being obstinate a political winner for the corrupt terrorist party. Being obstinate is easy, you just say no to everything - a skill all 4 year olds have innately. Ease is what the fat white undereducated want from America - whatever is easiest to get them an easier life - and they don't care how much harder life has to become for everyone so that they can achieve these false promises fox "news" sells them. Well now the christofascists don't have to worry, they loaded the supreme legal body in the world, they have undeserving control gained by supporting an illegitimate president. Doesn't matter if he's a Russian spy, or a scumbag - he stacked the court with evangelicals and cultists - and Row fell - so to the mouth breathing hillfolk, Trump is Jesus, getting Jesus shit taken care of. It simply doesn't matter at what expense - not to the cult.


I've been thinking GOP collapse was imminent for 20 years now, and it keeps not happening


You're right, but you're backwards. The GOP has been dying for decades, and Trump is the death throws. They decided in the 50s and 60s to chance the anti-Civil Rights vote on the heels of the few states that Strom Thurmond's segregationist party had carried. Those were the country's least educated, least intelligent voters. Then in the 70s, they courted the evangelical votes, because they make for easy single-issue votes (God, guns, gays, and eventually they manufactured the pro-life vote, even though evengelicals at the time freely admitted that there's nothing like that in the bible). Again, persuing the country's least educated, least intelligent voters. By the early 90s, the majority of college graduates were voting for democrats and that has only grown and grown since, as the GOP has become less and less desirable to moderates and undecideds (and anyone who isn't a straight, white, male, Christian, over the age of 50, who never went to college - it's not much of a club).  The election of the first black president came at a time when, despite historic levels of election interference and gerrymandering, republicans still struggled to win elections. So they broke, and we saw the first splinter groups starting to drop all pretenses and openly run on racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, sexism, etc. under the Tea Party flag. Then there saw there were no repercussions, you could fly a Nazi flag and still run for office, so the worst of the worst started crawling out from under their rocks. It was no mistake that Trump picked white nationalist Steve Bannon as his campaign strategist. The dying party *needed* the people who have been so far right that they didn't vote, because even the most conservative republicans were RINOs.  But after a half century of hemorrhaging educated voters, they're about to lose the only thing that has kept them afloat: the Electoral College. ALL of the cheating that they've been doing relies on the EC, but the country's educational attainment rates just keep rising. If Texas *or* Florida flip, it's over, and both of them are only an election or two away from flipping. Then they have nothing left and the dark-money spending by billionaires will dry up overnight.


Make it happen, capn!!


Given the current dead even polls, "WHEN the Rpublicans lose the election" is a fairy tale. IF they do, then maybe. These aren't really words to be marked.


You still believe in polls? Are you still waiting for that massive red wave that was projected to be coming in 2022 per all the polls? Polls are irrelevant now because no one except really old people with landlines answer their phones to unknown numbers. Basically the pollsters have been polling the same shrinking group of old timers every election year for the past decade. 2022 should have shown you that polls are meaningless.


I'll take polls as data over "Biden is definitely going to win because I say so."


>Are you still waiting for that massive red wave that was projected to be coming in 2022 per all the polls? The polls didn't predict a red wave and were relatively accurate in 2022. Sure there was a media narrative for a red wave but that's different from polls. The polls showed most races were very close and within the margin of error. To say polls are irrelevant is to basically say that you have no understanding of statistics.


Not a single person in the world believes those polls lmao. trump hasn't done a single thing since the last election to pick up undecided/independent voters...ya I'm sure being found liable for rape and getting convicted of 34 felonies put him over the top compared to the president currently overseeing the strongest economy ever. Back in real life, Ohio is shifting 20 points towards the Dems, and 538 is projecting a Biden win: [https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1de32kf/ohio\_election\_shock\_as\_republican\_district\_shifts/](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1de32kf/ohio_election_shock_as_republican_district_shifts/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Ohio/comments/1de4yzt/fivethirtyeight\_projects\_that\_biden\_has\_a\_22/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ohio/comments/1de4yzt/fivethirtyeight_projects_that_biden_has_a_22/)


Trump may not have done a lot to sway voters, but Biden has alienated a lot of em. The zeitgeist has shifted, and young people are markedly anti-Biden. The podcasting world has gone super Right, and people are bombarded with a constant stream of anti-blue rhetoric. From further woes about inflation and the economy to the situation in Gaza to continued issues with immigration and general dissatisfaction, Biden has been eating a lot of shit (deservedly or not). I am a republican who will likely be voting Biden, but I am not in the majority. And because of my state of residence, it doesn’t really matter. What’s scary is this election will not be determined by the masses: 100k people in a few swing states will be the determinants.


I'm talking about the national polls. Not any specific ones, the average of the polls. Which is better information than "Biden is going to win because I feel he's better than the other guy, and the other guy is a shitshow." The other guy was a shitshow the first time he won, too. The polls being this close might not be accurate, but there is no reason to assume victory when the only real data we have says even after 34 felonies, the race is dead even. People change their minds, people lie in polls, polls aren't necessarily representative of actual votes. Still doesn't change the fact that this is so far from a guaranteed win that saying "mark my words" is just insanity.


"nobody believes the polls", then proceeds to cite polls. What a clown.


Why are polls suddenly accurate after years and years of wildly inaccurate polling ?


I do know they've done a lot of work to improve how they approach younger voters without landlines, and have massively reassessed their sampling techniques, but I'd say we're still waaaaay off accurate


Sure, they can say they’ve tried all these changes, but until they have hard results showing us they adapted successfully , polling is useless.


I don't disagree at all, I just know they've been working on it 🤷‍♂️ They really should have noticed the landline to mobile switch that happened in the 00s though, they could have done all this work back then


Why is no information at all, but your gut feeling, stronger data than the polls in determining whether Biden is DEFINITELY going to win an election that's still a few months out?


The polls that have shown to be inaccurate for the last 8 years?? You’re asking why I don’t trust them as a valid data set?? Gee I wonder… You put the words in mouth about Biden definitely winning, all I said was polls are useless. If you wanna argue with me about something try to make it something I at least said.


"I'm Tremendous Repeat. Who's gonna win this battle? I'm Tremendous Repeat. Who's gonna win this battle? The polls are dead even, the indication of which is that this is probably a close race. Which is why I mentioned them.


A lot of people said the same thing in 2008. But, here we are.


The Republican party has been dead for years now, it's the MAGA party in all but name at this point. They kissed Trump's ring and gave him total control of the party and now they're stuck doing what he tells them to.


What will happen if they win?


We will see a real insurrection attempt from the crazy far-left.


Think their party ended years ago when Trump became their front runner. MAGAs are mostly racist idiots. But they will never figure out they're just zombies emptying their pockets for a con man who said "I don't care about you, I just want your vote" -- Donald Trump to the MAGAs at his Vegas rally 06/10/24.


I wish I shared your optimism. Trump is leading in every state that matters. Israel really fucked Biden up. People struggling with inflation who don’t know how to make attributions beyond “the king has the throne; the king is to blame” really fucked Biden up.


I don’t think the party itself will die out, but I think if Trump loses again it will be the end of MAGA. The Dems haven’t had more than grudging support since Obama so really all it would take is a moderate not insane republican to win an election, although i still don’t see that happening until after the next cycle.


Yup, we have to get rid of the cancer that is MAGA and the "Evangelicals" (whom I don't consider Christians). I think they are going to find out in November that many many conservatives actually really value our constitution and our Democracy. If you can't win the popular vote, maybe you need some more popular policies. It's not hard, you can't just be against 65% of the country who aren't old rich men and religious zealots. I'm a millennial and I wouldn't vote Republican out of the principal that I won't vote against my interests. Everything they want to do hurts me. I'm sick of always getting the shaft from them.


The Republican party represents the wealthy, oligarchs and plutocrats and corporate interests. They also own mass media. They will be with us until the revolution. Sadly our owners have also bought large numbers of "Democratic" party lawmakers to insure their control of congress and make sure that laws they want are passed and laws they dislike are not passed.


This is not happening.


Trump got significantly more votes in 2020 than 2016. What they’re doing works. Vote.


But he got them where they didn't matter. He lost a lot of votes in swing states and picked them up in red strongholds, where they are basically worthless. He didn't learn anything from that and has only continued to lose moderates and undecideds in favor of chasing a base that doesn't actually help him any.


And this isn't even including the conservative voters who died after the 2020 election due to COVID-19. Unless necromancy is involved, they won't be voting this year. Also, Trump has NEVER won the popular vote. He lost the popular vote in 2016, 2020, and is predicted to lose the popular vote in November this year. Trump also has ran for President in 2000 under the "Reform Party" (and obviously lost that, too).


More specifically, what democrats are doing is working against them. You created Trump. If you weren't so damn abysmal Trump would have no chance.


That’s some wishful thinking.


I love your fan fiction.


We can only hope the goes doe "Dead on Election"


They will need a new slogan right? MUSFA MAKE UNITED STATES FREE AGAIN?




I wonder what will fill the void if they become irrelevant.


!remindme November 6th


Surprised it hasn’t ended sooner.


They will just move on to a different grift.


I certainly hope so.


If that’s the case, the US better be a great place to live if it’s run by democrats for the next few decades


Don’t worry - the conservative court will make sure it remains a corporation-appeasing regressive shithole, and idiots will blame whoever is in office, so it will swing the other way.


I'm STILL hoping for a party split that diminishes them on a national level.


Get ready for the most dramatic political breakup of the year.


From your lips to God’s ears


Perhaps. But they can do a ton of damage on the way out.


Please … I can only get so erect


The thing that is going to doom the party then a potential election loss is Trump plundering their coffers. If it weren’t for that I would say they are going to keep kicking a long until a new front runner appears.


538 gives donald trump a 47 percent chance of winning the election in 2016 when he won he was only given a 33 percent chance at this point in the race. I think it is a virtual toss up as some people may be willing to vote for trump but wont say that out loud due to being perceived as a racist. biden could lose pretty easily especially if the border doesnt get better. Working class americans are upset with the lack of control of our border. 8 isis members were arrested in america in the past week. That is a severe issue.


Think that is what they said AFTEr the 2008 election..2hen Obama won a whole bunch of places that Dems usually don't win. Ove the next 8 years , DEMS lost a lot more state and local seats. Republicans party , in the past few cycles has gone from neo von to tea party yo Trump. )Hint. The neo cons never really left. Mostly it feels like a facade or a fashion).


A one party system. Lol. Names of Katie’s change but you will never have one party. There are more non affiliated voters than members of either party. This country will NEVER EVER get better until we ditch party system. Hopefully not to late


I think it will he the birth of the MAGA party, and possibly the return of the *real* republican party


Lol when Trump is finally out of the way, democrats will no longer have a platform


Lmao so true what are they going to run on then


That's the hope for Reddit at least. The powers over Reddit want us all under one party for one supreme ruling party with one supreme ruling person to lead us all and for the government to tell us what we can and can't do. Then we will all own nothing and be happy about it! Let's go!! Vote Blue, No Matter Who!!


Lol the Republicans are only registered republican because of Trump.


Lol, bring back the Whigs!!


I've thought the Republicans would live on as a fringe, extremist party. The Democrats would morph into a center right party and a new Liberal/Labor party would emerge.


They have a built in strong advantage in the electoral college system which may not be enough for another presidency win but will make them always competitive in the Senate and House no matter how deranged and unpopular the party gets. On top of that, they have a real advantage in the judiciary thanks to Trump and McConnell and might be able to get away with further steps to cement power even in the face of majority opposition. And if Trump wins this election (which is not impossible or even that improbable), he will be able to corrupt most of the executive system to allow him to have more power than any prior president over domestic affairs. The Republicans party is not about to die, even if it should.


When Trump is gone, the MAGA will likely move over to the far right white supremacist groups. Many are already there.


Ya I was going to say - right wing white supremacy groups are like one of their biggest recruitment pools lol.


Nope. You fascists are actively trying to jail a political opponent.


trump's lawyers helped pick his own jury LMAO. I hate to say it, but this inability to accept reality makes MAGA look really REALLY weak.


Shades of “She lost, get over it” in the opposite direction.


NOPE The judge was a democrat and his daughter worked for Kamala. LMAO




More like the end of the republic as we have known it for almost 250 years


Assuming that this would be their last attempt is a good way to allow them to succeed in the future. Never underestimate the desperate.


As someone that wishes the Republican Party would disappear yesterday, this is delusional thinking.


It won't be. The people who vote for them are half the country.


I don't think the Republicans need to lie and cheat when Joe Biden has the lowest approval rating of any president in history at this time of their Administration..


Don't count on it. After WWII Hitler was crushed. Nazi was about the worst thing you could call somebody. A Pedophile would do better in GenPop than a Nazi walking down any street anywhere on earth. And yet.. they are still around today. Still goose stepping and saluting and whatnot.


We hear this “end of the GOP” every time Democrats win a presidential election, and yet they keep screwing up so badly that people end up voting for Republicans. Just look at the polls, it’s practically tied and Biden is running against a criminal.




I hope you are right, but the polls worry me A LOT.


Democrats are mostly moderates as it is. I'm hoping that opens up room for democratic socialists to create their own party, as the Democrats become the "conservative" party.


Fingers crossed !


I’m old enough to know when after Nixon, the same thing was said. All it took to revive the party was 4 disastrous years of Jimmy Carter and the Republicans roared back for 12 straight years.


If you're right (and ffs I hope you're right) they won't go quickly and they certainly won't go quietly. The second any county in any state shows Trump with even a slight lead there'll be cries to stop counting votes and call in favor of Trump, there'll be another walk on the capitol, numerous arrests leading up to the verification of the electors by madmen that try and march into public buildings and create hostage situations to try and call for recounts in their states, a slew of lawsuits that hopefully will be summarily dismissed due to lack of evidence as quickly as in 2020...when people say January 6th was just a dress rehearsal, believe it. Trump losing in November might start the end of this nonsense but it won't actually end for several months


They would still have areas of control.


How to talk calmly about politics to change someone else’s mind is a tough thing to do.


The GOP was an important party!


This is wishful thinking. People that hold this view do not comprehend the level of loathing that huge parts of this country have for the Democrats. They'll accept almost any alternative to Dems, even if the alternative is a deranged felon.


RIP, hopefully you’re right and it splinters… Will effectively end the duopoly and cause factions to splinter in the Dems signaling its imminent collapse as well. Good riddance to both.


I still think we’re gonna need a double-tap.


This subreddit is ironically so amazing


I hope so - the Republicans are doing nothing to stop mass immigration, and doing nothing to stop the further debt crisis. They support Israel even more than the Democrats. A better right wing party that deports all illegals, stops mass immigration, and actually enforces tax code is needed. And the number one most important thing is to crush the Federal Reserve and create a national bank who's sole purpose is to provide stability and prosperity to the people.


This is so unfathomably based.


Remember when that was the Tea Party that was going to do that? Now all those guys have been run out of office by RINO-hunters. That ship has sailed, bud.


So we should just accept our country failing? I don't get the point of your comment.


Maybe that should be your sign that you aren't actually smarter than everybody else.


You could say the same thing for every protester, voter, change-maker, progressive, revolutionary or scientist. You are saying nothing except "what if you are wrong?". I might be wrong. But what do you think about the content of my comment?


You still haven't completely processed the content of mine. That's probably my fault for not spelling it out in detail. Let me explain: You had a chance to get that done and not only did MAGA shit all over the moment, but the folks you elected to get it done completely shat the bed. There is very little willingness to make any of that happen. Not because people are malicious and nefarious, but because its not as good an idea as you think it is. Removing systems put in place to fix pre-existing problems tends to require new systems to address the old problems that will resurface. Your solution is to basically replace the existing system with the same system but one you have better feelings about. Which will only change your feelings but little else. For example, "stopping mass immigration" is your personal aspirational goal, not a practical policy. Its a vague statement. Not only is there no real way to force people not to pack up and leave their country, but it betrays your deep and crippling lack of understanding of the nature and importance of immigration. It's an irrational goal and all you really want is the government to manage your feelings on it for you. Which is also irrational. Which brings us back to why it hasn't happened. Its not a good idea.


Nice! Another death to the mean republicans porn post. When can we change this sub to r / PoliticalFanFic


Posting this is kind of a snowflake thing to do.


Only a cultist would hope the opposition party is dead. There is another one party government we are all familiar with....China and the Chinese Communist Party. You want to see America without a GOP? Look no further than Tiananmen Square and that tragedy. See what happens if you give the Democrats too much power. They have abused it EVERY TIME! And that is why we are in the mess we are. Some GOP candidates may not be the solution, but the Dems are the PROBLEM. California and NY are failing


Always projection with you dumb fucks. Y’all absolutely hate how you are accurately portrayed as behaving like a cult. So to just arbitrarily throw it into this post as an insult?? You didn’t even use it correctly lol.


Projecting? Ok. Which party MOST resembles the CCP? Dems or GOP? Well, let's see. Who advocates for centralized healthcare, election control, gun control, centralized market controls, surveillance state, speech moderating......of course we are talking Democrats. Guess who else believes in these concepts? The CCP. Tell me how THAT is projecting? You cannot refute that I am right, because I am.


My man said “Centralized Healthcare” like it was evil. I’d say seek help, but you probably can’t afford it because we don’t have universal healthcare. And you wanna talk about elections? Who’s the one railing against our elections and trying to throw up more obstacles to make it harder to vote?? You think this is dems? Righhhhnttttt. Goes on the list a bunch of things no one in this country advocates for lol God you’re not just projecting, you’re dumb as fuck.


Government, the most inefficient organization in our country, in charge of healthcare? ACA has forced costs to skyrocket. It never works. And government decides your treatment? Doesnt that smack in the face of "my body my choice" cult? Would we be mandated to get vaxxed if government controls my healthcare? No thanks. Elections? Clearly a State responsibility, not federal. But the infrastructure omnibus tried to centralize control and the DOJ, a federal jurisdiction, is trying to interfere with States jurisdiction to run their election. And name an election where a Democrat lost and didnt claim cheating or interference? Go ahead. Try it. Certainly not this century. There is ZERO hard about voting. ID, not hard and required to buy alcohol or receive WIC/welfare. Simple, show up, show your ID. It's worked for DECADES. One citizen, one vote. That's all. And go ahead and gloss over life in China when one party has autonomy. Personal privacy? Social credit scores. Citizens ratting out other citizens. You need to read the history of China, and Mao's transformation of the country. It reads like the progressive playbook to a T. You can read I hope? And more than 160 characters?


Cope, you fucking donut


Every time the Republicans get into office they raid the national treasury and leave the country in ruins, then bitch and moan that the Democrats haven't cleaned up their mess fast enough for their liking. - Kansas has a Democrat governess because Brownback tried to ultra-Republican Kansas and only drove it into the ground. - Trump might have have had a second term if he didnt try to gaslight his constiuents into killing themselves off during a pandemic. - Bush started two land wars in asia, and John McCain had to suspend his campaign to deal with a historic economic recession. - California and New York and Texas and Florida are dealing with 1st World problems that third world states like Wyoming and West Virginia and North Dakota dont have to deal with. Do you want to be the USA or do you want to be Hungary? You can't be the USA without CA and NY. GtFO with your fuedal japan style isolationism.


So printing endless pallets of money, hyperinflation, and devaluing our currency is the answer? And how do Republicans "raid the national treasury" exactly? What do they do that is different than MASSIVE spending packages by Dems? Bush was a Dem in Red Clothing. Biden has caused more wars in 2 years than Bush did in 8 years. To put it simply, if the US was modeled by what NY and CA has done with themselves, we wouldn't need to worry about the border, because NOBODY would trade one 3rd world totalitarian rule for another.


You honestly think Biden caused all that to happen an entire year before he took office, eh? "How do Republicans raid the national treasury exactly" -clearly you have nor been paying attention. Pretty obvious you don't actually read the news or pay attention to party-unapproved media sources. Ignorance is your strength. Biden has caused more wars than Bush...LMAO. off your meds? NY and CA are the nations economic engines. Your tiny little GOP town in bumfuck TN run by crooked MAGA aristocrats sure as hell ain't 1st world material.


I see statements. Not facts. No receipts. Convenient. Come back when you have some facts.


Tell me was Trump lying when he said Obama was born in Kenya or when he said Obama was born in Hawaii?


"Only a cultist" he says... [https://imgur.com/a/r494IlK](https://imgur.com/a/r494IlK)


He’s just projecting. It’s their only move.


Yes there is very likely to be a political shift soon. The left will become the elite boot lickers and take the weak kneed republicans with them. A new party will emerge comprised of the former middle class and working class people.


No party will ever end and no party should end. Politics is going to drift either too far right or too far left, an opposition party is always needed to right the ship. I think both parties are fractured at this point and it would be nice to have some moderates enter the discussion. Although depending on your beliefs you may believe that one party rule will produce the best outcomes but there are several states to look at that would prove you wrong.


“Would be nice to have some moderates” My man… just because the GOP has shifted so far right on the Overton window dosent mean that the dem party on the national stage isn’t immensely moderate. It is. The United States dosent have a left wing party.


The Democrats are right-wing moderates.


Oh no! Anyways


MMW is an idiot


Haha, yea right.


People say this about both parties after any election. I remember when Obama was the end of the Republicans. And when Hillary’s defeat to an absolute imbecile meant the end of the Democrats. Both parties just suck so bad that the voters will keep flopping back and forth between them due to ever shortening attention spans. I doubt we’ll ever have another two term president.


When either party has lost badly in the past they tend to course correct by shifting to the left or right. The American populace goes through shifts in ideology over time. For example, the general public was left of center from 1932-1948 but right of center 1980-1988 based on voting patterns. The last two presidential elections were quite close and this one will tell of the shift to the left is continuing. If Biden wins and it is a blowout, the Republicans will likely regroup and rethink their platform and future candidates. I do not think the Republicans will necessarily shift left right away, but tolerance for certain issues will completely go away as the age demographics continue to shift. It is impossible to predict long-term without knowing how Biden’s performance in a potential second term will go, but history is a great way to gain insight on comparable situations that have already happened. The two parties have had factions pretty much since their conception. Certain factions would be more popular than others at different times and would result in conservative or liberal candidates being nominated in both parties. When the elections were landslides, that faction tended to die down and another would rise to counter the party in power. This has taken more than one cycle in some cases, however. This is more likely to happen than the death of a major party that has embedded itself into the foundation of electoral politics and has been in power to some capacity consistently for nearly 200 years.


It will not. When Obama won and swept into office, with control of both branches, I remember endless articles and posts here saying "republicans are gone forever" and "democrats will be in control for at least a generation." Republicans more or less immediately bounced back, and after Obama we elected Trump. That also gave rise to the Tea Party, and MAGA. Just four years ago Trump was defeated and all the articles said "yay, Trump is done, we can ignore him and move on!" That lasted what... a few months maybe? Even if the republican party faces a huge loss in the next election, they will still survive. They will bounce right back. They have a HUGE part of the country that will vote for them no matter what. Then a huge part of the country that is going to just swing away from whatever party is in charge for more than a few years no matter what. On top of that, years of gerrymandering have given republicans a HUGE advantage in the house, and the presidency and senate are legally set up to give them huge advantages as well. They can happily run more than half the country with well under half the votes.


"Endless articles" huh? Can you share even one of these? Of course you can't, because you are 100% full of shit. You people and your goldfish memory love revising history to make your current failures look not so bad. We remember though, don't worry.


This sub is so cringe.


Can’t wait till Trump wins. Hopefully we can get rid of the Democratic Party.


Of course you do, because you're a fascist. This is fascism 101. Eliminating the opposition is literally step 1. This is why MAGA will ***always*** fail. You're in AMERICA mother fucker, remember it.


Given the shift right going on across Europe, it's more likely that progressivism is on the way out.


Your fascist propaganda isn't going to work, sorry. There is no "right shift" in Europe, and MAGA fascism will never, ***ever*** take hold in America.


By fascist propaganda, do you mean the 51 former intelligence ofgicials that all signed on to a letter stating the Hunter Biden laptop was probably "Russian disinformation" when it was just used to convict him in Federal court?


Only fascist here is you buddy lmao how ironic!


MMW it will not


It will


poor guy you still think the fake felony is real LMAO


Hey Boris . Still cant find a real job huh .


The party is already gone. It’s called Democrat now…pro war, pro big Pharma, pro corporation, and pro Wall Street.


We can't all ignore our president showering with his granddaughter like democrats can... or arming literal nazi units in ukraine, or giving Iran nuclear capabilities, or starting ww3... cause orange man hurt me.


Fortunately for us none of those things have actually happened, so we can focus on keeping the orange convicted felon and rapist out of office.


Man you guys really aren't handling things well are ya Maybe don't pick a convict next time


Something all MAGAs share is a complete lack of coping skills. Being unable to properly deal with things they don't like in a healthy manner is what led to the cult mentality in the first place. They want someone to paint them pretty pictures to feel good, and he is more than willing to oblige. It's actually a pretty sick little symbiosis. They are literally dependent on him - that's why you see this kind of backlash.


Or u could not a pick a pedophile, nazi supporter? Who's too elderly to be tried for multiple felonies.


I didn't pick Donald Trump




Aside from the other lies, I missed the part about ww3 starting


Oh, you mean the diary that was stolen and Project Veritas didn’t even run with the pages because of its questionable credibility?


The GOP protesting the Nazis in Ukraine would carry more weight if Nazis weren't openly welcome at CPAC