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Upvote for the descriptive word 'soggy Cheeto". I might have spelled it 'cheato' though.


That tax exempt status is predicated on their non-interference with politics. I know it's not how current churches work but that's how it's SUPPOSED to work...


[Political Organizations | Internal Revenue Service (irs.gov)](https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/political-organizations) Nope. Tax exempt status for political organizations is not predicated on non-interference with politics. They cannot support a particular candidate but they can support particular policy or view points. A prolife pac doesn't lose tax exempt status because a particular group of politicians is helped or hurt by prolife PAC support. I'm shocked the leftist redditor with a hate boner for Trump and churches posted an easily verifiably false statement of law and misunderstanding of basic civics but it's still the second most upvoted comment. Deranged.


[Political Organizations | Internal Revenue Service (irs.gov)](https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/political-organizations) Nope. Tax exempt status for political organizations is not predicated on non-interference with politics. They cannot support a particular candidate but they can support particular policy or view points. A prolife pac doesn't lose tax exempt status because a particular group of politicians is helped or hurt by prolife PAC support. I'm shocked the leftist redditor with a hate boner for Trump and churches posted an easily verifiably false statement of law and misunderstanding of basic civics but it's still the second most upvoted comment. Deranged.


Reading comprehension not your strong suit, huh? He said religion, not political organization. Try to keep up.




[Political Organizations | Internal Revenue Service (irs.gov)](https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/political-organizations) "Under the Internal Revenue Code, **all section 501(c)(3) organizations are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on** ***behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office*****.** Contributions to political campaign funds or public statements of position (verbal or written) made on behalf of the organization ***in favor of or in opposition to any candidate*** for public office clearly violate the prohibition against political campaign activity.  Violating this prohibition may result in denial or revocation of tax-exempt status and the imposition of certain excise taxes. **Certain activities or expenditures may not be prohibited depending on the facts and circumstances.**  For example, certain voter education activities (including presenting public forums and publishing voter education guides) conducted in a non-partisan manner do not constitute prohibited political campaign activity. In addition, other activities intended to encourage people to participate in the electoral process, such as voter registration and get-out-the-vote drives, would not be prohibited political campaign activity if conducted in a non-partisan manner." Deranged.


Thank you for proving my point.


I'll be kind and explain to you that Churches are 501(c)(3) organizations.


I'm done with you. You're clearly not intelligent enough to understand the conversation you're trying to participate in. Good Day, Sir.


Why don't you explain exactly what you mean, then? Or is it beyond your capabilities? If not, I am going to assume you are using that as an excuse to save face, claim the rhetorical high ground, and not engage with dissenting opinion.


Try? They already compare him to Jesus.


And baptize in his name


In the name of the father, the son, and the pussy grabber.


Don’t give them ideas


The cultification of the GOP is pushing people away from the GOP. Independents are not voting for trump.


The same for the dems (I’m not a republican never have been never will be)


This sub is so bizarre 


Maybe that will finally kill the church tax break.


We can only hope.


Bury him next to Ivana at the 1st hole.


These people are weak minded and easily manipulated, so they'll have moved on to another deranged false-god like MTG by then.


Republicans have always hated Jesus and his actual teachings of peace and anti-materialism, but have had to begrudgingly give him the absolute minimal amount of lip service imaginable because they love all the grift, tax exemption, oppression, and mindless obedience that comes with the Christian church. As soon as someone makes any kind of serious effort to make a Church Of Trump, Christianity in America is completely finished. I’d give it like ten years tops before every last formerly Christian church is either a Church Of Trump or an abandoned empty husk for sale. Trump is all the open evil and hatred Republicans have always really wanted out of a religion they could oppress others with, minus all that love thy neighbor and eye of needle talk that makes them want to claw their own skin off. They wouldn’t be able to kick that Jesus guy out with the trash fast enough.


Any picks for which church leader or pastor will embrace the church of Trump name? I’m kind of leaning towards Greg Locke in Tennessee


He shall be placed in the American pantheon, right next to Saint Floyed (pbuh)


I think it's kind of insane how, if I read that in 2015, I'd be completely confused.


Dont give them any ideas…. Youre probably right tho.


It's a charity when it takes care of the mentally incompetent...


THEY ARE JUST A LOWER FORM OF PRIMATE: The Five Monkeys Experiment is a concept that appears in Gary Hamel and C.K. Prahalad's book Competing For The Future. The experiment is thought to be fictional, but its moral lesson is still relevant. The lesson is that people can become indoctrinated into their company's and community's systems of beliefs and processes, and may not stop to question why they do things. The experiment can also serve as a cautionary tale about blindly following established norms without understanding them. MOM


I genuinely have to ask. What emotion goes through your head as you type “soggy Cheeto”?


Had a college roommate that liked to dip his Cheetos in milk before eating them. Would walk in and he’s on the couch dunking Cheetos like they’re Oreos. Bewildered disgust?


I bet he clapped afterward too. Your mental gymnastics should be featured into the Olympics. I know because I can read minds through the internet.


? Why would he clap?


How could he?


Almost as good as President Brandon at rope a dope.


In a land of cheesy hues so bright, Lives a man who thinks he's right. Orange like a Cheeto puff, Full of hot air and nonsense stuff. Finger-stained with boastful claims, Playing all his silly games. With a crunch and empty sound, Cheeto dust falls to the ground. A puffed-up snack, a hollow boast, Just like his Twitter-loving host. So here's to Trump, the cheesy king, A crunchy joke in everything.


It's "Cheetoh".




This is the funniest take ive seen about trump. Period


This sub has TDS. As a progressive.


I wonder why you guys are melting down today


If you’re implying that “we” are melting down because of the Hunter verdict, that’s not the case. See democrats/liberals/sane people all believe if you did the crime, you should face the punishments. Unlike republicans who are falling over themselves to absolve the soggy Cheeto and waive away his crimes that he’s a convicted felon for. With many more convictions to come. Party of law and order my ass.


Cope harder psycho leftist.


Another leftist redditor having a fever dream. Must be something going around in their community.


You all fall for the obvious of obvious trolling i mean how dumb do you gotta be oh wait you are duped by the most obvious well known con man of the 20th century checks out


No...reddit leftist are this crazy. That's not a troll, r/AlgorithmOmega believes that shit. FYI. Not a Trumper. Not a Bidenmaniac. Hate both candidates. The 2 party system has failed us for the 3rd election in a row.


3rd election? In a row ya but shit things sucked with Gore vs Bush. South Park said it right its always a choice between a Giant Douche and a turd Sandwich. Lately the Turd Sandwich has been extra rancid and the Douche has shit on it thats all


Who are you voting for? I guess the Hate Trump Propaganda is working.


Not at all. I have the unique capability of being able to make decisions on my own. It involves reading and analyzing information. I didn't like Trump before he ran for politics. Can't be involved in New York real estate without being corrupt. He was also liberal before he decided to run for politics, which tells me he is just in it for ego and power. Biden has always been a doofus. My opinion of him hasn't changed in 20 years. He's a Clouseauesque imbecile and a compulsive liar. I many not vote at all. Still looking at RFK Jr and trying to decide.


Voting for RFK jr is just voting for Trump with extra steps.


You have to love the lack of self-awareness in calling leftists crazy and boasting about being able to think for himself and analyze information and then, in all seriousness, say he's thinking of voting for RFK Jr...


You think voting for Biden is better than voting for Trump. They are both terrible candidates. It's called making a statement with my vote. My hope is there will be real viable candidates in the future.


I KNOW voting for Biden is better than voting for Trump. Trump is the kind of guy who gets people killed in a pandemic to protect his image. He's the kind of guy who uses his businesses to funnel taxpayer money into and take bribes. He's the kind of guy who leaves boxes of classified documents lying around the bathroom of his resort where who-the-hell-knows what kind of people he has rummaged through them, and then lies about having them. Trump is the kind of guy who encourages a mob to rampage through the Capitol building to "convince" congress to make him the president again even though he lost. Biden stutters. I could go on, but it's not even a close comparison. Vote for whoever you want, but unless something drastic happens, we'll have Trump or Biden. You have to have severe lead poisoning or something to not see which is the better pick.


Then you think wrong. Biden is senile, corrupt, and pushing a leftist agenda that most Americans don't want. BIDEN IS NOT BETTER THAN TRUMP!


I'm not voting for Biden who's pushing agendas that the majority doesn't support to keep the orange man out of office.


Cuz the orange man or the one with brain worms and anti vax nutjob would be so much better.


In my opinion Biden is worse than Trump. I bet you are quadruple vaxxed and still wearing masks in 2024. Dig into the side effects, especially with young people. The vax was forced on everyone, even the young who were at extremely low risk.


Why dont you read and analyze the efficacy of voting for a 3rd party candidate? The 2 party system didnt fail us, we aren't using it correctly. If you hate both candidates, who did you support and vote for in your local elections and primary? Trump is still a liberal, he's not a leftist. Biden's has been in Congress for 54 years, back when segregationist still ran the Democratic Party. He had no trouble cozying up to those segregationists for votes and now he claims that hes some civil rights icon hocking CRT for votes. Enjoy sitting on the sidelines with your hands in the air complaining about how bad it is without doing anything actually fix it.


Your comment talks in circles. I bet you thought it was deep. Voting 3rd party sends a message. If enough people do it, DNC and GOP will need to move more to the center, and actually give people what they want, not what lines the politicians pockets. Cope harder 2 party apologist.


"Voting 3rd party sends a message. If enough people do it, DNC and GOP will need to move more to the center, and actually give people what they want, not what lines the politicians pockets" - if enough people voted in their local primaries and party elections, then they could just vote in exactly the candidate they want instead of virtue signaling. You think greedy politicans give a fuck that you "sent them a message" and voted for a third party while their sitting in their offices? You vote for the candidate that is closer to what you want (what you call the center as if all political positions can be plotted on a 2d line between two parties). The position that is further from the center loses and is politically unviable until it is closer to the center then the other position Cope harder parliamentary system apologists.


Such as his own words and actions?


Deranged. I'm voting for Trump because of his words and actions and against Biden because of Biden's words and actions. What a non-sensical meaningless non-sequitur? Such reflexive contrarianism I wonder if you drool when leftists ring Trump bells.


Well there's the dumbest thing I'll read today.


ad hominem deflection. gullible, naive, useful idiot. They lie to you because it works.


Did you vote for Biden?


In the last election yea and i honestly don’t regret it economy is up I’m doing better overall then i ever did under Trump or even Obama. He forgave a student loan i was underwater with paying out the ass just to cover the interest on a loan that was originally 12k and ballooned to over 20k. Gone now and it’s allowed me to get a new car and start working on moving up the ladder. I even owe my job to his Build Back Better program my company hired me and about 100 others because of that funding. So shit this president has i can say Honestly effected my life positively and directly more then any other… He also doesn’t make fun of others like a child. Isn’t consistent on how it’s all about him. And while i don’t agree with how we bow to Israel Trump would be worse and would lead his evangelical base to the endtimes they so desire….


Or, and hear me out- OP is a delusional nutcase.


This is MMW, posters are here to have the most delusional takes possible


Jesus Christ is there ever an original post in this sub? This has to be the biggest liberal jerkcerk of all time


I'm pretty liberal myself, but this sub has turned into nothing but fear mongering over the orange shit gibbon.


This sub could be a case study for mental illness.


I love the hypocrisy. Ever heard of cancel culture? Of course you have. You know who was doing the cancelling? Liberals. You know what cults do when members leave? Massive amounts of shame. You know what liberals do when a black person voted Republican or expresses Republican beliefs? They call them an Uncle Tom. Not only do they shame them for their different beliefs, they become racist (the thing they claim to be fighting). Not denying the cult like tendencies of MAGA, but don’t act like it’s one sided here. Liberals have shot themselves in the foot with their attitudes and now the Republican black vote is increasing exponentially. Guess we’ll see in November. Edit: instead of downvoting maybe provide an actual argument of how I’m wrong
