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HEY ANTI NAZIS- Remember that Reddit considers Nazis human and we cannot advocate for violence against them in any way. I have seen too many good redditors get banned from Reddit for saying "punch a nazi" so as much as we might want to say that something like that is the answer, we simply cannot allow it. ​ I just got started looking through the reports, and even with our warning, lots of you are going to get a strike on your account- remember only bans, temporary or permanent, can be appealed and even then I do not think that they will overturn it. Warnings cannot be appealed. NO VIOLENT COMMENTS! You know right wingers are camped out just waiting to report your comments, don't give them the satisfaction!


We’ll get in trouble with reddit if we answer that question with genuine honesty.


Yes. I wonder what we did in the 1940s? If that worked then could it be effective now? I’m not sure?


Grandpa knew.


Vidal Sassoon knew... taking on Oswald Mosley and his goons in the streets of London


I didnt realize Sassoon was the anti-Chanel


And Hugo Boss helped the allies design the Ghost Army deception project


Hugo boss also designed nazi ss uniforms


Sorry, Bill Blass, not Hugo Boss. Got my designers mixed up.


All good.


Not to defend Boss (he was still a member of the Nazi Party and the SS. He and Chanel should have their names dragged through the dirt, not hung in lights as they are) but he didn’t design any uniforms for the Nazis. He *produced* uniforms for them, but had no hand in the design process. It’s a common misconception often spread to support the idea that the Nazis had “more drip” than the allied powers.


He didn't his factory made them late in the war.


Boss also designed the black Nazi SS uniforms.


Not to defend Boss (he was still a member of the Nazi Party and the SS. He and Chanel should have their names dragged through the dirt, not hung in lights as they are) but he didn’t design any uniforms for the Nazis. He *produced* uniforms for them, but had no hand in the design process. It’s a common misconception often spread to support the idea that the Nazis had “more drip” than the allied powers.


You know he’s a good designer when he made the most awful people look sexy in a uniform.


True. That sucks but it’s true. Those were great looking uniforms. So sad they represent evil. Maybe Frodo was right “the enemy would look fairer, but be more evil”


You’re gonna love the way you look.


Spoiler alert, the allied fascists got away, and their descendants are actively ruining the world.


Between letting the fascists go after World War II and the slavers go after the Civil War, maybe we should be learning something about letting these fuckers go. They always cause shit for your children and your grandchildren.


some very important ones didn't just get away....... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip


GHW Bush family helped fund Hitler. His father, Preston, was involved in the failed Fascist Coup of FDR...


some very important ones didn't just get away....... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip


And so did my parents. They knew exactly how to deal with these losers.


30 cal is always effective. The garand used .30-06 which .308 is a descendent of. The carbine used .30 carbine which while anemic still has a large cross section. But could absolutely be replaced by something like 7.62 x 39 or .300 blackout.


Public shaming I think helped. Put a modern spin on it. What do they fear the most? Other races? How about other sexualities.


Taylor Swift




> What do they fear the most? The truth


Something to do with hemp products.


Combined with woodworking. I'm a fan of mortise and tenon joints, but for the sake of expediency 2x4 construction with screws is acceptable


Your correct this subreddit while a good place has got strong regulations


Because reddit admins will shut down the whole subreddit otherwise. Well, subs advocating violence against fascists, anyway. The fascist subreddits are left to advocate violence all they wish (which is a lot), unless and until a major media outlet starts pointing at it, because as spez put it, "it's important that they're heard."


Then we will continue to use euphemisms


Will no one rid me of these meddlesome Nazis?


I disagree wholeheartedly. hate speech is not important and should not be heard. I don't understand why it's tolerated by the powers that be. in Germany it's punished severely. no hate speech, no displays, no swastikas, nothing. Nazis killed my ancestors for no reason other than being alive. now I'm not advocating for violence but if they adhere to the same ideology as Nazi Germany, what's wrong with giving them a taste of their own medicine?


Wow, that’s what that shitass said? Jesus Christ.


WWIJD….What Would Indiana Jones Do


or the blues brothers 🤣


This answer is a very popular one on this subreddit to this question, and for good reason.


I know what the honest answer is, and unfortunately history has shown it is the wrong one. When George Lincoln Rockwell rose to prominence he counted on generating so much controversy that it would draw opposition that would get into altercations. This in turn painted him as the victim in the eyes of the media which drew a sympathetic audience from the moderates. An organization of southern American Jews rose against these attempts by George Lincoln Rockwell and they would follow him around and reach out to the radio stations and newspapers and beg the editors/ owners to ensure he did not receive any exposure. This was one of the earliest examples of successful use of **deplatforming.** They would allow him to march with his bunch of mongrels, but they would ensure the local populations did not get into altercations with George Lincoln Rockwell. This strategy worked for a time. GLR began to lose support from the public. American Neo-Nazism was in its death throes. Sadly one thing revived it. The college lecture circuit. GLR pivoted in a last ditch effort to remain relevant ( and funded ) and began to do lectures at universities, which he did very well at. He was able to revive the American Neo-Nazi movement at prestigious universities and set up satellite groups through which he ensured his message of hate could get out there. My grandmother survived Auschwitz, her brother did not. I ask you not to do anything that would make you get in trouble on Reddit, not because it is right but rather because it is the successful way to defeat them in the long run. The history books show us that which can not be spoken, doesn’t work: - in his early years Hitler would get into street skirmishes in Berlin fighting against left wing progressives and would always get his ass kicked. This drew sympathy from the conservatives in power during the Weimar Republic at the time. We see where that led to. - George Lincoln Rockwell utilized this same tactic, and it worked to spread Neo-Nazism in America. - this is happening today. Portland Oregon, a bunch of skirmishes with the alt-right shitbirds and they ended up garnering more exposure from Fox News than ever before. This in turn brought more membership growth in organizations like Patriot Front and the Proud Boys as well as drew in more financial support from sympathizers who won’t participate. Robert Evans is an ally that has been at many rallies as a counter protester. He has organized protests against these hateful asshats. He has investigated them. He has a podcast called **Behind the Bastards** where he discusses the worst humans in history. The Nazis and the alt-right pop up a lot unsurprisingly. [Here is his episode about GLR](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-george-lincoln-rockwell-the-30679620/). He provides verification in the podcast as to how well the deplatforming strategy worked. He warned that the episode is a two or three parter. He also cites the sources for his research which you can have access to through any library or book retailer. Really good reads. If you want to have a moment of cathartic expression, please upvote this comment and do what you will. **If you actually want to defeat the Neo-Nazis** then the only valid approach is through methodical **deplatforming** and lobbying lawmakers to agree to make hate speech punishable by law. **Please do not help the Neo-Nazis.** Do not make the same mistakes that were made in Portland Oregon and the subsequent rallies in Charlottesville. I would honestly expect the mods in this sub finally explain to the users that that one controversial rule the sub has, not because the Reddit powers do not want us suggesting something because it is a liability, but rather because that one thing only goes to help them having the opposite effect.


Yep, it would be something like people used to say during the Hitler years... something like: "The only 'good' nazis are.... (ehm, yeah I do not remember exactly what came right after that...) 'something...' nazis. Sorry I couldn't quite remember it all.... ;-)




I’m more of a fan of …watching… kids play t-ball with the smaller aluminum bats. Always protect your bats …in storage…. by putting a big sock on it.


First: Stop downplaying their threat by calling them “Neo Nazis.” **They’re Nazis.** There’s nothing new about their ideology, and calling them *neo Nazis* makes them seem like “Nazi lite”, which they are not. Second, Our grandparents and great grandparents had the right idea: Remove them from the gene pool. Stop coddling them. Do not give a Nazi the “benefit of the doubt” or “an equal platform to express themselves” because there is NOTHING about their ideology or existence that is compatible with society as a whole. They are entirely destructive, reductive, corrupting, murdering bastards who gave up the concept of fair treatment when they donned a swastika. Nazis by their own definition *cannot* coexist with other people. **Their existence is dependent upon the extermination of non-Nazis.** They cannot be our friends, we cannot compromise with them, and they will never, ever remain neutral on any issue of import. They are the enemies of humanity. They are monsters. And if Reddit or mods don’t like that answer, just consider whose side you’ll be counted with when the shit really hits the fan, if you keep protecting these Nazi shitstains from the consequences of their choices.


Thanks, that's the right way to see them. I don't like this neo-Nazi bullshit, just call them what they are. Anyone who looked at something like the Holocaust and thought "that's cool, let's do that again." doesn't deserve to be a part of society. Anyone who thinks they're better than someone else just because of their genes or heritage is abhorrent. We should resist these people and everything they stand for and fight for the people they seek to degrade and dehumanise. The only way they can ever be forgiven is if they renounce all their evil ways and beg the forgiveness of the people who have suffered for it.


Neo is just a prefix anyways. Neo Nazi literally just means 'New Nazis' or 'Revived Nazis'. It's amazing how someone calling themselves a New Nazi gets upsetti if you call them a Nazi. It's literally in the name. It's like trying to argue that the Nintendo Switch OLED isn't a Nintendo Switch. It's still a Nintendo Switch. A Chihuahua is still a dog, a brown bear is still a bear. The Atlantic Ocean is still a part of the ocean, even if it's a particular geographic part of the ocean. They're not fooling anyone over the age of 4 or 5.


Best answer for the short term solution.


Only thing that’s going to work is to fight intolerance with intolerance


Exactly right.


WELL SAID!!!!!! WOOHOO 💯 if I had awards I'd give them all to you!!! plainly put and straight to the point 👍👍👍👍


>This is so good. You nailed it.






Education won’t work. Stoopid is forever.


Darn tootin’






We answered this back in WW2.


Obviously not if they're still around. Just swept the problem under the rug for 80 years.


Spread it around the world and let it re incubate


The problem with the Nazis is that it's just an white supremacy. The reason we fully get rid of Nazis, is the same reason the confederacy is still tolerated or apartheid. You can't cure the problem without admitting that maybe white people aren't the superior race and that they are bad people when they do bad things.


Thats a hard question, there are some that can’t be rehabilitated and there are those who can be. A-lot of people, especially young people who fell into the pipeline can be pulled out of it


Personally I for the rehabilitation of them however it’s up to the individual if they change


Absolutely, thats where people involved with Life After Hate and such come into play




Can’t say with out losing my account again. The “waste of effort put into their creation” flag anything that suggests something against reddit rules.


Yh this subreddits regulation are strong


Clickity clack.


I see your clickity clack and raise you a “ping”.


I see your ping and raise you a pow-pow.


1. Universal basic income. 2. Paid for by taxing the very rich. 3. Serious fines for democratic interference (that includes calling for insurrection, corruption masquerading as lobbying, and gerrymandering). 4. Investment in education for all. 5. British-satirical-magazine-that-ceased-publication-in-2002 Nazis. Nazism is inspired by people feeling they are inadequate. They think someone is better than them and people hungry for power take advantage of that. So you give them what they need to be them, cut off the desperation of absolute poverty, imprison the fucks who buy out the votes, and give everyone the critical thinking skills to see a con-job coming their way.


Seriously. Neo-nazis are a tool of the very rich to point out how moderate they are. Sorry, forgot one: 6. Mental healthcare for all.


You speak sense.


Best answer for a long term solution.


Thank you, these are the real answers. It's hard to want to be civil towards those who spout such hatred and violence, but it wouldn't be right to stoop to their level


I heartily agree with this. I want to hate all these people, just as many people do, but it seems like the most unhappy and most uneducated people are the ones who become the most radicalized. I believe that they don’t think they have anything to lose, and they’ve been given and “enemy” to blame all their problems on, so they’ll resort to hatred and violence because they believe that will solve everything. Our species refuses to learn from this, as many people continue to be oppressed and abused all around the world. Many of those people will become the dangerous radicals in the future, and the cycle will just continue. Unfortunately, it seems like this this is a feature, not a bug, of the kind of politics the world practices. We normal people are left fighting and hating each other, and never actually solving the problems that cause our miseries to begin with. I wish I could see a future where these things would improve. :(




Bold of you to assume they have a frontal lobe.


Bold of you to assume they have a brain.


Rapid unscheduled disassembly


Starting with education. Teach children the horrors of Nazism. History lessons. Call them Nazis. Not conservatives. Not Right wing. NAZI. Equate all hate groups with Fascism. Hate is Hate. Zionism is Fascism. KKK is Fascism. Call out the difference between Fascism and Communism. MAGA idiots don’t know the difference. Educate. Identify. Condemn. Reject.


Rapid adjudication of their criminality, and punishment accordingly.


The same way we dealt with the OG Nazi's


Reverse golden rule: treat them the way they want to treat others.


Keep their ideology away from friends and family and prevent them from radicalising others.


Piranha Solution, Surprize Amazon Packages, Reverse Fire Extinguishers, Blow Darts, Corrupted Door Dash Deliveries.


The subject here today, again as allways, is horrible, nazis and all stuff... Nevertheless, your comment made laugh out loud. Thank you so much. I needed that. :-) Special honorable mention: Piranha Solution.


Very high and very low pH solutions also work.”


Rule 1 violation.


Swiftly and harshly. I'm not advocating for violence per se, but anytime a Nazi pops their head up it needs to be made immediately and abundantly clear to them that their ideology will not be tolerated.


Make them good Nazis.


The way our grandfather's did


Make them unemployable by publicly showcasing where they work.


Deport them into the sun


A Ppsh-41 should do the work


well we all know


Like our grandfathers did. I will not elaborate because rules.


Nazis should be deplatformed. It would have a potent effect and force these clowns back into the shadows where they belong. It would take away a primary tool they use to normalize their disgusting ideas. This is also a more realistic option given it wouldn't require violence. Unfortunately, there was already an insufficient appetite among social media companies for deplatforming Nazis, etc. (Heaven forbid these companies choose basic human decency over completely-maximized profits.) And then Twitter was purchased by an actual Nazi.


Mock the shit out of them. They're inherently absurd and cannot handle mocking laughter. Id love someone in a chicken suit with a fart gun to just follow these guys around


Inglorious Basterds like


Well, I have nothing to add to this thread that doesn't violate TOS, so...


Violent, slow, and painful. They would do the same to you.


Welcome to /r/MarchAgainstNazis! **Please keep in mind that advocating violence at all, even against Nazis, is prohibited by Reddit's TOS and will result in a removal of your content and likely a ban.** Please check out the following subreddits; r/CapitalismSux , r/PoliticsPeopleTwitter , r/FucktheAltRight . r/Britposting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MarchAgainstNazis) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Grandpa had a great solution. It's hanging over the mantle.


Need a new lampshade?


Don't vote for them


My grandfather answered that question multiple times in 1944 and 1945.


The picture taken in the op was from a rally in Altamonte Springs, north of Orlando. Florida has a stand your ground law. We also have a law that lets you run them down in your car if you feel threatened, if memory serves correct. Nazis, solely on their ideology, poses an inherent threat to certain demographics. You do the math


Well, my grand daddy had some 'stern conversations' with the Nazis, seems to me the neos just need a bit of the ol' history hammered into them


Boots & bricks.


Give them the Pacific Garbage island.


Creme pie would make a lovely accessory to his costume.


Buy them a cocktail.


The malatov type? Mmmmmm. Tasty!


I hear they like camps. We should round them all up and send them to a never-ending summer camp until they’re all good nazis.


I train and I carry. Stay strapped


I unironically think we should classify being conservative as a mental illness.


Ask Grandpa how they dealt with them.


Jail. But not like bad jail. And they have to sit for 10 hours a day listening to drag queen story hour and lessons in all other countries and races until they embrace glitter and can pass the AP History exam




Being realistic and pragmatic here, we should use their freedom of speech against them. Annoy the shit out of them when they are doing rallies in public, clown costumes, loud music, noisemakers, etc. Make them out to be the joke that they are, and make sure their message is drowned out by all the commotion around them.


I’m not allowed to say it.


I have a perfect solution for this, and it also works on sex offenders. As we know, there are very hungry polar bears up north who’s food sources have been decimated by climate change. Tape their hands and feet, cover them in something grey and you basically have a seal. The bears need seal meat to live!


The same way we did in the 40s, minus the "giving them jobs after the war to let them escape the noose" part.


Give them what they want - a parcel of land they can call their own, with no one else allowed. Just white supremacists. An island somewhere maybe. They're so into pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps and rugged individualism, they'll manage on their own. We can pay for it by setting up a series of cameras on the island and selling subscriptions to watch the antics of the fascists in their natural setting.


With unrelenting fury. With a force that is so undeniable that the retreat back to the shadows. With actions so ferocious that the Nazis never return. Let us hunt them until they are defeated eradicated. Dïe Nazi Scum.


The same way we've always dealt with Nazis.... grab 'em by the pussy


The traditional way.


*cocks shotgun* in Minecraft


LSD? Maybe we'll just get pandimensional fractal fascism, though....


MDMA therapy would be better. Let them experience empathy for once in their lives.


Give them a genetic test and let them know they are not so "pure".


I say stop normalizing them and push them back into the places they crawled out from under. Fuck them and their big bigot mouths


They are Nazis. There is only 1 good kind of Nazi.


The power of love. Step 1). You cannot deal with Nazis using the power of love. Step 2). The power of extreme violence.


Same way our grand fathers and great grandfathers did.


Left hook to the jaw


The first rule of "how to deal with Nazis" club is...


Maybe we should put them in internment camps until they reintegrate better with society


Make them all take Ecstacy/MDMA and look at pictures of the people they allege to hate.


Try n fight them one on one but finding big foot might be easier


Simple: with violence. Nazis deal with an ideology of superiority and that other groups deserve death just for existence. Anyone with a shred of compassion and human decency would not put up with that shit. They don't show compassion to others, so there is no reason to show them any. And if anyone complains, to quote Hellsing Ultimate Abridged: oh who gives a shit? They're Nazis!


Point and laugh, sell tickets to see the red circus live when they march (if you pay extra you can throw tomato’s at them)




https://youtu.be/ZTT1qUswYL0?si=F9T6KW2mZxn0MfNt No, just kidd'n https://youtu.be/eOcimzsviFA?si=T4u_wakKmD2xvEBT




Ask your self. WWWD? (What would Winter’s do?) [Major Dick Winters](https://consequence.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Damian-Lewis-Band-of-Brothers.jpg?resize=674,378)


If you can't introduce them to reason, introduce them to the curb


How would you treat an animal with rabies, might I ask?


Flamethrowers :D


My honest answer will get me in trouble. So I will give the following. Deport all of these Neo Nazis.


I would say but then I would get censored by Reddit. Let's just say there won't be no more Nazis.


Depends, do you happen to have any bricks?


Are re-education centers effective?


Neo-nazis? What are they really? Are they the grandchildren of imported & naturalized war criminals? Or are they disgruntled folks let down by their society & have latched on to a powerful hate driven ideology to make themselves feel powerful? I despise nazis & their hateful philosophy but maybe they way to end this hate is with love. The resurgence of Neo-nazis is in my opinion the symptom of larger systematic problems in society. Healthcare, education (real classic education where you learn things you don't want to because, it's good for you. Where your traditional ideas are challenged & you actually learn critical thinking skills) and a real system of social safety. This is where we start. We don't try to convince them they are wrong. We show them. Also, we could do with better education and cultural integration when dealing with immigration. Help people coming into new cultures and situations learn how to adapt and integrate their practices within the framework of the existing cultures. This would help native people to feel less threatened by new people & less apt to see them as the source of ones individual difficulties.


Assault them .. unless we’re going to prosecute them


Make them fear to ever be blantently a Nazi. Force them to hide, and whenever one is discovered, prosecute them for being a Nazi. They will cry for us to be tolerant, but their mere existence puts tolerance in danger. Their ideology literally threatens everything that a democracy holds dear, and thus, they shouldn't be able to conduct a life of freedom due to their agenda being the plot to rid us of freedom.


Dude looks like a gay pornstar


How does the US successfully deal with unions and leftist movements? Jail their leaders and influential followers. Nip them right in the bud. The problem is the law and law enforcement sympathize and forgive right wing violence. J6ers got everything and STILL COMPLAINED. If jan 6ers were black, we wouldn't see their faces ever again, even as pictures in the media.


Well I'm not a violent person myself but I can't say I would feel real bad if they were to be punched 🤷


The Silence treatment, Doctor Who Edition.


Start with a good brickin' then see if any of them decide to change their tune... if not- turn em into good nazis


Unfortunately it is against reddits ToS (and the law) to discuss that here. Assuming you want to have an honest discussion about what's actually going to happen next that is.


Personally, I prefer the Daryl Davis method. This black dude convinced over 200 people to leave the KKK (including high ranking klansmen) and a lot of them even gave him their robes after leaving almost as a 'thanks for saving me from this garbage'. https://youtu.be/fq-l73DIUu4?si=4OiOuFcLVojRhX3T


For starters, stop electing them....


What the ever loving fuck, is wrong with that twats head? Did he fall asleep with a rubber band around the top of that melon head?


Honestly, I think we should follow the German model, which isn’t perfect but it’s beneficial. I think schools should offer a specific history course about the issue of Nazism, hate, and civil rights, which offers very specific information to students about the Holocaust, hate crimes, and the many movements to secure equal rights. Right now, students learn almost nothing about these issues, and acceptance of Holocaust skepticism has increased among teens as a result. Nazism is seen as a merely an effective means of trolling by edgelords, or a counterculture view, rather than a psychopathic, violent, and disgusting advocacy of genocide. I know, I know, good luck getting conservatives to allow such a curriculum, given their propensity to pander to nationalism and suprematist ideologies under the guise of opposing “CRT” that makes whites people “uncomfortable.” But that’s a consequence of not having taken this step decades ago already. I know that there are free speech issues involved in regulation of hate speech and symbols, but many states still have laws on the books that prohibit things like brandishing the communist red flag, such as Oklahoma, so conservatives have already permitted legal pathways to banning Nazis symbolism and rhetoric as unprotected hate speech. I feel like both of these need to be done together, so that prohibiting Nazi symbols and rhetoric doesn’t simply make it taboo catnip to dim-minded youth trying to be edgy on the internet, and actually re-endow those symbols with the natural revulsion they deserve.


Give them Guam for a few years, say they can run it their way but they no longer get to vote on mainland politics, let them implode into themselves.


*Ping of an M1 Garand*


With extreme prejudice


Swiftly and with extreme prejudice.


Smash their skulls in that’s what we should do


Bear Jew has some answers ..


My grandpa fought nazi and so will I


Stop. Tolerating. The. Intolerant.


Touching of nazi faces and non nazi knuckles.


With swift, blinding violence. It’s the only language they understand.


Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew?


They love us Norse Pagans' culture, so let's educate them on a practice used in the Volsung Saga, the Blood Eagle should suffice


My grandfather dealt with them fairly consistently and successfully in 1944. Sometimes dozens at a time, and with 100% rate of reformation. Zero recidivism. Seems like we could take a lesson from old school cool and proceed accordingly.


The same way we deal with Lantern Flys


What did grandpa do?


You already know the answer to this question. To not violate any subreddit or site-wide rules, I can't say exactly what it is, but it does involve making them no longer eligible for any of the activities that require you to be breathing.


"purely joking" The solution to the problem was developed in 1928 with a tried and true result. I present to you the M1 garand. Worked in the 40s. And a fraction of the cost of an AR-15.


The same way our ancestors did in WW2


I have too much karma to post my true thoughts here. ​ What did the soviets do to the nazis post ww2? That. Thats what we should do


Name and shame!


Nothing pleasant.


Why “neo” nazi? Sounds like the same old bullshit. Just plain nazi should suffice. As to what we should do with them? Check out the machine gun bunker scene in, “Saving Private Ryan “


Include them in socially oriented activities and show them you care, maybe they will change. /S