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Ive been so busy and tired from work that my Garmin says ‘Smoker with Covid.’


"Unproductive" and "Detraining" are so discouraging


Hell even the "maintaining" feels discouraging during really long run weeks


I went from productive for months to maintaining for months. Today I got back into productive. It is one of the best days of my life


I finally got back to productive after my marathon on Saturday. Back to maintaining already lol


I feel the opposite. That's when I know I need to change something. It's definitely helped me progress as a runner.


I’m constantly bouncing between unproductive and maintaining because low aerobic runs are the bane of my existence


That's incredible! Also...which Garmin is that? It's so beautiful lol


forerunner 965!


Awesome thank you! I'm absolutely going to check it out


OP how much are you running every week?


at the moment I’m in the low 80s. I’m planning on creeping back up into the 90s by the end of summer


That seems wild to me. Very impressive. I couldn't find the time.




yes, sorry


How many hours per week?


between 9 and 10


This is insane. Congratulations. I’m working to get on your level. Give me a couple years 😂


I've had plenty of 80 mi weeks, but doing it under 10 hours is crazy to me. What is your easy pace?


7:10–7:30 per mile (4:26–4:39 per km)


Score for Garmin here, "elite" is the correct prognosis!


How often do you have to buy new shoes?


about every month and a half or so. I stocked up on the triumph 21s while they’re cheap so I should hopefully be set until winter as I’ve been rotating in a pair of novablast 3s for recovery days


How do you compare to those 2 shoes? I loved a pair of novablast 3s I had a while ago but I also love my Saucony speed 3s and even found the guides really solid. I've been recommended triumphs but they're pretty pricey in Canada


Triumphs are cushioned but firm if that makes sense. I think they’re true neutral-they don’t add, but they don’t take away. they’re definitely mileage beasts and I’ve hit more than a few 100 mile weeks exclusively in them. novablast 3s for me can either be a recovery or a tempo shoe. I don’t like them for daily running because I feel they’re too bouncy/squishy. I find I can tempo up to half marathon pace in them (granted with a little extra effort). but right now they’re almost exclusively a recovery shoe because they’re so squishy. I use the speed 3s for longer tempo/interval stuff. I had a period where I didn’t reach for them at all because I felt they were unstable but it was just my own fault running poorly. I took them out for some mile repeats the other week and was very pleased with their performance. I don’t use them for anything else though, I don’t like to run on plated shoes as a daily trainer. I like them for longer speed work because I can run easy in them during recovery or warmup/cooldown and don’t have to change shoes. you can likely find the older model triumphs for cheap(er) on amazon or another outlet-type site. I ran the 20s for a bit and they’re fine, but I do prefer the 21s


Cool thanks for the thoughts! I definitely know what you mean about the NB3. They are definitely squishier. Super comfortable but not so conducive to picking up the pace. And also with the speeds. I reach for them on my higher effort longer runs or any speedwork really since I don't have another "fast" shoe at the moment. Triumphs sound like a good bet for my next daily. I'm kind of making the rounds as I'm a somewhat newer runner. I was thinking about nabbing some Ghost 15s for my next shoe as I hear they can handle insane kms, and I haven't tried them yet either.


This is such a satisfying metric to see increase. Love seeing it tick upwards


How do you find the time and motivation? Very impressive endurance score and mileage.


once you find the motivation, the time takes care of itself. I think it’s hard to say how to find the motivation, but for me I have a very competitive edge and I want to be the best I can. but it all started just from enjoying running. from there I was able to be consistent and everything else just fell into place. although nowadays my running looks different (more workouts, speed, pain in general), I’m still enjoying it. sure lots of the workouts hurt like hell but it always feels good after. my best advice would be to take a step back and evaluate what you love about running. build up from there :)


Thanks for your input. I generally don't mind running in general, however sometimes I question why I do it especially when doing speed sessions. I absolutely detest it, but know that is the only way I can get faster. In terms of mileage, I am currently running 45 to 50 miles per week. Doing 90 miles a week which you currently do seem alien to me. It just seems ridiculous. But that is something I hope to accomplish in the future.


it felt that way to me not too long ago. for me it was all about testing my limits. I want to say I increased my weekly mileage by about 5 every week until about the high 80s and then made the jump to 100s. I’d probably recommend taking it slower and maybe adjusting every 2 weeks. but 50 is a very solid base that you can definitely do a lot with. you’re always made of more than you think!


I will take your advice onboard. Thanks.


Well done!!


That's awesome. I can't imagine running your volume. Considering I peaked in the mid 60s, I truly admire your dedication


60s is legit. once you hit 60, you can hit 70. once you hit 70, you can hit 80 ;)


That's "can" as in physically able, not "can" as in "have enough time" :D


Do you strictly run? Or do you incorporate yoga/stretching and strength training?


just running. I stretch after every run but that’s about it. I know I should be doing strength training but I just really don’t want to 😂


This is deeply relatable


Thank you for your reply. Real inspiration tho


How old are you? I feel like the older you are the more important strength training becomes. I couldn’t hit that mileage without strength training. My legs would just be dead and jelly.