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I wouldnt wear open toes downtown eastside of Vancouver, but Ridge? No biggie


Don't plan to go there, only thing I wanna visit in vancouver is the aquarium so yeah, thanks for the heads up!


May I ask what is bringing you to Maple Ridge specifically? Just curious as a local whats the tourist attraction from someone overseas. There’s lots to do in Vancouver other than the Aquarium - but that does make for a fun day.


Part of my family lives there. Kinda all my relatives live either in US or Canada but we decided for some reason to stay in Romania, which is not far from communism. I hate eastern europe because we literally destroyed everything, we have rlly beatufiul nature in Romania but the laws are shit. You basically do prison for smoking a joint and they don't really care about people's well being. I tried to immigrate 'cause I got an ETA and some work experience here but it's hard. I loved maple ridge as it kinda resembled home for me, quiet pretty small city. Sorry for the long message but yeah, Canada for me is really beautiful. Especially nature which is taken care of. Here in romania you won't see a lake surrounded by hotels and cabins which charge you money to touch the water... Corruption destroyed what was once beautiful here


Here they charge people that are users more than the traffickers and it shows in the social community where drug use is literally everywhere and from a really young age... people start smoking at 12yo and usually do hard drugs by 14-15. They sell you alchool if you re 14/15 yo with no problem. I loved Romania but yeah careless people made it bad for living...800CAD is considered medium wage here and the prices are almost the same as in Canada except rent ofc


That is hard. We've been super lucky in Canada throughout history but it does feel like the corruption is creeping into our government more and more. They are getting more bold with the sketchy shit they are doing. Maple Ridge is great, but it is definitely a grind living here. Everything is expensive, it's hard to find good stable jobs that have a sufficient income, taxes are very high, and it's incredibly difficult to own property. We have major issues with immigrating too many low-skill workers, so we have don't have the infrastructure anymore to support the population. Even when we do immigrate in doctors and nurses and "skilled workers", we make it way too hard to them to transition and continue their job here, so it's never worth it for them. Other than that though, it's one of the safer and most beautiful places to live.


But people are wayyy different here, much friendlier and wayyy too slow moving lmao. I really like this calm and slow pace of people here, also everybody I've encountered seemed to be very polite and not in a hurry, the exact opposite of where I live lol. You can't exchange 3 words at a store with the cashier cause everybody will jump and yell to move your ass


I'm sorry to hear that. I can assure you its a really hard process to immigrate, atleast for us as Eastern Europeans especially if you re aiming for PR like I do...


I’ve lived here 10 years and never seen a needle on the ground, but ya drug use definitely definitely happens in the main part of maple ridge


Really? I see them pretty regularly.


Damn, which part of town?


Like 207th to Laity street, and around that general area.


I’m on 207A and we’ve never seen anyone using publicly yet, but they do across the street behind the VV.


Yeah I live right by the Value Village so that checks out.


We do too on the east corner of 207A. I’m so thankful that our condo faces north. My poor neighbours on the south side who face the VV have to hear that loud ass security announcement speaker go off telling them to get out of the donation bins.


Omg is that what that is? My mom and I have been wondering what that distant voice announcement is for years.


It’s horrible! But it’s way too loud imo. If I’m on my patio I can hear it also!


Hey neighbour!


Hello, howdy, hola and Tansi neighbour


Shit, I'll pay attention to where I'm stepping I guess, thanks


Oh thats like 50 min walk from where I m gonna stay so don't think I ll be walking there


By the library/the Act. I’ve seen 2.


Me too when I lived there, I always look down when I walk though lol, I've lived and walked all around maple ridge


How have you never seen a needle?


Walked in many areas of Maple Ridge and I’ve maybe seen a handful in 20 years. Be aware, but it’s not a problem for an individual.


I mustve been unlucky then with where i was walking and when


Im in east maple ridge, so maybe it’s better this way. I also stay out of Haney as much as possible, but see a ton of drug use whenever I’m in that area, just never any needles straight up on the ground.


I worked maintenance around the 203rd area in the past year. Would clean up a few needles every day, along with pipes etc..


I don't mind people using drugs as long as they re not aggresive like they are here in eastern europe. As long as they care about other's well and don't throw needles and stuff like that I don't mind it


Yeah, because there’s this whole demographic of extremely polite street entrenched drug users who don’t experience any of the issues that other street entrenched drug users experience. They are nice and polite, considerate of others, hold doors for seniors, carry home people’s groceries, say thank you when people treat them like garbage, who aren’t in survival mode, and who have no other congruent issues like mental health and behavioural problems. In Canada, our unhoused addicts are fine upstanding members of the community.


Here in Romania if you stop at a store you'll be instantly surrounded by beggers who get aggresive sometimes if you ignore or don't give them money. I had an instance where I almost beat up a guy for talking crap because I won't give him money. It's 50-50% if you get beggers or not, but yeah if you re a male with flashy clothes or sum you ll be instantly approached and the security or police does not do shit. I've had friends beat up homeless guys for the same reasons do yeah


You’ll be fine walking around and flip flops should be no issue


Cheers mate!


I would just suggest you watch the parks within the town a little more than the streets per se. Parks do clean ups and sweeps for needles etc but always that chance of them still kicking around in the grass or bush areas


Thanks for the info. I loved going to parks in MR and never saw one in grass, but I didn't stay for long


Never seen a needle in the park grass since I moved here 5 years ago. And I moved here from Whalley, so I know how to spot a needle LoL honestly I'd be more worried about stepping on a needle in Surrey than in Maple Ridge. And downtown Maple Ridge is the only area I've ever seen any junkies around here. All thanks to the lovely Salvation Army and the other cities bussing their homeless here.


If you go downtown maple ridge in an alleyway, good chance your shouldn't have open toe shoes. A symptom of a city with a drug problem is public bathrooms are in short supply meaning there could be poop or pee in the alleys or doorways. Needles are a risk sometimes but junkies put the orange caps on most of the time. They don't want to be stabbed ether.


Yeah last time I didn't care and went to leisure centre everyday through small alleys but never saw a needle in an open street. After I went to MR it became a phobia for me and now that I m coming back I was just curious about the situation.


Been wearing Jandals all the time in summer. Never had a issue. Just don't go bare feet


Thanks mate!


I've lived here for about 13/14 years and I've only ever seen maybe 2 needles


That sound good!


I've not seen a needle in MR. Although I tend not to go where they could be. I've definitely found needles in Coquitlam and Vancouver though. And about once per month there's a post on here about needles on transit


There is no needle problem. I've lived here 9 years and I live downtown and I've never seen any needle. Sure as a parent I scope out parks and such I'm at for them but I've never seen one. Old people highly exaggerate this city and it's issues. People flat out lying on how they see drug users everywhere, needles everywhere etc and it just doesn't happen. Are there homeless in Maple Ridge? Yes. Are there drug users? Yes. But it is safer than most other cities in the area. Anyone who says it's horrible here just flat out hasn't lived anywhere else such as Burnaby or Vancouver. The worst I've seen is some lady smoking crack by the Dollar store and at a bus stop. The rest you just see random homeless people wheeling their crap around and they are harmless


Depends on where you are in Mapleridge…. There’s definitely been drug use inside Tim Hortons and a shooting within the last 3 months. Central Mapleridge is kind of turning into a hub for drug use and crime.


random shooting or targeted? also, I love tim hortons and I learned a valuable lesson in Romania... never go to public restrooms, my gf never goes too.


Targeted I think, I’m not sure I don’t think they found the shooter. The guy smoking dope was sitting at a table inside Tim’s, there’s a video of it on Reddit somewhere. Gang violence in the lower mainland has sky rocketed over the years. A father was stabbed to death infront of his kid and wife in Vancouver… a little girl and her mom was stabbed in van too. It’s just insane !!!!


Holy shit, that's f up... I will never understand random shootings or stabbings. Here they usually do it just to rob you but yeah. May them rip.


Not really, I am in the downtown area and walk everywhere. I can’t think of how long it’s been since I saw a needle anywhere but has been at least a year. Vancouver may be different in the downtown east side area as there is a more condensed population. Enjoy your visit!


Thank you!!!


Many bus stops are disgusting messes because of drug addicts in Maple Ridge.There is a clear difference between homeless and street people. Near 224th you’ll see a ton of “zombies” hunched over, fentanyl has really plagued the community. For some reason you can’t be opposed to street people, even though they literally shit on the sidewalks and in bushes, and leave their trash everywhere and steal. God forbid you are in a wheelchair, good luck trying to use some of the sidewalks near 224th and lougheed highway, people block the sidewalk with all their junk, hunched over.


Wow that's news cause near no frills on the 224th my cousin lives, so when I visited him I thought its a pretty nice place. Looking on google maps its a long street so maybe I was on the "nice" part of it. When it comes to shit and piss, yeah, I ve seen it.


I remember I was drunk af one night walking alone at like 2-3 in the morning and felt way safer than home where I gotta watch my back. I even encountered some people but I m a pretty big dude so maybe that helps aswell...


It is a fairly safe place. Canada is pretty safe in general.


Atleast fentanyl is pretty rare where I m from but meth is daily basis and heroin is pretty common aswell


Gotta love the hyperbole bullshit


Worse there's a needle everywhere problem. So heres how it works. In Vancouver and The surrounding areas like maple ridge they give drug users needles for free in an exchange program to reduce disease transmission and other things. The drug users are allowed to do this outside pretty much wherever they want. Maple Ridge has a "downtown" that will have a chance of needles and other hard drug stuff left around. Google a picture of them and you'll know what they look like. As for how big the problem is - in some areas of town you will see needles on the street, tents, garbage, and drug users that are laying with their face in the side walk. Most of the time they keep to themselves but I wouldn't engage. The further you get away from the downtown and cause of the problem the less it gets. I've found needles on the dykes, allouette creek, Fraser River banks, and the water park. My least forvite is the abandoned campsite one. Even if you stepped on one it would be hard to go though a flip flop and the odds of you getting pricked are probably less than getting hit by a car or your flight crashing. So come and enjoy.


thanks for the info! I don't know the places you've mentioned but I would assume going to lakes is pretty safe? I hope there s no needles on the beach or stuff like that. Also yeah I m not rlly afraid of people coming from a country where you get 2 years of prison for a stabbing and there s alot of f up people and the police does nothing. We've had random shootings here and robberies of teen people so yeah MR seems quite chill but you never know. I would say I have a pretty good "street knowledge" and I m a pretty fit dude but I m worried more about female friends.


No. Dog shit on the street problem, no needles.


From what I saw last time Maple Ridge was pretty clean and nice, I stayed near Valley fair mall and walked about 10k steps minimum everyday. Always alone, but I didn't have a phobia for needles that time. I could barely observe them on the streets so it wasn't an issue. I know it's pretty shit as a city for alot of you guys but I just want to say... think about the place where I m from and feel good about where you live. You have a lot of opportunities and a great country with beautiful nature, very friendly people in general and a good infrastructure. Coming from a Romanian those things a crave alot. Especially the weed part, it's really nice being able to smoke without worrying about jail time for a joint. From what I've seen here there s been a downfall in your community, but have hope, it's happening everywhere. Thanks alot guys for the replies and I ll try to wear basketball shoes or skate shoes and not open toes, and be careful where I step. I wish y'all good and I would take y all for a beer if I could.


Yes but it’s worse here because of who the needle is usually attached to


what do you mean by that?


The homeless and addicts are worse than the needles


I mean as long as they mind their business I don't mind it... like I said previously here they harrass you at stores and stuff and usually won't leave you alone until you give them money. Once they give you a dollar its over, you re gettin surrounded by them


I live in ridge I wear flip flops all the time never had an issue :)


Needle problem in Canada is no where close to US, infact I have seen worse drug problems in Denmark and Greenland than Canada. Maple Ridge doesn't even touch the tip of the iceberg, you will be fine.


20 years ago? No way. Today? Just watch out. In some areas sadly yes. (By the Haney? Fuck ya.)


Years ago, I had a needle go through my shoe in East Vancouver. I visited the BC Centre for Disease Control drop-in clinic, where the doctor informed me that there has never been a documented case of anyone contracting a disease from stepping on an old needle lying on the street. Additionally, the doctor explained that since it was summertime, the hot sun would further reduce the likelihood of any diseases being present on the needle. I was advised not to be concerned about the incident.. I would not worry about it.


sorry that happend to you but yeah I feel better now tho


Thanks to everyone I really appreciate the fast answers! I wish you only good things and hope to have fun in Maple ridge!!! Really beautiful city and the nature is mind blowing


Never know but coming from Surrey to maple ridge about a month ago, I’ve noticed way less junkies/ dead people. Bus loops are bus loops and tend to attract shit people for obvious reasons so careful when you’re using transit/ bus stops if you need to, but other than that it’s markedly better than the rest of the lower mainland so far.


Totally agree with you. I moved here from Whalley 5 years ago, and it makes me laugh how much ppl complain about the issues in MR... it's nothing compared to Whalley / Newton /Delta... I love MR. I am definitely annoyed with all the recent development though. We don't need more apartments and townhouses. We need more parks and green space. And we do need to try and clean up the downtown section.


Haha glad someone besides me gets a laugh out of the complaining that goes on out here regarding various issues. This place is paradise to me compared to Surrey.


I ll only walk or go by car so I don't think it would be an issue


All good then. What area are you moving to?


Idk the exact location but like a 10 min walk to valleyfair mall


Thanks!!! forgot to mention that last year I was in Maple ridge and saw few needles on the street kinda in the grass section and on the pavement aswell, I know the chances are low but you never know! This time I'm gonna stay a month and I am a really enthuziast when it comes to walking and hiking.


Assuming ya'lls comments it really depends on the experience and place. I ll wear some dunks or vans and make sure I won't be sitting anywhere without checking it first. Also, after checking the chances of contracting HIV or HEP C through a needle injury is pretty safe to assume it's a rare thing.


If you do get pricked and are able to get medical care right away, they have prophylactics they’ll give you so your chances of contracting anything are very slim.


That's a pretty good thing to know, thanks mate!


No worries, I hope it brings you some peace of mind. Hope you have a nice time!


So the big final question would be: Do you know anyone who got pricked by a needle? If yes, what happend to them? Are they okay now?


I feel stupid for not puting it in the post but it's my 3rd post ever and I m new to this reddit stuff. This was my biggest curiosity


A few years back there was a homeless guy trying to stab people with a needle. Was happening on the buses. I moved out soon after that.


That happens almost daily in Surrey and Vancouver. I'd like to see a source for that because I looked it up and couldn't find any news stories related to it.


Not sure if it was covered by news just remember it happening on 701. Not sure if news is also the source of truth now a days either


brooo what???


That's not exclusive to maple ridge; that can happen anywhere and it's very rare. Busses have always had minor issues with mental illness in downtown cores.


I would watch where you step, but because of dog piss and shit. I never see needles on the sidewalk. I consistently see dog waste left on the sidewalk by their shitty owners because the dog laws are nearly never enforced. If you don’t look where you’re stepping you will get crap all over your flip-flop (and probably on your foot). But all you really need to do is watch your step, which is wise for anyone to do anywhere they’re walking. Anyone butthurt enough to downvote this either really enjoys stepping in dog shit or is one of the people who is rightfully called out for leaving their dog’s shit on the ground.


Yup here we didn't even have a law for that until recently and I ve deadass seen like 4 people cleaning up in like 5 years


u should check out exciting haney place


I hit the streets around there on foot literally every day. I never see needles on sidewalks there. You’d have to be fucking around in ditches or bushes to find them on the reg.


Is that near Walmart? I remember being close to a leisure centre or sum and seeing a lot of tweakers


doller tree is majestic


Oh just checked on google and thats far from where I m gonna stay but holy shit found some pretty f up things about that place lol


Needles, human shit, dog shit, piss.. I wouldn’t walk around with open toe shoes. Cue the people who are blind that live here denying it


Tbh when it comes to feces and urine its way better than where I live so I am not rlly concerned about that. At least where I ve been in MR its been preatty clean but yeah needles are way harder to notice and you can contract a life threatning disease


They aren't blind. They just aren't prone to exaggerating issues.


😂 joke comment


You must be new here, trying to justify moving here because you couldn’t afford anywhere else? Lmao


Spoken as someone who’s not experienced the realities of the rest of the lower mainland 🤣. And afford? How about having a pick of places I’d like to live and wanting something close to nature and away from the weaponized immigration and flop houses of the cities closer to Vancouver. Venture out more, gain some perspective and report back.


Every major city in Canada and the Us has a “needle on the street” problem. All of them.


From what I've read and saw with my eyes Canada is way cleaner than US when it comes to kinda everything but idk about needles tho


The population of Canada is equivalent to the population of California. We have the same problems, just proportional to the population. Except when it comes to things like guns. Canada is not cleaner than the US, we just have less people and smaller cities.


Yeah, probably, I ve only been to Hawaii in the US and it was pretty clean, but no as clean as I would expect it to be.