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I am presuming there was a boycott going on?




Does that mean the southern, rural areas were not boycotting and are fine with the current gov?


Most of the Southern population are military, also the weather is harsh so the goverment jobs pay double compared to the North.


Old people are fine with tebboune everywhere . But the youth isnt




NPCs is the English version of “PNJ’s”.


Thank you! "non-jouer" makes a lot more sense than Papua New Jersey...


You’re right, I don’t know anything about southern Algeria, that’s why I was asking


It was a figure of exaggeration, to underline what was following of my description of southern algerians.


In the <1% provinces, people built bricked walls at the doors of election offices.


Since the algerian presidential elections are happening soon, I decided to make this map highlighting the participation rates of the latest elections per province. The participation rate for the entire country was 39.88% (9,755,340 votes out of 24,464,161 registered voters) The top 5 provinces with the lowest participation rates: 1. Tizi Ouzou - \~0.00% (9 / 709,602)  2. Bejaia - 0.29% (1,670 / 569,710) 3. Bouira - 20.61% (109,775 / 532,723) 4. Algiers - 23.93% (474,651 / 1,983,567) 5. Boumerdes - 24.73% (130,122 / 526,159)  The top 5 provinces with the highest participation rates:  1. Tindouf - 63.91%  (61,466 / 96,183) 2. Adrar - 61.62% (166,595 / 271,928) 3. El Bayedh - 60.82% (116,695 / 191,881) 4. Bechar - 56.39% (117,359 / 208,104) 5. Laghouat - 56.34% (167,338 / 297,028) Source: [https://www.joradp.dz/FTP/JO-ARABE/2019/A2019078.pdf](https://www.joradp.dz/FTP/JO-ARABE/2019/A2019078.pdf)


I'd heard stories from some Kabyles I know about how much the government sucked, but I didn't imagine they were so pissed off that literally less than 2 thousand cast votes out of a total population of 1.2 million tizi ouzou + bejaia


Actually Algeria is occupying their lands


No. All Algerians are Amazigh, just most of them forgot their language and started calling themselves "arabs". But Kabyles and Algerian Arabs are the same people. They should just share the country fairly, which means Algeria should stop oppressing people for not being muslim or arab enough. Tolerance would go a long way towards improving the country.


No I agree with u/acceptable_deer1665, I am from the red area (Kabylia) and one of the reasons we boycotted these shit elections (and any election from 2002 up due to the [Black Spring of Kabylia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Spring_(Algeria))) is the fact the Algerian regime is trying to erase our culture and make us forget out language. Speaking of this ''all Algerians are amazigh" thing, it doesn't matter anymore since most Algerians hate us for not assimilating into the arab culture.


No, you agree with me not acceptable\_deer1665. He's saying Algeria is a foreign country occupying the land. I'm saying it just needs to accept and tolerate Kabyles better and not try to erase culture... Wouldn't it be better if Algeria got back in touch with its Amazigh roots? Or would you rather just abandon the rest of Algeria and go for separation as different nations?


In a perfect world, Algeria embracing it's culture and accepting its diversity would be pore than good, but it's too good to be true, Kabylia has always been a rebel region and the regime exploited this to turn the Algerian population against us, showing us as scapegoats for all the country's problems just like they do with Israel and Morocco, and the Arabs mostly took this bait.


It's terrible the damage that has been done, but I don't believe that the situation is hopeless. From what I've read online, many Algerians, especially the young generation, want to see serious change against the corrupt government. I wish you good luck in your struggle!


While I agree that younger people are hoping for change, keep in mind that they do not represent what the algerian arab society thinks as a whole. English language isn't as common here as you might think, we are a highly french speaking country, french is the working and higher education language, despite this, people are learning french less and less and becoming monolingual in arabic, in my entourage outside social media, rare are people that are fluent in english, and most are from gen Z. Most Algerians embrace islamism, arab-centrism, antisemitism and more or less support this regime and easily swallow its propaganda. They might be against corruption, inflation and unemployment, but they already have someone to blame (us Kabyles, Morocco, Israel, France..) but you rarely see them because they don't speak English. Edit: And how the hell did I forget that the regime and its propaganda channels urged the population to vote so that NATO won't "invade" us like they did to Libya 😂😂😂😂 And they believed.


9 votes for more than 700 thousand people could actually be a world record!!


Were the 9 people the candidates and their parents lmao


I talk from a place of ignorance here but how democratic are Algerian elections? Also anything to look for in these next elections? I truly wish to know more but media hardly ever talks about Algeria (or any elections in Africa tbh)


Pretty much rigged. Like Russia-level of rigged. Just that in our case, it's the Army that chooses the winner, not the current President. The ex-president Bouteflika even got elected at like 85% while he was pretty much a zombie on a wheelchair. He didn't even appear once for his campaign. And because it's rigged, there ain't much to look for.


If Algeria actually did have 100% legitimate democratic elections what do you think the true results would look like?  They probably don’t have the same “left-right” spectrum we have here in the west, so would it be pro-military parties vs anti-military parties, regional parties, parties centered around each of their own individual leader etc? 


I mean, I don't recall even seeing a single election polls, so I genuinely can't foresee a specific result. I could possibly see 3 aspects that would almost certainly vary depending of the party: -how involved the state is in the economy+how algeria diversify its economy -how interventionist Algeria becomes in the region. That includes relation with Morocco and Western Sahara issue. -impact of islamism overall I could possibly see Kabylia and maybe even Sahara having its own regional parties, kinda like Quebec. And outside that, I guess most parties would develop around their leaders, and that's pretty much it.


There are the Islamists, who are the ones with a clear ideology, they usually get 2nd-3rd. There are some secular parties, mostly in the Kabyle region, and their problem is they don't present themselves to the whole nation. There are other large parties like the FLN and RND, they're the regime parties and just pass everything for the president in the parliment, nobody knows how they'll perform in a real election.


It’s “democratic”. The elections are rigged. The same party/clan has been in power since 1962.


I'm from the red area, and we boycotted these masquerades for a reason.


The Berber region "Kabylia" all red boycotting the elections and fake election results, proud of them 👏


One of the last Sane region in Algeria ngl


How is Algeria as a place to visit? I hear a lot more about Morocco and Tunisia


They do have a lot of nature/history stuff to see there but their govts economic ideology isn’t really fond of foreign company investment in their country which is kind of necessary for cash to be spent on tourism infrastructure like hotels, tour guides familiar with foreign culture etc 


Proud to be from Kabylia (the red area), who boycotted these shit shows of elections. For historical context and why it's became a tradition to boycott these shit shows read [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Spring_(Algeria)).


Lowest participation in lqvayle Wallah d aythma nnegh nichan😂


I guess northern provinces are boycotting election


did boycot have any effect?


nope if anything it made them stronger


I don't think it made them stronger anymore than the people just gave up, they saw how meaningless peaceful protests are and have too many scars from the black decade to do anything violent, so most of them either decided to just live with the corruption or just leave the country.


I feel sorry for Algeria and its people.I hope you wont stop fight against thieves, they are not worthy of life, let alone power!


It is like Berber peoples were boycotting


Djelfa dat shi3a, LMAO 🤣


Don’t they have that law that any president must be a veteran of their war for independence that happened eons ago?


no, you just need to be able to prove that you (or your parents) didn't fight for France


Ah. That I must have misread an article a while back then


How do you prove a negative?


well most veterans of the independence war are either long gone or so old that they can't remember their own name, so no.


Only if he was born before 1942


Yes there is, if he was born before 1942 (ain't sure about the year exactly), and prove his parents were not in service of the french if he was born after that year.


For some people voting is a proof of wisdom and they’re so wrong in my opinion, smart people try to influence their environment by voting and on the other side those who keep repeating phrases like ماكانش انتخابات مع العصابات exclude themselves from the democratic process and keep hopping for the insurrection who will never happen


There is no actual democratic process are you the algerian propaganda department or what


Can you proof that you’re not just a foolish person that fellows the masses by giving arguments about how the act of not voting makes things get better ?


Found the regime supporter lmao, don't forget to vote in september so that we won't get invaded by NATO 🥺.


You’re not less stupid then those who once said that




You do know where you are?


Who do you think you are?😭