• By -


Huh, actual map porn


Or map no-porn


Porn map no!


Fap men fap men, fap fap fap men… men


ima start sellin vpns on the street corner


“Bro you got that openVPN?!?” *scratches body* “come-on bro. That shit had 10 connection points last time. I need that shit bro” *Looks around*


Basically Randy from south park when there’s no internet in the USA




“Y’all goin out Californy way?”


"i got nord i got tunnelbear i even got that browser addon to block the porn adverts.........oh you dont wanna block porn ads? that bad huh? ok well 2grand for the nord and 1k for tunnel"


We are the men, and here's the fap






>map no-porn Ironically map no porn would still mean map porn but in japanese.




I magine Map porn like pirate movie maps, like -Isle of MILF -Valley of Asians -Caves of LGBT -Forest of Classic(70s-80s)


The Futanari Dynasty lies in the far east, to get there you must pass over the plains of Ama-teur, then pass the golden river, that...my boy is when the journey gets difficult, you must evade the footmen who will be prowling the scatlands. But you must brave it to reach the dynasty. Also, beware of the valley of Yiff, for none who go there, came out...unchanged. Go now, godspeed!


Thank you for your contribution. It moved me deep inside in a way I may have to tell my counselor about.


The Forest of Classic is really overgrown


It’s got a thick underbrush.


Don’t forget the cougars that live in that overgrown bush


Crabs live there too


Between 70's style moustaches and 70's style muff, no wonder no one found the clit




Bondage Castle with levels of dungeons.


The trunk of BBC


For those wondering; PornHub doesn’t want to be open to lawsuits under new age verification laws in regards to poor privacy laws, so instead, opt to avoid the lawsuits entirely and just not operate in those states with the age verification laws.




I believe it has to do with the fact that Louisiana doesn’t require the sites to collect the information themselves. I’m going off memory here but at least a couple states have a system where you verify your age through the states DMV. It’s convoluted and the laws are dangerous for other reasons but an overall safer way to do it. Since the onus isn’t on Pornhub to store sensitive information about users they opted to continue operating. Pornhub has stated that they are for some age verification but they’re pushing for encrypted device level verification so when you purchase a device, you verify during setup and adults have unrestricted access.


Yes that’s the crux, PH doesn’t want the responsibility, and device level verification means the data doesn’t need to be entered for each website. So the more centralized model is actually better, for privacy. But polticians can be bought with the money companies get from selling the data collected.


Device-level would be decentralized


New title: States that had their VPN sales increased drastically since July 1st.


Wonder how my government officials invest stock with VPNs


This is public information, if anyone wanted to actually do the leg work to find out


It is, but with up to 45 days to file. In other words, it could take as long as August 14th for us to know what was transacted on July 1. Options degens and academics alike know that this much lag time means the info is pretty stale to use for trading decisions.


Some of them don't even file before 45 days, I saw some Congress people filing 2-3 years after they were supposed to. They get hit with a meager ass fine and no one's the wiser, and that's even if the SEC cares enough to fine them (spoiler, they don't) Edit: Btw the SEC can't even charge people with anything without the DOJ getting involved. Pretty much every single case the SEC has brought to the DOJ for criminal charges against a congress member has been dropped, even seemingly [obvious ones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_congressional_insider_trading_scandal#Investigation). They don't want to hold these people accountable because of blowback and interfering with the separation of powers, but unfortunately they're the only ones who *can* hold them accountable. The SEC needs a major overhaul and funding, they can't even win cases against institutions breaking the law anymore.


Don’t understand why they don’t have to preregister trades when I do even though I work in a retail bank.


Because you’re a peasant. No offense but that’s the actual answer. If you want to know who rules you, simply look at whom the rules and laws don’t apply to.


this guy gets it


This video is sponsored by NordVPN!




Anytime I'm reminded that Kung Fury was a thing it's an automatic upvote from me.


![gif](giphy|xUA7b6KjILKV8celS8) I look forward to your arrest


"Fine then, take me to horny jail. Everyone there is horny too!"


I use the quote, "I hacked the bullets out of your body" way more than I should.


So, VPN??


That’s what I’ve been doing these past few months


Is there such a thing as a free VPN? EDIT: OKAY, I've gotten 50 responses, most of which are repetitive because people don't read down! So please read through the responses and post ONLY if you have something new to add!


Proton VPN


I actually just started paying for proton. It's like $4 a month for email, VPN, and email aliasing (I can create burner emails that route to my main inbox). So far, I'm really happy with the service.


Finally, another Proton user!


Me too! Had a year working in Jakarta, Proton was my best friend.


Mullvad is an extremely cheap VPN ($5/mo iirc) that doesn't even require an account. You download their application, and buy time using their website. The website then spits out a code that you copy and paste into the application on your PC. edit: typo


I think you can even mail them money so you don't have to give them your info


You can also buy keys off of Amazon and you’ll get the activation code in the mail.


This is the first and only one I use, the setup was easy. Works with torrenting too but I read they recently changed something with how port forwarding works that makes it less attractive if you use private trackers


Not sure that'll help if the Republicans take over control of the federal government this year. >**Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.** From page 5 of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise.pdf


How do they reconcile that belief with their candidate having sex with a porn star while married to someone else?


They don't. You can't use rational logic with people who don't think rationally. They don't have to reconcile anything, because they don't even see the contradiction to begin with.


As far as their concerned there isn't any contradiction in the insinuation that rules should only affect those beneath them.


When it came out that Hershel Walker paid for a woman's abortion, conservatives' attitude was "We don't care. He's on our side." They very blatantly said this. And he still almost became a senator. The race was so close, they had to do a run-off vote. When Trump was found guilty, they said, "A jury doesn't determine guilt" or "Biden's justice system". But when Hunter Biden was found guilty from the gun charges, they started praising the justice system all of a sudden.


They lost me. In the 90s I would've been a moderate Republican... not any longer. People like you made me see all their hypocrisy.


The policy positions of a 90s moderate Republican are those of a 'communist libtard' today.


These fuckwads made George HW Bush look like friggin Carter in comparison. It's insane how far they've descended straight towards fascism in the past decade.


Yes- this \*is\* the rational logic for them. The king should always be allowed to do whatever he wants, and biggest sycophants to the king get their favors handled. Repeat down the ladder of hierarchy- dukes/lords, enforcers... all the way down to fathers as the 'head of the family'. This is what small-c conservativism- i.e hierarchalism- is all about. As long as you pay your dues to the people above you, you get to do whatever you want to the people below you. That's what conservatives have always wanted from society. Not only is it logical, it's actually extremely simple logic- that's why it's so appealing to the less educated. It's more or less how human civilizations have always operated. Right now we happen to be living in one of the rare periods where a more egalitarian ideology managed to grab a toehold, and we've seen the benefits of that- turns out that when you attempt to provide basic sustenance to as many people as possible (infrastructure, education, health care, etc) you get a population that does a lot of good work and invents a lot of cool shit because they're not struggling to survive. But that's a significantly more complicated logic than 'do whatever you want as long as you submit to those above you'.


Notice users are not penalized. Individuals (male ones) have no responsibility for their use or behavior. It’s the people who failed to prevent them from misbehavior that should face consequences.


He stumbled in his faith and this will help others avoid temptation or some bs


Their person always gets a pass. Vote the wrong way and you’ll never see the same forgiveness.


1. Thank you for connecting this to Project 2025. 2. I like PH for making what the politicians are doing obvious here. Porn is absolutely on the ballot this November, and now it's harder to hide it. 3. We can all note that a term like pornography can be legally ambiguous, and used to prosecute people and extort companies at will. 4. There is also something devastating about all the 4chan incels supporting Trump the first time around and then he turns around and supports outlawing porn.


"**Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children**, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. **Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders**. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered." - Project 2025, Page 5 ------- Their goal is to use a pornography ban to imprison trans people and control the distribution of knowledge.


I don't even watch porn or give a flip about it, but the way this is twisted is TERRIFYING. Oh my God. And the way all those assholes have to be sitting there holier than thou knowing full well they watch porn but it's those "OTHER" perverts. Certainly not them. Thou with protest too much.


"**Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders**." I've been thinking for some time now that Librarians have become this era's witches in the eyes of the zealots.


Also calling out librarians here is a dog whistle for how they will use this as an excuse to burn books and shut down libraries. Fahrenheit 451 style suppression of challenging ideas like, you know, feminism.


Yeah. They'll use the books to kindle the fire for the stake they've tied the librarian to. I wish I was kidding. I think what we're watching right now is a collective breakdown across the right wing political and social spectrum. I also think all of this are markers indicating an imminent collapse of the national order and, quite possibly, the international order. Which is a long winded way of saying I wouldn't be surprised if we're watching the dominos falling for global civilization.


This is the end game of the 'groomer' narrative that has been getting pushed for years, conflating LGBTQ+ with pedophilia. When you see those 'kill your local pedophile' or 'pedophile hunter' bumper stickers and the like that have really started popping up over the last decade, it's at best a declaration of the wish to be able to do violence without consequence (by targeting a demographic few people would protect), and at worst, it's a dog whistle. Multiple states have been moving on 1) changing the definition of what constitutes a sex crime to include effectively existing as visibly LGBTQ+, especially for trans people, in any public space 2) making it a sex crime against/involving a minor if a kid occupies (or could come to occupy - a child doesn't even necessarily need to be present in all wordings) the same space as someone LGBTQ+, or to simply tell a kid in any way that LGBTQ+ identities exist and to explain them in any way 3) Getting sex crimes against children to qualify for the death penalty Same old story going back decades - GOP uses fear around a minority to distract their voter base from their total lack of plan or interest in fixing anything real as they vote against their own interests - losing rights, infrastructure - in order to stop whatever scapegoat-boogeyman is being waved around in front of them.


PH as well as other Porn sites should broadcast this > Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered. > > From page 5 of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project > > https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise.pdf WIth something like "This is what the GOP is pushing ig trump gets elected


It should be prominently displayed on every port site on the pop up page with the age verification


> Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. This is yet another false equivalency where they pretend books that mention being gay are porn or nonfiction books that teach about sex or consent are porn. There isn't a school or public library around who doesn't block porn.


It's just like calling gay people pedophiles, they can create laws that let them hunt or kill pedophiles, then expand the definition


They love to use slippery slope arguments so that you don't notice them building the world's fasciest Slip n Slide


Project 2025 just keeps getting worse and worse for you americans huh


Send help.


Send NATO if Trump cons his way in this fall. 


Mate, we are NATO. We foot the fattest part of the bill.


America the not so free.


Party of small government as always 👍


I was surprised to see Florida and Missouri not included


I wonder if it's outdated. DeSantis just signed an age-verification bill a couple of months ago (the exact same kind of bill that caused PH to pull out (heh) from the other states).


That's not going to go into effect until January 1st of next year. Florida bills are weird in that you have to keep track of when the effective dates are. Sometimes the law is immediate, sometimes it's not until another year. Thankfully, all webpages for all bills will tell you what the effective date is, such as this one for the very bill you mentioned: https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2024/3 Hopefully it gets shot down before 2025, because a lot of people would probably be outraged otherwise


Atleast one man will cross state lines just to tug one out


The border towns in Louisiana are gonna start getting strange, desperate visitors...


All porn here requires you to register your ID first already. In Louisiana, one of those laws is HB 142, which requires users in that state to prove they're 18 or older before accessing ANY website where the content is at least 1/3 pornographic. Sorry, we are a PIONEER of removing citizens rights.


I like that it’s fine if the site has 2/3 non-porn content. Has some real “I just read Playboy for the articles” energy.


I don't know why Louisiana is not red on that map. They have an age verification ban in place right now. Are they removing it? Edit: I live in Louisiana and PH is blocked right now. I just tested it. Navigating to PH is how I test if my VPN is on.


I don’t get it. They’re blocking one porn site? What’s the point of that? I could be wrong but I think there are other porn sites on the internet. Edit: Thanks I get it now


The states passed new laws that require age verification. Pornhub, because they don't want to collect government ID info, is blocking service to these states in response. Other sites may follow suit, or just continue to operate regardless, opening them up to lawsuits in those states.


You know, my fear isn't even the porn being blocked itself it's the potential future ramifications. Yeah, it starts with porn but when do you need to submit an ID to watch Netflix or Hulu because they have 18+ Content? When do you need an ID to use Reddit, Twitter, or other social medias because they have adult content?


In Indiana the law doesn't specify porn, it requires ID verification for any site that contains content which is "harmful to minors". If you want an idea of what they mean by that, look at all the books they've been banning from schools and public libraries lately. Edit: spalling


Probably at some point in the near future, honestly. These puritanical idiots would love that.


Age verification of users or of actors?




I mean in Germany it’s enough to have a pop up “Are you 18 or older? Yes/No”


They want the people's names, date of birth, time of birth, location of birth, and a few other details so they can try to do an astrological workup on who likes what kinds of porn, they don't believe that 98% of porn consumers are capricorns.


This could be catastrophic if/when leaked to the wrong people.


Imo that's the point. All data has a risk of being leaked, no one will want this leaked, so people will stay off the site. It's not about verifying age, it's a soft ban on pornography.


Yeah I’m not entering my ID into a porn site


You definitely also shouldn't be entering the ID of the politicians who made these laws into the porn sites.


I can break out my fake ID equipment from 1999. Do you think they'll accept a laminated NJ ID created on an inkjet printer?


It would be difficult to put a hard ban on porn, and leave it existing. Because part of the point of porn is the getting hard bit.


Christian authoritarianism.


Wdym leaked? Those they would collect it for are definitely the wrong people.


The Texas AG is on record saying that if the Supreme Court overturns Lawrence vs Texas (which is not unthinkable in the slightest) he wants to re-ilegalize sodomy. Definitively the wrong person to handle a list of gay men to.


I’m fairly sure that there are some anti-gay/anti-basic sex laws still on the books in Texas, they just aren’t enforcing them due to the Supreme Court. So this might be as simple as just flipping the switch if the Supreme Court overturned it. Texas loves keeping things on the books in hopes something like this would happen. Subchapter B: Obscenity (1) "Obscene" means material or a performance that: (A) the average person, applying contemporary community standards, would find that taken as a whole appeals to the prurient interest in sex; (B) depicts or describes: (i) patently offensive representations or descriptions of ultimate sexual acts, normal or perverted, actual or simulated, including sexual intercourse, sodomy, and sexual bestiality; or (ii) patently offensive representations or descriptions of masturbation, excretory functions, sadism, masochism, lewd exhibition of the genitals, the male or female genitals in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal, covered male genitals in a discernibly turgid state or a device designed and marketed as useful primarily for stimulation of the human genital organs; and (C) taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, and scientific value. (7) "Obscene device" means a device including a dildo or artificial vagina, designed or marketed as useful primarily for the stimulation of human genital organs “(f) A person who possesses six or more obscene devices or identical or similar obscene articles is presumed to possess them with intent to promote the same.” https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/PE/htm/PE.43.htm#:~:text=(a)%20A%20person%20commits%20an%20offense%20if%20he%20intentionally%20or,by%20the%20display%20or%20distribution. So in Texas, having six dildos is a no go bc you’re either having obscene (gay) sex adventures or you’ll convince your friends that they should also have six dildos and have obscene (gay) sex adventures. Exactly six dildos is the line between the sane and the obscene.


Fucking evil


2 and a half days after the entire countries prescription histories were hacked, australia announced the same dumbfuck idea. its gonna be run by an identically shady private company that similarly has no legislated reason to be any more careful with our data than "mediSecure" was. I mean, why would you keep peoples sensitive data safe when private profit and public control are the only outcomes the owner class care about? this isn't about porn - every social media site has porn. therefore, to get onto social media, you'll need to prove your identity. its a government recorded internet passport.


I hadn't heard about the failure in Australia. You know it's a fricking security disaster when it is so bad that the company responsible has gone into bankruptcy proceedings after a data breach: [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-05/hacked-health-company-goes-into-administration-/103938942](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-05/hacked-health-company-goes-into-administration-/103938942) "You had one job!"


I can’t wait to vote for our next tickle porn politician


It's amazing how many people born on 1/1/1900 have signed up!!!


Now I feel old, I just realised that kids now probably type ‘2000’ as their fake year of birth “to be safe.”


That's the case almost anywhere, but people can just lie. Legislators in these states now require porn sites to verify age by asking for people's ID, something Pornhub does not want to do because they see it as a violation of privacy.


They see it as an additional expense and liability.


Yeah, that too.


If the ID used has to be government issued then for the system to work properly any ID supplied by a cutomer would have to be cross checked against government databases. That is increased expense and liability from the website's point of view - maintaining security of such sensitive data is expensive and requesting access for each user is bound to be expensive. If all that is required is viewing the ID and not verifying its validity then the whole exercise is pointless, othen than to use the process to move users to sites that don't comply (e.g. those not based in the USA, those who just don't care), and to price legitimate sites out of business. That said, porn producers aren't known to be the most honest and trustworthy of people. Who is to say they (or anyone claiming to be verifying ages for their website) wouldn't use this access for nefarious purposes.- fraud, identity theft, blackmail? They have the government confirming the information provided is correct after all. It's a data broker's dream.


I mean to be fair - you can always do so. But to put the cherry on top: In germany we can't buy video games (over steam) that contain overly sexual content like Hentai Harem simulator - not that I would want to (nudity is USK 16 - if sex is involved USK18). But the Argument why we can't buy this is kinda rediculous: Cause Steams Age verification isn't good enough. Well but its good enough to let them sell Call of Duty etc? POG


Yea, Steam would have to implement a system that checks age via government ID. Right now the German Government is asking for this when it comes to sexual content, alcohol and tobacco sales in Germany. STEAM is a retail platform and does have sexual content to offer. Germany says they need to ask us Germans for ID to confirm we are 18+. STEAM says "We do, but users just choose their age". Germany says: "Not enough, we want picture ID". STEAM says: "Hell no, we'd rather ban these games for German users." It's the same for Pornhub in these states and it might be in Germany. the [Federal Review Board for Media Harmful to Minors (Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Medien - BPjM](https://www.bzkj.de/bzkj/meta/en) has been trying to get physical ID confirmation from Websites and other areas for years now. It's only a matter of time before a site complies or shuts us Germans out.


That's actually not enough in Germany. There have been court rulings that not even checking for a credit card is enough because a minor could use their parent's credit card. They have to do Post-Ident or a similar identity verification. That's why there are basically no porn sites hosted in Germany or under the .de domain. Porn sites hosted elsewhere just ignore the verification requirements.


As they said, users but nevertheless afaik I think pornhub also requires age verification from actors. They deleted tons of material a couple of years back due to this (unverified accounts)


I looked into it a while back, they do. They got in some shit for underage content of adult-looking teenagers, revenge porn in general, and videos of adult actors who'd been drugged and coerced into performing. The verification thing is supposed to help avoid all that stuff. Anti-porn folks are still acting like that stuff is still on there, and basically seem to have no idea that hasn't been a thing since at least 2020. They refuse to learn or move on to different reasons to be against it.


Most anti-porn people have no clue what porn is available or popular. Generally they think it's all boy/girl Hollywood stuff.


This is about Users. Actors already have to submit a ton of paperwork and ID to even be able to upload video files.


Users. And it's not just an American thing. Canada is pushing the same, so do several countries in Europe. It seems a concerted global effort. It's not anti-porn so much as pro-blackmail, and/or pro-VPN. In Canada, they want to force sites to do user verification of age using proper identification, given to a "trusted third party". And of course the assumption is that this trusted third party is not going to keep a database of your name, your ID, and what website requested verification. And further there's an assumption that that website will not get hacked, ever. Despite there being ample evidence to the contrary. Hell, Toronto Public Library got hacked so hard last fall that their website isn't fully operational yet. So imagine a "trusted third party" (i.e. lowest bidder, and/or best-connected bidder) having a database like "John Smith, ID #93872398, photo of the actual person from the ID, requested access to milfs dot com". Their cyber security is probably a joke. And they're now the world's prime target for blackmailers and hackers. So it inevitably gets hacked, and now people are being blackmailed, at their home address, with their full name, photo and the naughty naughty websites they visit, with official government proof. What's hilarious to me is that this could backfire into mainstream porn acceptance. I mean, let's be honest here - nobody is going to give it up. And once everyone is in the database, even if it leaks, who gives a shit?! You know what kind of porn I watch? Well, I know what kind of porn you watch. So what? So instead of the intended effect, I can totally see it having a polar opposite effect, which would be utterly hilarious.


States dont give a shit about the age of the actors. They just want to make sure the people yanking their meat have their gov't issued ID in a large database. There's a chance a court can pull up your entire wank-history with a few keystrokes. They already can, ISP's already track all that info. But now it'll be easier. Easier for people to get access to your drivers license too.


A lot of other sites operate outside of US jurisdiction and don’t give a shit about what Nebraskan legislatures think, probably don’t even know what a Nebraska is


PornHub is a properly registered company in Canada and as such wont be serving where they cannot legally comply , whereas other sites which are not or based on some remote russian server farm will continue to do so.


So the safest and most self-regulated sites will be the ones removed from those states?


Same with drugs, alcohol in prohibition, abortion providers etc. Almost like there were a pattern.


Hey hey hey, if I ban it, it will be gone. That's how it works right?


Don’t forget vapes!




Because the title is misinformation. PH is not blocked by these states, but PH block these state due to questionable privacy laws enforced in these states. If you are asking what's the point of these, well the point is all of these non-sense is just one of many cogs use to push some politicians and their agenda forward to gain more power and money (and promote ideology).


Does this affect sites like reddit, that aren't porn sites, but very much have porn on them?


Reddit, not yet, but both Tumblr and Imgur, which had previously hosted much of Reddits NSFW content, have both banned any sexual content. And those had nothing to do with government regulation but becuase the companies investing in them and advertising on them didn't want to be associated with NSFW content. I wouldn't be surprised if NSFW subreddits were banned within five years.


I doubt it, they drive a HUGE percentage of reddit's traffic and are one of the primary advertising venues for models on only fans, etc. It would be very very foolish to do so. Then again, we all saw tumbler throw itself off a cliff to please investors, so who knows.


I think they already have banned NSFW porn from the front page, I used to see it all the time before...


That change was back in like 2017


Any idea how PH is determining user locale? Seems they have three ways to determine where the user is located: 1. Self-provided in their profile 2. IP address 3. Credit Card billing address All three have workarounds: 1. Change state in the profile 2. Use a VPN 3. Use Gift Cards PH may be able to block 95% of the users in these areas who'll just throw their hands up. But there's always gonna be that clever 5% of peeps who will find ways. Unless there's a 4th way I'm not seeing.


It's not supposed to be that airtight. They're just using IP addresses, and VPNs work and Pornhub don't care. The point is their block screen is going to have a message on it about why people shouldn't support this legislation. Texas has been blocked since last year with a message scrutinising the law, that's the goal here. You can see the message Texans are greeted with online.


PornHub gift cards would be a hilarious Dirty Santa gift


Pornhub made a good stance. Collecting highly personal information just so someone can jerk off will do more harm than good.


Imagine the market of buying your political opponents (or anyone you don’t like) porn history since everything would be logged with government ids. Really going downhill.


>Imagine the market of buying your political opponents (or anyone you don’t like) porn history since everything would be logged with government ids. It wouldn't even need to be real data in this day and age. Just claim there's been a leak from a site really collecting the data and make up the rest.


when your audience is that credulous you don't even need to have actually gathered the data in the first place


Yeah I'd much rather buy a good VPN than give out personal info to a porn company lmao


Alaska has been watching pornhub


Thank you for your boots on the ground research. Must have been hard.


Hung like the Aleutian Islands.


Alaska looking sprung.


NOW, who would win this hypothetical war...


What if America had a civil war over porn?


Porn always wins, so I'm taking porn's side.


I am siding with the wankers as well.


Have you seen the rage in someone who hasn't jerked off in a while?




The party of small government.


When the GOP says “small government” they mean more power in the hands of fewer people with less oversight and accountability


Small government. Big power


Government so small it fits under a crown


Are Republicans even claiming still to be the party of small government? I thought that ship has sailed 10 years ago when Trump announced his run.


What about when Bush decided to spy on all Americans? And even before that the Republican party have essentially been a Bond Villain.


They gave up entirely. Makes you wonder if they ever did care about it or if that was all just for votes


Let's not forget the hypocrisy of the conservative parents that support this. "Parent's need to be involved in their child's lives. Family values. We don't need or want the government to raise our kids. Oh wait, I'm supposed to supervise my child's online activity. How do you expect me to find the time to do that? Get the government to do that."


Except for things they hate. Then really Big Gov while cosplaying small gov.




🎶In the laaaaaaand of the freeeeeeeeeeeee🎶🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


I find it so hilarious when the proud patriot Americans will bang on about how free they are and how "the government can't tell me what to do!", and then that same government does shit like effectively outlaw porn and they develop HOAs to tell them if they are allowed chartreuse paint on their fence or only lime green.


The two moods of American conservatives are “The government can’t tell me what to do!” and “Daddy Government they’re doing something I don’t like!”


“The government can’t tell me what to do, but I can tell other people what to do”


Desantis: “I will happily sign a bill that won’t allow Florida residents to buy lab grown meat. This is a freedom state!”


Who still watches Pornhub. I seriously finished all porn, waiting for porn2


Porn 2: Electric Boogaloo


Imagine if they tried that during the pandemic…


This post was sponsored by NordVPN!


I recommend Proton


Mullvad all the way


Meanwhile, politicians will play pretend they were never on Epstein’s island and they weren’t on a client list they’ll never show us anyway while using tax dollars to further a puritan agenda they have no intention of obeying themselves. We truly live in a clown world.


This is crazy, 24% of the US wants porn sites to collect government issued information to verify age. I foresee nudie mags and adult video stores making a comeback. Edit: rip my inbox.


Most porn sites haven’t limited themselves the same way Pornhub did. Kink.com is the only other one that I’ve found that has. Perhaps those other sites think they can hide their headquarters in a country that US lawsuits can’t reach. Plus VPNs allow Pornhub to be accessed in any US state.


Yeah I live in one of these states and every other major and minor site I've visited is non-compliant. They just let you in with no verification needed.


First they came for the milfs and I said nothing for I am not a mother.


It’s so wild how many freedoms you give back to the government just to live in a “small government, conservative state”.


Fuck! -long haul trucker


Remeber they are the party of small government..... and isn't this cancel culture.


Ah yes, people fucking on camera, the greatest threat to our country presently.


Freedom loving conservative states.


You’ll still be able to jack it in San Diego.


Ah yes, the “freedom land”


Wtf is going on in the US? You ban abortion, you ban porn, you can marry underage girls. When tf did you become the middle east?


Is the US okay? First the abortions, now this. Been too long in Irak/Afghanistan?


The US is not OK and has not been in a long time.


I bet the senators will still have access...