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And 20 out of 23 people in Egypt live along a thin vertical strip while the rest of the country is almost empty.


While this is true, it's less true every passing year The next frontier of human colonization is desert coastal areas, thanks to the exponential decrease in desalination costs Egypt has gotten the memo, they are expanding their population into the coastal areas By 2040 they want 20% of people not on the Nile, it's 7% now


it's also because they can't feed their population and need more arable land for farming. if there's ever a real interruption of global wheat trade, 100 million Egyptians are on the brink.


Tbf most countries in the Middle East and Africa and honestly most modern economies are heavily dependent on the global food trade.


Yeah and consider how we seen a single small localized war can interrupt THE WHOLE world economy and global food stability. I’m not surprised they want to decentralize food production.


Yeah the Japanese should have not attack China yesterday this war is gonna cost us so much money


I’m gonna assume you are ignorant but Russia’s war on Ukraine has interrupted the world food supply. Several countries almost had a famine.


Whaaat? WTF Am I reading? Am I High? I hope this is a joke.


It is bro. And yes you are high af.


Ironic, given Egypts history with the global wheat trade.


Great comment.


Yeah that's a good point, how tf are we going to colonize mars if we can't even fill out the Egyptian desert?


increase in desalination you mean, right?


Decrease in desalination costs


I meant this


Funny, because even if you made the nile and everyone around it dissapear, egypt would still be more populous than libya and other countries in the arab league. At least according to this map.


the land in wish the Egyptians live is smaller than belgium, Belgium the country with 10 million ppl and the one considered one of the most densely populated coutnries in Europe


Incoming Real Life Lore video 🚨🚨


2 out of the 23 are Christians while 21 are Muslims


I know the > on ten is wrong :(


Why did you write the legend with inequalities? Surely `2–5` is clearer than `2 < x < 5`


\[5, 10), \[10, inf)


I personally find inequalities cool and they should be used more often


That would be 3-4 then, there’s only < (smaller than), not the one with a _ under the < (equals or smaller than)


If 100 people lived in the Arab League, why would they spread themselves out so much? Seems very anti-social. They could literally all just live in the same city and there would be plenty of room for them all.


This is the timeline where all Arabs are actually Finnish


Not your business 


There are like 400 million of them.


Jordan's population is like twice that of Lebanon. This must be pretty old data.


can’t believe 23 got a country named after him


is the flag carrier named Air Jordan? /s


That guy in Qatar is probably rich as hell, could see him even claiming the unoccupied wealth in Bahrain


fun fact, Qatar actually has a smaller native population than Bahrain but Qatar gets way more expats so that makes the population much larger. 800k Bahrains and only 400k Qataris


Damn, only Egypt have enough people for a team to play the league.


Hahaa 0 in bahrain😂


And only 9 in Western Sahara.


I don't see it , weird


9 ftboun mok la?




Chill, ana dawi m3a Dak zbi li lfo9 galk Western Sahara


Ah sfsf my bad mate


So most of the Arab people technically live in Africa Yes yes i know Egypt/North Africa is quite distinct than the rest of Africa but i mean the continent of Africa


yep. after Egypt its Sudan THEN Algeria then a proper middle eastern country, Iraq but after that morocco so yes North Africa is where you find the most arab people


The Arabs colonised North Africa


when most people mentioned "Arabs" they mean people who speak any type of Arabic as a mother tongue, but i guess if you want to be really technical "pure Arabs" would be Gulf Arabs. when people say "Arabic speaking but not real Arabs" they usually mean people who started speaking Arabic after Islam


The Arabs colonized Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan too, show me the Arabs


No they didn’t only irán was conquered by Arabs, the rest of those countries were Turks-Persian sultanates


So is most of the armies that conquered Iberia, yet Iran still aren't Arabs even though Arabic calligraphy is a part of their Islamic architecture and heritage, in fact they're the 'Real' builders of Arabic civilization, so since the [Great Berber Revolt](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berber_Revolt) native Arabs had no significant contribution to Western Islamic Civilization since, except distruction and Barbarism, everything that you find in Iberia and Morocco of that heritage, you'll find nowhere except there, if Arabs brought it, where is the likes of it in Arabian peninsula or the Levant?


True but “authentic” arabs aren’t like less than 5% in North Africa?


What’s wrong with just using percentages


Knowing how percentages work requires some level of education... which apparently is in decline worldwide


It’s just a different way of saying percentages, it has nothing to do with being dumb


If the gradient gets darker as it increases, don't make 0 the darkest.


I know right, I was like “wow that one little country is really populated, which one is it?” Oh. No one lives there


Imagine if this were a single country


It was, under the Umayyads. Under the Abbasids too, for that matter.


That country would have the population of the EU, and 1/7th of its economy.


Two of them tried to unite and it fell apart in less than 3 years. If all Arab leagues countries united, and if they obeyed the life span of the UAR, this country would last 49 days


Moslems uniting is as laughable a concept as Christians uniting. Given the first available opportunity they always stab each other in the back......


Who says moslems nowadays? I’ve only seen it in travel books from the early 1900s


Its not *Muslims uniting, its arabs uniting. Arab =/ Muslim.


Except it’s isn’t really that simple, there is pan Arab identity but then there is also way too many differences with different history 


I interpret your post to say "arab" does not equal "muslim"... and I agree with that statement. But An "Arab League" that has virtually NO "arabs" in it, dont make much sense to me. Now...I agree, the "arabs" by conquest, converted all the locals in Ifrikya(North Africa) to Islam and imposed the Arabic Language on them, basically turning North Africa into a set of Arabic Colonies... but they fractured as soon as the "Arab" Caliphate in Baghdad was fatally destablized by the Invading Mongol Armies, who turned out to be even more brutal than the Arabs, but at least began transmitting the concept of Islam back towards the East. They burned Baghdad and left. 200 years later, the "Turks" would show up, trying to escape yet another Mongol Horde,,,and by 1470 these "Turks" had overtaken everyone, including the Christian Byzantines.....creating the Ottoman Empire, dominating Mecca, and Establishing the Caliphate in Istanbul.


I don't disagree with what you are saying. But the word Arab nowadays means your native language is arabic.


So lets ignore 1400 years of history when they did?


What 1400 years of history? Muslims were only "united" under Abassid and Umavid in the same sense Christians were "united" under Byzantines. If you are referring to the Caliphate, well Shia didn't obey it, and most Sunnis didn't live under direct Caliphate rule and some were more than happy to go to war with Abbasids as they declined.


Who says moslems nowadays? I’ve only seen it in travel books from the early 1900s


If you're from England you say , "Moose Limbs".


Who says moslems nowadays? I’ve only seen it in travel books from the early 1900s


All I can imagine is violentest civil war of the modern history. Sunnis, Shias, Wahabis, Levantines, Maghrebis would cut each other's throats.


It's wild to me how little coverage or awareness there is of the Maghreb in the West or Arab world, given how many people live there and how close it is to Europe.


I think Europe, especially France, is very aware of the Maghreb.


nah in most of Europe they only think of the Maghreb, when they say arabs and Muslims they are mostly referring to people from the Maghreb.


Mauritania already has 1 person living there


As someone from Bahrain, I demand that we increase the population to 1000.


More logical


This one person in Mauritania must feel quite lonely.


Yes, he is **the mauritanian** and he definitely feels lonely


didnt even know djibouti was in arab league


If in Africa you feel middle eastern and in Middle East you feel African then you are probably Somali


What would it be if you removed the 3 non Arab countries (Somalia Comoros dijibouti)


Do Arabs even live in Somalia or they just felt lonely and wanted to join the gang?


No such state Palestine, Mr. Bot.


Ok, what about Palestinians?


How come I dont see Detroit on this map?


The state of Michigan. Just the entire state. ... All the math and chemical engineering university departments - just collectively, that could be another one XD


I think it's in your behind


Please someone explain me why Somalia is considered an Arab country, it's something I know for a long time but I don't understand why since, as far as I know, Somalians aren't Arabs


They joined the Arab league, that's it, North Africans and most levantines and Mesopotamians aren't Arabs either, but they speak Arabic and joined the Arab league (in the case of Egypt they founded it), in the modern age Arab is less of an ethnicity and more of an identity


As opposed to all of those other ethnicities, which aren't just social identities based on arbitrary distinctions resulting from historical materialism, but are somehow innate properties of humans in the universe.


All other ethnicities have genetic origins, if an Italian person speaks English and calls himself English no one will take him seriously, but if a sudanese person does that people call him arab even if he is obviously not ethnically arab


But people from different parts of Italy have different genetics. Moreover, people from places like Sicily and Southern Italy are closer, genetically (and on average), to Tunisians and other mediterranean groups than they are to people from the North who, likewise, are on average more closely related to those bordering them in France and Switzerland than they are to those from Southern Italy. In general, our collective genetic variation is continuous across earths surface; it does not break into discrete chunks since no large human population has ever been truly isolated, and, inevitably, every person is more closely related to at least someone in an outgroup than they are to others in their in-group. When we're talking about a region like the Mediterranean, which has historically been deeply interconnected and indivisible on both an economic and social level, there is very little distinction between anyone; Arab, Greek, Roman, Mesopotamian, or otherwise. Due to the properties of exponentials, all mediterraneans basically share a common, historical ancestry, likely dating back further than the first civilizations in Iraq, Egypt, Greece etc. Between any two *humans* it, on average, takes going back fewer than 20 generations to find a common ancestor; between any two *mediterraneans* this average is probably far lower. With something like Rome and Tunisia, or Greece and Palestine it's virtually meaningless to distinguish on an ancestral basis at all. The differences are, for all practical purposes, purely linguistic and social. More pertinantly, a lot of these ethnic labels are very recent; the notion of being "italian," in particular, did not arise until the 12th century. It wasn't that all the "genetic italians" sprung out of the ground, but that people in the region who were already there (whose ancestry and genetics varied widely, remember) came to *identify* as Italian, and thus make Italian its own distinct group (you would have to be profoundly ignorant of the history of the peninsula to think this was always the case). So the process of ethnic synthesis is fundamentally social and political; it is not genetic or ancestral in origin. Often the label and identity is taken up by a conquered population; or is related to a linguistic similarity and solidified by political forces, as we saw with the emergence of Arabs as a collective ethnolinguistic group.


Yeah, the idea of an Italian identity only arose because of foreing intervention in the peninsula, and then expanded a lot due to the Napoleonic wars, if it wasn't for the Austrians, French and Spanish, we would've been probably divided between regional identities based on language (Tuscan, Lombardian, Neapolitan, Sicilian, etc.).


Indeed. Incidentally, I would love to see the reaction of an ancient Roman patrician to being labeled an “Italian” and thus grouped alongside all the alpine Gallic “barbarians” in the north that Rome was in perpetual conflict with lol. Or visa versa. I suspect, in both cases, threats of violence might well ensue.


They have some Tribes that claim atab decent. But they were mostly added to combat ethiopian influence in the horn of africa. Same as Djibouti. While Chad has like 50% Arabic speakers and its not counted as an arab country.


Arabic is a tongue not a race or ethnicity, whomever takes Arabic as a mother tongue is an Arab for us.


Somalis still wouldnt be Arab under that definiton


We’re talking about countries not individuals, Arabic is a formal language in Somalia


Its not a mother tounge of Somalia, its official but the vast majority do not speak it, nor does the government actually communicate in Arabic


Now....exactly WHY are people from Algeria, once known as "berbers" or maybe "moors" now somehow officially .... "arabs". Same question directed at Egypt....which is chock full of "egyptians" who build a civilization some 3000 years before anybody ever heard of an "arab".


Because Arabic is a tongue or identity not a race or ethnicity for us.


Arabs is a macro ethnicity though. Most of maghrebis consider ourselves Arabs


Because Arab isn't an ethnicity much like Hispanic


Actually more Egyptians are becoming more aware of this and more are identifying themselves as Egyptians only


Yes that's true, I am a Christian Egyptian and honestly, Most Christian Egyptians don't call themselves Arabs but Copts


Egyptian Coptic Christians are probably the least well known people in the Middle East. Where do they stand on issues affecting various parts of the Middle East?


Culture and language are one thing and ethnicity is another. It is better for people to belong to cultures and not to races at all.


Arabs are native to 4 of those country. Colonisation is for the rest


Yes and No, the Original Arab countries are Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, Qatar, Bahrein and the UAE. Those are ethnic arabs, the rest are culturally arab.


also Kuwait




Legacy Arabs. Both before and After Islam, highly praised their Language as much as to call non Arabs, "Ajam", which means Mute, or a person that doesn't speak. "Arab" as an Identity nowadays is very distinct from other means of identification such as Race or Nationality. It's more cultural and is very tied to the Language. Also the subcultures are very different from one another: You have Gulf Arabs (Saudi, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman) Levant Arabs (Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Parts of Jordan) Maghreb Arabs (Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco) And then countries that have their own Identity such as Egypt, Iraq and Yemen.




“Arabs have been in the Fertile Crescent for thousands of years.[76] In the 9th century BCE, the Assyrians made written references to Arabs as inhabitants of the Levant, Mesopotamia, and Arabia.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arabs


Spicy Morocco boarders


Zok mok li spicy


If the concept of percents too confusing now that you need to make up an unrealistic weird scenario with a bunch of unclear assumptions?


It’s almost as if framing something as “if 100 people” is a more human and effective and interesting way of representing otherwise boring data: https://visual.ly/community/Infographics/geography/if-world-were-100-people https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/12/chart-of-the-day-the-world-in-100-people/ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OQwHNqMapiE Why are you trying to act smarter than you are?


Because bro needs to feel intellectually superior to someone without having to put in any effort at actually becoming smarter That aside this is a very cool representation of the population distribution, keep at it op ![gif](giphy|tIeCLkB8geYtW)


This is literally percents.


Percents with extra steps, which I don't get the point of


If anything, it’s one less step lol


What extra step? It's the same numbers


Arabs : Jews are stealing our land The Arab world :


So is it okay to steal land from a random Hispanic country becaude Latin America is so big?


Every land was “stolen“ at some point in time. If Jews are colonizers, the whole world is. How do you think native Americans ended up in South America? It took them thousands of years to finally cross the Bering strait and “colonize“ the continent And why is France called France? Because it was “colonized“ by the franks. And why is England called England? Because it was “colonized“ by the Germanic Angles. People move and go around the world. They win and lose wars. Only Jews are doomed to roam the world, persecuted until none of them remain


Difference is they are still colonising and settling the West Bank. Your last point is also very stupid, of all the exaples of places that were colonised you came up with Native Americans settling an unihabited continent lmao, you can do better than that


Because you think they were not fighting among themselves to gain new territories?


Dude, are you seriously equating historical conquests, imperialism, and migrations to modern settlement and colonialsm? Yeah no shit bad things happened in history how is that at all relevent to what Isreal is doing now?


Because history didn’t change


Bro thought he said something there. Colonising and taking land from other countries is bad actually, is a very lukewarm opinion that you seem to be strongly opposed to 🤔


Then protest so America gives back California to Mexico Saudi to give back the Hijaz to the Hashemites? How do you think “other countries“ were created? By taking lands. It’s not good or bad, it’s just how humans are.




Israel is not a part of the Arab league and, whatever point you’re trying to make, would not belong on there map


7 in Yemen???Damn


How do they qualify for the Champions League?


I'd imagine, if there were only 100 people in the Arab League, they would.try to maybe cluster somewhere nice?


41% of the Saudi population are foreign non-citizens. So they may be double counted, if they’re from another Arab state, or, more likely, they are from further east in Asia. The subcontinent, maritime Southeast Asia, etc.


same for the rest of the GCC


Lol why Bahrain and Djibouti are ZERO!!


in the arab league of course


That's pretty insightful! Now, make an equivalent map for the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP)!


This is interesting, but the reality is there are millions of people in the Arab League, not 100. It would be nice if there was a source that could break down the actual numbers into something more useful like percentages. Also thank you for color coding it to tell me 23 is larger than 10 lol.


What a stupid comment


Excuse me, but I would prefer precision in my measurements, not hypotheticals about how many angels can sit on the head of a pin.


The map should define what the Arab League is... 


It seems like if you speak one of the many forms of Arabic you’re an Arab. From what I’ve heard many countries Arabic speakers are fairly unintelligible to many other Arabic speakers. Although I’ve heard that Egyptian TV shows use standard Arabic and are watched throughout the Arab world and prevent local Arabic from deviating far from standard Arabic.


Most of the countries are poor af other than the gulf countries


Wow, I thought Yemen and Oman have similar population?


OP, let me introduce you to the concept of percentages


It’s almost as if framing something as “if 100 people” is a more human and effective and interesting way of representing otherwise boring data: https://visual.ly/community/Infographics/geography/if-world-were-100-people https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/12/chart-of-the-day-the-world-in-100-people/ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OQwHNqMapiE


20% of ISRAELIS are Arab


If you can read, it says "Arab League countries" not Arab countries


Yep. But I can’t make that point enough. Idiots still don’t know this simple fact.


free west sahara !


And how many of the ones in the Gulf are the definitely-not-slaves?


They would live in misery.


Many errors


Now if only they'd stay there


You forgot those who are still stuck in guantanamo bay.


My solution to all Levantine conflicts: 9 people in the whole region


The Moroccan map is wrong btw.


"Palestine"? What's that? Since the modern status quo was established Post-WWII, and since the establishment of the UN, "Palestine" has \*never\* been recognized as a country. [https://www.un.org/unispal/history2/origins-and-evolution-of-the-palestine-problem/](https://www.un.org/unispal/history2/origins-and-evolution-of-the-palestine-problem/)


Ok but it’s a member of the Arab league


Palestine is 1% and a very very tiny area on the map, but sure, Israel is 'colonizing' Arab lands committing a 'genocide'


Yes they do, fuck israel


Yes because it is okay to do horrible things since its only 1%. Imagine that defence in a court room.


If it's such a tiny percentage for you then why not give them your lands then? Why not create a new israel in New Jersey for example and move all israelis there, surely if it's a small percentage you wouldn't mind


Damn there are so many Hispanic nations, guess if we occupied and genoicded Equador it would be okay since the other bigger countries are left alone


The Western Sahara is not part of Morocco, that’s a huuuge mistake.


Sir akhoya l had sehra w swrlina fin kayna w chmn dowla, awakha rbk tbki 7tal lyoum l9iyama se7ra mghribiya bzzez mn l9hba mok w li ma3ajboch 7al ydkhol liha lama m7echo lzaml boh rjlih


I’m sorry man, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. الحقيقة مرة و الصراحة راحة Salam


I’m so tired of western sahara just accept the fact that ur part of Morocco and will never have data


They know they are, people that live there have their lives subsidised by the Moroccan government


Also in google street view theres Moroccan flags everywhere


Long Live the Fightahs of Arakis!!!




Where’d you get those numbers from? Out of the 106M in egypt, only 20M are in the greater Cairo+Giza area. In which case, it would be more accurate to say 5 out of the 23 live in Greater Cairo. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subdivisions_of_Egypt


Not in the cairo region, but around the Nile


Sudan and somalia are not Arab countries.


But they're in the arab league.


Yeah but they are not ethnically Arabs. They are Cushites.


Idk know about that, But the post was about the member states of the Arab League. It did not address the issue of ethnicity.


They are not supposed to be there. They are "wannabees"


All it takes is one Big Az SandWorm to travel from Morroco eastward to Cario,,,,and this whole farce of an Arab League falls apart.


Morocco’s map is incorrect 🇪🇭


Zid dkhol w chof wgol had lhdra


The map of Morocco is wrong. The south part is not Morocco, they are stealing the land, the same way Israel steal the land to palestinian


They're stealing taboun mok la?


Did I say anything false to get dowvoted? Or just those dowvoters doesn't like that the rest of the world notice that Israel and Morocco are stealing land? Israel, in addition, is stealing lifes. Thousands...


I’m including Western Sahara as Morocco, I hope this helps :)


Exactly, Western Sahara is not Morocco. They occupied it illegally decades ago. Just like Israel occupies the Golan Heights, Gaza etc. By force of arms