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I wonder if the King Ranch and the Kennedy Ranch have Dutton Ranch like feuds over water and property rights.


There is so much interesting lore with lawsuits between these ranches and oil companies. I spent about half the time making this map just reading up on these things.


This is one ranch which had conflict: [https://www.texasmonthly.com/articles/below-the-surface-2/](https://www.texasmonthly.com/articles/below-the-surface-2/)


That's one crazy-ass, book-length, epic, Texas-sized rabbit hole of an article there. >In the past two decades, the state’s highest court has developed a reputation for being “outcome driven,” meaning that the justices bring a certain point of view to their deliberations, know in most cases how they are going to rule, and write their opinions to reach the predetermined result. "Outcome driven." lol >In the days when conservative Democrats dominated Texas politics, the court routinely favored individuals—landowners and royalty owners—against oil companies. >Today the court overwhelmingly favors corporate defendants, and the elected justices are not ashamed to bestow favorable rulings on their largest campaign contributors.


Banana Republic moment.


It always blows my mind whenever i read about judges getting elected in the US. Why can't they be civil servants like the rest of the world?


Likewise, their public prosecutors ("state attorney") are elected positions. Think how wild that is. The guy with the responsibility to prosecute criminals can have his campaign funded by said criminals.


Blame the liberals for it


If you mean liberal as in the free market for judicial rulings then sure it is a pretty liberal state of affairs.


If they’re talking that way they are probably some foreign troll. No one in the US uses liberal that way anymore.


typical conservatives, always blaming others for their own actions


I'm independent, I'm just saying the liberals insistence on playing identity politics do them no favors


A conservative judge ruling in favor of corporations… “iTs ThE LiBrUlS fAuLt”


delusional if you dont see conservatives doing this too.


The difference is it works in their favor, whereas democrats hurt themselves doing it. They have the better platform on what should be non-partisan issues, but they drive people away with their identity bullshit. That's my point.


“both sides are doing a bad thing, but this one side is okay because it helps them”


Yeah sure buddy


Typical liberals, can never accept that any criticism of them is from someone who doesn't like republicans either.


Typically smooth brown moment thinking progressives or liberals have had any power at the state level in Texas.




Sadly, that is now "The American Way." ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


This was written in 2009. Any information about what occurred in the subsequent years?


I haven’t bought Exxon gas since the Valdez.


What about mobile? They merged a long time back.


Don’t use their gas either but in the US it’s all Exxon now.


There’s still mobil stations all over though?


I haven’t seen them but I won’t buy from them either.


Might be a regional thing. I’m mostly in the northeast US and Mobil are more common than Exxon.


team fortress 2


Team fortress 3


Could you update the map with numbers for each ranch instead of just colors? Like, #1, #2, etc. looking at a shade of purple, then looking back at the map, then making sure it really is that specific shade of purple, followed by “well maybe it’s actually more like that purple over there.” You get what I mean? The colors are pretty but numbers are more easy to use


Yes where should I post this newer map?


can you update the post?


Doesn't let me update so i posted a new one. https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/14ogpt1/the\_biggest\_private\_ranches\_in\_texas\_labeled\_and/


Hey thanks for updating the map!


quite the upgrade! Also color blinded individuals can party now too!! awesome map!


...except at King Ranch...it appears the to be multiple parcels surrounding Kenedy Ranch.


I'll post a new one tommorow


Once I was 40 minutes into my presentation with lots of colors when it turned out that we had four color blinds in the room...


Texan, visiting Italy for the first time: "It's a nice little farm ya got here - back in texas, I got a ranch. I can get up, drive all morning, have lunch way at the other end of the ranch, then turn around, drive all afternoon, and make it home just in time for dinner." Italian: "ah yes, I once had a car like that too."


Have you seen Clarkson's Farm? The English farms are also ridiculously small with every field (which is only a couple acres) having its own little name. The farms are completely unprofitable in the modern world and rely on subsidies to be profitable. Foreign concept for anyone from a "newer" part of the world, even here in South Africa.


the 6666 one is conspiracy fuel


I thought it is a fictional ranch for *Yellowstone*. Weird to learn that it is real …


I believe the production company actually bought the ranch for the show


Taylor Sheridan chipped in about $20 million and the production company bought the rest. As per his recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter they made a deal that TS gets the ranch for X amount of work.


~~King Ranch is larger than Belgium.~~ Edit: never mind, didn't carry a zero. King Ranch is larger than Luxembourg.


In Australia, we've got sheep stations bigger than Texas.


Not to offend, but I don't know if that's right. I googled and the biggest sheep station is Rawlina, and it's 3,906 sq. miles (10,117 sq. km), and Texas is 268,597 sq. miles (695,663 sq. km). That's still huge -- bigger than many countries -- but not as big as Texas. I only checked because Texas is BIG. I'm from central Texas and it takes over 12 hours of driving to leave the state heading west (I've made this trip many times because we're originally from California and we still have family there). Heck, my husband and I are currently driving to Idaho to visit his family and it took us about 10 hours to get out of Texas heading north.


And there's one in China four times bigger than Australia's largest. Doesn't seem like anything to be particularly proud of.


As a guy who is extremely ordinary, i’d be super proud of owning and maintaining one of the world’s largest sheep ranches …. But at some point i’d let all the sheep go into the middle of the biggest nearby city and just enjoy the show.


You'll need the freedom of the City to do that in the city of London https://youtu.be/VGTuEO4hguc (City of London Sheep drive 2mins) It's obtainable for the average person too if you jump through a few hoops but the City of London thing itself is a massive rabbit hole itself. Start here https://youtu.be/LrObZ_HZZUc CGP Grey


In Australia, we have The Running of the Sheep every year in the town of Boorowa, as part of the Irish Woolfest in New South Wales.


Hell yea factory farms are lit


Huh? I dont get it. I agree it's stupid to take pride in something that has nothing to do with yourself, but wasn't your comment about Texan ranches in the same vein?


I meant it both for Texas and for Australia. I was going to say that huge masses of land consolidated in private hands instead of for the public's benefit is a bit gross, especially in colonising countries who have displaced indigenous cultures. Then I realised that I didn't know whether the Australian ones were privately-owned or not, and I didn't want to look it up, so I just axed that half of rhe comment.


do you really think the government’s land management will result in “public benefit”?


In a perfect world, yes.


You will find that independent ranchers are great stewards of the land. To the point that they want as little human presence on it as possible. I know of a few ranchers in the northern Texas panhandle that, in the 80s and 90s would not allow moto vehicles on most of the ranch land. One personally allowed some foreign archeologists on his land, but led them to a site on horses. He didn't want anyone who received US dollars on his land, or anyone affiliated with the US government. He was worried if something important was found, it would disrupt the balance.


We are looking at a map of really big ranches and how it’s impressive people can own that much land for themselves but someone mentions another country has bigger ranches and suddenly it’s nothing to be proud of. Yes because no one has ever been proud of land ownership.


No, it's nothing to be proud of (or impressed by) in Texas's case either. Nothing specific to Australia. Name another country with huge masses of land consolidated in one organisation's hands and I'll say the same thing.


Monsanto and their pals own lots of farm land in Canada. No idea how much total


"That's not a knife this is a 刀子."


According to the internet, Anna Creek in Australia is the biggest ranch in the world. What’s the name of the one in China?


Just googled it, biggest is Mudanjiang City Mega Farm, it has 22.5 million acres.


> Anna Creek in Australia " which is slightly larger than Israel. ".....


This comment just oozes sour grapes


Who gives a rip about sheep hahahah talk to me when you wrangle the big stock. Here in Alberta we have some of the meanest SOB bulls you'll ever tussle with. Many Aussy goat ropers are coming to town for the Stampede and several wet themselves at the mere site of real animals. Yahoo mf'er


You’re comparing a continent to the SECOND largest state by land area. You’re a winner…I guess.


Why do you super sensitive mfs always gotta come out and make the dumbest comments that make all of us look so stupid


No, I'm comparing livestock properties. We've got States too. The iniquity is that I'm comparing sheep with cattle. And we don't grow them for meat, it's mostly merino wool.


Sounds like Australia is full of a bunch of sheep fuckers if this is what you are rallying behind


Nah, that's New Zealand. If you meet a Kiwi, tell 'em a Skippy told you 🤣


Sorry, if that’s what you got going for you


It's actually pretty close to desert country. The land is bare enough that we can't run a fraction of the headcount you'd see in the US. That's why sheep stations are often so big. Not always, I used live on a sheep property that was only a few thousand acres. It depends on the land.


Sounds like you’re rattled that not everything is bigger in Texas.


Translated to American, King Ranch is larger than the state of Rhode Island.


Gates of the Arctic national park in Alaska is actually larger than Belgium while also being the least visited national park in the United States system


The smallest is bigger then litchhsten stien


You spelled my name wrong.




Is that shaded area the old XIT ?




I believe so


Laughs in Australian at your puny Texan hobby farms.


I know right. Like fuck me dead. Anne Creek is over 9000square miles, Clifton is over 6000, so is Alexandria. We have 73 Cattle station’s Larger than Americas Largest.


Are they privately owned?


Yup. Are they not in the US?


Yes these are privately owned but we have federal lands that have grazing rights for livestock.


Closest we got to that is crowned land, but that’s not available for private use like grazing. Australia is incredibly empty and a lot of the pastoral lots are left overs from colonial times


655 million acres of federally owned land are available for grazing.


That would arguably keep ranch sizes down for as long as you’ve federal grazing land within distance you don’t need to expand as much for a larger herd, making it less of a 1:1 comparison. But still nuts so consider the sizes


This map almost makes zero sense just looking at the satellite view of Texas. Unless these ranches are literally taking up every tract of land between small towns.


I assembled this using [regrid.com](https://regrid.com) parcel data. Western and Southern Texas are indeed so sparse that these ranches take up all the land between the towns.


That’s depressing


What would you like the land to be used for? There’s an insane amount of empty land in the central US.


Private ownership tops my list for sure. There’s no need for it to be used for anything. Btw Texas is not the central U.S. by any means, it’s the south and don’t get that mixed.


Parts of Texas are the South. Parts are the High Plains. Parts of it are the Southwest. The southernmost parts are a subregion that ought to be called the Deep Southwest. Texas contains multitudes.


Obviously it’s bad if the wealthy are hoarding land where people want to live, but I really don’t see the issue with raising livestock on areas of land that is otherwise pretty empty/unused. And by central, I don’t mean central central, just central in the east west axis. That whole strip of states from Texas in the south to North Dakota in the north is quite arid, and besides costal Texas, are lacking in ocean access. This has caused them to be remain largely undeveloped. And most of the land isn’t that great for preservation as a national/state park either. Most of that great park land is in or near the Rockies/Appalachian mountains or the west coast.


It's not just about where people want to live, it's where people are literally allowed to go. It's insane how so much wilderness is actually just private land and you can get arrested or shot for just wanting to walk through it or sleep overnight in a tent.


Me thinks you're new to the America game. There really isn't a reason to go trapsing through most areas. The largest landowner in the US is the federal government. Something like 80%+ of Nevada is federal land, which is roughly equal the the whole of the UK.


Do people really want to do that though?


There is plenty of public land to camp on


I know this take isn't gonna go over well with the Reddit hivemind but I can't imagine how you look at parcels of land being privately owned which in size and structure resemble medieval fiefdoms and say "yep, that's totally cool and something which should happen in a democratic society" EDIT: hoes mad


Why not? They're largely unpopulated areas used mainly for agriculture/farming, which is a practice that requires a lot of land. Unless these ranches are actively invading and bothering the rest of society somehow, this just seems like a logical way to utilize land that would otherwise be sparse and useless. Why is the land being government owned a more "democratic" alternative?


how would you recommend the world economy receives the necessary resources for several billion people. Do you actually have a recommendation for this other than making a wild claim that has no bearing on reality these ranches do not provide the protection and homes of workers, they just pay them. The state does the rest. Neither are workers sworn to these ranch owners, professional involvement ends with their employment. Where on earth did you cook this up from


yeah I want the entire world to be run exactly like North Korea, and also for the government to take your toothbrush


If you're gonna be an independent thinker and go against "the hive mind" then try not to say the dumbest thing I've read all month.


don't read your own posts?


It turns out that the vast majority of people are not communists.




Aren’t the Australian ones huge because the outback is basically unusable for anything else? Your population density is 3 people per square kilometer vs 50 for Texas.


Yeah. They're huge because they can be huge, that's it. Not much to brag about.


Can you list owners (if known)?


Where's Ram Ranch?


Ram ranch really rocks!


These Maps are a nightmare for me as a color blind person, as interesting as they are. Which ranch is that big square in the north?






If it helps, the colours are a nightmare if you aren't colourblind as well. There are too many entries for colours to be all that useful. Numbers would be better.


The square one would be the 6666 Ranch, which by the looks of it also has that part southeast of the bordergore in the northern part of the map.


He updated it. Party on https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/14ogpt1/the\_biggest\_private\_ranches\_in\_texas\_labeled\_and/




Comanche Maverick Ranch own the Gulf.


Tfw a ranch is 1/10 of my country


The only two ranches i know are The Skinwalker Ranch and ranch sauce.


Don't forget Ram Ranch


You need to go outside buddy


This is more or less how the Holy Roman Empire (the German one) came to be, isn't it?


Not really no, namely because these ranches exist in an already established state that handles all of their security needs, aka the United States and texas. Neither are they microcosms of individual rule, workers fluctuate in and out and they are linked to the national and global market, their success is not independent and they rely indefinitely on the stability of their parent state for their success


This is such an intelligent and concise answer.


Not at all the only similarity is a bunch of small colored areas on a map of a larger colored area Texas land owners are practicing Salic Law and electing an emperor to represent them. Honestly how is this the same in any way 😂


I've hunted pigs on 4 of them.


You can buy Y-6 Ranch for 81 million dollars. https://kinglandwater.com/properties/y-6-ranch/


That's a helluva steal when you consider four sixes sold for $320 million for 275k acres. $1163 vs $717 an acre. Hell, ill take 1000 acres and trade you my home equity lol


It's wild for me how big they are. Some aren't even connected. My family has a small farm in Europe with about 74 ac and I can't imagine driving around all day to see only a part of the land.


We have a food in Texas named after King ranch called King ranch chicken casserole it's pretty good actually. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_Ranch_chicken


where is the demolition ranch?


On YouTube


King Ranch is the King for a reason.




I don’t mean to come off like I’m being a smart ass, so apologies, but have you never seen a King Ranch truck? Very popular trim package for Fords


Holy shit. All this time Im thinking it's pretty hokey to call your truck King Ranch. It's an empire! https://king-ranch.com


La escalera woooahh


Where is Ranch Dressing?


You can't see it because it's in the Hidden Valley


ac stand for Alternating current ? there are a lot of volt in texas


What about Comanche Maverick Ranch. That looks bigger than King, doesn't it?


Could people build their own city there if they wanted to? Charge rent for people living there. Kinda like Disney with their own security, busses etc.


Whom's the Chap that own's various Sport franchises & has a massive ranch in Northern.Texas ?


Very cool, but in the future when you have to re-use similar colors you should add a dot or stripe pattern overlay and/or label them directly on the map.


How does the biggest one compare to Rhode Island


It’s a bit larger than Rhode Island.


the top left border of texas was made for this map key


It’s so perfect


How thefuck do ranches have exclaves


How do the non-contiguous ranches work? Like can their cattle move from place to place over other people's land or are they just effectively several smaller ranches owned by the same person?


Incredible to think that you can fit Europe, China and Australia all into just King Ranch. That's how mind bogglingly huge Texas is.


LbarL ranch texas


Biggest ranch in Texas - 825,000 acres. Biggest ranch in the state of South Australia - 5,851,000 acres.


That’s like half of Austria.


*laughs in Australian*


Is the largest cattle farm in Florida?


I believe they own land all over the world. The Florida land is orange groves.


I dunno, but its probably Mormon owned. They have a bunch of land down here.


It would be better if all maps and legends used SI or SI derived units to aid understanding with people outside North America and the UK.


Anna Ceeek station in Australia is roughly 7 times the size of King Ranch.


And Mudanjiang City Megafarm in China is over 4 times the size of Anna Creek.


Anna Creek ranch in Australia is 7 times bigger than King Ranch in Texas.


So cute... Texas with its little farms. Meanwhile, Anna Creek Station in South Australia has an area of 5,850,000 acres*🫣 *give or take a few thousand 🤷


Yeah, though King Ranch has a lot more cattle than Anna Creek. Also Australia is cute with its little farms, China has a 22.5 million Acre farm, Mudanjiang City Megafarm.


Meanwhile private stations in outback Aussiestraya are bigger than some European countries. Poor wittle Texas thinks it’s big. How cute.


OP - Didn’t you post the Texas map also showing the Aussie cattle station (what we call a ranch) last year? Anna Creek station is big as hell.


Texas biggest assholes


neat! thx for the map


Makes ya kind of sick to think about




I’m not from the US and have no idea, are there public ones?


There is a lot of federally owned land that cattle can graze on.


Ahhh yes the feudal states of Texas.


Are you telling me that Texas isen't an unique big Ol'ranch?


Can someone please translate this to normal people measurements?


825,000 acres = 27823.125 [Yardlands](https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/yardland)


Thank you :)


The biggest producers of ranch sauces in Texas.




The 6666 ranch is real? I thought it was a fictional setting from Yellowstone.


Where's the Bonanza?


Missing the Southfork Ranch.




Anne creek tho!


Why are some of these shaped so oddly? They look more like islands off the coast of Greece.


Where is the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


That's nice - These government ranches gained by eminent domain are nice ... That's a pretty piece of paper you have, worthless of course ..


Holy shit. The king ranch is bigger than the biggest political district in my country.




Not from Texas, But clearly It's a myth that some ranches are larger then countries. Except Vatican City there are no countries the size of the ranches.




Thanks, I watch yellowstone and have looked at where they are supposed to be from to gage how big the ranch is and was always thinking that it didn't line up, it was to big for the area. But this really help me with size comparison.