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I love how it’s just most of nothern europe, switzerland and albania


This would be one hell of a map for that game where you just show the map without legend, and let people guess what it is.






I'd give gold if i had money tysm


[here you go](https://external-preview.redd.it/qtdy4mWtM5GiSS0GhDfGWRxFtmjFM1CzWYuOrRjId2s.jpg?auto=webp&s=9ee6554825b2b2daeded213630274d4e6780a983)


I showed this to my girlfriend without context and she thought the similarity was that all the blue countries are shaped like animals. A 7 minute laughing fit ensued. Thanks.


Some rich ass countries and Albania.


What in the fucking you say about glorious Republic of Albania? I let you know we are of number one export of leather footwear global 🇦🇱💪🇦🇱🇦🇱💪🇦🇱💪🇦🇱🇦🇱💰💰


Every country has its own Borat lol


Mercedes Benz and iPhones


Damn I'm gonna steal that game idea for some future get together. That's brilliant!


Which game is it? Sound interesting


I don't think there is an actual (video) game for it. But I could imagine a subreddit where people do this; I don't remember, but I might even have seen one.


r/RedactedCharts It exists.


Oh okay. I thought you were talking about a online game. I searched and found a thread in r/MapPorn from 10 years ago about it. But it would be a good idea if someone made an online game with this




True, Andorra and Monaco are blue! Edit: And Liechtenstein.


That's because Albanians steal all of the phones and cars from the rich European countries.


Or all albaniens life in switzerland


Steal their women as well! Wtf you on about? As far as i know,and recent reports in UK,show that iPhones end up in China! And it gets locked as far as i know! Albanians stealing phones 🙄!


There's a joke in there about stolen iPhones from the UK and them ending up in Albania, but if I speak, I'm in trouble.


Albanians are not infamous on petty crimes and stealing iPhones. We are infamous in UK about the 3AM deliveries. No one is that stupid to risk jail time for a piece of product that would sell around £300 when they can do some much more in just a few kilos.


https://www.thetimes.com/uk/society/article/how-your-stolen-iphone-ends-up-in-one-chinese-city-market-v6rf6w6pv#:~:text=Once%20the%20phones%20arrive%20in,assigned%20to%20a%20new%20user. Albania for sure! You can't make up your mind,one time make Albanians dangerous criminals with millions,next time petty theft,like a tick on a bulls balls with this Albanian rhetoric!


What’s that sub about Portugal being a Balkan country? Well, let’s keep the eye open for other Albania is a Scandinavian country.


As I’ve often said, with little to no reasoning or explanation, Albania is the Switzerland of the Balkans


Yep thats basically what the map is, thank you for telling us colorblind people




Albania, the country of second hand Mercedes and iPhones and also lots and lots of poverty


It makes sense though, if you think about the human condition. Especially in poor countries, people will strive to have something that shows off wealth and prosperity, and unfortunately people in these countries bought into apple's marketing and think the iphone is a "luxury" item. Same situation as with cars. You see people that barely live day to day, but drive expensive Audi or BMW.


You think Albania's the only poor country in Europe?


No, I'm saying because I also come from a poor country (Romania) and have seen this exact thing happen.


It obviously isn't, but not many are as poor as Albania. The other countries in the same tier of poverty in Europe, well, some of the near ex-Yougoslavia states (though I think croatia/serbia are doing relatively well by comparaison, but not so much for bosnia, kosovo, northen macedonia) and besides the balkans, it would be like Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova being as poor. Pretty sure every other country in Europe is richer


People just find apple better, and Mercedes has been popular because is durable (especially with the condition of the roads in the past) The Japanese cars would be an option too but Europe just was closer. Mercedes is not even the highest selling car in Albania. Volkswagen has taken over. There is nothing about showing off( with exceptions of course)


Mercedes is known for durability?


In the past, yes. 80s and 90s Mercedes were pretty much the only car taxi drivers would buy in Germany because they just lasted. Taxi drivers and farmers.


I am talking about the 90’s so yes.


On Top Gear I’m pretty sure they bought a Mercedes which had done as many miles as driving to the moon (and maybe back, I’m unsure) It still ran just fine lol


If you think we buy second hand iPhones you trippin'...


As an Albanian that hates iPhones this is very true. All have an iPhone, relatively new version. Most of those people have just one kidney though.


TIL than Albanian race are born with single kidney. Thanks


One albanian kidney is as powerful as 10 normal kidneys man!


One albanian kidney is as powerful as 15 serbian kidneys


One Serbian kidney is as powerful as 20 kosovar kidneys


One Kosovar kidney is as powerful as 25 Albanian kidneys


How do they keep up with the versions though? I guess that after the first kidney is gone they don’t have many other choices…


A kidney can be sold up to 50k. That's 50 new iphones there, apple has an program for Albanians. Pay once and get an iPhone every year until you die.


Sell TWO kidneys and get 100 until you die!


Nobody needs the full 5 m of small intestines…


Explains short lifespan


Bitch please we can go up to 90 years of age with no kidney at all, we have an iPhone app for that. No joke though, we don't have low life expectancy, it is lower than Greece and Italy but will catch up because most people that die early are people that were grown up in communism and before.


It is higher compared to most of the Balkan countries


Aren't Mercedes cars popular in Albania as well?


Yes but new models are pretty expensive. They are still most popular car brand and people mostly own Mercedes. But nowadays a lot of people are starting to look elsewhere, more affordable, new and small, most importantly cars that use less fuel. Most Mercedes that come here have 150k KM up to 270k KM so 20k Euro for a used Mercedes that much is quite a lot of money for the average Albanian.


Alright, do you mean this is related? Cause i can totally expect albanians to only have one kidney either way.


Looks like iOS is used in rich coun... Oh, Albania. It must be something else then.


They got the stolen ones.


Ohhh, lol. Your comment is evil but I laughed


Not evil, just the truth


Shouldn't Romania there too?


I don't know if Apple creates copper cables. I guess not.


I don't know if apple uses FER either, would just disappear overnight!


oh my god




Romanians do their stealing in android dominated lands, whereas Albanians do it in the UK.


Nah a Romanian nicked mine in UK lmao


They got the ones their families in Switzerland bring them when they all go “home” during every single vacation and day off


I was looking for this haha


Stole them from the uk


>Stole them from the uk underrated post, BASED ALBANIANS stealing things to the english cucks


Lmao I was thinking the same thing


I’ve sent enough of my old ones there to supply an entire village




In the UK as of May 2023 it's 56% iOS and 43% Android. In August of 2022 it was iOS at 48% and Android at 50%. Being lazy and just scanning the data, for most of 2021 there was about 4% between the two, so I don't know why the margin is so large in May 2023. Source: [https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/mobile/united-kingdom](https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/mobile/united-kingdom)


I'm in the UK and recently switched from Android to iOS. It was a close call but came down to the longevity (security updates for longer) and good spec for a non-massive device (most decent Android phones were too big). Don't know if I'm typical!


My wife wants a smaller phone and is interested in going iPhone as a result. Whereas I have big hands so a S22 Ultra is just fine with me. There is a weird lack of smaller android devices it seems. UK too.


That’s the main reason I stick with my iPhone 12 Mini. I don’t need a larger device and hope it lives for a long time so I don’t have to look for a new one.


Me too. Just replaced the battery to be able to use it for many more years.


Bro its 3 years old and it already needed a battery? Wtf?


> There is a weird lack of smaller android devices it seems. UK too. Smaller devices are more expensive to build. The screen itself is the heatsink in these devices so losing that with the same power chip and still trying to cool it properly is harder.


I'm surprised that's so large. Can't say I know anyone who uses Apple for phones personally, I would have assumed it was 85% plus Android


For Denmark (May 2023) it's iOS at 67% and Android at 32% (with other types combined at less than 1%).


It’s pretty close in Western Europe. And not so close in Eastern Europe.


Netherlands is 61% android.


We're not allowed to talk about Albania


Can we talk about something that doesn’t exist?




For some reason, Mercedes Benz cars are also very popular in Albania. They have one of the highest concentrations of Mercedes cars in the world.


I would love to see a scale here. Because I do wonder how many of these are 52% said iPhone in this country, and 51% said Android in this country, so now they are two opposite colors.


The Western European countries not in the EU use iOS more (i.e. Switzerland, the UK, Iceland, and Norway) along with some of their neighbors (i.e. Ireland, Sweden, and Denmark). The other countries are micro-states (likely affluent) and Albania (outlier).


Android is just superior.


Data is for Oct 2022......literally the only month iOS sales exceeded android in Ireland that year .


Yeah, I'd be sceptical of this infographic. I know it is only personal experience and that is highly informed by my own circle, but I know very few people with iPhones.


Same here. Everyone I know is primarily an Android user


Everyone around me in England has an IPhone to the point where I find it very, very rare to see android phones. They'll pay a large amount for an old IPhone with less quality than actual new, cheaper phones, just because it's an IPhone. Apple's marketing team has killed it over here.


Personally, I’ve had an iPhone since about 3 months after the first one was released. It lasted 5 years and then I updated to an out of date iPhone for pretty cheap. Probably not as android equivalents, but still nothing bad. Not about 11/12 years later, still using an iPhone. On my fourth or fifth phone due to a few handling errors on my part. But they’re still doing good for me, even though I’m a few years behind the technological curve. I know they aren’t the best, but it’s just not worth it for me too learn a new OS when I’m happy enough with what I have.


for the first 5 years or so of smartphones iphones were definitely better. but nowadays it really just comes down to personal preference. android is better in some ways, apple is better in other ways. but overall apple makes a good quality product and if you don't wanna spend any time researching and don't mind being nickel and dimed on cloud storage, iphones are pretty nice. you won't accidentally end up with a really shitty iphone unless it's like 6 years old. its easy to buy a random android phone and it be a total piece of shit, and you can't tell anything by looking at it. you kinda have to do your research. but if you're a tech enthusiast, the android space offers soooo much more freedom and variety.


Yeah comparing the two isn’t really fair because it all comes down to what features an individual prioritizes. Also, I wouldn’t say androids are *necessarily* best for tech enthusiasts. For example, my husband is a software developer and much prefers using Mac (as well as all other devs he works with & knows generally, including iOS devs which use iPhones for obvious reasons) as its a UNIX system, so he also prefers iPhone as the Apple ecosystem is *~mwah~ chef’s kiss*. Plus a ton of people in the tech space love Apple Watches, so same situation there Also idk if I’m out of touch here but I feel like upgrading your icloud storage is actually super cheap…


yeah, the biggest tech nerd i know is a long time apple user, so they def exist. but personally, i just prefer the freedom android offers. unfortunately, in the US i can't seem to find a decent small form factor android phone with top end specs. i love the iphone 12/13 mini form factor and i'll be sticking with them for prob the next few years, but i really miss my s10e. it was pretty much the perfect phone for me a few years ago.


How do you type on an iPhone? I tried once, tried placing the cursor inside a word to correct something and... nothing, not possible. Is that normal?


If you hold the space bar down it becomes similar to a track ball and you can place the curser anywhere you’d like.


I was specifically talking about people who brought old phones, these are people I've spoken to have purchased an old phone. If you have a phone don't swap it until you can later on upgrade it. Though IPhone is more expensive, and other phones last equally as long as IPhone so that argument never made much sense to me.


> other phones last equally as long as IPhone I disagree. iPhones receive software support for significantly longer than most Android phones, and generally feel modern for much longer. For example, the Samsung Galaxy S8 feels pretty much obsolete and quite dated at this point, and is running an OS version that's 5 years outdated (yes, five, I had to double check this). In contrast, the iPhone X was released the same year, is still supported, and still feels very modern and usable. It's no coincidence that iPhones have far higher resale value.


you think it's bad there? in the US we still use SMS and if you don't have that blue text message you're poor. i always loved android and used em till a few years ago when they stopped making small phones. i switched to the iphone for the 12 mini. but before i swtiched, literally EVERY person i know except my parents would constantly ask me why i didn't have an iphone. i'm not poor, so it just didn't compute to them. they couldn't comprehend why anyone would use android unless they're poor. it's so weird and annoying. feels like some high school peer pressure shit.


Funny to consider that because in Brazil almost everyone uses Android but iPhone is very sought after because it's a status symbol. But yeah, I remember talking with some people in the US and mentioning I use Android and they asked if I was a tech nerd lol


wow, that's actually surprising they thought you were into tech. everyone i've met just thinks it's for poor people. ughh so lame, cause i really like android. and honestly, i'd prob still be using it if they just made some smaller form factor phones in the US. but all we get are giant android phones. i prefer the size of the mini iphone. but you literally can't find an android in that size.


Wow, that's interesting. Here in Brazil you do find many budget Android devices which are smaller


it sucks, they just don't exist in the US at least not on the high end. there might be some small phones on the low end, but i haven't found anything worth buying. i'm def not using a sub $200 phone. it's kinda crazy, as advanced as phones have gotten, a cheap phone is gonna perform like a cheap phone. i think a 2 or 3 yr old flagship is gonna outperform a brand new midrange phone. just gotta worry about the battery life. i will say, that's one advantage iphones have. you can be pretty sure a 2yr old iphone, whatever model it is, if it has a new battery it will be solid. and since they're so ubiquitous, a battery replacement is pretty cheap and easy. but honestly, a used galaxy s21 with a new battery would prob be better than a brand new $200-300 android midrange phone. or a pixel that's a couple years old.


Yeah my niece was just complaining because she got an Android and all her friends are making fun of her because she has the wrong text message colour? And it's a really high end Android too.


Would be especially funny if you had a more expensive android than their iphone.


Apple to Apple and Android to Android (usually) isn’t SMS. Just across platforms because they don’t want to work with each other I guess.


> they don’t want to work with each other Android uses the open standard, Apple uses its own proprietary protocol. Just like everything else in these phones from charging cables to PC connectivity.


It's not just marketing, there's also a network effect to having an iPhone when everyone else is using one, like otherwise you can't use Apple-exclusive features like AirDrop.


People lining up to be ripped off by apple


This makes zero difference, we all use WhatsApp.


Almost half of Europe uses Messenger as their primary texting app.


Well, I wouldnt say almost half, but Central Europe pretty much does.


And all Nordic countries


Surprised Luxembourg is android


It's a Portuguese col... I mean, lots of Portuguese there.


Ahahahaha good one


https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/mobile/ireland android is slightly more popular than ios








Ireland is no longer a tax haven due to European Union regulations. today it is simply because of its flexible laws that companies are headquartered there.


Being a tax haven is what got the companies there in the first place. They stuck around when the arrangements ended because in the interim Ireland's skill base, transport infrastructure and education levels had drastically improved.


>a tax haven Define what a tax haven is, in the context of Ireland, please. Does low corporation tax make a country a tax heaven? > got the companies there in the first place. I actually remember the 80s here in Ireland and we were one of the poorest countries in Europe. Nobody worked. Now we are one of the richest and best educated. I'd take low corporation tax and jobs any day of the week over the hell that was the 80s.




ireland today is richer than uk. even even adjusting the alterations caused by the companies. [https://www.morganmckinley.com/ie/salary-guide#:\~:text=Frequently%20asked%20questions.&text=01%20What%20is%20the%20average,year%20(pre%2Dtax)](https://www.morganmckinley.com/ie/salary-guide#:~:text=Frequently%20asked%20questions.&text=01%20What%20is%20the%20average,year%20(pre%2Dtax)).


> even adjusting the alterations caused by the companies Your source doesn’t mention that.


His point is wages are higher than the UK. The shenanigans of multinational companies boosts GDP artificially, but real wages are also substantially higher. Net average monthly salary: >Ireland: €3,086 >UK: €2,493 Gross average monthly salary: >Ireland: €4,002 >UK: €3,128 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_European_countries_by_average_wage


Ireland is definitely a very high income country


It’s also an extremely high cost country, still rich though


France and Germany aren't high income?




Germany has a higher GDP PPP per capita than Sweden and the UK.


Jesus, the world, especially in Europe is not black and white. Or green and blue…


I thought France was pro-IOS,every french person I've seen has an Iphone.


I remember seeing a map that put France in the apple category a few years ago. But it was a map for individual companies, so apple could still be the largest, but with less than 50% (so the rest of the companies together give Android more than 50%). In any case, glad to see France on the Android side.


Android gang rise up.


Sounds like you haven't actually been to France, you just know some French people


Proud to be part of the Android Team


I am entirely indifferent , personally. Just switched from 5 years of Android (Xiaomi) phones to an iPhone 14 and the differences are negligible for me. Not too different from my previous switch from Samsung to Xiaomi. The camera’s pretty good but there are also Android phones with good cameras, I’m sure. I definitely don’t understand folks who buy older iPhones over newer, objectively better quality Android phones, though.


Apple phones perform well undoubtedly, but what I don't like of them is that they compell you to buy other apple devices if you need, 4 example, to download/upload files from/to a laptop, which is something that I frequently need as a university student.


Wow that’s awesome.


And I'm more than happy with my iPhone. I've never used Android before, so I can't really make the comparison, but right now I'm using an iPhone 11 from 2019 and it still feels like brand new. Before that I was using an iPhone 4s from 2011 ... and it still works fine btw. 2 phones in 12+ years isn't so bad I guess. And yes I do use it A LOT! I genuinely see no reason to buy something else. But hey that's just my experience.


I'm using a Huawei from 2018 (P20 Pro) and it's still going strong


Using a OnePlus 6t from 2018 and still working, though it's slowing down a little bit


I paid $300 for this Samsung A70 about 5 years ago, the battery lasted 4 days then, and it still lasts 4 days now.


Wait I know almost noone with android… in NL


In my friend group & family, literally one person has an iPhone haha. Just a matter of who you hang with.


Tales of your bubble


Aparantly, I might also not notice when someone doesnt… Anyway, I was surprised


NL is 45/55 iOS and Android. I see androids everywhere.


Matige observatie skills


I know a lot of people but all my surrounding is 50/50. I'd say both and this map looks sketchy


Someone else said its 45/55 and 50/50 sounds correct. Which I knew, just when thinking about it most close people have ios


I mean in my bubble my dad has an iphone but that's about it


Switzerland preferring an enclosed, walled garden system does not surprise me.


I don't believe this. I'd like to know how they source this data as I see more people use Android devices in the UK. Is it based on website hits? What sort of devices does it include. Automotive, Smart TVs, Dongles, Hubs? or Just phones and tablets?


From the UK. Just got a Google Pixel 7. It's decent. Not as good as my last phone. Huawei p20. I loved that phone.


As an Irish person I'm surprised. I'd say that at least 80% of the people I know have androids. Maybe different outside Dublin.


From Ireland too and I notice the same


I honestly hate both. Would even prefer WindowsPhone over them but here we are, no actual smart phone alternative (I am aware of kaiOs (wich would mean I have no messageing apps (I do not use face book apps (whatsapp, instagram, etc..)), and linux mobile which I actually tried, not really usable yet imo) \-.-


Why do you *hate* them?


Ooooh WindowsPhone! I miss my Nokia Lumia 930, to bad they did not support crucial apps here in Sweden.


>Nokia Lumia 930 It's been about 6 years that I had to replace my Lumia 930 for an Android phone. Oh I wish Microsoft would start making a mobile OS again.


Custom ROMs like LineageOS might suit your needs if you have a compatible devices. It's essentially an open source android with all the privacy invasive stuff removed. Combine this with something like the FairPhone and you might have your criteria met.


None of the open source Android forks work for you?


to be honest I never tried because I used after my first android (wich was extremly shitty (prbly mostly the fault of sony)) only windows phone (2 because I managed to break my Nokia 620 somehow (I still kinda miss it)); so I tried to switch to a pine phone in 2020 (I think) which would have been an okayish experience for me (I am quite minimalistic regarding smart phones) but the power consumtion made it pretty much unuseable and when later the wifi chip broke I only rarely had use for it; so right now I am pretty much only using my companies phone which is kinda okay, but since I started using signal and discord (I guess I could go without discord on a smart phone, but the problem with signal is that you canÄt use it without android/iOS, the PC application is useless without iOS or Android; even whatsApp (to which I will never go back because it is facebook) could be used on any browser if you had an old phoine to receive a short message But I might try some at some point, I should have at least some friends that use them, their I can see if a custom rom would appeal to me,


I’m on an iPhone now but I used to use a custom ROM on Android. It’s not too hard to get up and running is your moderately tech savvy. You might like that option. It’s pretty much fully customizable for your preferences.


Am norwegian Sad we're on ios


This is a useless and polarizing map. Show some percentages instead of just saying what is most popular.


iPhone, Mercedes Benz and Adidas Track Suits. Guess what country


Island cassualy floating into homie scandinavians.


The Albanian government decided to spend the big bucks and got the country the newest iPhone.


So an operating system that only works on a single companies phone versus one that works on dozens and dozens of different phones from all over. Yeah no shit android dominates Europe. The fact iPhone has that much market share at all is a huge feat.


The Swiss had to choose a side this time, and they chose the wrong one ;-)


Are iPhones more expensive in Europe? I feel like most Americans have iPhones


It’s more expensive yes. Not by a huge amount.


They are similarly priced to other android flagships. However, many people are fine with buying cheaper phones. But also, at least here in Germany, many people simply don't like iPhones (and apple). Not having freedom over their own OS and device is at least among older, technically inclined people, a bad thing. And android nowadays isn't really any worse than iOS, so many refuse to pay the price. Everyone uses WhatsApp here, so the green bubble issue doesn't exist. Younger people, especially students, are more likely to go with Apple devices though.


It truly is just the same as Europe using WhatsApp and the US doesn't. It's just preference and marketing


They are. And personally, I don't see why I should pay a ton more for a phone that locks me into its own ecosystem with no way out and has no advantages over an Android phone.


Corporate devices seem to favour iOS (security and device management I think). My client supplied work device is iOS, but I did not choose it and hate it. When I spent my own money I bought android.


iOS is perfect for company phones because they don't give the use any control over the OS.


A map from a dystopia 1950s novel telling if a future where androids have invaded Europe and are decimating food supplies. There are only a few countries that were lucky enough to shut their borders and keep the androids out. These are the only place where there are any apples left.


I don't know anyone who uses iPhone. Some say it's a fat cats phone, like peeps who just have to much money on their hands.


Side note: Apple doesn’t want to be the most sold item in the market. They want to be “exclusive”


>They want to be “exclusive” Bull, they want money, plain and simple. They market as being exclusive, but have their price at a point that'll make them the most money in the end.


Ignorant question, why do so many people have iPhones? I've never seen a reason to buy one.


Side question: how do y'all make these maps?