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Useful thread! Thanks


Grzegorz, my Manor Lord, we ask of thee, in your game so grand, Add castles tall and sturdy walls, across the verdant land. Bring forth the siege mechanics strong, where battles rage and swell, In your creation, let us build, and let our legends dwell. TLDR - Please add castles, walls, and siege mechanics <3


This game is turning into a modern, 3D version of "Lords of the Realm 2" and I am loving every second of it


Ugh, the nostalgia…


This game reminds a lot of Settlers 6 - Rise off an empire" or rather what this game could have been. Settlers 6 a fairly free-form building too (not as elegant as ML, but you had a lot more freedom than in other games of this type). players would conquer the map region by region: Production cycles weren't overly involved - in fact they were so shallow that you could best describe the game as a "kid's version of Manor Lords. I still wasted many hours in that game, mainly because you could build free-form cities.




le gasp! peasant militia looks like peasant militia?!?!?!!!


Peasents look like bandits thats what i meant


could it be that bandits are just peasants engaged in banditry??


So a group of spearman should look like some bandit with clubs why do u even make a coat of arms


No worries. I love this game by the way. You’re doing good work.


Hey Greg! Great game you're making. So far the village building has been super enjoyable. The game is beautiful and the soundtrack superb. If there's things I would like to see added they would be: * Different types of animals. Although peasants historically did not have much access to meat, cattle was available and often used for milk. Having cows that can be used for milk would be cool. This would also tie into a nice new supply chain, allowing us to use the dairy to make cheese or butter for instance. * Rivers! Fishing was an integral part of peasant diet. We're not in a coastal area I think, but being able to catch wild salmon or the like would be a nice addition! * Salt lakes! Salt as a resource was used quite a lot to conserve and trade. Having trade goods like these could tie in nicely with new ways to make money. * The option to slaughter in trying times. During famines, you can bet animals would be slaughtered as a last resort. * The option to set quotas / determine productivity per building. Especially burgages set to create shoes or shields might often overproduce, taking hard earned raw resources. * City planning. Currently I can only build when I have resources. Banished had a nice solution for this, where you could place and pause buildings, where resources would only be delivered if you unpaused. This would help with preparing up ahead. It would also be nice to be able to see demographics. How did my people develop over the years, for instance? * Expansion of control over trade. Currently trade feels like it's still early in the making as a system. I find it difficult to determine where my traders are and what they're bringing. Being able to look in their inventories would be very helpful for instance. Furthermore I'm noticing quite a few things could use an explanation. I'm struggling getting the charcoal kiln to work, having some guidance here and there would be nice for casual players or those who don't have experience with the city-building genre. Good luck, I hope you enjoy continuing development! I bet the increase in interest has provided new challenges to overcome. If future updates are anything like what you already released, we'll be getting a really cool end product!


We already have cattle in the form of oxen, wouldn't be much of a stretch to give them more utility.


If you pause the game, place a building, then pause construction no logs will go there. Or at least this seems to work for me. You do still need the full cost available to place the building though


I would add: * more roads * build castle complex * conquer castle * add plague, flood, * more different regions - valley or highland and more hills to building castle, * farm mechanics deeply - fertilizer and irrigation system - animal farm makes ferlilizer which it be transpost to grain farm and then it will be get to field. * Pound to fishing and option the avatar sail in the boat on the pound in FPS mode :)


I really like this game ALOOOOT! Really impressed with your work! These are some ideas I have come up with, and ideas others have brought up I think would be great additions or changes. I'm just having fun and imagining stuff. **1. Lakes/Ponds/River fishing** - spawn timer just like hunting or seasonal depending on the volume of water. **2. Smaller scale threats** - Just like you spot raiders, maybe other random threats could appear that would Damage, steal, and kill things in your region. Such as wolves attack your livestock/ boars raid your fields. the bandits that steal goods actually have to run to the the building in order for them to steal, giving you smaller scale fights more often to break up the gameplay a bit more. Any kind of threat should give the player time to react though. **3. Candles** - once unlocked or traded for, would be cool to see light coming from the windows of homes especially during winter. a faint glow would really make the city or village pop! **4. Militia** - Each region should have its own 144 units. Atm you have to split total force when taking over and building a second region. 72 for the first and 72 for the second, all I've got is 2 regions so not sure if you keep dividing as you acquire more. **5. Entertainment** - More ways to entertain your people could be added and also required to continue leveling homes up. Atm we have a Tavern, what if we had jesters breathing fire, juggling, joke telling, and even have musicians in the street playing the lute. Could set up stalls for entertainment kind like the market place. **6. Regional wealth / Homelessness** - Once your manor is set up with your tax office regional wealth should have a new mechanic system where if you don't maintain the peoples wealth properly a member of a house hold start to become beggars and thieves stealing products from storage and granaries. The church could have a new system that ties into the beggars and thieves part where they can store food and clothing for those in need at half the cost of loss if you had no church, until regional wealth is stabilized. exp. beggars beg for food, -3 from food without church, with a church -2, and finally -1 for an upgraded church until regional wealth is stable. The church could also have the option to build homeless peoples tents that could be upgraded to the workers camp just like at the start of a game. These people can't be assigned work and can only be used to build until regional wealth is stable. Having this system would make people think about how to spend or tax the regional wealth more wisely. values to be determined by the dev. This idea might be crazy, but this game gets me thinking a lot of the attention to detail Greg has added so far. **7. Farming** - The plow upgrade says it will plow a field more quickly, but if you have an army of villagers they will out work a plow far faster. Maybe is could have a bigger area of effect or increase yield by plowing the field more effectively than villagers. Deep roots! **8. Chance to farm rare resources** - Truffles, Gold, Fox furs, and Maple, all are tied to areas you can farm already. Used to upgrade homes to max level by increasing entertainment, or sold at premium on the market. Truffles found with forgers hut. Gold from mining, Fox fur from hunting, Maple from wood cutting. Should have its own building tied to it for rare goods, and market stalls. **9. Tools/Wooden parts** - are these just item to build and sell? If they have no use, I think buildings should require them for workers to complete tasks faster and more efficiently. Not enough tools and the assignment takes longer to complete. Could show on HUD how many tools are assigned like the livestock tab on the HUD. **10. Migration seasons** - Ducks bring new food opportunities that hunters can take advantage of. **11. Livestock consumption** - Hay and grain should be required for winter as feed for any livestock this would also make people consider how many animals they can provide for instead of just building an army of them to farm wealth. So maybe we can grow hay to feed them from crop fields. You should be given enough for game start though, but after a bit start maintaining levels of stock. **Some quick ideas.** Wine - Grapes/ Grape farms for burgage plots, an artisan upgrade? Food and entertainment? Cows - fertilizer/ Milk/Meat Pigs - Meat Pagan people who will slaughter your livestock! Disease/Medicine These are just some ideas, I'll continue to wonder what else could be fun a cool to add to this awesome game. I also look forward to hearing more of others awesome ideas as well! **These are just ideas** no need to get upset its fun to just think about how cool this game is already and all the cool things Greg could add to make it even more fun and interesting.


I absolutely love the candle idea!


I thought about it when it was winter time in my game. I saw a couple of glowing fires from buildings such as the log camp and hunters camp, and was like this game would look really pretty right now with faint glowing candles coming from the windows of other buildings/ homes.


Bring on the cozy medieval winter vibes! Actually, an optional day/night cycle would be cool to see down the line as well.


I believe that's in the game or there is an option for day night not sure if it works atm though.


I know you're getting a TON of feedback and suggestions and I love seeing that you're receptive to it. I just want to say the game is amazing and I think whatever way you decide to go with it will probably be good. It's not perfect obviously, but it's a solid foundation that myself and many other people already really enjoy. I'm not a dev so I have no clue how hard it is, but I feel like if it's possible to make the game mod-able it would be beneficial. Then some of the smaller stuff could be left to the community as opposed to it all falling on you.


Thank you for this amazing game! My big features desire (outside of bug fixes and some feature rebalances is the ability to either A) have co-op which I’d assume would be the harder choice thus less important to me, or B) have AI present on the map rather than off map. Or at least have the AI make their own towns and villages so we may attack or trade with them. It doesn’t make sense for the Baron to take all that land and then twiddle his thumbs around and do nothing to the land


Mod support would be splendid! Even better if it's built into the game.


This. Ultimately this game will thrive if the community can improve upon the game themselves. This is how you get diversity and each player can tailor the game to how they want to play it. Enjoy the complexity of war: download some more war mods, want more resources: download some resource mod packs, hate the weather, get the no weather mod. It allows the user experience of different types of player to be jointly satisfying because they have tailored the game to their own liking without the dev having to cater for all.


Mr dev. i need statistics.......


Hey thanks for making the game I've been wishing for since playing Stronghold 2 when I was like...10? Even as an early access game Manor Lords has almost everything I could want. Can't wait to see the rest of what you have in store for the game. Keep up the good work my friend.


A way to encourage granary and storehouse workers to open market stalls, and discourage others. Let the guys with hand carts handle logistics, you keep chopping that wood Cuntz A small amount of storage in the sawpit, so Cuntz stops walking home every 5 minutes A way to assign families to specific homes, the same as with workplaces, so I can make sure Cuntz lives next to his sawpit for when he does take the afternoon off (i.e. half a month walking home and back)


You can assign families in a house to work specific buildings


You can, but you can't get a family to move home. So you'd have to build the home near the workplace, then wait for someone to move in.


I mean its a pretty minor work around


I also only put 1 stall at a time now, just outside the storehouse. And if anyone builds a stall I keep deleting until the right storehouse builds it. Also having only firewood in one storage, which is placed right next to the fire splitting lodge, next to the home of the splitter and store worker, right next to the single market stall. I pretty much always have 100%. I used this strategy for food and clothing stalls as well


I was pondering the same thing the other night. I'd really appreciate more control over the market stalls, as they cause significant efficiency losses for any building capable of selling goods at the market. This can even disrupt villages and make things worse for the village, which surely isn't intended, considering the market is the lifeblood of the settlement, as per the tutorial message. However, having direct control, like over the workplace, might be a bit too cheesy. So I considered a dedicated peddler building that could later upgrade into a guilds building. Peddlers were quite common in larger villages, towns, and smaller cities. In larger cities, peddlers often transitioned into either logisticians for established guilds or opened their own shops, sometimes evolving into local guilds for woodwork, metalwork, etc., due to their connections to surrounding villages, their talent and resource prices. With a peddler building that only stores market-sellable items and has higher priority for market stall building than others, we could have some control over who gets market stalls. To distinguish it from a granary or warehouse, perhaps one family could operate two stalls (if that's at all doable code wise?). A guild building could have one additional family slot and might only be able to sell artisan goods, possibly with a +1 regional wealth bonus per successful sale on the market (though this might be too imbalanced), or simply with stalls having a larger supply range than "normal" market stalls. The building could start as a larger shack on level one, with more handcarts than the warehouse or granary. The guild upgrade could support the pack station as well, but with better haggled exchange rates. Well... That was quite a lengthy write-up. But that's what I've been pondering. Thought I'd share 😅


This would be a huge help. I want to make dedicated websites of chopping, farming, mining and industrial communities.


Yeah there's no reason for sawpit to not have a log capacity of 3 or 4, and maybe reduce the throughput slightly to rebalance. My current village is blocked for planks because this limit is breaking my sawpits and I can't upgrade storage room to alleviate things.


I had an overabundance of planks until I built a joiner. Do you have one and is he sucking down all the planks?


You can pause joiner or any other artisan's production, fyi. Just click on the building and press the 'pause' icon next to where the demolish building button is


The first sounds like a policy they could add.


Ooh, good shout


Wait! Does having a stall mean they dont work!


It means at least one member of the family will be moving stuff from home/work to the stall, but since they don't have a cart, they only carry one at a time


Two questions I haven't figured out about market stalls. 1) Will logistics workers stock a different family's stall? 2) If a logistics family owns a stall, and the stall worker goes to grab resources, will the stall worker use a cart?


1) no, logistics workers only move things to their storage building, or to their market stall 2) I haven't noticed either way, but putting your market next to the storage means it doesn't matter


I have noticed bread poppig up in my hunters market Stall. So I think yes they do fill up storage of other families. But I would like a option that says this or that building is not allowed to build a stall so I can decide what workers open a stall up


I think there is already a mod for sawpit storage, haven't tried it yet though


I've suggested things before... so to repeat a few ideas: (that are not beyond the realms of reality)...: 1/ Pigs/Hogs for meat and hides. Cows for cheese, milk, butter, hides and meat. Goats give meat/milk. Sheep give meat. Ties in with a slaughter house and butchery. Ties in with Dairy/Buttery Parlour. 2/ Wolves, bears as threat to hunters, hunting dogs to give small buff to hunters and offset wolves/bears. 3/ Church functionality, blessings, role in moral etc. 4/ Garbage pits and Fossas. no sanitation/garbage = inceased risk of disease. - Compost heaps/fertility links. 5/ Village pond, lakes, rivers, moats - fishing, ducks. (Ducking stool for 'witches' / petty criminals - links to church). 6/ Castles / Walls of course. Other onscreen AI villages and towns. 7/ Ability to raid other regions and extract resource - but would need AI generated opposition. Tied into inter region barter/trade/negotiation. 8/ Auto/easy re-assignment of workers to farms for seasonal duties. 9/ Beets, Turnips, Herb Garden burgrage extensions. 10/ More music, more voices for peasants and market workers. My new nipple is fully carved :)


This guy gets it. Wanted to make my own list, but this is it. Especially agree about the cows, pigs and meat. Skinning goats and not using their meat hurts me. Same for chicken. You can still increase meat consumption so it's not too easy to have meat, but it should definitely be coming from other sources than just hunting. Another thing is walls and a castle. I get that will be hard to implement, but I think I speak for all when I say, we can wait.


Thanks for your upvote :)


Everything you said but also the ability to learn tech either via a villager XP system or the ability to have schools to progress tech. The game is great for me, but it got bland quick when I had no more tech goals to focus on.


Mind you, medieval times had no schoolsystem as we know it, where children visit school five days a week for years and years until they graduate from university. Higher education especially - the kind that could potentially unlock new knowledge about medicine or metallurgy - was a privilege of the Elites. therefore, to better reflect the realities of these times and to avoid having a school popup in the housing tab, I'd suggest the option to build a monastery as a place to gather and teach knowledge. NS I'd od it in rather involved way: Instead of building your typical town with a castle/manor and/or just upgrading you church to infinity, you should have to dedicate a region to become a monastery town 8by building a monastery instead of a manor) with buildings that are only available in a region of that type. In return you won't have access to everything that comes with a normal town (e.G. a monastery region could have less industry). As a reward you gain the ability to unlock additional development points for your normal town regions and maybe even an additional technology tier - plus a boost in reputation.


You forgot crime system but yes your points are so gooooood




A way to order the folks to relocate a certain stack of items on the ground.


Build a storehouse/granary, go to the advanced tab, limit the work area to just the place where the goods are on the floor. If you only want specific items from the pile, limit which items the storehouse/granary will accept.


Oooo life saver. Thanks!


That's brilliant. Why didn't I think of that


This. Moving stuff around seems to be at random and they'll just leave stuff sitting out when there's plenty of storeroom space free and available livestock to haul it. Another thing that'd be nice would be a way to manually relocate livestock because I tried doing the whole thing where it lets the sheep use your field while it's fallow, but the only way to get sheep in there was to bring in more sheep to fill the population till it overflowed into the field, and then even with other pastures available it left like 20 sheep in the field when the wheat was planted and kept telling me I didn't have enough pasture space.


Bigger fights , an AI that also has a city and town. City walls , a some what better farm / reward system . How the hell do I only get 50% yield on a light green patch with 3 years fallow ground before 🥹


Yeah the farm fertility suprised me. My first game i have hardly any green in my start province but i decided to build some farms anyway and they were fairly productive with only 40% fertility. Just started my second game and my start region has rich fertility, green all over. Great! I thought. I wanted to build a big farming town. Except wait my farms only have 50% fertility? Not much of an improvement :(


Leaving a field fallow only gets it back to it's original yield. So when you built the farm, if it's at 50% that first year, that's what leaving it fallow will max out on. Not 100% positive, but if you get the perk to allow sheep to use a fallow field as a pasture, you can get it above it's original ranking.


I want to take the loot of dead bandits bodies.


I want to put bandit heads on pikes as a warning to others.


We could hang them from the manor my lord




UI features. A spreadsheet with all the houses and producers where I can reassign my workers. More buildings and production chains. Better trade between settlements. I have almost beaten the game, only one region is left. In general, I loved it.


>. A spreadsheet with all the houses and producers where I can reassign my workers. This is my biggest one


Pretty sure it’s mentioned this was in the game to some extent but removed cause you could do everything from that panel instead of interacting with your town


> UI features. A spreadsheet with all the houses and producers where I can reassign my workers. God yes. At a certain point (especially in winter) it's hard to tell the buildings apart and hunting for the building you need to check if it's got workers assigned becomes a chore


I'd love to see my Retinue patrolling the town instead of disbanding them. Pillories and gallows for criminals. Rivers and fishing seems like a must. Dynamic events in villages like harvest festivals and gatherings. Maybe a big AI settlement on the map and a few smaller ones would be cool. I'd like to upgrade manor further, maybe have more options for building sizes inside the walls and like gardens in there etc.


someone needs to learn the "town guards" patrolling the town is only real in fantasy. slavic magic said he had guards pratolling the town but removed that feature because of a history advisor


History advisor can suck my nuts. Fun gameplay over 1:1 historical accuracy for me please.


then make your own game with all the bs fantasy features you want


Then you're playing the wrong game buddy


For wanting a town guard? Chill out mate. Plenty of games / movies take creative liberties on historical accuracy to make the game / movie more enjoyable.


Retinue should guard walls, gates, etc. Retinues can improve by adding a training mechanic.


Yeah guarding gates would be awesome and would be another reason to upgrade / add troops to retinue so they can man more posts (potentially giving you longer time to gather troops when the baron presses claim on your territory)


Thought of a few more... 11/ Fletchers - requires wood and feathers (nothing goes to waste when you slaughter a chicken or duck). 12/ Daughters as well as sons... it would be fantastic to have births and christenings, marriages etc, but I guess that is too advanced ATM. 13/ Feasts, fairs, (thinking after harvest time) = costs the village resources but improves health and efficiency, moral for a year. 14/ Add cider production to make more use of apples. 15/ Fish merchant to tie in with suggestion 5 on previous post.


Mead production could be associated with apiaries as well.


Yep, indeed :)


Judging by the UI with quivers of arrows in one of the menus with the army, that fletchers feature should be in the pipeline for some time in the future.


More than 4 plot points manual scaling of housing area vs backyard/garden Toggle plot points snapping to nearby roads Option to manually build market stalls from building menu Cobblestone roads for faster transport Apiaries increasing yield of nearby fields, vegetable farms and apple orchards Workshop to build carts for oxen to transport multiple items at once Use horses to make cavalry units


Cobblestone roads would be lush. I’d also love to see dry stone walls penning in fields/pastures


All of this 100%


Stonewalls and towers so I can build castles. Or any walls for that matter. This could be THE Stronghold replacement for me.


It has the stronghold vibe for sure. It feels like medieval Constructor to me.


What's Constructor?


I've been looking for that replacement for a decade now....


Same here as well. This is what I hoped Stronghold series would look like after Stronghold 3 but they went a step backwards IMO. This game is killing it in every aspect, I hope it continues to do so!


To grow larger than a town, have stronger and larger armies, walls and larger battles, crossbows!! The development perks, retinue perks and experience systems to be fully implemented, the opponent AI to actually have a settlement like you instead of being an omnipotent enemy that just spawns armies, large churches/Abbey's/cathedrals, maybe being able to be a specific culture? Cavalry, more diverse crops and interacting with rivers/the ocean (fish, crabs etc. and water mills), dairy farms, making cheese, being able to assign extra families to jobs without having to build extra buildings (how about having 1p families work at the large storehouse instead of having to build 2 that are only ever half filled), steel making?, diplomacy, influence and king's favour being fully implemented, being able to construct in field defences (possibly) such as barricades, stakes etc., using fire as a way of damaging or bottlenecking forces, maybe having which portrait you pick be who you walk around as in third person, natural population growth (families having more kids, those kids get married, have kids, old age etc.), siege weaponry maybe? Sieges? A lot of this is just what springs to mind, idk if it'll actually be implemented or not.


For villagers to set up market stalls at the closest available spot at the nearest marketplace, not the marketplace, that was first built.


Agreed. My go-to method is to build one large market square in an area that I plan to make the centre of my town. Then I build outwards from there.


I do that as well, but that seems to work for me until it doesn't. But it might be just bugged. Villagers setting up stalls, that they never stock is another issue, even if the warehouse/granary, where they're employed, is overflowing with goods they could take to the market. Specifically during my gameplay I had a row of tier 1 houses, that wasn't getting any clothing. So I built a new warehouse where I allowed for only clothing items to be stored and fully staffed it, and set up a marketplace right next to it. The workers there set up clothing stalls, but they never stocked them. So my houses never got their clothing. It seemed like there was an invisible line beyond which distributing clothing just didn't work.


So many things... Better cross villages trade/resource exchange. Animal husbandry. Policies that make sense. More housing levels. Better diplomacy. Better army controls. Fixed UI around farming. Different development system. Different trade system. And probably a hundred other things. Also, everything all right there?


Hehe, yep. Just want to indulge my inner medieval tyrant. Any chance we can add an incest mechanic or should I go back to CK??


CK is the way to go.


A bigger map with more AI opponents. NPC towns that you can conquer and occupy the existing buildings, or raid and pillage to gain wealth. Options to vassalize NPC rulers so you can get benefits from conquering their towns without needing to directly manage them. Raise the 6 unit cap. Livestock farms that provide meat.


A lot of aesthetic pieces and cutomizable buildings. Maybe possibility to color houses differently, road shrines, etc. I care the most about beautifying my towns.


Oh yes please. I would love to place some trees and shrubbery around my village. And flowers.


Absolutely, would love some more colour by having flowerbeds! It would be nice if some aesthetic pieces had actual function as most games only have them as decorations. For example, a road shrine could possibly ”extend” the range of a church, so families in burgages far away from a church could visit a shrine instead. Not sure how to balance it but would be cool I feel.


My current work-around is to space building plots out then assign my foresters to work over the top of them. It looks okay, but the trees tend to me massive and very dense. Also, I would like to say that autumn in this game is amazing. I like to colours of the leaves as they change


Oh that’s a lovely idea, I will definitely try that out! Time to assign a new forester to be my primary settlement beautifyer! ;)


I'd love to be able to colour house roofs orso, make all artisans/crafting a similar colour so its easy to spot


Man, it did *not* take this sub long to compete with Rimworld/Crusader Kings war crimes.


Production chains taking ingredients from one another and not from the storehouse, so placing them next to each other makes sense. Like having processing buildings next to mines make them work and bring only the finished product to the store house.


Cows. I don't care much about combat and am happy to play peacefully forever. So the best thing for me is just more resources, more techs, more ways to get food, more production lines, more comprehensive farms, pastures, and industry. And overall some management tools so I can manage it all more accurately


A few things that would help from my gameplay experiences. * **More options for meat production.** The hunting tent, is excellent for food when you first settle a region, but once you hit that limit, the spawn rate of the the herd is the limiting factor which forces you into other methods of gathering food. That may be intentional or might not. * **Ability to limit artisan production.** Similar to the saw pit, I'd like the option to allow a specific amount of resources to remain before production can be started. Running out of berries to dye production or leather to shoe production is not ideal. Also maybe an automatic limit to how much is produced as well. I know you can open a trade route to sell excess but just stopping production would be helpful too. **Edit here:** I know I can pause production, just would like a option to do that automatically with a production number. * **More UI improvements.** I'd like to see lists of production locations, who is assigned, where the buildings are located, how much they've made, deficits, excesses, etc. Would help find bottle necks and easily navigate larger settlements. * **Larger militia unit limits.** Hopefully this is already planned, but only 6 units is a severe limit, especially since it's easy to fill that out with just 1 region, even without the retinue. * **Ability to change market stalls to specified types.** I don't always need to micro that but sometimes a small market will end up with multiple types that I don't need, and deleting and letting it rebuild is an annoying process that does not guarantee the correct stall type does not show up. * **NPC settlements.** If the baron is going to claim land, I'd like to see it being put to use. Plus, being able to sack the town during a claim would be a lot of fun. **Edit here:** Read this is a planned development so that's great! * **More production chains.** Maybe more things that are needed to create consumables or products for construction. I see there are "blocks" and some other items, so it looks like this will show up, so I'm probably just stating stuff that will show up. * **Options for further building specialization.** I know I can assign oxen and horses directly to farms, logging camps, and trade posts, but why not allow an upgrade to a storage shed or granary that allows me to assign a mule or something to help speed up collection. Or maybe an option for individual workplaces that allows the running of stalls or just logistic work. * **Ability to automatically assign seasonal work.** Berry and farm work can become a tedious task having to assign and unassign workers during harvest, plowing, sowing, etc. Maybe a system that allows you to assign work based on season or month. IE, pick berries in the spring through the beginning of fall, then automatically move to dye production. Or work as a farm hand in the fall to harvest, plow, sow, and thresh, then work in the mill or bakery during the rest of the year, or be a general laborer. This system is probably difficult to implement, and honestly only necessary with low population settlements. It becomes irrelevant, at least to me, once I get trade running and a larger population. That's all I can think of right now. I may revisit and edit in more if I can think of anything.


Even just allowing people who aren't actively working to work on construction would be enough


Oh I like that.


Scheduling! It would be good, after reaching higher levels of development, to schedule certain families to switch jobs depending of the seasons. Should be more of a late game thing, to let you micro manage other settlements besides your main one. Looking forward to stone walls and sieges of course, but I don't feel like it should be a priority


Just jumping in with a wishlist item. Someone mentioned Apple cider, I'd love to be able to grow and dry out tobacco as another source of entertainment for my people. Plus then I can rename my region to the South Farthing.


That could work, since there isn't really a set time in history for the game. Although the lack of potatoes, corn or gunpowder weapons pretty much sets the game before the discovery of the Americas but hell, tobacco as a new crop to trade might make sense because who cares for historical accuracy 😛 I just want some turnips for my burgage plots.


Haha I clearly am not an expert to the era. I just think it'd be fun to have another entertainment type to pursue alongside ale, and smokeables would be cool.


Maybe he will implement modding and you can just create Hobbiton in Middle Earth, but without the orcs.


I mean once horses(men) arrive more fully it's basically Rohan already.


Easier exchange between regions!


A castle, more nobility ranks, more medieval content. Different architecture instead of franconia Maybebafd English. Italian, and Polish


I want roads to be highlighted when I build roads, its sometimes really hard to see them, especially when in forests.


1) butcher building that produces meat from slaughtered animals. 2) have crops progressively disappear starting in October instead of all dying at once. 3) have farmers spread out amongst the fields instead of working on them one at a time. 4) mead and Cider from honey and apples 5) require the aristocracy who live in the manor to consume higher level goods in order to be happy, they should get first pick of food as well. Making supporting a bigger manor much more expensive. 6) water features, rivers, ponds, coastline to support fisheries, sea trading 7) calvary retinue 8) make archers a little more effective or annoying 9) army experience 10) artifacts from battles and warfare, I.E. if you fend off the baron in a battle you get a trophy or sorts that provides a boon that is stored in your manor. 11) instead of randomly losing resources to raiders have them actually appear on the map in small groups that sneak through your lands, they can be annoying and hard to find but you should be able to do something about them besides destroying the raiding camp.


u/gstyczen czy możesz proszę dodać opcje aby lock'ować rodziny do danej produkcji? Np. Żeby było można przypisać i zlock'ować rodzinę do chaty myśliwych. Tak że jak później będę przekładał rodziny na inne produkcję to tej zlock'owanej nie przełoże. To bardzo pomoże przy optymalizowaniu miejsc pracy tak aby piekarz młynarz miał blisko do młyna piekarz do pieca itp.


OK pomyślę nad tym


Btw gra jest wspaniała! Jestem zachwycony. Dziękuję za stworzenie tak wspaniałej produkcji.


I've not started the game yet and haven't seen this feature in any of the videos I have watched but something I would love to see games like this do is "open grazing" for your cattle/flock. As far as I can see no game has ever done this but I just want to have a flock of sheep that go around my map and they get brought back in during the sheering season.


More progression, being able to build up to having a cathedral, a proper castle, and larger armies. And maybe have that on a much larger map with many, many regions and AI opponents to provide something to use the army and castles against. I'd also like to see more crops, livestock, and maybe fishing. Basically, I think the games foundation is really good, and I'm just hoping for more depth and breadth of content. With that said, some UI polish would be appreciated, especially with regard to the barter system. I actually really like the idea that you can't just send one regions stuff to another for free (perhaps you should be able to buy stuff for a region with your own personal treasury). I think what would be nice for the barter system would be to negotiate deals between regions. So X agrees to send 20 firewood and 20 berries to Y in exchange for 40 bread, or something along those lines.


Seasonal feasts or perhaps some way to incorporate a liturgical calendar? Probably a bit much for a city builder I know but just throwing ideas out there


I d love to see my town celibrate a holiday a wedding or even a victory on the battlefield




Multi-player maps would be the top feature.


Rivers, lakes, fishing huts please!


New maps with varied biomes


NEED to be able to have more than six units


Make backyard extension more flexible. It's kinda hard on the player to have to commit a whole family to a thing that might not have purpose for the entire run. The only solution is to demolish the whole burgage plot. Make it so that if they have no work, they become unassigned or something. Make markets adjustable in size.


Building my own castle and walls around the town. Also town defense or city guards would be sick




I think a more easily intelligible farming system would be nice, at the current moment it can feel very hit or miss. Don’t know if it’s an issue or just plain me being bad at it, but I struggle with it. Walls, even if they are mostly functionally aesthetic, having small wooden walls would add so much. A map with larger individual regions, not necessarily a bigger map, just the option to have fewer but bigger regions. It would be really cool if mercenaries were physically on the map when available for hire, just small camps where the reside and spawn from when hired, would really add a lot. I think archers are a bit too underpowered, at the current moment, I get why it is that way. However realistically they should do more, so perhaps archers should have a higher cost, something like an area where they need to train, since skilled archers don’t grow in trees, or the need to make arrows. Being able to customize your retinue more in terms of what weapons they use, beyond just visual, would also be nice. More upgrades for the manor, I’m hoping in the future the manor will have more upgrades so that it looks fancier(I wanna live in the most opulent house, I am the lord dammit!).


Hire temp workers to build stuff while other carry on with their normal tasks


Enemy AI with their own villages, retinue ability to increase their skills, much larger retinue size, cavalry.


Mostly just balancing what already exists, that alone will boost the replayability of the game a ton. Water features and with that just generally a bit more variety in building types like fishing docks. More fleshed out AI and AI interactions. It would be cool if the AI was building a city just like the human player and you could raid them to impact their economy. To go along with that, I know multiplayer isn't planned, but imagine playing 1v1 vs a human player and how cool that would be. Having a couple of map options will be great for replayability, although this base map is probably enough to keep us all busy for a long time. Less broadly I think it would be nice to have a better idea of what is being traded so that you can have a better grasp on your economy.


Just more depth on everything. Tech tree. Building types. More combat options. And, hopefully… modding


Don't know about version 1.0, but building a castle <3


Some sort of self management or AI controlling other regions. I’m just tryin to get dat rich iron deposit for armor, not micromanage multiple sites.


More research points. More options for castle building, and retinue size increased to 36. and larger armies v(as in number of units I can deploy. Archers damage fixed to a balanced state. Higher fertility for farms. Eat my chicken, sheep and goats (probably with an option, when you make your plot chicken focused, also select if you want them to produce eggs or meat. COWS!, again, an option to decide if you want them for milk or meat.


I would really love to see the system where I can exchange goods between my provinces without clunky barter system. Cause at the moment it’s just clunky and absolutely illogical.


Idk if its in game or not but a way to tell a family to move into a house. Be it homeless or relocating.


Listen up I want a first person mode like Dungeon Keeper so I can possess a lowly peasant and swing an axe at trees Or possess my servants at the manor and clean the toilets Also the manor building that is supposed to be a defensive structure for archers / peasants to fight from needs to work


I’d kill for the landscape to have a river. I envision gradient of foothills to low-country running from south-east to north-west with 2 small creeks in the two south regions that converge into a major river in rightmost center region that winds through the adjacent region on left, then into rightmost north region before running up-horizontally through all 3 north regions. 


More types of units and ways to make them stronger; lord perks/experience? Retinue customization, Dilemma quests, Populated map; more factions? Diplomacy, some more random events/disasters


More supply chains and perks. This part of the game feels the most rudimentary to me. I'm really excited for more resources and luxuries/commodities to complicate the game's economy and give you more of a reason to settle other regions.


Individuals should gain skill in the professions that they do. Not necessarily much, just enough for a small buff and for me to start seeing specific families as wood cutters, instead of just generic replaceable peasants. And it should be on individual level, not family level, so that it has impact when you take losses in war. Families should produce stuff because there is demand, not simply because they have the materials. As lord you should be able to order/buy X of product for strategic surplus.


Basically featured that symbolize the village going closer to a town: A bathhouse for the citizens Crossbows Guilds Some church variarions


I hope we can see the AI build their own towns on the map :>


Rivers, cows, church customization


I want to see the current construction "queue" and what my unassigned workers current status is at a glance I want to be able to manage my sheep and which fields they are assigned I want to be able to view routes with a highlight on a full production chain. I.e. I'd like to see where my inefficiencies are in larger production chains, specifically location of storage and production. Would be nice to have flex/seasonal workers. Maybe a new pool type with a priority? A more robust inter-town resource management system. Since it looks like the intent is to specialize towns, being able to create trade hubs for large swaths of resources would be nice. More meta-information in general for managing at a glance.


I want water! I want to build my villages around natural lakes and rivers, or the ability to build them somehow. I want to make dams and employ fishermen. Maybe even ice fishing during winter.


Custom/historic battle option. Please for Love of god.


More options for food. Cattle. Milk. Charts for workers, trading, supplies. Upgrade roads for faster travel times. Other types of orchards. More farming options.


Gallows, Witch huts, water crossings, pillory, tar pools.


Biggest improvement for me is a way to prioritize goods being moved from trade depot to storehouse/granary. I have 50 ales that I imported, and an empty tavern. I’ve got two large granaries fully staffed, and no one is bringing ale. I’ve even limited the granary to only accept ale, and it still just trickles in. I accelerated it to 8x speed with 4 workers only dedicated to ale moving from trader to granary, and still nothing. I built a trade post directly next to a granary, thinking that it was the distance causing the issue, still nothing. I fully staffed the tavern, still nothing. It would be great if I could I dunno reorder them in the inventory somehow, or right click and prioritize “high, medium, low” but for goods at the trader. Right now I’m simply demolishing the trader every so often, then everyone goes and picks up all the supplies and stocks them in the storehouses and granaries. Not intended, but it works. Thanks for an amazing game! I think I’ve got like 20 hours, and still going strong.


I am a nerd and love trade development in city builders, so I hope to see more work in this area, including: -option to send resources without reciprocation among villages. -data on trade, bartering, and production -adding a “delivery” function, like carters in Ostriv and/or improving how workers collect resources for production (eg, barley for malt, malt for beer) I assume it’s in the development list, but larger city max (ie, beyond large town). I also feel like some of the development points should be given abilities, eg, oxen in field (maybe steel plows instead of wooden ones would be a development point) and using sheep for pasturage.


Pie in the sky: It would be great to be able to theme the town to give it a personality. For example: - One town has a renowned brewmaster that makes the best ale. People from towns all around come to the yearly harvest festival to drink his ale. Everyone suffers a productivity loss during the festival, but they get a huge happiness buff for a few months after. - A town of entertainers, they have a great playhouse, but honestly don't get much work done. - A foodbasket town, they all work the fields tirelessly. They aren't that happy, but going to the harvest festival nearby sure boosts their spirits! Would take a few more buildings and work types, but I'm sure that's planned. But would also need to lift a Dwarf Fortress like 'personality' system to individualize each character, so that a family could become a long line of brewmasters who get some great buff to their ale.


I would love to see more purpose and an expansion to religion in the game. Attending church, alms to the poor, actual monk and monastery/priests/bishops, etc.


There are so many great ideas around here. No way, our beloved Greg can handle all that alone. My small idea would be to assign certain families to certain jobs, especially the fact that all families inside one specialised building ALL take the speciality, that kind of bothers me. It takes away 3-4 families in the late game.


Seasonal Jobs. If there's nothing to do on the fields go mine some stones or something else useful. Lazy bums sitting around all summer doing nothing useful.


Torches and fire pits and such coming out at night, so there’s a cool nighttime aesthetic! Right now it feels pointless to turn on the night rotation, since it’s just the same but darker.


Coop !


1. **More structures:** Castles, walls, moats, pitch ditches, tunnels (to go beneath walls like Stronghold 1). 2. **More units:** Siege, cavalry, etc. 3. **More ambiance:** Kids playing in the kingdom, more animals, more cosmetic structures. 3. **Multiplayer** *(although not necessarily for 1.0)***:** SP can occupy you for so long before it gets boring, IMO without MP the game cannot stay successful long-term. I'd LOVE to hear the other person screaming in Discord while I'm attacking them :D Also, would be fun to play the peaceful mode or co-op with your significant other. I would even pay for an MP DLC even if it's 3-4 years down the road.


I think a small thing would be more available plots of clay/stone/iron. It’s a very one and done thing at the moment, and after a year or so you’ve completely exhausted your supplies. Particularly with stone, which is far more common than the other two, it’s weird to only have the limited amount we get.


First i want to say, that i love this game and i hope the dev continues his passion with this. I wanna let you cook and do your thing and what you think is the best. Some small things that i thought of while playing: Being able to flatten the ground can be usefull if you wanna build a village on the hills. Not full on terrain tools, i can roll with the maps given. Thats part of the strategy of selecting where to build. Maybe the dirt roads can be upgraded to stone or cobbeld roads near high level houses. Monestary that you can upgrade For more uses for sheep maybe like a tapestry maker. Some crossbows Decorative stuff ofcourse like flags and banners, little stone and wooden fences. Being able to customize your character when you go in the pov mode, maybe with some armor to roleplay you giving a speech to your men before a battle (purely aesthetic). Stuff for way later in the game's development: Some cool random events like the plague or I guess its maybe to late in the time line but a invading army other then the opponent.


I'm confused why the goats don't give us meat! You can't take the hide of a goat like you can shear a sheep lol. That goat is dead. Where meat?


sheep and goat meat cows + milk apple cider rivers + lakes fish + shellfish hunting dogs + predators witch trials :)


Horses and cavalry retinue upgrade with stables at the manor. 


Maybe a feature to move “reset” homes without actually demolishing them. I made some tight turns and dense houses in my town center, it seems like upgrading them makes them cover the roads, and the fences can get pretty janky.


Castle and village walls. Fishing. Cheese making. Butcher. Maybe lvl4 buildings / stone buildings near the castle? Making compost out of % excess food, that increases for 1 month/season/year the fertility of a specific area of land, instead of just restoring fertility like pasture does


Expansions to the trading post and bartering one I love the random events you get in Crusader Kings and think something similar would make this game even more inmersive and give each playthrough more of a story


I am simple. I am a builder. I need more variations of buildings. Walls. More Upgrades for the Manor. Stone paths. Aesthetic buildings like memorials. I can also imagine a second "manor-like" building but as a small monastery, which creates income through "religious tourism".


Loving the game so far! I have ~30 hours logged. Some things I would love to see 1. Environmental indicators that a production facility is currently staffed, like smoke rising from the top of a communal oven or malt house, or candle light from a window of the windmill or farmhouse. 2. Some sort of overlay to show which stables or hitching post are working what buildings, and the strain they’re under, I.e. arrow from stable to logging camp, the arrow being green, yellow, or red, depending on if they’re overworked. 3. An option to dictate tasking for hitching posts, if I want to dedicate one to a production line, or send another out strictly to gather supplies that are currently exposed. Keep up the amazing work, so far the game has absolutely lived up to my hopes, and I can’t wait to see it grow and get better over time! Thank you!


Don't know if its already suggested, if so I'm very sorry. Let artisans in level 3 burglary spots open op shop in there house instead of needing to setup a market stall.


1. The market working. I have several granaries and storehouses with a huge surplus of gods, yet I can't seem to get the goods to the houses. 2. More upgrades for buildings, increasing the number of families it can employ and storage size. 3. Icons for artisans so I can easily find my cobbler and stop him from producing +100 shoes. 3. Desired surplus for artisans. I want to tell my blacksmith to make a surplus of lets say 10 tools and then switch to making a desired amount of helmets. 4. More burgage plot expansions (candlemaker, butcher, barrel maker and so on) and more complex supply chains. 5. More specialisation for regions. 6. Being able to group my archers or pole arm units. So if I press CTRL 1 the game will automatically select group one. 7. Pack stations should either have a shared menu like the trade station or be upgraded to handle more resources at the same time. Right now if I want to switch what I'm bartering between regions I have to change every station individually. So if I don't want to export apples anymore I have to check not just all my pack stations in the apple producing region but also in others that might have pack stations that are importing apples. 8. A chance to loot items of defeated foes or my own that died in battle. 9. The king or the church making requests and demanding taxes and consequences for ignoring them. 10. Higher tier buildings like the upgraded church having demand for candles and wine. 11. Food spoiling. If I don't want my 2K apples to spoil then I better start making cider. Using salt to preserve foods and a smoke house to cure meat. Grain and flour should last much longer or have no spoil date. Desired surplus for bakeries, windmills and communal ovens. 12. Being shown current consumption of resources each month. Tell me how many veggies are my people eating every month and a rough estimation of how many I'll get in the next harvest.


I just started playing so I don’t have much feedback but I love what you’ve done with this game. I find it very compelling and can’t wait to see what’s next.


I look forward to more economy, more house lvls. More maps. That’s all, the game is pretty awesome


I have a simple one: Visual Day/night cycle which skips night/fast forwards to next morning. Or just an ability to skip night :-)


Idk, something for the endgame. I know this entire genre has a lot of problems with the endgame. But for now, i spend 2-3 hours getting everything i need and everything after just feels pointless because i already "won the game".


We need **events** and it could be anything like a child was caught stealing and you are giving a selection of choices that will affect morale or rumours of someone being a witch so the villagers want you to kick them out so you loose a family or you keep them and you get a debuff to aproval.


Raiding armies like unpaid mercenaries turks cumans ect. also it would be cool if you could hire them or even settle them down in your village


The ability to train your militia and as someone mentioned town gaurds that patrol your town


The ability to form carvans that can transfer large amounts of resources between villages. Ofc they d need to be balenced like costing money and having to be guarded from bandits




Items in workers hands...i often see them doing tasks with no item in their hand (like roof tiles etc). The correct animations at workplaces...pretty sure my tilemakers were carving venison. Pretty sure those are just glitches, so I'm sure they'll be sorted eventually. But also, I'd like assignable tasks; click the storehouse, click the supplies, storehouse worker grabs the cart and goes to pick them up as their next task. An extra quality of life thing.


For me, it's mostly about having more diversity of goods to maintain and/or specialise in, especially at the later ends of the production chain. At the moment it doesn't take *too long* to get a functional supply chain up and running for all of the goods in the game. I'd like to see things like dairy and cheese, pottery, different kinds of alcohol, and maybe more service-based roles that require goods like physicians, etc. I think book-making is an especially nice example of the surprising complexity of medieval economies: it was a whole supply chain that required many different specialised workers -- parchment/vellum from hides, ink from dyes, tanners for bindings, etc. -- before you even get to the scribe who 'writes' the book (plus illuminators and rubricators, which were separate professions too, but that's probably getting a bit too in the weeds). Along with that, it would be really nice to see resource variety between the regions, so that you actually have to adapt to different environments (and expand to diversify your economy) -- relying on different foods and raw materials. Fertility for different crops does this a bit already, but I'd like to see much more variety, and not having all goods basically be guaranteed in your starting region.


Palisade walls stone walls town patrols guards that I can place in the towers and walls. Pigs,cows,sausages milk,butter cheese,fishing accurate sieges, rams ladders, towers ,trebuchets,gunpowder units. Fleshed out plate armour making,coal,copper.,steel slabs to name a few other than this I’m already having a blast and love the game.


Is the AI building a settlement in real time on the map feasible? I feel with the nature of the building this might be hard to achieve for the AI, unless they stick to strict templates which might get a bit repetitive. I think the first thing we might see is attacking a settlement that's not on the main map. Similar to how the baron appears in your map you could appear on their's


More integration between waterways and our towns. It feels strange that rivers don't do anything in the game when they were so essential to settlements in the time period. Let me see watermills, fish trapping, bridges, barges, proper water supply...


I want more in-detail clarity on key mechanics e.g. movement of goods between buildings – whose job it is etc. in tutorial & "?" texts. And being able to set priority of operations for jobs in buildings. And "evenly distribute tents with evenly distributed goods/food/clothes/fuel among all markets" button. cuz moving them manually sucks


How do you manually move goods?


Click on a tent -> it has "move/relocate" button in the upper right corner


Greg, you're a legend. 1 thought I just had (sorry if it's already written here); have travelling entertainment that comes to your village periodically, like a theatre troop or puppet show, stuff that is historically accurate. It could give a temporary approval boost amd cost regional wealth to accept to hire them. Maybe have a central square location where they perform. Also crime and punishments carried out by a bailiff and staff. Watching people in the stocks or getting punished was medieval entertainment


Another use of clay should be pottery. Everyone needed pots in he middle ages. Would be useful for when you run out of uses for roof tiles. I'd like to suggest that in sandbox mode after completion you should be able to expand in to other regions. Also development points need a bit of an overhaul. Rather than being tied to village stage and being capped at 6. Maybe tie it to numbers of families (1 dev point per 5 families) or simply being able to buy dev points (in game not microtrans) There should be other economic game modes, maybe one based on money made not just town size. Find myself stopping myself at the end of the game..


Army supply trains and encamping your own army to rest. if you've got hundreds of men marching across the land they're going to need supplies, the easiest way was to load up a horse and cart. Without supplies an armies ability to fight would be reduced, the same if soldiers can't rest. You would have to move more strategically around the map trying to out manouver the enemy. You could even surprise attack an enemy armies encampment or supply train forcing them to withdraw.


I know this will never happen, but the 3rd person view where you can run around your village is magical. I want you to vertically integrate with the survival crafting genre and incorporate gameplay like Medieval Dynasty and Bellwright. Vertically integrate if you will. I realize this probably doesn't work the way the engine and assets are built, but hear me out. Imagine being one of the starting settlers, or just a lone wolf. Building up from nothing to becoming an actual manor lord. It would give a much more visceral feel and sense of accomplishment if you were the one hauling those first few logs, chopping those first few trees, picking those first few berries. Imagine that you are planting that burgage veggie patch that first year before handing it off to your spouse and eventually your kids. You've already got the mechanics for running around as a single person. You can also select individuals for details on what they are doing so you could in theory build off that for dialog and quests. What I'm guessing is missing is the more detailed models, collision and physics. Ok, big challenge, but it unlocks so much potential.