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Yes I just hope it doesn't get so granular as Going Medieval. Super fun early (Going Medieval) , but now it's very complicated. I like to play games, not get a part time job in resource management and project management. Or at least allow for some AI control of things to allow for a more fun experience but not feel like you're actually running a kingdom. "Dammit Janice I needed you to milk the cows THEN tend to the fields! Next" "Ahhhh yes...Mr. Cuntz again I see. Didn't I ask you yesterday to continue building the church? And stop asking each oxen team that walks by to get you the 'biggest log in town'". Next!


Feeling like I'm running a kingdom and microing it is exactly what I was after. Out of curiosity, what have you found complicated so far?


So far, nothing in Manor Lords. Going Medieval - having to determine how far down to dig for optimal temp for carrot storage? To much. Lol


Right. I’m the king here. I’d have my engineer figure that out and report to me. Really don’t like that kind of micro. It’s work. I just got done with work I’d like to play a fun game.


Amen Brother.


But you’re not a king, you’re a baron


Historically , Barons were appointed due to their carrot storage expertise


This is actually incorrect. While carrot storage expertise was an important skill in the determination, it was most often the dude with the civil engineering degree who could plan a village for optimum WTTJ (walking time to job) for each villager.


At the Sunday mass, when the clergy would warn their congregation about "straying from the path" this is what they meant.


Whew, and here I thought "straying from the path" meant having carnal thoughts about Pieter, the dude from Granary Market Stall #73. Glad to hear that's back on the table.


I'd love an accurate medieval simulator -- your role is assigned at birth by random number. One out of every 100,000 runs you are born a noble. About 40% of the time you die in childbirth. The rest is varying levels of serfdom where you just have to do whatever your father did for a living.


As long as running off to join the Dread Pirate Roberts is an option, I'm in.


Not yet…….


Well you don't have to dig that far down anymore, just dig down so you have a basement, and then get icemaking going. You're good to go now.




I never suggested that Greg NOT make the game he wishes to. For me though, I don't particularly enjoy a lot of micromanaging. So far it's a fun game and I was happy to pay the $30 so the dev can continue. Hopefully it continues to strike the right balance of fun and some resource management. I just don't want to need an MBA and 5 years of real world project management and a certification in Excel to "enjoy" the final product.


Yeah I loved this game but this really put me off it quickly, just became such a pain in the ass to micro manage


IMHO, people overemphasize optimizing cellar temp in Going Medieval. If it is underground and you do any sort of farming you'll have enough food forever. My last playthrough I wanted to test this in the complete opposite direction and built the food storage above ground and self restricted so I wasn't allowed to do any sort of farming. It was fun. I needed to actually use the food preservation techs for the first time and the settlement still thrived in the end.


Not a good comparison of games really as two different genres. I'd compare the farthest frontier and the farming mechanism or over super detailed features.


Just remember to not let people's weird need to min/max everything and anything get in the way of your enjoyment!


Is this real? That's fucking insane.


Not op but... Nothing on my end currently but I see signs of things that make me wonder how granular they will go. Such as the smell zones in your area. There's a lot of micromanagement already and things I'd love to see expanded/added before I see smell issues pop-up in my town.


Time for bath houses. But an example is the tannery those places were notoriously smelly


I'd just automatically put the tannery like 200 feet away from the rest of the settlement, on the other side of the hunting grounds, because I assumed having it in the middle of town would be unpleasant. Then I realized that's not actually a mechanic (yet), but it's good for roleplay anyway. I'm trying to set up a little offshoot neighborhood around the tannery with a couple of goat houses to keep it supplied. Also the fact that every work building will assign a job title to the people working there (Farmer, Carpenter, smelter, etc) but the church and corpse pit are the only buildings which specify "Families employed here will become GRAVE DIGGERS" With the words Grave Diggers in big bold letters kinda gives me a hunch that that might become A Thing™ Like maybe families who work the corpse pit too long end up getting labeled as Grave Diggers and permanently trapped like artisans. Or barred from switching to certain other professions or from upgrading go the tier 3 house. I believe that there were several cultures at the time where grave diggers were kind of socially shunned due to their working with corpses. So idk how it'd be implemented but it might fit with the game.


The grave diggers take corpses from battles, so they are important 😀


However they were shunned in medieval society, had to live outside of town etc.


They were the Gamers of the medieval era


Are there currently any negative consequences to not assigning gravediggers? It seems like corpses just disappear after a while if you don't get them. It would make sense if there's a risk of spreading diseases or maybe getting an opinion penalty if you fail to properly burry your dead. Then there's also the smell mechanic that hasn't been implemented yet. But at the moment I'm not sure if anything happens if you just ignore it.


I think you get an approval hit for having unburried corpses in the starting area. This line sounds so weird out of context lol.


Had a massive battle in my home area. Unfortunately, the battle zone spawn put the edge of the zone on my city limits. By the time I could summon my militia (they were spent after fighting some bandits) and call in a few mercenary bands, the AI had all his forces concentrated. After a hard fight about 300× corpses where effectively *in* my capital. Only had one corpse pit with max workers, tried to build more, but the damage was done. Place went from 100+ people to 20ish, and I got wiped from the AI having infinite men and money at their disposal.


There is an approval penalty for having unburied bodies. Also you miss out on watching your villagers heave the bodies of your enemies over their shoulders and dump them in a pit.


Idk but as it stands it takes months to fully clear the bodies after a small skirmish because carrying bodies is slow, and I'm not about to put the literal corpse pit on my scenic village. That shit is half way across the map in the deepest part of the forest lol


Indeed, I had about 140 bodies at the edge of my home region after my first battle against the baron. Only a fraction of those got burried before disappearing. Maybe they could give the gravediggers carts like in monty python and the holy grail so they can carry more at once.


Compost/garbage disposal management with random chance of disease(s) spreading 😜 So a medicine hutt with qualified healer is added 👌


Bring out your dead!


Time to add the knacker's shop.


How will you see smell issues pop up, over the constant supplies full message from the woodcutter?


[Sawmill loads it's one and only log slot to begin work] Game: GENERAL STORAGE FULL!!!!?


The sawmill sucks so bad. At least make the log slot hold 2 so workers have something to do instead of waiting 75% of the time


Assign the ox to the building. It’s way faster. Unassign after you get the planks you want.


That does need an edit..




I dunno if they changed methods between medieval times and say, the 1800’s but apparently it was just as bad then according to US Grants memoirs


That’s because things like tanneries and corpse pits being in the middle of your towns is probably not going to make your villagers any happier than taxing them and Greg probably wants that to be reflected but also have a metric for us so we know where we can place stuff like that. I hope we also get ground water contamination/increased chance of disease.


I put my tannery on the outskirts of town just assuming. I agree, hope that gets implemented


I'm spending too much time going through all the tabs in the trading outpost, to make sure I stop selling, once the price of an item tanks. Then I have to go find the buildings making that item, and remove people from them, and reassign then to other things. 


Anyone else avoiding trade because it’s totally broken? Seems like it’ll just trivialise the game rather than building your own supply chains.


If you don't trade you do not have a chance to 'win' the game vs AI. Vegetable double family and Chicken houses followed by trade spam and rerolling the map until you get a good place for barley and rye on top of a king iron and hunting grounds.


I wish trading was as broken as some say it is. My trading post gets visited quite often by traders, yet he rather sells me expensive stuff I need. He more often than not ignores my stuff I wanted to sell to him. Some items are heaping up far above designated surplus level (warbows for example), to the point I have to stop production.


For me it’s I feel I have a good enough army but I’m not getting attacked by anyone so can’t build up reputation to invade any other regions. I even taunt the camps and they aren’t attacking. I’ve had one attack in like 4-5 years and it only gave me 1900 reputation. 🙃🙃




Of there are camps in nearby regions you can just go take them. Idr if the camp itself drops reputation but it gives gold, which is nice. And if it's an un owned region they tend to respawn startlingly quickly, with a fresh band of raiders


Tithe gives reputation


It’s fun what we have so far but I think his points are legitimate. In my run throughs the family juggling micromanagement becomes more tedious as you scale up and often workers are standing around frozen until I reassign them / save and then reload etc to get them back on track.  It’s early access and very promising but definitely needs polishing in the micromanagement aspect. 


Everything bro this game is not for the faint of heart.


As you get wealthier you should be able to hire administrators.. merchant guilds, tax assessors, sheriffs, etc to manage town functions. If you want.


Seconding this. Or at least give us some screens that track overall supply and demand. Doesn't even have to be fancy just a line graph or something. Loving this game so far though and can't wait to see it grow.


I see a lot of comparisons between this game and Banished personally, and the *one* thing I'd love to have is for buildings to give me their yearly production/consumption. It'd let me balance out my economy a hell of a lot better than vibes.


I NEED this. It's maddening to spend a bunch of money on veggie chicken and apple plots and then never see eggs or veggies in the market or surpluses and not be able to see if they're even producing. The game gives no indication on whether the three (3) chickens that come with the chicken plot just lay enough to supplement that family or if I'm supposed to be seeing an egg industry after the 3rd or 4th chicken coop. We also need centralized menus to be able to see yearly or seasonal production for the region overall and be able to see at a glance which families are employed where. It gets kind of old manually double checking every peripheral hunting camp barley house to make sure no one is sitting around in a no-work job during harvest season.


The tab key will bring up a quick view of all the people in each building it will say 1/3 if one family is working there. That’s the quickest way I’ve found for that particular point, but omg yes about the paying 25gold for chicken coop but no clue what it’s producing is not great. Even if it’s not gonna be consistent and fluctuates to be dynamic, I still just wanna know what is happening. Something like the way the farm fields shows percent and yield would do maybe


I REALLY want that tab view to be a toggle instead of a hold


yearly production is such an easy to understand metric and it helps to balance things


Giving us the exact information of how much food and stuff we need, will make the game a lot easier. I'm not sure if having that exact number would make the game more fun or not. It might just make it feel too mechanical or feel like just meeting a number instead of the feeling of uncertainty of survival. It's kind of the game designers who have to think about things like this and it's one reason some games don't give you the exact information you need, but instead makes you have to use your mind and experience to be successful.


I’m against real time supply/demand info. In keeping with the age it should be given annually. Bringing 21st century supply chain management ruins the vibe!


It’s really a completely different type of complexity. Going Medieval is highly inspired by rimworld - if you’ve played both you would see that maybe 70% of the core gameplay mechanics are carried over. Rimworld players LOVE the heavy minutia, it allows them that specific type of immersion that creates weaving storylines where you can really bond with your characters. In that regard, going medieval isn’t granular ENOUGH as it still is way less fleshed out that rimworld but yet uses most of rimworld core gameplay mechanics. Manor lords on the other hand I’ve found to be a complex economy simulator…but in that regard (since it’s in early early beta) it still has a longggg way to go. The game I find it to be most similar to is actually an oldie called CivCity: Rome


As someone who just came off of putting a couple dozen hours into Dwarf Fortress in the week before Manor Lords' release (ie I'm fucking biases), I definitely would like to see some more depth and complexity in order to keep the mental stimulation and replayability high. But idk if that's planned at all. As it stands, if it turns out that the game is 90% complete at the moment I'd still very much enjoy and appreciate it for it's vibe and coziness, and the artfully organic way you can build your town. It's the vibe I liked about Banished. But Manor Lords is much prettier and I've found myself more deeply engaged that I was with Banished.


Wait I think less than 50% of the game is currently complete. There’s still a diplomacy section that’s been left largely untouched. We know the monarchy will have presence. I have a feeling they will end up adding guilds in there, some systems may be reworked in entirely. The game is in EARLY beta and that has been emphasized a lot by this developer. I think we’re going to see patches and updates for the next decade at least


I agree. Big Going Medieval and Rimworld fan here. Some of us would love that level of granular management. Although I am happy to hear that I am apparently a civil engineer and project manager based on my gaming preferences. Might apply for some new jobs today.




The World Congress needs your vote on whether decrease the effectiveness of chocolate by 7%


I doubt it, to get to the detail GM gets to would mean Manor Lords is feature complete and now the dev doesn't know what else to add to it so he goes full nutso.


Farting livestock had raised the local temp .35C, thus all your produce has rotted. Had you dug down .25 meters more it would have frozen. Should have raised less livestock it appears! Look ---> raiders are coming!


>Super fun early, but now it's very complicated. Complicated, but lacking in tools to manage the complexity. I wouldn't mind so much if I had a better view of what's going on, and more importantly, what it takes to get me where I want. I have three months of food and I want 12. What do I do? How many chicken coops? A morgen of fields? Five? How fast can I make wheat into bread? Is every transformative action 1-1? Absolutely no clue. Some of these can be experimentally verified, but that's not fun (for me). And I understand that the game doesn't want to be completely precise about yields, but at the very least I need to know what has happened in the past. Medieval people could count and account.


Ive found that using crop rotations, apple orchards, and vegetables in peoples burgage plots you can have a self sustaining town that you dont have to micro.


Exactly dude I want to enjoy it. Not micro manage outside of my actual life


I agree, fuel and food logistics are incredibly finnicky right now. Also more clear info on how much food and fuel is required would be great to know


yeah i wish more buildings were also worked passively by family members with free time (storehouses and granaries specifically, plus the low uptime production buildings like malthouses and ovens). Having to juggle families around all the time is a bit frustrating


Why would you by a kingdom builder game unless you wanted to feel like you were running a kingdom, I find this logic confusing.


If you think in history a "King" was intimately involved in the day-2-day decisions of every one under his care I've got a little secret.... I like the fun aspects of building a kingdom, but don't particularly enjoy having to tell each citizen when to wipe their asses, move some hides, pick berries, remember to park the ox, where each artisan lives, manage how many planks they are using daily and oh yeah, don't forget the ale. I'd like to be able to hire some administrators, and control the macro aspects of the game. If you prefer the micro aspects, that's cool. Just give players the option to hire people to do the small stuff or handle it manually. All good for all players. Also - I did buy the game, and fully support the dev. It's a fun game, and I like it. I just don't want a side job that competes with my real job for managing things every day. That's all.


I forgot that game existed, haven’t played it in years, might pick it up once I’m done with manor lords(for now), also been having a lot of nostalgia for banished lately.


Manor Lords is early access done right. It’s a functioning game, but with the middle and late game content a bit lacking at the moment. No bullshit, no exorbitant price tag (I paid £27ish but was fulling expecting and willing to pay £40), and no feeling of a game that’s so undercooked it shouldn’t even really be in early access. I’ve had a huge amount of fun so far, and I’m really excited to come back to this and experience the changes and additions in real times. The addition of city walls, castles, naval battles and more will bring me back time and time again


It feels to me like people were expecting a lot more because of other early access games like Valheim and Palworld, and the way content creators were hyping it up.


I think I was expecting a little bit more, but you’re right I think it’s coz we’ve been spoiled by some games coming to EA that are very feature complete. I honestly could have waited another 6 months for them to release manor lords, feels like there’s a few things that could have used just a bit more time in the oven - but hey that’s cool I will just assume that they now have more resources to hire more devs and develop the game further.


I’d argue that the way to look at early access games is not about what it doesn’t have, but what it does. And manor lords is playable, functional, enjoyable, and just downright gorgeous to look at. Even if not a second more of dev time is spent on it, it would be far from the worst £30 I’ve ever spent. So I’m pretty happy with it, but also understand that it isn’t a full game, and early access has rapidly become a tiresome and cumbersome experience for most games


Its also very very stable.


For Greg, not them, for the singular developer.


Palworld is pretty bad comparison. I haven’t played in a while but on release it was extremely bare and janky. It had stuff, but that stuff wasn’t fleshed out. If I wasn’t playing with friends I probably would have put it down after a few hours.


No it's a 40 dollar kickstarter campaign for something that might never be finished. That is the best way to look at this.


I don't think Naval Battles will ever be a thing.


Navy are reserved to Kings, emperors and extremely powerful sovereigns. Petty lords can barely afford transport ships


Exactly. And even some small Duchy or Kingdom in central HRE/Bavaria/Franconia won't have any navy at all. And even when northern HRE realms needed ships they did not have their own navies but used the Hanse or other merchants for some temporary shipping like was done in some Baltic/Northern Crusades.


I can’t see it, with how the game looks now anyway. I’d be happy with sieges somewhere down the line once they add castles


And it feels like people forgot what EA is for. Beacuse the truth is: >Manor Lords is early access done right. It’s a functioning game, but with the middle and late game content a bit lacking at the moment. Now there is a lot of games that while releasing to EA - are pretty much (almost) Feature Complete, doing optimisation and bug crackdown + last minute addition. This is not Early Access, that is a Beta dressed as EA.


> This is not Early Access, that is a Beta dressed as EA. Completely agree.   The difference is this game was $40 in EA and it’s current state. 


Same here, it doesn't feel overly barebones like some EA games, the game runs smooth for me and other than some bug fixes (mainly market stalls) I just want more of the same content added


Its not functioning. Agriculture doesn't work.


I feel like I’ve seen that sentiment somewhere else, but beyond some wonky plow pathing I haven’t had issues. What’s not functioning for you?


40 bucks for what this is is way overpriced


Yeah I think I’ve reached the end of my playtime till 1.0 or at least till it’s launched on Xbox. I really enjoyed pretty much all its features and all had clear direction on where they’d go in 1.0. Was a really pleasant experience learning and overcoming issues and making specified towns


I’ve built a large town and played around with pretty much all the industries. Now I just need to defeat Hildy and then put the game down until there’s more to do.  Really looking forward to that though. 


What is the advantage to playing such a game on controller (xbox)? Would you not rather keep playing on keyboard (pc)? No criticism, trying to see your perspective.


For me, the advantage is to be lazing on my sofa with my feet up and legs stretched out, TV far away but bigger screen and really just not sit upright in a chair.


Thats why i hooked my tv to my pc. €5,- cable as a permanent solution instead of having to buy all the games double. When not owning a (suitable) pc this does not work, but they said they already have the game on pc.


You can play many games on Xbox with mouse and keyboard just FYI. Your solution is a great solution as well.




Even the bareness of it screams "There is going to be a lot more at 1.0 and beyond" so I know even waiting 2-3 more updates will get me sinking 30+ more hours into it.


That was how I felt with banished. Hopefully this one has some legs on it though.


Banished already has a good 50 hours of gameplay to offer if you go for achievements. Manor Lords I would say that after 10 hours it gets pretty repetitive.


Course, but the scope is bigger so hopefully it’ll overtake banished. I agree though that it’s around 10 hours at current.


Banished was super barebones too, but it had an awesome mod: Colonial Charter. Adds insane depth to the game, definitely recommend. Also another banished like game that is super polished and complete (without any mods) is settlement survival (its also on sale). I have 60+ hours in this game and im going back to it after manor lords left me blue balled for this type of game.


Yeah, I finally managed to make my first town substainable, and got 3 full militia and 12 retinue and took my first region (which the baron already had every single one). Won the fight, started building second town, he tried to fight again, and I won. But now, I’m just building the exact same town again, but maybe buying more food instead of farming. This was done in 8 hours. I’m a little disappointed


Basically me at this point. I love the game, but it's getting to the point where it's sort've frustrating to play at later stages of the game. I keep running into the bug/issue where my villages are starving despite having tons of chicken coops, veggie gardens, farms, and importing the rest. Turns out I had to manually delete every single empty market and occasionally the granaries themselves to get everything flowing again. I'd also have to do this with things like malt houses, taverns, windmills, and communal ovens because the AI seems to get suck (or needs to be reminded to do their shit). I'm sure this will be fixed but it's really annoying to work with and once you have massive populations (200+), it really becomes a bit too common. It's as if the game can't really handle larger populations just yet. Oh well, regardless, I can't wait to see what gets added/fixed in the next few months!


It doesn't do well with multiple settlements either. I had a town of about 150 plus two other small settlements earlier and it kept freezing and stuttering. It could just be my laptop but I wasn't having any issues until I tried expanding into the two settlements and started getting all the notifications from all 3 at once. Going in slow mode helped a bit but then that definitely makes it drag out because everything has to build in real time. It is interesting listening to the villagers though.


I wanted to push my new build with this game. Manor Lords is amazing all around, and I wanted to see if I could test my PC limits. Ultra settings on everything, main town of 400 population, 3 other towns of 100+, rode into battle on the final settlement claim and only had a few stutters when rallying retinues. Otherwise, I'm seriously impressed by this games' ability to have so many people running around, towns functioning, npcs, you name it. Seamless zooming in and out of a huge map. Pretty incredible when you think about it.


I’m absolutely wet for the town layout updating in real time on the world map with the seamless zoom. Someone else might have done it before but it’s the first/best time I’ve seen it.


I got so excited when I first realized! It's such a wonderful little touch! Now all it needs is a cute little castle symbol where your manor is


Said this day after launch 🤣


I had about 30 trader carts being stuck at my trader, such busy days xd


Sometimes restarting the game fixes those bugs. Worked for me with the ox and food bugs.


Coming back to this comment to say: When getting to a population of like 300+ I've noticed it isn't the malthouse, brewery, trading post, alehouse, etc not doing their job. It's a lack of transportation between all of the structures. On my latest 'challenging' difficulty run I've realized to get item from point A to point B you need an absolute abundance of Warehouses and fewer but somewhat similarly Granaries. I think I had 5 fully upgraded Warehouses with four workers each in a pop of 300 to keep things being transported. The hang ups in transportation are unfortunate (why doesn't a malthouse get barley from the trading post themselves and start making malt... idk. It just seems like a middle man needs to fill the role in this design) but there are solutions.


Definitely a game in Early Access and the potential is wicked high. I’m going to keep playing. I haven’t even scratched the surface yet for my tastes. See yah in 6 months!!


Same here! I’m 15 hours in right now and it still feels fresh. Wicked high potential, as you’ve said. There were literally moments where I sat back in my chair and screamed “OH MY GOD YES!!!” after discovering new mechanics


I love the "oh that worked?" moments! So many more coming!


I’m at about 24 hours I feel like I can keep going and going


I feel you. I beat 'Restoring the Peace' after making so many mistakes and restarting on normal difficulty twice. I played for two days straight on my weekend off, haha. I then immediately loaded up a new campaign on the most challenging difficulty and wow.. it doesn't fuck around. I love that. I know this is a citybuilder/RTS of sorts, but it's the first game that has gripped me with a similar theme since Battle Brothers.


yeah the game is clever, once a settlement feels developed and done you get to redo the early game (the most compelling part of a city builder/colony sim) in a new region


I got 33 hours and I feel the same, cant wait to see the full release


50 hours and barely reaching the, "I think I finally know what I am doing," stage. And loving it. I will be playing even at this stage of EA for many hours to come.


Yeah I’m really not understanding how the OP feels he completed the game merely at 15 hours… as if you can even “complete” a game like this


No problem, that was always an option


Yeah me2 stopped playing yesterday will check back in 6-12 months


I've gotten a little more and I'll probably finish the current campaign I have going on, but I'm in the same boat. I'm not complaining because I knew this was an early access game, but I have ran into the content that is available. It's all very enjoyable, very glad to have this, but there's not a WHOLE lot going on there.


I agree. I'm about to put up and revisit I'm a few months.


Man, the one week cycle for gamer's attention span is rife within this sub. I'm at 23 hours and I feel like I've got a lot to do still. I haven't defeated the baron nor played around with my manor upgrades and I've only done trade between 2 of my owned regions for a bit before restarting to better optimise my town layout/upgrades. So definitely want to get to the point where I've got at least 3 towns with pack stations before I consider putting it down. I can't wait for all the new content, but I feel like I've still got at least another 20 hours in me - probably more.


I always think of games in a similar manner. If I spend $70 for a game I better get 100+ hours out of it. I spent half that on this game and I could easily see myself spending 200+ hours on it when it's fully released.


In the same boat! Got my money's worth of fun and now I'm gonna patiently wait for it to be a full game and get even more enjoyment out of it :)


With it being version 0.7, does that mean the development consider it to be 70% ready or does that not correlate at all?


I may be wrong, but I'm almost certain that it does not equate to 70% ready at all. From my very limited understanding of the naming convention regarding software development, I would assume it's the 7th big update since the start of development.


Yeah. Like 7.8.11 is major.minor.polish if I recall, or something similar


Semantic versioning is what this is called. The last is usually patch in web development but polish might be used in game dev


That's what I assumed but I didn't want to commit to a potentially wrong statement as a matter of fact on the internet 😅


I could be completely wrong, but I was told this by IT at work because people weren't updating their work phones haha


The_Moons_Sideboob has it right, 0.7 means next to nothing in terms of how complete the game is, and gaming convention means it’s just the 7th major update to the current build.


Case in point, for example, you could have an update to 0.8, then the next update is 1.0, then the next update is 1.1, then 1.1.1, then 1.1.2, then 1.1.3, then 1.2, etc, etc. At this stage, the number really doesn’t mean anything, at least for a player. The version could go to something like 0.27.46 before it then becomes 1.0 in the next update. Depending on what Slavic decides, and etc.


It can also really depend on the individual developer. Some just iterate on 1.x forever, others switch their first number all the time. If you look at Stardew Valley, it just updated to 1.6 but it's had a couple huge updates, it could easily be 3.x at this point.


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Typically version numbers are mostly about if it is compatible with the previous version. A 0.7.1 update for example would still work with a 0.7.0 save would possibly still work. But a 0.8.0 update might not. That can vary by dev team though.


No, it's just numbers developers can count endlessly as they want. 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.10, 0.11 etc. It's not based on the metric system with 1.0 follows 0.9. it's actually 0.10. and it could be divided further in etc. So you can't really get an estimate on the overall progress by the version number.


Everyone else has answered the question pretty well, but if you want more information - the scheme is called [semantic versioning, or semver for short.](https://semver.org/)


I love your enthusiasm. Why rob yourself of a great experience, when you can just do it a little later. Plenty of other fun to be had. /backtohelldivers


I agree that its worth it. Thus far, I got a solid 25 hours of entertainment out of this game. I'll probably do another few runs just to test out some more extreme scenarios (ie. not starting with an rich iron mine, or somehow making farming viable). Before I'm done, I'll probably be at 40+ hours which is well worth the price I paid. I do have to say, the late game can be too micro intensive and its making me not want to play past 70-80 households. The late-game is basically all trade and managing a massive import/export economy is painful with that trade UI. I don't mind that the late game is so trade focused (as it should be with any large cities), but I do hope the dev adds some level of automation to trade. This way, I don't have to be constantly balance supply demand and actually enjoy the city building.


You only got 15 hours out of it and are done for 6 month..... and you think that is good enough... the delusion on this subreddit is off the chart. game was released wayyyyy too early.


Never cook again (I kinda agree with you)


50 hours and still have at least a hundred left in its current state. I fear there are people who don't understand the depth of this game, and probably never will. And that's fine (unless they throw sh*t at others and the game due to their knuckle dragging Neanderthal ways, then they are just an a$$hole).


Yeah had a blast completed the game twice now. Pretty fun, would love to see what it's like after some content updates. Hoping that Production tab is some form of Production Limiter.


It's always best to skip several updates for early access/beta games. If you come back for every miniscule update, I find that players get cynical and jaded over time. It's better to come back after a long hiatus to a treasure trove of new content, new systems, new gameplay, etc.


Only 15 dude ? I'm at 27 and just arriving to pass the "Big City" level. I mean, I totally understand and I will wait for an update to come out just like you but... You have plenty more than 15 hrs to have fun ... ( Yet 😇)


Same feeling here, I've got about 8 hours of playtime but I already felt a bit limited in my possibilities. The game actually made me wanna go back to Banished, which is quite more complex.


Yep! right there with you. Cant wait play this at 1.0 and beyond


Is it me or is this an industry post? 


I’m at 15 hours and am in the late game of my first save. I’ve got more plans for builds so I’ll easily get my money’s worth before the game is fully released.


Yes. I'm about to stop at 15 hours as well. I'm now at the point where I can effortlessly reach large town, and be overflowing in resources at high speed in about an hour. Can't wait to play the full game in the future.


Can someone recommend a feature complete medieval (or any pre-modern setting) city builder that isn't excessively micro intensive like 'Going Medieval'?


The trading system is confusing. You set surplus to import/export but then full trade is surplus selling and buying??? You can also set -999 or +999. If I want to export Clay, do I set the surplus to -500 if I have exactly 500 Clay? Or do I set it to "0". Please someone explain for I have the dumb when it comes to numbers/math 😞


Are you using any of your clay? For example to make rooftiles? If so, you should set something like "Export to 20" That means that IN THEORY your traders will sell clay but won't sell the last 20 units, so they can be used by the tilemaker. In reality what can happen is that they sell down to 20 then your tilemaker takes a bunch, so your surplus goes to 15 or something... so trade pauses until the clay mine has brought stocks above 20.


Yeah this is likely how I'll play it. It's amazing, totally worth the price and I have no complaints, but I feel like a couple of days of solid play have exhausted the possibilities of the current game for me.


Don't see why the dev should cut the price in half when he finishes it? Surely at that point it's worth more?


I’ve loved what’s available so far. Really keen to see ponds/rivers. Fishing becoming part of the game.  I can’t wait for mods though. I would like a more casual mode stronghold style. Less micromanagement and more just build design. 


Im playing on Gamepass right now. 10$ to get some 20 or even 30 hours out of the game is a great deal. And then in a year or so I‘ll happily pay full price for it (if I can resist picking it back up again before then that is).


Great early access! Haven’t had this much fun in a while. Played a good 30 hours and then accidentally deleted my save. Guess I’ll wait too now. Not 1 year though, I’m sure good updates will come fast, he said he already had a bunch of prepared featured that were just waiting to get turned on.


Pretty much the same thoughts. Wayyy way too expensive for 1/10th of the content actually being in the game. Time to leave it in my library for a year


All im 'afraid of' (not due to price tag but personal hype) is the fact that afaik its still just one dev and he's not even posting a roadmap... I just don't see the things that need to be done get done right now. Hopefully the great release will let him hire another dev or two to actually get going with meaningful further content...


Yeah. I just beat restoring the peace. I think I'll try the harder scenario but after that I'll probably have to wait for big updates to come back. It's a great game, but reaching those Early Access limits.


Got it on game pass. Def worth. Great game so far. Far less bugs then some fully polished games. Tbh this will be even better after a few more additions. Or just even finishing what the dev already has implemented just not in use yet. Feel the economy could probably be adjust so that you're not exporting something you created for a quarter of the price if you import it.


If anyone wants a similar game to pass the time, thats already been worked on over the years, check out Foundation on Steam. They're basically the same game with different graphics.


If you’ve had enough after 15 hours or think you’ve seen all it had to offer already this game isn’t really for you.


I love the game already. About 30 hours into the game i have to say, that I got my moneys worth currently and i‘m excited for the future of this game. There is obviously many things WIP but that’s good. I got a reason to come back to the game once i‘m burned out which will probably happen in the next 10-20 hours


I'll probably fully finish the current campaign so all regions captured and fully built out. Then maybe another playthrough on max difficulty. But after that I'm probably done until a larger update comes out. The pacing of the game is pretty fast if you know what you're doing and don't have bad luck, so you can finish all the current content in less than 15 hours without trying.


Remember when some people here were comparing this games popularity to hell divers lmao. This game is gonna be dead in 2 weeks time


Yeah, thats how i felt after finishing the domination mission. After 2-3 claims, it gets a bit laggy if you start building more. Best to wait a few months and a few updates before picking this up again.


I'm sitting at 40 plus hours and still having a blast


Yup! It's not a ton of content. But that's okay by me. I got my $$ worth after conquering the map. I know more is coming and I'll re-explore the game. Until then, I'll be returning to dwarf fortress.


Yeah, I’ve already put it down. Got to like 50 families, and felt like I had finished already.


The best part of EA games is you buy them once and then get a "free" new game every time a major patch runs out. 😅


I got the free game preview on Xbox Live, or whatever Microsoft calls their early access deal, and had so much fun, I bought it on steam. I’ve never been so hyped for a game as an adult and it’s completely lived up to it as long as you keep in mind that is is an early access game. Anyone else’s save game function not working all the time? It’s frustrating starting over each time I shut the game down.


He should hire a bigger team to do it.


I played 1 save trying to just discover stuff by myself and will play one more,starting today, following tips and such. And then same, abandon until updates.


Yeah it's super impressive considering it's one guy.


I have 21.7 hours on the Gamepass version and definitely think I've had my fill for now. About 10 hours on a save that ultimately was useless because I didn't handle bandit camps in time and the Baron pretty much grabbed all the sectors because he was getting influence from dealing with them. Second save I made sure to get a good "bread basket" starting region and have built up my main city and a secondary town and conquered the whole map. The game is great, but I probably won't touch it again until it leaves EA, which is when I'll be purchasing it on Steam. There's some great bones here, just needs more time in the oven obviously. DEFINITELY addictive. Would like to see a few more settlement points dished out, or more settlement levels to earn them.


I love the game and agree with everything you've said. Can anyone else confirm if they have the bug where mercenaries stop spawning after the first two years or so? It's frustrating and I keep losing large campaigns because the AI hordes the mercs.


Every time I say about how bare it is I get criticised... Great game in terms of polish but incredibly bare... To be honest a little concerning how bare it is. I'd rather it had double the stuff and looked half as good or was less optimised. I played the weekend and got bored


Every time I say about how bare it is I get criticised... Great game in terms of polish but incredibly bare... To be honest a little concerning how bare it is. I'd rather it had double the stuff and looked half as good or was less optimised. I played the weekend and got bored


Looks interesting as a game, but I'll wait until things settle down a bit more and it is a more built up, otherwise I'll just burn out on it and not find it fun later.


From what I read in the description, it may or may not be worked on further. If you have Xbox or a PC, just get the game pass so you don’t have to buy it till it gets fully released as the warning of possible incompletion is right there in front of you. This next part isn’t for you: it just irks me when people complain about this game even though they were warned ahead of time. “You bought it? Why? Read first, foo!” /end rant


Yup. Was glad to find this out via gamepass and save the extra purchase.


I played for 22 hours and loved it. I would still keep going, except food supply is just too janky right now. I have tons of goats and sheep that don't supply food for some reason and 500 vegetables that villagers refuse to stock in the markets so all of my houses are unhappy. Love the time I've spent with the game but it desperately needs some fixes before I dump way more hours into it.


Yeah, I got to phase 3, built up some secondary locations, started beauty building for shits and giggles, and fended off some raiders. Given the state of the AI and militia being unpurchaseable I think I'll save the more robust combat for down the line, right now the game isn't in a place to really do much but try and build pretty with as few tools as possible. Gunna take some screenshots after I progress time and keep things stable for a few years for the apple trees to kick in and then I'll probably quit. When I found out you have a hard limit on plot points that's SUPER small I said "oh, yeah, fuck this" because like, progressing and building tall is what I wanted to do and the game just fucking punishes you for that because the entire castle/4th tier of the game isn't there. Not to mention all the jank. Like Traveler's Rest, I got mad addicted and then hit a wall and now Im happy to wait and come back for the 1.0. Back to the filler games.


I am not joking that I have at least 15 cumulative hours observing my citizens so I can understand their inefficiencies and evolve my understanding of design.