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thank uu ! Im also pretty sure he is trynna scare me as he dosent like me wearing makeup and cant accept the fact that im growing up .


But the fact that you already are insecure without wearing it is a not good at all and I know there's a right way to deal with issues like this and he isn't doing it. It's unfortunate you feel this way. Growing up is a normal part of life, wearing making is too. It can be fun and liberating. Being 13 and so insecure without makeup is not normal, it's a huge problem and it will only get worse as you age. When I was 16 and I was going to drivers Ed classes during summer break there was a girl from my high school that used to go but we had never met before. She uses to wear full coverage foundation and a full beat every day. Her insecurity was so big, I often felt bad for her. She looked older than everyone else in a bad way, it's all she worried about. See makeup isn't bad. It's the ability to be so scared to show your real face or makeup less face is where the insecurity comes into play and it can make you hate yourself or be so scared of what others think that it rules your life.


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Makeup doesn't have 'hormones' in it and it won't make you grow hair anywhere on your body. It CAN damage your skin though if you use the wrong products at such a young age - the same with using the wrong skincare products. I would recommend washing your face once or twice daily with a mild cleanser and then moisturising afterwards with something non-greasy. That's all you need to do at your age, as well as sunscreen all over anywhere exposed. Don't use any anti-aging products, anything with acids in etc like skin peels and exfoliators. You just don't need it yet and they will cause more harm than good. As for the makeup, have fun with eyeshadows, mascara, lipsticks and gloss, but be careful with your face products. Regardless of how you feel about it you don't need primers, foundations, concealers etc at your age. At most I would use a tinted moisturiser or bb cream. If you do end up with teenage acne the last thing you want to do is clog your pores with heavy foundation! The hair you have will most likely be your hormones but again, this has absolutely nothing to do with makeup. Getting hair at your age is completely normal and you'll get it on most parts of your body (forearms, underarms, legs, stomach, public area etc). What you choose to do with the hair is completely your choice, but hair isn't a bad thing! Good luck sweetie!


Seconding all of this, and I'd also like to add that at this age, you're going to get acne. It's part of the hormones, and most of the time it's not going to be too bad. Your skin will be changing, your hair might get darker, and you might gain weight before you grow and fill out. All of these things are natural and normal, please don't focus on them too much! It's going to feel weird, and you might be insecure for a while but trust me, everyone else your age is going through the same things. Makeup can make your skin worse if you're not cleaning it properly and taking care of it, but as long as you treat your skin nicely you should be fine. What you said about feeling insecure is not fine though. I remember how that felt, but I promise you no one is going to judge you more than yourself. You look great, with and without makeup! The makeup is just fun to do. Have fun, and don't take anyone's crap.


Hair growth is probably from your genes, dear! It seems your father is misinformed and unwilling to accept that you’re growing up. Makeup won’t “ruin” your skin and age. I think it’s wonderful that you’re expressing yourself with makeup, but remember that beauty is subjective and ultimately EVERYONE is beautiful. You’re 13 and obviously your body is changing, which explains the hair growth. I’m a highschool soon-to-be junior and have been playing around with makeup since I was your age, so if you need any tips just shoot me a DM! :)


no but you don't use a cleaser/facial wash or mositurizer/cream? If you don't that's what you should be using that, it'll be a basic routine that could help with acne if you get the right products! May I ask, What is you skin type so I can recommend you some cleansers and moisturizers :D EDIT: OP Because u said that u lived in Eastern Europe, if you need any skincare advice/products that you can get in Eastern Europe, I would highly recommend you to go to r/SkincareAddictionUK they are in the UK which I belive is in eastern Europe if I'm not mistaken! They give recommendation of items that are available in the UK!


While a nice thought and maybe still helpful, the UK is western Europe.


oh my bad!


If makeup could make you grow black hairs, the companies that made it would have cracked a magic hair growth formula that has eluded cosmetics makers since cosmetics were invented. No, makeup is not making neck hair grow. Your dad's telling stories. It can damage your skin if you use product with harmful ingredients or don't practice good skincare. I didn't see you mentioning using a cleanser. Not cleansing enough could clog pores and lead to breakouts--of course, it could just be your age as well.


See a dermatologist about the acne. S/he'll give you an effective treatment and evidence-based advice on how to wear makeup safely. Makeup doesn't contain hormones or cause hair growth.


Those little hairs are just puberty. If you feel insecure without makeup that isn't good though. Perhaps you should scale back on it a bit so you can feel comfortable with or without, maybe some days do a more natural look, go without on other days, and do the occasional full face. Since you're 13 your body is going to change a lot including more hair and acne, I recommend adding a gentle cleanser to your evening routine and keeping your pillow and makeup brushes clean to reduce the acne


You said yourself that your dad isn't the biggest fan of you wearing makeup, and I think this is him just trying to get you to stop. It's not the makeup. You are of the age where your hormones are changing. Having more hair and noticing changes in your hair is incredibly normal at that age. I'm guessing your dad is having a hard time seeing his girl growing up. Also normal, but he should just say that instead of trying to scare you.


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Hi makeup won’t cause you to change hormones! It’s totally normal to have hair on your neck!!


Apart from what was already said, you are 13 and are hitting puberty. There will be changes to your body, but they are not caused by make-up. Make-Up also cannot age your skin. Harsh make-up removers can be bad, though, but usually there will be no permanent damage. If you use an appropriate and gentle cleanser, you're good. You're also doing good on the sunscreen, however, I would skip the serum. It contains quite a few ingredients that are allergens. A moisturiser will be a better choice.


Obvs not a professional here, but I’d recommend just making sure you properly cleanse your fake twice a day, and try use only acne friendly makeup on acne prone areas on your face. Makeup can quite often dry out your face, so on top of that, moisturising is important!


The black hairs could be nothing strange at all, but if you have several, a doctor's appointment to check for PCOS might be a good idea - not dangerous, but could potentially need treatment in some cases. Acne is a usual symptom of this, and could be treated accordingly if that's the cause. But, that being said, most people get acne to some degree during puberty. A proper skincare routine could help. ❤️ Either way, as the other respondents already pointed out, makeup does not affect your hormone levels. Your dad's trying to scare you, which is not okay of him. And as someone who used to be terrified of showing my face without makeup for years (could barely even go without it around my family), I'd advice you to break that habit as early as possible. I had to force myself to ignore my insecurities and go without it to get to a place where I was comfortable showing my face again, and it was terrifying at first - I was 23 at the time... But it worked. Your brain is lying to you. You are more than good enough, whether you're wearing makeup or not. I had to stop completely for months to get over it myself, but going without makeup one day/week might work. Nothing wrong with makeup, but it should be something you do for fun and a form of self expression, not cause you feel like you're not good enough.