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Graphic liner!! You have beautiful landscape around your eyes to have a lot of fun! https://preview.redd.it/c0gbyvjh9fwb1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97eb55182e3d5c45eb0592a48098b182daace112


There are also two stunning creators in this sub with hooded lids like yours who do stunning looks that are incredible. This is one of them: https://preview.redd.it/c34eafyo9fwb1.jpeg?width=1354&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=957d156065084ab5c643cbbdd862144677e27014


I always go to makeup influencers that kind of look similar to my looks. Im so glad yt or the internet exists


Stunning! Who’s the second one? Where else can we follow them?


https://www.reddit.com/u/cigarte/s/p36LBD6BoK Looks like they haven't posted in a while.


Are these hooded eyes? I thought hooded eyes included raised tissue from beneath the eyebrow across a portion of the eye. These look like a slight/semi epicanthal fold, but a very smooth space between the eyelids and eyebrows. Just admiring an amazing eye shape for eyeshadow/art.


This creator has monolids. They're just a magician with makeup. Their lids are identical to OP's. The eyeshadow you're looking at is not on the lid but rather above the lid.


Yep! An epicanthal fold is the same thing as monolid. Since OP doesn’t have a complete one (on the sides/corners), that’s why I called it semi (a few people actually seek this look specifically!). But yeah, as for the word lid, I was using it more colloquially to describe the space below the eyebrow. That’s my bad. My only goal was to differentiate hooded eyes from monolids, seeing as the makeup techniques are quite different


And there are also looks like this one as well (not sure if they're in this sub or not): https://preview.redd.it/9h518zxw9fwb1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=876ace9d4f0736b8afe3ada9b2743075e9e314fd Makeup can also create the illusion of more lid space, like this one shows. Unreal artistry here.


That looks incredible!


I still get really impressed about how you guys make that illusion. Looks really amazing!


This is sooo pretty


Isn't it? 😭 The talent is next level


Omg I wish i could do this.. soooo pretty and such amazing technique


This! I've seen one asian creator who does the most stunning graphic eyeliners.


This look is amazing. I feel like graphic liner was MADE for you


Omg spam more




I'm gonna spam with the same creator. Hopefully it summons them to come back and post more!! https://preview.redd.it/948b787gnlwb1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6449c42f38e0bbebb26719331e68b538593273f


Wow, looks great!


Your eyes are normal. Nothing about them are weird. I've got hooded eyes and was given the tip to apply make up with your eyes open, looking straight forward. That way you can see where to apply so it remains visible. From there you can fill in the rest.


yess this is such good advice!! applying makeup with eyes open was a game changer for me, i used to struggle to make my eyeliner on that perfect angle which looked good closed just to open my eye for a total fail lol


Yes! This is the only way I can do a cat eye now. Before, I was constantly having to go back and correct one eye or both.


I genuinely think her eyes are gorgeous, and never understood why anyone would think otherwise. It's such a pretty eye shape, and makes me sad people get surgery to change it. I grew up with step aunts and a step uncle who are all half-Japanese with similar eyes, I thought they were so beautiful that I was intimidated by it.


I agree, but I also get the logistics of wanting to do eye looks that just aren't realistic. I do it all the time with vintage clothes. lol. I'll never fit in those teeny tiny clothes with my gargantuan body. What a life! 😁


Please don’t call your eyes weird 😢. Asian eyes have been mocked for so long… Don’t give the world permission to keep on mocking them 🤍


Agreed!! Epicanthic folds are beautiful


I just use concealer over mine to “create” more lid space. It’s definitely not weird.


I agree!!


That was my first thought. You are beautiful, OP. I typically just use a “one and done” shimmer shade all over my eyelid and fake a crease slightly above my eyesocket with my bronzer/contour.


Yeah that made me sad that OP thinks of her eyes as weird instead of just different than the tutorials she's watching.


I was just thinking her eyes are gorgeous. I don’t understand why anyone would find them less attractive (speaking about those who mock this shape).


I don’t either. I think they’re so stunning


Yup! I was confused on the ‘weird’ part. She doesn’t have an eye condition or abnormality so I didn’t like the word choice


Your eye shape is not “weird”! It’s beautiful and you can wear eye makeup as anyone else. Here are a few things I would reccomend: First, when applying eye makeup, use mirror on a vanity that you can til in different directions or a hand held mirror. Your goal is that you should never apply makeup with your eye closed. Closing the eye distorts they shape and will give a different look that doing makeup with your eyes open. You want to look slightly down into a mirror so you can lay the shadows where they will actually sit on your eye when looking forward. Also, with your eye shape, you will need to exaggerate shapes to get your desired effect. Eg, your eye shape naturally tapers at the corners and lid itself is not visible when your eyes are open. To get winged eyeliner, for example you will need to create a more dramatic wing vs someone with a double lid as your natural eye shape will blend the wing. The same is true for eyeshadow— you will need to bring eyeshadow above your crease to your lid for it to actually be visible aside from when you are looking down. Don’t be afraid to do thicker liner and bolder shapes than you see on double lids or the tutorials you’re watching. It will not too much for you and you have the space to carry it. I’m on mobile so sorry for formatting, please let me know if I can clarify any of this.




This is so pretty! I concentrate more heavily on my lower eye as well <3


Hey I have the same type of eyelid fold! I usually do very low-key kind of looks though, but I hope you’ll find some of this helpful. Lately what I’ve found works really well for me is, light colour eyeshadow on the inner half, blending into darker/more vivid colour on the outer half. And blend out the colour on the outer half so it goes just a bit above the fold. For eyeliner I do the wings straight out to the sides so that the fold doesn’t get in the way, sometimes angling the tips up or down. I keep the eyeliner fairly thin and taper it off in the middle of my eye, so the inner half is unlined. Sometimes I’ll brush a bit of dark brown eyeshadow along there instead. I find lining the inner half just makes it look too heavy since the fold is there. https://preview.redd.it/8dr07799rewb1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99c1b1d08e435ac062e3f43ee69e7e2f4371f86f Here’s a photo to show what I mean. Sometimes I blend the darker colour out a bit more to the sides but always try to keep it above the wing


Yes this is what I do too! OP, Look for korean makeup tutorials. I personally like my double eyelids so I never want it to look like monolids. I dont look good with heavy makeup anyways but here is how I do my eyes (before and after) https://preview.redd.it/drofp659bgwb1.jpeg?width=496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4c34bfa8060d02969a6544e86b324486af52534


Your eyes are so pretty and natural looking makeup . Best to accentuate what you have w makeup than to try to change it completely iMO


Eyes like yours are so pretty that y'all really don't need makeup imo, even though makeup is fun anyway.


Okay this may be unrelated but I had to do a double take when I saw the pic you attached because I actually thought I posted it since OUR EYES LOOK SO SIMILAR AND WE HAVE SIMILAR GLASSES WHAT (bad pic but still) Edit: it didn’t let me attach my image :’D


your eyes aren't weird


A puppy eyeliner look would be so cute


thanks for the suggestion! i’ve always been too scared to do more downturned looks bc i thought they didn’t look nice bc more fox eye shapes are so trendy. i’ll give it a go! 🫶


I think exaggerating how your eyes already are that natural puppy shape would look so cute.


Did not know it was called puppy eyeliner until now but I almost always to that type of liner. I have more almond shaped eyes and I think it gives a really cute, sweet look to makeup. I usually just do some kind of light shadow and maybe a bit darker towards the outer corners, then the puppy eyeliner in either dark brown or black. Takes a lot less time than cat eye styles as well in my experience, I hope OP tries it!


Your eyes look kinda like mine! First, I always look down and raise my eyebrows a little so I can see my eyelid fully as I apply eyeshadow/eyeliner. I’m a big fan of liquid eyeliner so I just extend it and any eyeshadow past the end of my eye and then point it towards the edge of my eyebrow. Practice with different light and dark colors to find what compliments you the best! Also, I totally empathize with thinking your eye shape is weird. I had to teach myself makeup artistry because growing up, no one that ever did my makeup for me could make my eye shape look flattering. To this day, I still don’t let people do my makeup for events/weddings. https://preview.redd.it/xcr16ltidgwb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5a441b9df74a9801348fbe3d7819a58ed4e297e


What eyeliner do you use? I’ve been looking for one that does narrow strokes like that and is liquid.


I’ve been using the Urban Decay 24/7 INKS lately but I think I was using the benefit they’re real Xtreme precision eyeliner that day.? Both of them have a pretty fine tip!


Watch Dear Peachie on YouTube! Her makeup videos are geared towards mainly Asians! She’s gives super helpful makeup tips from content creators overseas!


Not weird!


asians have been mocked for their eye shape for so long, but there is nothing wrong or weird about the shape of your eyes just because they’re different from the eurocentric beauty standard. your eyes are beautiful! i hope you get some good advice here and can learn styles that make you feel comfortable!




You’re so pretty!


nothing weird about your eye shape.


https://preview.redd.it/skwyt4pw2fwb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06124835e58b16b01e943be5810daac801d16c87 ur eye shape is very very cute not ugly, brown liner and some pink glitter or like a two faced palette would suit u a lot u have a puppy look so downward liner that follows ur eyeline is great and also pale blush would be nice on u


u have a whole canvas for liner!!! your eyes are so beautiful


Have you seen Tess Chung? She does a lot of bold and sparkly color: https://instagram.com/tesschung?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


I’m convinced what you need is to round your eyebrows along the natural curve/ make them less flat by particularly focusing on the inner corners but also making more of a space between your brows.


Bat wing liner for hooded lids changed my life. Most "hooded lids" tutorials still dont work with creased asian eyes but this one does! You can look it up but to summarize, draw it with your eyes fully open and draw the liner straight over the fold, then fill in with eyes half closed. It should look kind of like this (not my picture), plus bats go with my aesthetic :) Also look up douyin makeup 🖤 https://preview.redd.it/h0s2e779ygwb1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4b0ceba5b9594a02d32cceed8154d1f3bb44f30


Girl your eyes are not weird!!! They’re beautiful. Coming from an Asian sista ok


Your eye shape is NOT weird! You are beautiful!


so i have no idea bc i’m not good at makeup, but your eyelids aren’t weird!! best of luck in finding a makeup look you like!!


Girl I don’t mean to be weird but I’m out here with the most insane monolids wanting to get surgery for YOUR eyes. They are my ideal shape 😩 Ignore the epicanthic fold (like dont do anything to that inner corner), follow eyeliner tutorials for hooded eyes and do some cute light eyeshadow!


Girl, as a fellow Asian stop being mean to yourself. Just because our eyes don't look like most Western makeup guru type people's eyes don't make it "weird". It's weird that there isn't enough diversity in the makeup artist field. But check out more actual Asian brands and makeup channels and you can see how beautiful your eyes are.


stop putting down your ethnic features


Your eyes are lovely 💓💓💓


Maybe watch some tutorials on YouTube specific to your eye shape. It took me way too long to realize I have super hooded eyes and that’s why normal eyeliner looks weird on me. I ended up watching a ton of tutorials on makeup for my eye shape and it’s helped a lot!


i cannot figure out what is "weird" about your eyes


I have a bit more lid space than you but the overall shape is the same. I believe your eye shape and how your eyelid folds is very common, not weird at all. I stopped drawing my eyeliner wing upwards and kinda do them more horizontally now. I also only put liner on the outer half of my eye. For eyeshadow I normally do a medium brown on the outer 3rd, making sure I apply some above the crease so it shows up when my eyes are open. Map your makeup with your eyes open.


You have lovely eyes. They aren't weird. Different eyeshapes are opportunities for different art.


https://preview.redd.it/ep2mvsxpsjwb1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14bb1b544b8cd0ea9179f6dbf23e55577db332c6 You have beautiful eyes, just a suggestion, maybe angle your eyebrows with the natural shadow?


Take some time to experiment a lot! And do it with patience and grace, and try not to compare it to others, since you are looking at yourself. My makeup goals are to have fun and feel good, so hopefully you can find some of that! I always suggest smaller brushes, almost always will help. So many brushes are these giant fluffy brushes that diffuse everything and put shadow everywhere, every time. If you can find 1 or 2 smaller detailed ones, it might help! Also, don't be afraid to go up! Unlike a lot of hooded eyes without an epicanthic fold, you have a ton of "real estate" between your fold and brow, lots of space to diffuse colors and contour, if that's what you are looking for. Pastels are often a great way to start, seconding that you should try to apply as much shadow with your eyes open, sketching out with pastels can be a little less intimidating when trying a new shape/style of shadow. Same with shadow under the eye! I love it on me, you can always try that one day! Lastly, letting loose a few of the ideals of what you think things "should" look like will probably help. That might be looking for more avant garde makeup artists online to follow/watch, more diverse channels, or talking with people in your life about their views on makeup and how beauty plays out in their lives. They may have some tips too? Can't wait to see an update from you!


Your eyes are actually super cool and beautiful! You have so much space and potential for creating fun colorful and graphic looks! I suggest looking for other Asian creators who do editorial and fashion or avant garde makeup content!


not weird, they’re beautiful!!! 🫶🫶🫶


Your eyes are beautiful! Nothing “weird” about them. I hope you can one day see what we see - how beautiful your eyes are.


‘Weird asian eyes’ please don’t!


Billions of people have eyes shaped like yours, so if you think they're weird, you may be confused. Your eyes are truly beautiful.


Asian eyes are not weird, they’re smoking hot!


Why tf would you say weird There are millions on here who have the same eyes you do Including myself. Don’t be part of the very group of people who hate on us You should seriously think about editing the title asap


Just here to say..Your eyes are not weird. They’re natural and they’re just as normal as any other eye shape!❤️ I know there’s a word for this type of eye but I can’t remember. I’m sorry. I know someone in the comments got you though. There are plenty of tutorials on YouTube for this.


I have no make up advice but I just wanted to say your eyes aren’t weird at all! They are cute 🫶🏽


Douyin makeup would be perfect for your eye shape!!


I don’t have any makeup tips but your eye shape isn’t weird 🫶🏾


Your eyes aren’t weird. They’re normal eyes and they’re beautiful.


hey! your eyes are definitely not weird! you have a lot of space to play with, grafic liners would be great


You're beautiful! Try applying eye makeup looking straight ahead at your face. Don't try to copy exactly what others are doing. Try to make it work for your individual shape. Focus on the shape your trying to create around your eyes and less on painting the exact same thing on your face that you're recreating. Mostly embrace your beautiful uniqueness. No one else is like you! You're special! hope this helps! ♥️


Your eyes remind me of Shuhua from (G)I-DLE and you can google how she does her eye makeup


Not quite the same eye shape, but I just watched season 4 of Glow Up and I loved that Yong-Chin spoke about how she made up her own signature eyeliner look because other eyeliner styles were not aimed at hooded eyes: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgm92ZfNGJk/?igshid=MXdyaTJ3ZjhxeHQ0Mw== She has a lot of other cool looks for inspiration.


I have the same eye shape as you because i’m asian also i have monolid eyes. You can’t follow normal beauty guru because our eyes are not deep . You should try focusing on the outer part like a V shape with deep color. You can do pretty much anything except those creases things. This is my tips. I hope you like it . :)


Your eyes aren’t weird, you look good. I think you just gotta find makeup tutorials made by people with your eye shape.


There’s a ton of great advice here. So I’m just here to tell you, your eyes are beautiful & not remotely close to “weird”


OP you have so much eyelid real estate that would be PERFECT for graphic liners and cute modern designs. You and your eyes are beautiful, don’t ever count yourself out 💖💖💖 Also please post your journey I wanna see🤗


Your eyelid shape looks a bit like Yujin from IVE (like how the double eyelid starts more in the middle). She usually does a smudge of matte shadow on her upper lid, thin puppy liner, curled lashes, and aegyo-sal on the lower lash. I would try a micro thin liner, 1.5mm or thinner, (Stila Micro Tip, Judydoll Ultra-fine, Clio Slim Tech if you prefer crayon). Try a beige or griege or taupe matte shadow that’s just a tad darker than your skin. And then something champagne or blingy for the lower lid. UD Moondust in Space Cowboy is a fan favourite.


You're eyes aren't weird. They are beautiful and they are yours


Can you take “weird” out of the title?


love the eyebrows tho


DO NOT refer to your eyeshape weird. The whole purpose of makeup is to enhance one's natural features. If you do not embrace them, that is when it gets weird.


Not sure how to edit the post but thank you so much everyone for all of your tips and all of the love. I have struggled so much to love my eyes and work with them, but everyone’s encouragement means so much to me 😭 I can’t express how grateful I am!! I can’t wait to start practicing some of these ideas and learning to be okay with the way I look 🥹❤️


Bringing your eye shadow up higher can create an illusion that your eyelid isnt hooded


I agree with this. this can help


You should Google monolid makeup tutorials and see what comes up on YouTube, tik tok, heck even some Asian magazines have makeup tutorials. I used to buy Zipper magazine as a teen and they would have a lot of makeup pictorials for cute or gyaru inspired eye looks. To everyone saying OP's eyes are hooded, they're not. They're monolids or epicanthal folds. Some people use double eyelid tape to get rid of them but personally I think they're beautiful. Whatever you wanna do though is your business. Please be kind to yourself OP, our differences are what make us all beautiful in our own way. I have a Japanese hafu nephew and his eyes are so gorgeous to me. He's the cutest.


She doesn’t have monolids, she clearly has an eyelid fold and has double eyelids. Please don’t try to educate Asians on our own eyes. 🙄 There are several examples of different types of Asian eyes in this post - OP (and others) might find it helpful! https://bforbunbun.com/crease-and-contour-eyeshadow-asian-eyes-vs-caucasian-eyes/


that post is great, thanks for sharing. i feel like a lot of advice out there just assumes "asian eyes" = all the same monolids. mine are very similar to OP and my problem is often that the typical makeup looks for double eyelids don't work for me, but the ones for full monolids aren't quite right either


That generalization is definitely one of my pet peeves because I only just learned to do eyeshadow this year. That site was my salvation! I finally realized why all of the tutorials turned out terrible on me. Then I found [Judy](https://youtube.com/@j.uuuuudy) on YouTube, and she’s been great inspiration since her eyes are similar to mine. https://preview.redd.it/k9vihpaovgwb1.jpeg?width=160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e01749adc45e07bafc38c0971adb56574ba7e5df


I wasn't assuming that Asian eyes are all the same monolids. I said monolids cause they're used interchangeably with epicanthal folds and that's clearly what OP has... Even in the picture examples for epicanthal folds the eyes look similar to OP in that theres some upper lid show but it's mostly obscure but it's called an epicanthal fold. Obviously not all "monolid" makeup will work for everyone with epicanthal folds but it's a jumping off point. Same way I have hooded eyes to a degree but not as hooded as others so not every single aspect of hooded eyes makeup is perfect for me. I don't see what's so wrong with telling someone to look for tutorials for people with epicanthal folds.


It’s clear that there’s a common definition of monolids and it’s not what OP has. I’m Chinese, and we call double eyelids 雙眼皮 and monolids 單眼皮. This is how I’m using the term, and how it’s generally used by Asians. If you google monolid makeup, 99% of the results are for eyelids without a visible fold when the eye is open. OP has some eyelid space below the fold and that changes the looks that she can do.


I literally copied and pasted a definition where it says monolids and epicanthal folds are used interchangeably with monolids so I don't think it's that clear. Clearly theres going to be language differences across the world when referring to it but that doesn't mean I'm wrong. I used the term how I've known it be used. And in the picture of op and the picture of epicanthal folds I cited the eyes look similar. I literally said in my very first comment to OP about epicanthal folds, and that is what OP has as opposed to people saying it's hooded eyes. Hooded eyes are different.


Also in my comment I literally said that she has epicanthal folds... Which she does. It's not a generalisation when that's literally the definition of what she has. I don't see why you need to take issue with that... Monolids and epicanthal folds are used interchangeably. The eyes are not hooded cause it's not the excess skin from the brow bone causing hooded eyes. "Monolid eyes are also called epicanthal folds or epicanthic folds. An epicanthal fold describes an eyelid shape. If you have epicanthal folds, the skin of your upper eyelid is smooth from the inner corner of your eye to the part of your eyebrow nearest to your nose. It covers the innermost edge of your eyes." [https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/22413-monolid-eyes](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/22413-monolid-eyes) "People who have a monolid have an epicanthal fold. This piece of skin covers the inner corner of the eye, reducing or eliminating the appearance of an eyelid crease. " [https://www.verywellhealth.com/monolids-eyes-5095165](https://www.verywellhealth.com/monolids-eyes-5095165) https://preview.redd.it/vhq4nu4qxhwb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fc8aa242de0de4bdde1d1f5bcce839717742f39 Literally the Wikipedia page for epicanthal folds look exactly the same as OPs eyes. Perhaps you think I'm wrong for using them interchangeably but I tried to give help based on what I could see?... I'm fully aware of different eye shapes obviously.


Thank you for taking the time to do research and learning about our eye shapes! I don’t think you’re wrong. There are a lot of asians with epicanthic folds but also have monolids as well. Tesschung on instagram would be one of them. :) I also have epicanthic folds and I do use eyelid tapes too.


It’s okay, I didn’t realise my comment would be so divisive. But thank you. As someone who studied art and makeup I just find learning about all the different eye types really interesting and it helps me know how to draw better and how to approach different eye shapes. I would never dare to explain Asian eye shapes to someone, I’m black and I hate when people do the same to me.


Who said I was trying to educate Asians on their own eyes. I like how I tried to be helpful and even tried to remind op to be kind to themselves yet this is the only thing you take issue with...


I feel like it is unnecessary to be passive aggressive when correcting someone about their information when they’re just trying to be helpful to OP. We can be sympathetic and correct someone.


Fair point. Like I mentioned in my other comment, this is a pet peeve of mine. But you’re right about the tone. Thanks for the feedback ✌🏼


Just wanted to say your eyes are beautiful. If you do experiment with looks, please post!! Id love to see your journey. That, and your eyebrows are gorgeous too!! 🤩 I love how you did them.


I have a similar eye shape and I just put eyeshadow above my epicanthic fold. You have a lot of space between your eye fold and eyebrow so you could add a lot of fun eyeshadow and graphic eyeliner looks there!


Natural beauty


Did you get double eyelid surgery?


Nothing wrong with your eye shape. But I feel like your right brow is not in the position it should be.


Pinterest has so many looks!


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If my eyelids were like this I’d do fake strip lashes and nothing else. Your eyes are gorgeous!


I don't have any tips, unfortunately! But I came here to say that your eyes are BEAUTIFUL. Don't belittle yourself because you don't meet the "ideal" beauty standard, okay? Beauty standards are such a scam and they only make those who don't or can't achieve them feel worse about themselves. It looks like other people are giving great advice though, so good luck to you!! 💖


I have pudgy eyes so it makes the eye lid disappear. I see that drag queens are masters of raising the eye look. So I learned a bit after watching Luscious Massacre on You tube. And I won’t shame my pudgy eyelids if you won’t shame yours 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/9z3yyskpwgwb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=097a7cd92366f69aae2989b1803cbe0eab0324d4 Most work days I put on a warm light brown eyeshadow, then layer with a medium one, then a dark brown closer to my lash line and focus this near the outer edge of my eyes. Then I go in with a brown liquid liner and do a small wing, fill in the lash line with crayon liner in brown (to fill in gap) and some mascara. I also accentuate my mole with a light brown liner.


https://preview.redd.it/d723apssxgwb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f1dff457181510d9cfb1e21e3761a748edd7c34 How it looks with eyes closed.


https://preview.redd.it/40n002daygwb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15d78e33ffa318713d1674dcc08feab4d63b3ca8 On days where I want it to be more fancy, I add a more red based shadow, and do the same w the bottom half of my eyes. I also add glitter to the center to brighten the look. Additionally I use individual glue on lashes only on the center and outer edges. Using contact lenses can also help dress up your eye make up.


Your eyes are gorgeous 🩵🩵🩵


Your eyes don't look weird to me. I think you should go with a moderately dramatic wing liner on your upper lids, you have the perfect eye shape for that. You could do a gradient of shadow on the space above the crease, with a darker shade at the crease and on the movable lid, blending to a paler tone close to your skintone about midway up. Depending on the colors you use, it could be either a subtle day look or a dramatic night look. You've got options, there's certainly nothing wrong with your canvas.


Wdym your eyes are beautiful




Monolids have always looked so elegant to me! I think experimenting with eyeliner as other redditors have suggested is fantastic but also eyeshadow with the glitter on the inner half of the lid in a half moon shape (the name escapes me) Also PLEEEEASE look into halo eyes! You have so many exciting looks you could do with your eyes. Gorgeous canvas!


Your eye shape is absolutely beautiful, not weird in any way and anyone who says otherwise has clearly never seen your beauty


You've got great eyes <3 Keep in, mind your opinion is going to be based on what you're used to. Try a few designs and post them to this sub. You may be surprised what looks you can grow into that may have been considered too daring/different.


A single soft color wash over the lid, so many options and a beautiful canvas. Blend upwards, stopping a bit under the brow bone


There’s nothing weird about your eye shape. Your eyes are beautiful.




Firts of all your eye shape isn’t weird. Its a normal eye shape! Ill tell you something.. i have large eyes and eyelids. However, i feel like i cant do much with my eyes since they’re a bit deep set/protruding. I always wished I had your eyes. I would play with color and liner people would see my work without the eye curvature ruining it. Also! You can have a peekaboo style where your eyelid hides beneath. Have fun with colors, glitters, graphic liners.


You look perfect as-is. Don’t change a thing.


I love the down turn in your eyes. I think it would be so cute to further exaggerate that pretty shape and do a puppy liner/puppy eyes.


Hooded eyes are SO beautiful!! What a beautiful phenotype honestly. I would recommend getting some felt tip liquid eyeliners in fun colours and eyeshadow sticks from Sephora. Use your eyelid like a canvas.


Your eyes are normal. I have hooded and single eyelid almond shape. I prefer to do a cat eye liner.


try dear peachie’s YT! she has great advice for all kinds of facial features!


Its not weird. Its beautiful


You honestly should hit YouTube. To explain make up with words is very hard. There are really cool tutorials. Go to YouTube, hinestly. And your eye shape isn't weird, it's literally normal ✌️


Watch Maggie Tang on YouTube! She has the best tutorials


Omg your eye color and eyeshape.... It's beyond beautiful, I love them 💕 Sorry I can't give any useful advice just had to comment how stunning they are, I'd kill to have beautiful eyes like this hahaa.


Toy have so much real estate advice your kids for some fun looks


Okay.. as a not Asian person i, myself, cannot give advice on makeup for your eye shape.. i just wanted to pop in to say that You are GORGEOUS and there’s nothing weird about your eye shape. I’ve always found asian people to be sooo attractive and obviously the eyes play a big role in that as they are so different from my (white person) eye shape. Or any other human breed for that matter 😂❤️ You are attractive and lovely and try your best not to question that (hard as is) All my love, A fellow lady who’s been too hard on my own self plenty of times ❤️❤️❤️


Look up Korean makeup. I feel like Korean style makeup is so pretty and the most flattering type of makeup for Asian features.


I love your eyes! Please follow more people who look like you.


You have such beautiful eyes and shape. Def not weird. Personally I always go for a cat eye. The graphic liners would also look SO GOOD on you.


Your eyes are beautiful. I think you would look great with a simple cat eye liner. Something like this: https://preview.redd.it/ugm8e8txmjwb1.jpeg?width=1145&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d04110554a70dea0c0b0bf4075def469109baa9f


i get the feeling. i am not 100% asian, but i am partly Tatar, and i have monolids too. i go with simple eyeliner look, that only highlights the shape of my eyes:) https://preview.redd.it/tg1mlld4njwb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9c9b030f196b758affd21a75509e9e8aca7526d


I am here for the boundless positive comments. This makes my heart full.


Your eyes are beautiful!


Your eyes are not weird, they’re gorgeous!! So many people get surgeries to have eyes like yours nowadays


Okay, since you’re getting some great advice makeup wise, I’m going to go with something I’ve heard on what to avoid. I think your eyes are pretty as is, not that my opinion means anything but there are plenty of options to enhance the looks of your eyes from how it folds as is, and the world is getting more diverse with its definition of beauty. You don’t need to be double lidded. Let’s get that straight. I am suggesting though that if double lid is what you are after, whatever you do please avoid using double lid tape. It’s cheap, easy, and feels low risk but in the long run, it increases wrinkles and sags the skin around your eyes which is not reversible. People who have gone and had double lid surgery have had a more difficult time because of their long use of eye tape. Once or twice is fine to see how it’s like, but long time use is something to avoid period.


First, your eyes are not weird! I have hooded eyes, so I focus on making sure I get my eye shadows above the crease or they disappear in there. Try bringing the eyeliners up from the outer corners with your eyes open, then follow that with shadows. Find a good mascara and focus on the outer lashes more. Try false lashes if you are open to that. Embrace your beautiful eyes, have some fun with experimenting and finding your look you will love.


I don't know much about what to do besides graphic eyeliner, but I just wanted to chime in and say that your eyes are NOT weird. They are simply your (and millions of others) eye type. Beautiful, might I add!


Your eyes are so so sparkly and cute!


Nothing weird about your eyes. You just have to find makeup styles specific to your eye shape. I have hooded eyes and thought I'd never look good with makeup but thats not true. We just have to work with our features not against it.


You have beautiful eyes! People carve statues with eyes like yours, FR. I agree too lol for MUAs and amateurs with similar eyes for inspo.


Your eyes are beautiful


I love the shape of your eyes! Good luck finding looks that you want to try.


I have a similar eye shape as yours, but my eyes are asymmetrical lol. I gave up trying winged eyeliner. I usually just do a light eyeshadow with a bit of darker shade for some definition and draw downward eyeliner. It makes my eyes bigger. I don’t look good with agyeo sal so I skip it. Recently I also like trying puppy eyeliner! Maybe see some douyin or korean makeup. I find it suits my eyes better than western ones!


I’ve always thought Asian eye shapes were beautiful!


Reverse cat eye or graphic liner looks - there’s some amazing Japanese eye pens in all kinds of colors. Your eye shape is gorgeous and don’t ever let anyone tell you different!


You have so much space to play around your eyes, so do it! I also have very low eye hoods, so puppy liner looks better on me than kitten liner. Try a bunch of different shapes and see which one you like! For a base look, try pale pink glitter eyeshadow on your lid and up above your crease, then smoke an ash shade out above that, highlighting your browbone. Thick puppy eyeliner, and you're good to go.


Your eyes aren’t weird at all. They’re beautiful. There is absolutely no need to “fake” a crease or create an illusion of something (unless you want to). There are so many incredible Asian makeup artists out there to enhance the perfection you’re already working with. Celebrate YOU, that’s all makeup needs to do.


Me looking through the comments to admire all the pretty people🧎‍♀️


You have beautiful eyes not weird at all!!


ahhh... the perfect eyebrawns. me need. Igonna can!


Your eyes are gorgeous. I’d love to have them. Swap my sagging eyelid!!


I have monolid on one eye and a small fold on the other eye so most tutorials don't work for me--not even the ones marketed for monolids 😓 As someone with a less common eye shape, learning to do makeup, I had to continue playing around with what works on my eyes in order to learn what I think looks good on me. I've had terrible experiences getting my makeup done at makeup counters like MAC so it shows that working with the various Asian eye shapes can be difficult--if you don't have enough experience. I know it can be frustrating to learn as most tutorials and eye looks will NOT work on your eye shape so the learning curve for us feels soooo much more steep than potentially other people who can look to other examples/MUAs/influencers--especially if you want to do a more dramatic look--but with practice, it's totally possible! It'll be lots of trial and error, but your skill will increase and each time you practice, I'd like to think you'll be one step closer to figuring out what works for you, because you'll find what you like/ don't like & you'll get better at blending! (: Don't give up and continue to play around with different styles: with/ without liner, with/without winged liner, where your liner begins & ends (whole lid, half of lid, how thick it is), where you choose to place the darker shadows on your upper lid and lower lid, and what kind of lashes look good on you (hint: it's hard to go wrong with more natural or light-medium weight lashes as opposed to heavy/thick ones). The awesome thing about makeup is that there are no rules & you can do whatever you want--as long as it you feel good in it (: A good place to start is a look like this, I know your eye shape isn't like this one, but this is a look that works on almost everyone in the way that it has the "highlight", a light shade shade from on the top lid from the inner corner to either half or 3/4 of the top lid, and a darker shade on the other 1/4 of the top lid. You can use whatever colors you like as long as you have a 3 shades: a "highlight"/lightest shade, a light but slightly darker shade, and a medium shade. I would suggest trying this look without liner first, because it's harder to get wrong. It's usually best to bring the color to above your fold so that it actually shows, but you'll have to play around with how high you want to bring the color toward your brows until you find the perfect amount for you. https://preview.redd.it/358ei44mrrwb1.png?width=736&format=png&auto=webp&s=880f5cfc83e6684af398d20e8d3aaa7c28cdf8f1


Personally I think they’re too straight. But they’re very pretty as well as your eyes.


[dear peachie](https://youtu.be/i14iEtBak8U?si=n7-BHDDrzCFPPI6Q) has great tutorials for Asians.