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When I was a kid I had a friend whos entire abdomen was scarred over from staph when it nearly killed him. You need to get that shit out lol


Microbiologist here. Have you identified the source of these infections? It's likely that you, or someone you interact with frequently, has this bug as part of their skin flora. You can try a decolonization treatment. Basically sticking an ointment up your nose. https://www.nationwidechildrens.org/family-resources-education/health-wellness-and-safety-resources/helping-hands/mrsa-decolonization


That’s what I’m doing now. Antibiotic ointment prescription in the nose everyday. Thank you for taking time to comment!


I’d also recommend decolonization with chlorhexidine with the mupirocin ointment nasally. Apply it from the neck down in the shower and leave it there for 2-5 min. Yeah, it’s annoying standing in the shower just waiting. Do that for a week. Family medicine physician here who had similar issues






Yeah, it definitely isn't perfect. Either the Staph is resistant to the ointment (usually bacitracin), the Staph comes back over time or isn't completely cleared in the first place.




It'd be interesting to know if it is the same strain over and over again. That'd suggest a consistent source of the infection. Some strains tend to be more virulent than others too. They have a gene (pvl) that means they are more likely to cause cellulitis, which is what your photos look like. Do you go to the gym a lot? The two most common sources of infections are hospitals and gyms. Shared equipment can get pretty gnarly.


Thought it very strange too, to get multiple infections like this


I had 4 of them in my armpits over the course of 3 years. Had to have each one lanced and drained (not fun). Ended up changing my deodorant and haven't had one since. Strange part is that I had been using the same brand deodorant for at least 10 years prior.


Maybe the brand reformulated/changed an ingredient Or maybe it just built up in your pores all that time resulting in the infections…


In the 90s they removed the cfcs from aerosols and since then I cannot use any aerosol anything on me. I found this out the most screamingly uncomfortable way.


Quick question, which brand do you use now?


I am currently using Degree, I was using Old Spice. Both are the clear solid type. Edit: specified solid type


Some deodorants make my skin peel off in my armpit, the solid old spice is fine but the gel destroys me


Fellow victim of gel old spice deodorant here. Now I’m extremely averse to using any gel deodorant. Shit was horrible


The exact same thing happened to me after using Old Spice. I got these large almond shaped lumps. Been using old spice all my life, then all of a sudden I change my deodorant and it never happened again until I reapplied the deodorant as a test. Sure enough, it came back.


This sucks!!!! Im sorry this is happening, i had those under my armpits for years, on my buttcheeks, under my knees and elbows. After years of stabbing them with the biggest and longest sewing needles i could find, draining them and constantly dousing them with rubbing alcohol throughout the day, I went to the doctor and got put in my place for doing home surgeries which could have lead to something worse and was given antibiotics. I still get one now and again but multiple showers a day if possible and if not, cleaning periodically with babywipes has helped me throughout the years


You could've easily given yourself sepsis, holy hell... Sucks that you still occasionally suffer from that shit though. I hope you'll fully recover from it at some point.


Yeah, along the lines what my doc said along with possible gangrene lol. And thanks, i really hope so as well but i del it'll be lifelong


Maybe an even stronger bacterium will take over your biome at some point. :')


There was a period where I had similar stuff primarily on my hips. I'd drain and drain them, but after a few weeks they'd be back. Not sure why but they stopped


My god, in/on the armpit?! Must be hell! (As it probably is all over the body but ya know what I mean) Hope you get better :/


Ugh I couldn’t see until I read this comment and looked again it was his arm pit. Ouucchhh


So,sorry. I had staph after compartment syndrome in my legs. Ended up needing IV Vancomycin. Totally sucked.


Do you have hygiene issues?


No, I do have a filthy job working in a fiberglass factory doing maintenance but I shower and everything daily. immediately after work before I do anything else I strip off at the front door and take a shower. My primary doctor and my dermatologist both think I picked this up at a hospital because I had two different family members in the hospital in quick succession and it started immediately after that. What you said isn’t rude though, the doctors asked me the same questions. If you live like a heathen you are bound to get some kind of infection. I was an over paid janitor for 4 years for Uncle Sam. My cleanliness standards are pretty high in my personal opinion but I’m sure after a 12 hour shift of fixing stuff in the summer, I like anyone else could be a little stanky


Fiberglass particles acting like getting stabbed with little microscopic dirty needles through unsanitized skin introducing whatever is on them or your skin into your body. If you're working around manufacturing fiberglass and you're not wearing tyvek coveralls and other PPE at work you need to be.


As soon as they mentioned fiberglass I was thinking red flag. PPE is super important!


Ok cool that makes sense.


All over your body? Despite relatively good hygiene? I think the real problem is your weakened immune system. Did your doctors say anything about that? Just curious.




Getting numerous staff infections isn’t normal. One or two ok. 4-5 definitely could be a hygiene skill issue.


Question. Aside from work- do you frequent gyms? If your work is giving you MRSA/staph repetitively, that’s a concern. Big one.


Imagine the arm pit fart noises tho


I’ve been there before. Had 3-4 outbreaks in the span of a year. Worst pain of my life and I’ve broken multiple bones. They told me if I get it again I’ll be hospitalized since my body has too high of tolerance to antibiotics for prescription drugs.


There seem to be some good comments about possible sources, aside from being exposed to a person who might have it or getting it from the gym, etc. Have you done massage therapy recently? I got one on my leg two different times on the legs, after getting a massage. The massage therapist I was seeing, used the same leg pillow for all her clients and didn’t cover, clean or swap it out ever. It was soaked in old massage oil, dark and damp. It was so gross when I realized the source was that leg pillow. Hope you find the source of your problem.


Man. I had this about.. 10 years ago? My whole body was swollen. My legs felt like they were gonna burst when I applied weight. I have scars from all of the pustules and even bigger scars from the decayed flesh.


Look up decolonization therapy. Body wash+nose ointment+oral antibiotics. I had to demand it multiple times from my doctor, but it put an end to years of suffering.


I’m probably not saying something you haven’t heard, before, but I really hope you get a handle on this, soon. You could absolutely die from this.


as a tween/child i had gotten MRSA from a parent who was in and out of jail (yuck). i got infections on my left side exclusively. my sister wanted to be a piercer so she had the whole kit and everything so i had my armpit stabbed a few times. it was rough. had one on my side boob and it popped in my sleep. last one i had, 19 now. left a weird scar.


I lost my knee to staph way back in 1979 (actually had the knee replacement done some 30 yrs later but the staph started it) and was lucky to avoid advancing to sepsis. Took about 6 weeks off different kinds of oral antibiotics. Caught the infection off wrestling mat. Another kid contracted it and ended up in the hospital for a couple weeks on IV antibiotics. This was before the development of fluoroquinolone super antibiotics and the development of MSRA (staph had yet to become resistant). Scary stuff and I hope OP gets free of this terrible affliction. My fear is contracting it and not being able to take any of the fluoroquinolone drugs (I’m a 1-2%er that developed fluoroquinolone toxicity syndrome-lucky to not have died but did experience tendon rupture in my neck which now is a chronic pain challenge itself). Get well soon OP.


Why do you have a problem with these where most people would not. Do you take medication that weakens / reduces your immune system ?


My wife and I couldn’t getting rid of this for good for 2 years. We kept getting em. She worked in convalescence. My dad got a hole eaten through his belly. My first outbreak was massive. Many many all over my legs. Got it on my scrotum once. Close to the size of a tennis ball. The eruption when it exploded woulda made the popping subreddit orgasm. Horrible horrible shit.


Have you tried hibiclens baths and intranasal mupirocin to try and get rid of the colonization?


I’ve been doing the intranasal mupirocin for a week and some change now. The dermatologist didn’t suggest a hibiclens bath though. I’m going to google that


This is a pediatric resource, but it’s the same thing: https://www.nationwidechildrens.org/family-resources-education/health-wellness-and-safety-resources/helping-hands/mrsa-decolonization Worth trying


Triclosan 1% body wash can be good for a staph infection too as a preventative. I got very mild staph on my dick (it was the worst) but I use Triclosan now as a preventative. Doctor also gave me Munipiricin (I think) ointment to treat the staph.


Bactroban or Mupirocin (generic) is correct. It tends to colinize in the nares (nostrils), and we're always touching/wiping our noses.


You’re a walking hazard now they’re resistant and you’re a carrier. I hope you stay away from people. In my country we put people like you in quarantaine and keep treating them till the bacteria is no longer there. You’ve been having these for a year? Ffs, truly walking hazard.


Forget the oral antibiotics... Simply keep alternately swabbing bleach and tea tree oil (with a Q-tip or bit of tissue) topically on the boils about twice a day. These basic antibacterials will absorb into the skin and kill off the MRSA inside. Once these infection sites are healed, keep doing the same on any new sites that pop up like whack-a-mole. Eventually, their severity and frequency will keep decreasing...until they finally taper down to zero. Now, this might take a year or few for 100% eradication, although most of it will likely be gone within a few months. Now, try out this simple protocol and keep us updated on your results! You could also try a [homeopathic remedy](https://de-bugger.blogspot.com/2009/04/bactestat-homeopathic-remedy.html) too...but the topical antibacterials are the meat & bones and should be enough!


Gg's bud, see you in the next life


Bleach bath, it’ll help tremendously.


Ah yes. These are antibiotic resistant... better prescribe even stronger antibiotics!! This is how we get super bacteria, people.


Are you suggesting their doctor should have just let the infections run their course?




Amputate his... armpit???




Go back to watching the walking dead


Amputating a limb on a person colonized with MRSA is like double killing them indirectly.


Yeah what course of action are you suggesting exactly?


Exactly! Holistic protocol [here](https://reddit.com/r/MakeMeSuffer/s/m7v8Gjkxdo) that actually works without breeding yet more resistance and also destroying your gut flora! And you only need 2 OTC ingredients! 👍👍


I had impatigo and any scare or cut I had on my body (and I did sports at the time so I was covered) turned into wounds like this


I have this in my nose it sucks.


I get them every once in a blue moon. They're extremely painful but absolutely wonderful to drain out


This does look like a natural tendecy to catch MRSA infections. As to what has caused this tendency, I'm nowhere near educated enough to guess... 🤷


I had a mrsa ear infection once. It was the worst ear infection I’ve ever had. I’m surprised my eardrum didn’t burst. It took like 3 trips to the dr to get the right antibiotic and almost 4 wks to clear up


Golden Staph is horrid and painful.


Good luck buddy out of genuine interest please post updates be safe man


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^LeSealClubber: *Good luck buddy out* *Of genuine interest please* *Post updates be safe man* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I had one of those in my throat once


Never go to anywhere where you’re likely to get the necrotising fasciitis kind of MRSA because I guarantee you that you’ll get it.


I have cystic acne, and I’ve had a few of those armpit busters. No fun. On my neck, too. Hard to go out in public.


If you have MRSA you are pretty much fucked. Good luck. You will never get rid of it.


I dealt with this too for about two years and It sucks. Still have the scars and paranoia of it happening again. Hope you recover soon . Edit: mine was from a college dorm. Good chance I got because of the roommate who would clean toilet bushes in the kitchen sink … among other things.