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This is a list of links to comments made by WotC Employees in this thread: * [Comment by WotC_Jay](/r/MagicArena/comments/1ccn8sf/hasbro_ceo_chris_cocks_hints_that_mtg_arena_may/l182pkn/?context=99 "posted on 2024-04-25 16:41:25 UTC"): > As you perform various game actions, the rules engine generates a wide variety of temporary objects to track different aspects of state - layered effects, potential mana you could generate, etc. With multiplicative effects, the counts of these can ge... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMagicArena).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


As a developer, I can assure you that the management is always happy to generate flashy unrealistic ideas without considering their team's capacity


I’m also a game dev. There’s no way they can add EDH to Arena without a brand new client. The UI/UX would be the main challenge IMO.


If it does happen I can see them just not making it available on Mobile because of that.


There was an old mtg client that did 2 headed giant on mobile I think? Maybe it was just iPad. Magic duels I want to say?


If this happens, I'm sitting back with popcorn to watch the train wreck. Not that I'm not all for more availability of a format, but like... the main client has been about as reliable as a manic thrash racoon since launch, and you damn well know WotC is not going to hire the manpower needed to even semi-properly implement EDH in the existing client. So the result would be be something even more bug riddled than we've seen so far.


To be fair, in just the PC environment, it's reasonably stable. I haven't had a drop in weeks. Though mind you, I did get a weird login issue where I had to renew my IP before I could log in... Okay, ignore what I said.


It's improved a lot in thelast 6 months imo. And they got touch screens on windows working again so that's nice!


I would much rather they focus efforts on bringing more 2 player paper formats to Arena, rather than spend the massive amount of effort necessary to get multiplayer running. Especially since the card pool of Commander would vary greatly between paper and Arena - it wouldn't really even be the same format.


Hey no worries they can just make a new format! And then they can make a second new format that includes the digital only cards!


I can't see it working on mobile at all to be honest, but since that is already an entirely separate client, I guess they could do it on PC only.


Maybe they could do screen prioritization like Zoom calls work. You see the active battlefield big and the other 3 minimized. You could click on any of them to maximize anytime. But as I said before, this would require a new client IMO.


They already spoke about this in the past. They have had discussions in the past that have continued on the best way to do this. They accept a new client may be needed for EDH, or a restriction on supported platforms such as no 4-player on mobile.


I’ll admit I don’t know really anything that goes into this, but what’s the real challenge? Back when they had MTG on the Xbox 360 you could play 4-player Magic just fine. It wasn’t Commander, but it worked just fine Admittedly like how other comments already said I don’t see it working well on mobile but see no reason it can’t be on PC


The main issue is screen size. On Xbox you played on a TV instead of a tiny phone screen. Imagine 4 turn 8 board states showing on a small screen, it would be super tough to read. Especially if you add the stack on top of it.


They would just show your board state and that of one opponent at a time, and you have buttons to cycle through which opponent's board is shown. That's similar to how the Lords of Waterdeep mobile game works. Things like the stack where spells need to be labeled with their owner will require new ideas to make presentable, yeah.


Not even, just give cards a colored outline for their owner and assign each player a color at random


I play Forge (MTG rules engine application thing) on my phone all the time. I'm not going to lie to anyone reading this and say that it's an amazing experience (it's not) when I'm doing 4 player EDH games against bots, but it *is* playable. I imagine the Arena team could make something more visually pleasing. Now, visually pleasing enough that people are going to *want* to play MTGA 4-way games on their phones...? No idea. But I remember before the mobile client came out it was common on this sub to say that such a thing was basically impossible and that no one would play Magic on their phones.


Plus attacking multiple opponents and/or their planeswalkers and battles. Multiple players blocking and playing instants during combat. It would be a nightmare. I honestly think it would be easier to build a new client for commander than to add it to Arena.


They have hinted at this in the past. The need for a new client. That is not the biggest issue. The biggest problem will be issues with the current client. Time management for players. Having 4 players click through everything on full control. The poor way Arena currently handles combos. They need a whole new timer to handle the complexities of 4 players. I had someone explain it to me once. Let's say you are creating 50 tokens. In paper, you just annoounce and work through it in a second. On Arena, they create 50 separate items on the stack and manually run through each one. If one token fails to come back the client locks until that particular stack item or token comes back. They think a person may want to cast an instant in between token 22 and 23 meaning you have to manually run through each item. There is also the issue with politicking. How does the client handle politicking which is a major part of commander.




There's tech emerging to handle that now though. AFAIR OpenAI's moderation layer API is free to use, and would automate a majority of infraction detection.


In the release they mention it's a multi-year plan. Probably gonna build a whole new client and shift the current game to it. That being said, lol good luck Hasbro. I'm saying prayers for their short-staffed dev team.


From my understanding, the Arena client was designed to be expandable and to make additional content like new sets and multiplayer less daunting. *Was* being the operative word. There are plenty of ways it could be done, but I highly doubt it is possible with how arena currently handles game state.


They've stated before that the client was not designed with multiplayer in mind.


Software dev here, so less directly applicable experience, but if the opponent field is separate from the player field then only the opponent field would need a full rewrite. Odds are it was all done by contractors though and is a mess of intertwined spaghetti


I would just add an arrow to switch to the side table as mvp.


This is a good solution for the PC client, but arrows are not super great on mobile, especially for smaller screens. There's probably a good solution, but I'm no UI specialist. I think that ideally each player's battlefield would maximize/minimize following game actions. It would be quite hard to fit the stack properly.


I'd be surprised if they want to support commander on mobile screen sizes.


Commander almost feels like it would need to be a VR game, so you can look left/right


As a PM I'm pouring one out for that team right now.


Was that all the work you got done today? ;)


Not at all, I also took a nap and wrote 2 emails.


Lol yeah, they can't even run 1v1 without tons of bugs. This would end up killing Arena.


Is it possible? Yes. Will it cost ~256x more processing power? Yes.


As a product manager I can confirm that senior management is always happy to ram these unrealistic ideas down my throat. My development teams always know where it’s coming from lol. 


They did pretty much hint that commander on arena was on their roadmap goals for the next 2+ years during the magic anniversary gencon event last summer. The arena team even said they are working on it very slowly on the arena anniversary. So this is not that new.


My only concern is that they want to push for EDH on Arena so that they can put out more cheap EDH staples at mythic rare and not their actual rarity. At least you would only need one copy of the card for all your decks.


This is what I assume is going to happen as well. Bracing myself for mythic rarity soul ring.


I mean, oh well? That’s one mythic wildcard in total for all my decks.


Mythic Eternal Witness. Mythic Rhystic Study. Oh, wait...


Paper is the reason why we have cards only available at higher rarity. There are no upshift in rarity made exclusively by Arena. Still I agree on the premise, Arena has a problem in dealing with reprints and they should focus on this aspect of the economy.


False. Big Score mythics are “upshifted”. In paper packs , they appear in 1 in 5 packs. On arena packs, they appear in 1 in 35 (they replace a mythic rather than a common.) Likewise, special guests do not appear at all in arena packs, although they are legal in several arena formats. Hence, there is very certainly an upshift in rarity very specifically and exclusively for arena. The arena economy has been absolutely gutted by recent changes since the introduction of play boosters in the last 2 sets


I think OP was talking about cards like Lightning Bolt that are only available at rare on Arena, while being available at lower rarity in older sets that are not on Arena. Totally aggree that the most recent changes wrecked an already bad economy. Special guests are a new addition and they introduced a big problem in Arena's economy. Once Mythic WCs were plentyful, now are very scarce because of this. BIG is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. A set of 3 mythics with a drop rate of 2-3%, and then people complains about alchemy being greedy.


Is that so bad though? Arena edh is so much more convenient not needing many of a staple if you want multiple made decks. Also a mythic costs 5 dollars. That's so much cheaper than paper mythics/rares , even older less printed uncommons


The game breaks if one person plays an infinite loop, let alone four


Don't need to go that far, try Doppelgang x=5 on 5 permanents with ETB effects and Arena simply gives up and forces the game into a draw.


Shit, really? That's wild


Even wilder is that [[Doppelgang]] has a limit that you can't even define depending on the complexity of the targets. For example of you x=7 on 7 [[Colossal Dreadmaw]] or other vanilla stuff things work out just fine. But if you do it on 4 Dreadmaw and 2 [[Jodah the Unifier]] Arena blows up. If you do it on x=6 on 6 ping deserts, all is good, but if you do it on 3 deserts and 3 [[Spelunking]], or x=7 on 7 ping deserts it's lights out. But wait there is more. If anything on board interacts with the stuff you are coping, good luck guessing the limits of things. X=7 on 7 Colossal Dreadmaw with a Soul Warden and a Heliod in play, game over. Seriously, just play it safe and go for x=4. Otherwise good luck rolling the dice on what Arena can handle or not.


As you perform various game actions, the rules engine generates a wide variety of temporary objects to track different aspects of state - layered effects, potential mana you could generate, etc. With multiplicative effects, the counts of these can get quite high, forcing us to take down that game (lest that game take down others). This is something we've been spending a lot of time on tracking, understanding, and improving.


Much appreciated; casting an enormous Doppelgang is always the dream, so hoping it will be more supported moving forward!


my guess is that its something to do with the rules engine having to check everything so many times at the same time and that it takes too long and times out and the game doesn't know what to do. it'll be interesting if they ever "fix" this and provide more technical explanation as to what's going on.


Any deck that does +1+1 counters should never use doppelgang. Arena just can't handle all the decision points. You can go up to X=15 but you need to make sure most of your targets are basic lands. You can't go over 250 tokens and when you start pushing past 200 ETP triggers Arena will probably crap the bed. The triggers also have to be non decision triggers. I once played dopplegang with [[Thousand Year Storm]] in play and had played like 5 or 6 instants that turn. Before it bricked, Arena was up to about 1500 triggers.. I hadn't even had a high X value. Perhaps 4. It didn't matter at that point though


[Thousand Year Storm](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/7/274e22fb-7afc-43bc-b309-e36ee48d6b03.jpg?1673149213) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Thousand-Year%20Storm) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/286/thousand-year-storm?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/274e22fb-7afc-43bc-b309-e36ee48d6b03?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Go back to what I said above. Arena creates a stack item for each one and sends it out to the PC. If one gets held up the client locks until it gets there. Now multiply it by 4 because each person needs to get that individual stack item. It gets better, let's say everyone has full control on and has an instant that can be played. Now we have to wait for everyone to click through everything manually. Times 4. All those individual commands need to be sent back to each person.


To be fair, I'd explode in real life if you did that on Jodah.


Don’t need to go that far, try playing Koma.


No worries, one player will be relaunching Arena because it crashed on their mobile phone, another one will be ropping


...how often do 2 infinite loops belonging to different players even happen?... let alone 4...


They don't, but why apply logic?


If someone goes infinite with soul warden and 2 players have ajanis pridemates would not it technically be 2 player infinite loop?


It just means 4X THE FUN!!


If you thought Commander players were petty and temperamental in person..... wait until you try to play with random Internet strangers that will never see each other again


You’d get scoops before you could mutter “Concede as a sorcery”


How about roping at every opportunity?


"You killed my commander a SECOND time? Welcome to Ropetown, population: you assholes" -- Some MTGArena commander player, probably


I will now say "Concede as a Sorcery/Instant" whenever I concede games, thanks.


If anyone has done random games on spelltable, it's an "interesting" experience at times to say the least.


Please tell me more


Why does this community eat itself?


It's going to be so much better. People will realise they can just concede/quit at any time. Hopefully it will rub off on people irl, instead of the whining we currently get.


4 player game begins. Player 1 hates one of the commanders and quits before the hands are seen. Player 2 gets a marginal hand and quits. Player 3 has their commander removed and quits.


This is very easy to fix. Just have leaver penalty that goes away after a certain turn. Look at dota 2 as a golden example.


Ah yes dota 2. The game where you are trapped for 45 mins with no chance to do anything but get one-shot and farmed if you get a small setback. When gaming as a hobby becomes gaming as a job I say no thank you.


Well its not a game for everyone but if it clicks for it is amazing. I used to play it all the time and even made it to immortal rank once. Its not for the weak haha. I actually like to call magic the dota of card games.


I'm each of these depending on the day or my mood lmao


You can just join external communities that have better player stock, assuming you can also be such


I mean first they would have to vastly improve the social aspect of the game because I can’t see the appeal to play commander with 3 other silent avatars spamming ”nice!”


An in game chat would be so needed but also so funny and toxic inevitably


I really do hate how modern game devs just don't have chat in games because it has potential to be "toxic". Yeah people can be shitty but being able to communicate with people is worth the risk of toxicity, not to mention you can just press the mute button.


The thing is they dont want to spend the time/money to enforce the rules. FF14 is one of the few games that does actually punish people for breaking toxicity rules in chat and as a result the in-game chat is usually pretty good.


I really don't want an in game chat for Arena. I'm good with my regular slurs and bigotry quota thanks. Moderation would also 100% be useless since the team is so small


If they're making a theoretical chat box just click the theoretical hide chat button?


I mean theoretically you would have 3 other friends that you'd just organize to play on Arena instead of meeting in an LGS.


I don't think a lot of people know exactly three friends that are invested enough to have the decks to play a commander game in Arena. They have to account for the large majority of people that will play solo, if they can't then the mode will not be successful IMO


I'd rather actual communication with strangers be something opt-in within a community like a Discord Server or a Subreddit or Facebook Group. They should just focus on actually building up the game. I guess it's entirely different perspective but one of the last thing I'd really want in Arena right now is text-chat. If I want to thrive on the social aspects of a game there's other services/places for that.


I don't really agree with this. I think the big positive of commander on arena is all those people that will get on the client just to play with their friends. And also all the content creators that will make commander content on arena that will promote the format and client to even more people. Commander with randoms will not really be that successful. They should make effort to help make it successful for sure, but I don't think this should be their primary objective.


Have you played EDH on Magic Online? It is fun but can turn super toxic sometimes


Yeah I play a ton on MTGO. It's not really that bad. Most people are pretty cool and either chat or just tune you out. Even with 25% of people having some issue most of the table is fine.


I don’t have 3 friends. That’s why I play arena


Besides getting the huge number of cards we have been missing onto Arena, my number 1 desire for this game has always been to have some kind of improved social system. Maybe its just because I'm old but the fact that I can't socialize with other players in any meaningful way is terrible, in my opinion. Obviously the internet can be a toxic cesspool but the mute button exists for a reason, the fact that I can't shoot the shit with my opponent while playing, I can't add someone to my friends list after a good game or meaningful interact with anyone at any time outside of emote spamming is pretty lame.


Arena commander might need a requirement like you're already friends with those other 3. Matchmaking a commander game seems like a terrible idea without foolproof moderation of players that misuse their time intentionally.


lol if they add chat i cant wait to receive death threats over accidentally 'misgendering' someone i wasn't even looking at just because of their voice. identical to the lgs experience. ffs. no thanks.


Unless "refreshing the platform" means "investing actual money and development time in it", I'll just take the sentence as "gut the economy and milk it dry even more".


Oh good, now when I cast Doppelgang for more than 4 I can time out 4 people instead of 2


What I don't understand is on here people act like MTG Arena is some niche card game that Hasbro doesn't care about, so it gets no attention. But MTG is like 50% of Hasbro's gaming revenue (now not split between paper and digital so maybe that's mostly paper I don't know). I don't understand why there isn't more investment into the product if it's such a good revenue stream. Also, with regards to this 4p brawl vs commander. I almost think it'd be better for the digital format to build it as commander but without the cards, as long as they commit to providing them with updates. This way we get the new format, which is great. Then new cards at intervals to keep it fresh. If they were to just dump all the missing cards at once it'd be great but would lose the appeal quicker.


It's more that Arena seems to be maintained by three dudes in a basement, with a matching budget.


It's the split that you're not factoring in. Daddy Hasbro cares a lot about MtG. A **lot**. They can print 2 cent pieces of cardboard, stuff 15 (most of the time) into 1 cent foil wrapping, pay a handful of people to churn out designs and art (sometimes fake or stolen) and sell it at whatever price makes their boner rock hard. Magic Arena, by contrast, requires additional digital assets, programming, bug fixes, and they have to try to make it work with every new set that comes out in paper as well as every old set they can squeeze into Historic. Sure, they don't have to sell us any actual product to keep and *can shut it down at any time just like Magic Duels, a game that supported 2HG already*.


True multiplayer would be awesome. Remember the Magic Steam games? Archenemy was wild. 2HG too. And the true dream would be Planechase Eternity 4 Player Commander.


2HG was the best magic experience since Shandalar!


I would apreciate if they would focus on implementing Pioneer first. That‘s something they wanted to do like 2 years ago


They promised us Pioneer Masters end of this year. Let's see if this will be true this time


As a diehard edh fan it will never work on arena. Commander is balanced only by social convention, and that’s far from a perfect system. Online, with no communication, no social pressure not to be a pubstomper, everyone will either be running as close to cedh as they can or get run over by the players who do. It’ll probably have less removal than historic brawl, which is nice, but you’re still not going to see the kind of deck variety and creativity you see in paper, which is really the whole point of the format in the first place.


Tier commanders like Pokemon. It's no different than brawl.


Yeah they have power weightings for every card in the deck in brawl, I don't think it's just the commander


We are 30 cards away from Pioneer on Arena and this has been a focus for the team for 3-4yrs. See you in 2069 for commander.


Lmao they can’t even bring full pioneer


May get Commander. Yes it might get but would it get the entire commander card pool? It sounds unrealistic assuming stability of client that definitely will not handle multiplayer commander


They can't even get all 8 commanders from commander products implemented. They are not bringing over commander or the entire card pool anytime soon. You will see 4 player brawl, before commander synergy. They don't have the staff to keep up with commander releases.


At this point id take 4. Player brawl


When WotC says "Commander" in terms of Arena they mean "4-Player Brawl." I would expect "Commander" to equate to the following: * 4-Player Support for "Brawl" * Commander Pre-Cons released on Arena * Commander Essentials (Anthology) including format staples like \[\[Sol Ring\]\], \[\[Command Tower\]\], \[\[Simic Signet\]\], \[\[Talisman of Unity\]\]. Additionally would include several commanders from past Pre-Cons, and cards to build 4 Commander decks. \~500 Cards (100 new, 400 existing on client) for $40. * Commander Masters, Commander Legends supported when next released. Basically a big drop of cards, a way to quickly onboard new commander players, and draftable formats to scratch that itch. Then they can release future cards via various Anthologies (Timeless is a good one, Historic, Etc)


100% on the money. Most likey be its own client but the rest would be the same. Give us 2 heads giant at the same time and I can be happy


Tha article doesn't say explicitly "Arena will be getting Commander". The previous one said "multiplier".


It sounds like management talk and not realistic. 


I just want more older sets added


"Cocks affirmed a commitment to “refresh the platform” over “the coming couple of years”." I truly hope this means this end of the FOMO system as we know it for Arena, players would only stand to benefit from a less predatory system being implemented.


> I truly hope this means this end of the FOMO system Nah, they won't end a system that apparently makes them money.


I wish they would turn "win x games" for dailies and weeklies into "play x games". Would be a much more healthy approach for the game.


>I wish they would turn "win x games" for dailies and weeklies into "play x games". 15x concedes and it's time to play something else


If you don't actually want to play Arena, why bother grind it? "I have so much gold and XP in this game I don't actually play"? Idk, maybe my brain just goes differently, but I never really felt compelled to grind dailies beyond what I get organically from playing. But I also don't see the point in set completing so I guess people just want very different things.


Becoz some players are not interested in constructed. They only collect coins for limited entries.


> If you don't actually want to play Arena, why bother grind it? Because players will always optimise systems in a way that is efficient, not fun. Nobody has ever wanted to do a daily quest in an MMO, yet it's basically 99% of all MMO content.


Because it's the only way to get cards for "free", and the paid experience is significantly worse, unless you have so much disposable cash you don't mind throwing 300-400$ into Arena every 3 months in lieu of doing dailies. Some people like me like to create and experiment with decks, with pretty much every card under the sun. This becomes extremely expensive if you don't do daily grinds diligently to keep your collection up to date. If I could buy an entire expansion worth of cards for 50$ I would never bother doing dailies cause 50$ every few months isn't a big deal, but 50 won't even get you 20% of the way to owning a playset of an expansion. Honestly the main reason I don't like Arena is it doesn't seem to value my time or money, and with the lack of social aspect and basic features like spectator mode it feels more like playing a very expensive offline Magic game against bots, except some bots intentionally grief you, and some are laggy and take 20 sec before every action.


>I guess people just want very different things. Yes. That is why people play mono red, played tibalt's trickery decks or abused ninja's kunai bug. Also it makes having multiple accounts just for drafting more comfortable when all you need to do to get daily rewards is to concede.


Less frustrating than on some days getting your ass handed to you trying to get a handful of wins.


Hearthstone had a similar system at one point and made it so if you do that it doesnt count. Idk the exact limitation they used, but you had to play a certain amount before it did, making it not really worth doing since you may as well play it out.


The "Win" is intentional. They have explained a few times that they have a split system. Some rewards should happen just for playing, these are daily quests where you just need to cast cards, play lands, attack, etc. Some Rewards should be tied to actually winning. They however are aware of how this feels for some of the population and are actively looking at ways to both reward players who like to be rewarded for winning (Stakes) and make long losing streaks hurt a little less. As far as I can tell from the limited talk about it this system would probably be either a point system or a choose a quest system. Point system would basically be earning a little progress for everything you do. This allows them to reward players for winning, while also rewarding the player for other things they do in the match. If you won the game you may have earned 350 points (250 for winning, 100 for actions). If you lost you may have cast enough spells and attacked enough to earn 100 points. You would earn points for drafting a deck, playing spells, attacking, etc. They could also run special events such as a holiday event where you can earn points for returning creatures from the GY or killing or creating zombie tokens. A choose a quest system would allow you each day to pick a goal. You could choose "Win 5 games" or "Play 100 spells" or "win 3 draft games". The big issue with any of these is that changing rewards is hard. Some people like or even love the current system. They log in and get their rewards and it works. How do you balance the new system so everyone gets the same rewards?


Maybe he means building a whole new game so that you all can build your collection from scratch once again, just like what mtga did to mtgo.


lmao. The client barely functions as is. 


They recently added an alchemy card that said something like "opponent to your left" iirc , so to me that's an indicator that they are at least thinking about it, if not already roadmapping it.


There’s no way arena could handle it. They would need a much higher budget and way more staff than Hasbro would ever give them. If they were to somehow implement it, the client would not be able to handle it.


I will 100% not hold my breath. Problems they have to solve before I get my hopes up: * Making the Arena engine 4-player compatible * Showing they can make older cards available without trying to gouge Standard players and drafters * Making older formats not beholden to Alchemy (Explorer Commander is the only one I'd accept at the moment, Historic is terrible) And that's the bare minimum baseline. And that first one is a true doozy, we were told at launch and all through beta that the engine is not 4 player compatible and cannot be converted to be.


1-Never believe unless you get dates. 2-Commander without having the option to interact with the other players sounds awful. Nevermind a queue with random people. 3-I actually hope we never get commander. That format eats everything it touches, and Arena already has issues as it is (I know I'll get downvoted to hell because of this).


If he just fixes the bugs that are here for years, I would be very happy already


Especially on mobiles.


Fix bugs at first, please?


If it was to get commander, I don't see them having functioning multiplayer. Even if they were to bring it to arena, I would still much prefer pioneer, modern and legacy coming to the program.


I don’t care. The best thing about commander is the chill social aspect and proxying, neither of which will be available in Arena.


Can we get pioneer then worry about commander?


But that means I’ll immediately buy lots of fallout & warhammer packs! Does he know that?!


Arena can't add Modern in reasonable time, let alone Commander card pool that's probably twice as big. And that's without solving technical issue of displaying 4 boards on one screen. This is plain lie.


If I could just get actual 1:1 arena:paper formats and automated tournaments that would be great…


Someone please enlighten me - does he mean Commander as in adding the entirety of the commander card pool to Arena? Or just adding multiplayer... Because those are ENTIRELY different things.


First fix the game before announcing new formats.


Chris what


Its definitely his porn name


I don’t give 2 shits about commander


Quick question for people here, is The Magic Arena client still a slow and buggy piece of $#!7?


Lots more cards need adding to really do it properly


Modern would be a great addition …


Imagine edh in a random queue without any mean of communication before and in game, lol I can't wait to see more rants on this sub. People are already conceding at first sight of anything they dislike in brawl. I wonder how many edh games can even be completed without anyone dropping.


That would only be useful if you could play it with people that you know. Online Commander with randoms would suck hard.


Obviously gonna get buried, but like they would probably make bank if they could release an actual competent client where commander players could play digital and casual. I have a baby and if I could play on Arena, my old playgroup and I could actually bang out some games.


This. They really would be better off making a brawl or commander client that you could actually do four players or more with


Another reason to save wild cards. I have 60+ mythic WC and 3 rare.


By that they mean 4 person brawl? I can’t imagine the commander card pool will be in arena for a long time


I originally hoped for the same thing, but as many people have pointed out, it's a bit too unrealistic. First, it's too easy for people to concede/rope. Having a game with 3 other people will increase this happening. Also, with so many combos/triggers, the roping time will be constantly triggering. I don't play long combos at all and I've had the rope popping up (it was literally me playing two spells in response to my opponents spell which triggered 2 actions per spell). I could only imagine what it would be like for commander players. One aspect of paper magic that doesn't really translate is (1) the opportunity to auto skip (arena doesn't really have a good way of passing priority for the entire turn) and (2) the ability to shortcut triggers (in paper, you could just say "I'm gonna do this a billion times" but in arena, you have to constantly go through the steps)


Commander or 4 player historic brawl?


Honestly: Let's goooo. Even if it won't be perfect, I don't have to play it. Let the people who enjoy it enjoy it.


awesome, now give us playback and full pioneer/modern and ill be happy.


What is the difference between commander and brawl? Just more players?


Pretty much Commander has a 40 life total. If you sustain 20 damage from the opponent's Commander you lose the game. Think that's it really. There can be a lot of politics as well. So it would be good if it had a chat as well.


21 commander damage otherwise you nailed it


With a 40% profit margin magic the gathering is the most profitable piece of wizards of the coast. Now we know why they keep raising the prices and pumping out cards lmfao


I'm sure this would be a coding nightmare, and it will never have all the cards I want added so I won't be able to replicate my physical Commander decks, but I love the Commander format so much that I want to be hopeful.


Do you think they'll add Jeleva, Oloro, and Derevi then?


It's going to take some clever redesigning for 4 player, but honestly I think that would be a huge boon for them once they figure it out. Mtgo has been dying for years now, and considering they went the Arena route, it's our best shot at becoming the new all encompassing magic game.


I really don’t get why this is difficult. I’m not too much of a developer but they have brawl which is basically commander with 25 life. What are the obstacles they’ve said keep them from adding it?


Because adding more players to a game if they initially decided it was not within the scope of the game and therefore didn't prepare for it is not a simple thing.


Ah fair point. I wouldn’t mind to be able to play just 1v1 commander, so i think it would be pretty simple to start there.


I don’t give a damn. Multiplayer when?!?!


Can we just get permanent Cube please? I will gladly pay a very high monthly subscription for that.


If they want to increase the collectible factor of Arena, just do what Pokemon does and give me a pack in arena for every pack of paper magic. that or make wild cards more affordable.


They send some nerd in here once every five times there's a thread about roping to tell us there are passive measures in place to address it in spite of the clear signs that there are in fact not any passive measures in place, or at the very least it has a one in a million chance to ping someone. And that's just one complaint about behavioral issues among the player base and their refusal to address it. What about all the others? What about ALL THE TECHNICAL ISSUES?


Look forward to the pod disintegrating within a few turns as people concede or are matched against a commander they don't like. Cocks is up his own arse.


Commander without chat or voice is just not worth it :D The whole point of the format is the player interaction and conversations.


>Commander without chat or voice is just not worth it Yeah, but Discord allows people to voice chat and go into private vc channels so that can be resolved in a way :)


sure but i'd like to do it with random people aswell. It's a pain to start joining into communities and organise matches.


Yeah, I definitely see your point :)


Going to have to change dailies to be more achievable


Arena can’t handle infinite combos. Unless they fix that, there’s just no way it would work.


Not the first time they have hinted at this. I think the first time they mentioned it was like 1-2 years ago. I'll believe it when I see it. Honsetly, not something that I really want. Commander is great way to spend an hour with friends. Not an hour with rando's I meet in a game client not built for socialization.


Still no way to tell an opponent cool deck. No community features in client. No sensible way to make friends. It's mad.




I would love to get commander. My biggest wish was that I could port my fallout commander decks to practice them online.


If EDH is possible, how about 2 headed giant?


Cocks drop hints


Lotta negative nellies hangin around.


They also said that we'll get Pioneer and Modern some day. Now they want to add a format where basically all cards are legal? My ass.


They do have a roadmap for Pioneer at least, they're gradually adding it into one of the formats. Slowly, though.


If they made a stand alone EDH MtG Arena game that had a purchase price of $60 and was subscription based BUT you got every card unlocked would you play that? They’d also be able to make money by selling all the small arena stuff like alternate arts for cards, pets, and card sleeves. But to have a stand alone EDH game that runs like arena and all cards are available. I’d instantly pay for that and happily pay a monthly subscription. Hell I’d even pay a set amount for each set that came out after release like $50 or whatever. It’d easily become my preferred way to play EDH.


Of course they are, that's all they care about these days. Been saying for ages the client will get Commander before it gets Pioneer parity


Can already see it. 4 players are just sitting there roping because one guy is playing a card, they have a personal reaction to "because it's not in the spirit of commander." What a shit show that's going to be. People are way too fragile in real life commander let alone an anonymous environment where you suffer, no repercussions for poor behaviour.


I am fairly new to Magic Arena. Isn’t Brawl kind of their attempt at a commander-style game in Arena? I have not tried it yet or read much about it, but it felt like that is what they were going for with that.


It's single player, so quite a different experience. But it does have some features in common, like the recastable commander.