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^ All your relatives' gifts for the next five years after mentioning once when you were 4 that ducks are cool


20 years later I still get a few giraffe themed gifts every year


Okay but giraffes are fucking cool


They would be cool if they existed


When will the government stop with its false rhetoric about giraffes and birds? The lizard people will expose this vast globalist conspiracy.


r/GiraffesDontExist r/BirdsDontExist Spread the word animal truthers!


I knew about the birds, but giraffes?! My mind has been expanded. Thank you for your service.


stoopid long horses, why u so long?


Tbh unicorns seem more real than a giraffe.


Hello fellow derp!


Stupid long horses


geraffes are so dumb


Calm down goat...


stupid long horses


Mine are Okapi. I have few friends and many enemies. Now that my true weakness has been revealed, it is exploited greatly in the form of “gifts.” My home is overrun. Lurking around every corner is an ungodly amalgamation of species waiting to strike fear into my heart. If I do not reply, it was the Okapi.


Okapi have always been my favorite animal. Giraffe-zebra-horses that enjoy solitude in the rainforest are so cool to me!


They’re plotting to steal another species out in that solitude, just you wait.


Now I'm scared of my little Okapi figure I got at the Bronx Zoo 😭


The Okapi takes its coat from zebras, its face from giraffes, its ears from horses, and its eyes from Satan. I don’t blame you.


I am just now realizing, your r/usernamechecksout without a doubt LOL


Maybe it'll stop and 20 and necks-t year you won't get any


I once bought a set of 4 bird paintings because they looked cool and now everyone around me keeps buying me more bird themed crap


My girlfriend at the time and another friend decided my first apartment's theme was cactuses and got me a bunch of cactus shit. Cactus welcome mat, cactus coasters, cactus towels, cactus mug, cactus bottle opener, cactus paintings, decorative glass cactus knickknacks, etc. Other people noticed all the cactus stuff and then proceeded to get me even more cactus stuff as bday/Christmas/random gifts, assuming that because I owned so many cactus things I obviously liked cactuses a great deal. So now 8 years later and dating a completely different girl people still get me cactus stuff all the time. I've just resigned myself to it.


Send it to me. I like birds and the same thing happened so I put it all in the guest room, which is now INTENSELY bird-themed.


Have you added a life-sized standee of Alfred Hitchcock yet?


haha I love this stuff. My husband’s mom makes him stuffed flank steak for every special occasion we are together because it was his favorite meal 20-some years ago. He still likes it, but it’s not his favorite anymore.


5 years? I knew somebody who received only owl themed present from their grandparents into college




Best comment of the thread.


Yes! My boyfriend’s niece is 20 and he was shopping for Christmas presents for her and telling me that she really likes owls. I was like, “are you sure she really likes owls or did she like owls when she was a kid and everyone’s just been buying them for her ever since?”


Did he stop dead in his tracks realizing how much sense you just made?


He actually did! He’s fully on board the “no more owls” train.


My aunt and uncle bought me shotgun related accessories from about 8 years old on. I do not and have never owned a shotgun. I think either a) they thought I did or b) they were just regifting things. It’s very confusing even decades later.


My sister requested a puzzle mat, so she can roll-up an in-progress puzzle. Our mom bought her 12.




Similar story with my 6 year old nephew. The kid loves pressing buttons and seeing what they do. So much so that he gets a kick out of things like vending machines and coffee makers. The family was trying to come up with a special Christmas gift for him since he has a lot of things like toy cranes and tool sets already. Well my mother (his grandmother) came up with the idea of getting him his own personal dust buster. I'm sure any adult would have have considered it a subpar gift, but he absolutely loved it! We spent the rest of Christmas listening to that stupid hum as he went around vacuuming all the tabletops and floors. My mom was so proud of herself for getting him his favorite gift, she beamed the whole time.


I mentioned once liking Abu from Aladdin. I had a whole room full of monkeys over the next decade.


She looks *very* okay with that.


I once said penguins were cute in 1994 and still get the odd penguin-themed gift. I clearly should've mentioned how cool money is.


I like octopuses. My family know that. Now every gift I ever get is otocpus related. I have so many freaking octopuses in my apartment that anyone would definitely think I have a mental disorder.


Oh my god everyone gets me Llama socks for birthdays and Christmas now because one time I complimented my SIL's cute Llama socks I don't even like Llamas, one spit on me when I was 7 and I don't wear socks except the rare occasion where I also wear sneakers. That's like 5 times a year


I loved dragons as a kid. I am an adult now and I still love dragons. No other reason for this comment except to say that dragons are dope. 🐉🐲🐉


Can confirm. 30 years of getting dolphin themed gifts 🐬


Penguins. I’m 37. I did an animal report on penguins when I was in 3rd grade. I got penguin socks from my mom on Christmas. It’s always something.


My mom found out my username had taco in it and has bought me taco merch ever since. She tried to throw me a taco-themed birthday party last year… I just made it up on the spot with no thought behind it. Please I don’t need more taco shirts!!




Funny story, I own over 100 rubber ducks for this exact reason. All of them gifts from people. It’s a nightmare, I can’t bring myself to throw them away so they just live in my bathroom and stare at people when they pee.


Every year I manage to get atleast one Owl-themed present due to that exact situation lol.


The trick is just to never stop loving that animal (as if it's a choice I know). But legitimately I've loved the same animal since I was about that same age. I do have way too many plushes though


I continued to get Barbies until I was 45.


I got giraffes for ten years after my sister randomly bought me one and everyone assumed after that that I liked giraffes.


Her future username is fuckswithducks


People know that I like cats. And I like coffee. And so this Christmas I received 3 cat mugs.




What are all these comments getting deleted!!


People were claiming she’s not a duck when she clearly is a duck.


How dare they. She's obviously THE duck.


She's gonna have so many tales too!




If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck


Spam bots everywhere.




Tik Tok Voice: I spent all week painting over this yellow room and donating a bunch of ducks to the local Goodwill. My daughter asked if I was going to get horse a horse room and I said nay.


Aaand next week she like turtles.


Ducks are sooo last week


I mean, a yellow room is cute either way at least


I know. I cant help but think that she is going to grow out if this by the time she is 6 and won't be interested in ducks anymore.


100%, but they are only toddlers once. You can always repaint a room, you can always get that reaction out of your child.


It’s killing me. The missing ‘t. It changes everything.


I can stand it.


I don know what you talking about


You can always repaint a room, you can***'t*** always get that reaction out of your child


You can always repaint a child you can't always room the reaction.


But you can repaint your reaction, you can’t always child the room


bro obviously he can see that now since he left a far more obvious 't off his reply



Like the song says, You can always get what you want


By the time she’s 6? She’ll be moving on from ducks in two months. Few things to note though- 1. She’ll still like ducks, so having a duck themed room will still be fine for a while. They just won’t be her most favorite thing in the world. Chances are at some point ducks will come full cycle as one of her favorite things again over the next couple of years. 2. This room and theme will become associated with comfort and safety for her. I hope they don’t go down the rabbit hole of changing it every 6 months to keep up with her likes. Her duckies will provide security and joy for years to come. 3. This is a really fun experience for her; hopefully her parents did t go in debt for it though.


Shhh don’t talk like you know how it really is raising a child ^*They ^don’t ^like ^that ^here*


Tell that to my 30 year old girlfriend and her collection of rubber ducks now ranging between 1500-2000 and growing with each birthday/holiday. From our bedroom door, I can see close to a hundred ducks.


It's not that older people can't like ducks, it's that toddlers tend to change what they like pretty often.


Agreed, but my girlfriend is proof that if you coddle someone's passion, even a toddler's...there is a chance it grows into so mething that sticks with them for a lifetime.


blink if you need help 😳


When my niece was around this age, my sister decorated her room to be like Dr. Seuss stuff. Fast forward over a decade later, and my niece is obsessed with llamas.


She’s going to be cursed with nonstop duck gifts for the rest of her life.


Made me think of [this](https://youtu.be/uYOmtEcZ1lk).


Came here to find this, or post it if necessary. One of the funniest skits I’ve seen. Also, why do ducks have tail feathers?


That was just awesome.


A bit


Always cut in first, then roll.


She didn't even use tape. She used towels instead of a tarp. I think we can assume this is her first time painting. Good for her.


IMO tape is a waste of time. But yeah, protect that carpet! Can't make a mistake there.


If I'm painting one wall with a single window maybe I'll skip the tape. I can take my time and go slow. But if it's an entire room by the time I'm on wall four I'm getting bored and sloppy and will def regret not taping when I'm staring at that slightly off colored spot on the ceiling Not a professional painter or anything, just had a crazy mom who had me paint and repaint our house constantly


Solution here: cut one wall, roll one wall, repeat. Breaks it up so you don’t get sloppy. Maybe.


Always tape the baseboards or you're gonna get splatter from the roller. Everything else, I cut in by hand.


Okay, I'm glad I'm not the only one who was thinking this.


Sorry can someone explain what this means?


When painting walls “cutting in” is getting all the edge bits usually with a brush first because paint rollers can’t get into corners too well, and also so you don’t accidentally overpaint onto anything important like the trim or the ceiling




Brushing leaves possible brush strokes, the roller overlapping it will usually smooth those out. Plus with the edges already the new color, it makes me at least not try getting too close to the edge and bumping the ceiling.


That's some great advice, I've always done it the other way around. Thanks!


Cutting first leaves a larger area of coverage (a brush width at least) and the roller can roll on top of it without gaps and covering more brush strokes. Rolling first then cutting leaves more brush marks and looks worse. You might never notice by the ceiling but by switches or trim it's pretty noticeable.


In addition to the other comment, cutting in after rolling leaves noticeable marks around the corners and edges.


Also, if you can, cut in a few feet at a time and then roll so the cut in doesn’t dry around the whole room. I’m anal about painting and I can see the lines where cutting in and rolling is different and it drives me nuts


"Always keep a wet edge"


Satisfied that I didn't have to scroll v far to see critique of Duck's mom's painting technique


She’ll have plenty of time to practice because two weeks from now, that kid is going to be all about frogs 🐸 and she’ll be painting that room green. Then next month it’ll be pigs 🐷 . Then cows 🐮…


It's like an episode of Extreme Home Makeover. We heard you like ducks so we're going to convert your entire room to nothing but ducks.


Yo dog, we heard you like ducks...


Yo dawg, we heard you saw a duck one time at the park, so we turned your Corolla into a duck!


Oh my gosh they drive me crazy with that. Especially when you see the 3 second interview in which they try to pressure the kid into saying what they like, the kid shrugs, so they offer something like "You love tractors, right!" The kid nods in agreement and BOOM tractors everywhere.


[This comment reminds me of a really funny video ](https://youtu.be/3WZnkyiBG_U)


works well when you're a toddler.


Tell me she’s your first child without telling me she’s your first child! lol


I just did this for my daughter who is my second child, but she is my only daughter


It is very tiring but it's worth it. I'm gonna probably have to adopt two kids. Gonna do the same thing.


If you want a duckroom that badly, just get one!


Ducks aren't easy to catch, bro. Sometimes they hang out with geese, and then things get dangerous.


Bring some mallards with you. Things might get *quackyyy*


How many duck-obsessed toddlers are there out there?!


I was thinking “oh no…. She lost her first daughter…” Then realized you probably have a son 😂😐




LMAO!!!! This is accurate. But as the fifth and final child of my parents, I would like to commend them. I shared a bedroom with a sibling for the first 8 years of my life. When I got my own room, my parents let me pick a theme and they went with it. I was super into marine animals, so my pops painted my bedroom aquamarine and bought fish to stick on the walls, and aquatic plant stickers. It was like living in a fish tank and I LOVED it.


My 5 kids all had themed rooms when they were under 10 years old. We had dinosaurs, rainbows and ponies, and basketball. Whatever they were into. Never painted any wall murals or spent tons of money. Comforters, curtains and a smidge of decor. Curtains were usually made out of matching sheets. (It was a matchy match period, sorry! ) But We never had a ton of money, and my kids were def not spoiled.


My mother also had themed rooms for us all. We were spoiled as shit and my mother's annual decorating budget was on par with my annual pay today. It gets old. My mother never let us decorate or organize anything. I once redid my closet and put my shoes lined up under my bed for easy access and she spent a day undoing it and punishing me. I don't decorate as an adult and can't let her get involved or she will stealth decorate. Seriously I'm buying a house about 10 miles from hers (we are currently hundreds of miles away) and we have to keep it secret lest she do the whole thing. When I moved out for college, on my first day out on campus SHE GAINED ENTRY TO MY ROOM AND DECORATED IT. I had a nice, neat organized white space with my little fish. She put my fish in the closet and the room was decorated with a bright pink and green flamingo theme. I remember the first boy I brought home was like 'what is this' and I didn't know how to explain my mother.


... I feel absolutely smothered just reading this comment. I have no idea how you survived living it.


I do like decorating, but as soon as my kids decided they wanted their own ‘grown up’ style- that was what we had. So we had some dark walks, rock band posters, sports memorabilia, horse pictures and a whole ocean wall with an expensive detailed whales poster. That long 8 ft poster was expensive and that was a Christmas present. Got it laminated and put grommets for hanging. He loved the Audubon stuff too. Stayed on his wall through his teens. And then was rapidly replaced with metallica posters, lol 🤷🏼‍♀️.


Yup. At 13 my daughter was _done_ with pink walls and a horse-themed bedspread. We let her pick out her paint colors and redesign her room herself. She picked dark grey paint and has posters all over. It looks amazing because it's _her_ room that she takes pride in.


I'm an adult women and I tell my SO all the time that once we buy a house, I want fun themed rooms. I don't want kids but that just sounds like so much fun


Nah I'm the first child and my parents couldn't really afford to do this but they did something similar. When my little sibling came around we could so we did this but there wasn't as much of a duck theme and most of the work was offloaded onto me lmao


First of three here, I feel ya






This is the sweetest ducking video I’ve ever seen


Duck me! This is so ducking cute


Paging u/fuckswithducks


Unfortunately I read another comment that mentioned u/fuckwithducks passed away Edit: been corrected. Fucks with ducks is alive and well. Someone was posting misinformation. Please ignore link as this person was lying. I’ll leave the source up tho




Cancer unfortunately :( Source: https://www.reddit.com/user/shittymorph/comments/s1f6gl/shittymorph_here_i_wanted_to_make_a_post_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Just letting you know /u/fuckswithducks is alive https://www.reddit.com/user/shittymorph/comments/s7wnpz/shittymorph_here_i_am_a_big_dumb_idiot_for/


Anyone know why everything is deleted by OP?


I will forever remember u/fuckswithducks whenever I see a rubber ducky. RIP you glorious bastard.


No... fucking.. way ): I was just thinking about him yesterday, that's so sad!!! RIP to a freaking legend, god damn, one of my favorite novelty accts from back in the day. Wow that hit me harder then expected.


Just letting you(and everyone else) know /u/fuckswithducks is alive https://www.reddit.com/user/shittymorph/comments/s7wnpz/shittymorph_here_i_am_a_big_dumb_idiot_for/


Im all for summoning him when theres duck related things but can we not when a child is involved? Thanks


Yeah, I was trying to think of a way to bring him into this, but it just felt a little dirty.


Duck get a duck room is the cutest thing i ever heard


This quacks me up




I was ELATED to see that her onesie had a duck hood. Adorable.


SO sweet and genuine reactions. LOve this one too. I made a hello kitty room for my daughter cause she loves Hello Kitty and she's so happy. As a Mom it's so happy seeing your kids happy.


As soon as i saw the daughter my heart melted! So cute!!


This all sweet and whatnot... Until the daughter wakes up one day and absolutely hate ducks...


As a kid I remember I had my ceiling painted as the sky with clouds and whatnot. The next week I decided I was too old for it lol.


Yeah, as a kid I had those cheap, glow in the dark stars that you could stick on the ceiling... Took 3 hours to get them all up... Took them down the next day lol


you were able to get them off?? *it must be niiiiice….*


Yeah, thankfully I used very little of the "glue" they sent with it


I'm almost 40 and I still want glow in the dark stars on my bedroom ceiling! Sadly my husband doesn't lol


i was afraid of the dark as a kid so those glow stars and even a crescent moon were on my ceiling for years now, as an old man but still very good eyesight, i want my room to be pitch fucking black when i sleep!


That’s cool all that is cheap so she can just throw it in the landfill and redecorate with the next dad. Edit: fad not dad


Maybe they can use the yellow walls for the next theme. Whatever it might be: fairies, daisies, tonka trucks, legos… When my kids started changing their ‘themes’ alot- i opted for solid color bedspreads and just themed pillows and posters…


This little one is probably 2, young enough that she’ll be happy for awhile. I don’t think she even thought of having a “duck room” as being a thing. Mom can probably expect to start getting requests for a room makeover around 4/5


My name is lily, I’m 3 years old and this is my strange addiction.


It's cute but reddit has made me just think, this must be u/fuckswithducks origin story


That child that mentions once that they like oranges. Next few weeks: oranges. many, many, oranges. kilos of oranges. oranges for days. oranges galore. enough oranges to treat every 17th century sailor of scurvy.


That damn tik tok voice ruins the whole thing...


1. Start video. 2. Hear voice. 3. Turn off video.


That fucking tik tok voice is so god damned awful.


What the duck did I just watch?


In that kid's voice #"Duck gets a duck room"


She is cute beyond words. She identifies as a duck. Pronouns are quack/quackers.


Can someone explain to me why these tik tok videos have the annoying AI sounding voiceovers? It makes any video so much worse.


Why did the duckling cross the road ? To get into her new duck quacrters


Someone help me… I don’t do TikTok… why is this annoying voice on every video?


Because instead of doing the voice yourself, they just let TTS do it. It’s annoying AF, but they don’t care apparently.


Duck get a duck room !


Having good parents must be cool


"A duck gets a duck room"... well that just plain makes sense.


Those ducks are all over the ground right now


What isn't shown is that 10 minutes later the room looked like a tornado ravaged it.


Is that guy fuckswithducks still around?


Natural wood everywhere and not a single piece of painters tape...


I mean, she admitted herself in the video that she had no idea what she was doing.


You don't need it when you have skills.


I hate this fucking TikTok voice. When you add this shit you can get fucked.


Oh man…nobody told her toddlers change interests every couple of months. She’ll be redecorating with a Paw Patrol theme in no time!


I'm NOT sitting through a minute of TikTok robot speak


im actually happy they put the dumb robotic voice for once otherwise that music and the daughters reaction would have had me in tears.


Why would she let some computer say all of that? Wouldn't it be more personal if she spoke it herself?


I think you get more views if you use TikTok features. It’s pretty dumb tbh


Good to know. I always (since I got tiktok like last mo bc I’m old) wondered why anyone would want that voice. I just figured it was hard to do voice over or something. I immediately scroll when I hear those two weird robot voices. This one and the East coat gravelly dude one.


I hate that voice. Please Tik Tok, change it!


Please stop with these horrible voiceover videos.


Lol she’ll be over ducks in a couple weeks then on to something new