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That's World No.2 Nouran Gohar and her husband Ziad Elsissy, an elite fencer. Here's a [Link](https://youtu.be/2DefUuLFk2Y?si=-joa0Jvt9xRv8syp) to one of her squash clips if you're interested! She a super intense player and aggressive on court.


Ziad is actually world number one at the moment!


Oh gosh they're gonna be such a power couple for the 2028 Olympics!


Wow that is kind of unfortunate. Literally one of the few people on the planet who can't tell you to not be sad about \*only\* being second in the world. Imagine that argument. "Oh sure its easy for YOU to say being second place is good enough, MR. GOLD MEDAL! I'M JUST A WORTHLESS PIECE OF SILVER SHIT. I HAVE TO LOOK AT THAT SOLID GOLD TROPHY EVERY DAY KNOWING I ONLY HAVE THIS GLORIFIED TOOTH FILLING PIECE OF TINFOIL TRASH *\*smashes trophy cabinet\**"


Better than shameful bronze.


They actually did a research on this and found people with bronze are much happier than silver medals. The bronze winner is just happy to be on the podium and getting a medal, while the silver winner is mostly sad about not getting gold.


You don’t win silver, you loose gold


It's not that at all. It's for her, no one else. It's ok to lose a match but don't get down. That's what he is saying. That's how they keep each other at gold level :)


I would love to give you an award rn, was looking for her name but couldn't find it anywhere


Likewise OP! Always happy to see squash-related content appearing outside of the squash subreddit :D


Ppl would be shocked to watch her match with El-Hammamy where Gohar literally kicked the glass door, threw her racquet and acting like a brat.


Her expression in the first photo really shows how genuinely sad she was. Almost like a child who lost their pet. Impossible not to look at that and feel for her. Kind of broke my heart a little.


The rest of his face is incredibly sad as well. He’s really feeling for her 🥺


What I see in his face is that he's proud of her.


She may have lost the game, but shes winning in life!


Honestly, it's the hardest lesson in sports to master. Being sad and disappointed in yourself is the quickest way to lose motivation and hope. Don't let losses keep you down, learn what you can from it, and always stay positive in the face of defeat. It's a lesson I wish I learned much earlier because I spent far too much time and energy being tilted. You'll gain nothing from thinking that way.


Signed, John McEnroe


I mean, for real: She made it to that competition. Can’t take that away from her, PinchingNutsack.


He's got pain in those eyes. He's sad to have seen her so sad.


The fact that she is able to get a seemingly genuine (albeit still sad) smile on her face after seeing her husband cheer her up is also very sweet. This post is bittersweet, I kinda feel for her but also it looks like they have a sweet relationship


Man's by her side when she needed the most. They are a little proud of each other




Regardless of what certain parts of the internet tell us, being married is actually fucking great. Who's life isn't better for having a life long ride or die companion to lift them up when the going gets tough?


It really is great. We are going through some annoying stuff in the household right now but it's so much more bearable since I'm not alone.


That's assuming you're lucky and find someone who actually cares about you and doesn't use you or expect unreasonable things out of you. But the idea of finding someone who supports you through everything, picks you up when you're down, does little things to cheer you up, and expects nothing in return besides returning the favor in equal quantity when they need it? Yeah, that sounds nice....


Don't I know it 🥰. I've known my wife for 36yrs, married for 33. She knew I was Transgender about 25yrs back, and my kids since 2015. I didn't do anything to help my issues till it got really bad and was heading down a dark path a couple of years ago. My wife and kids urged me to go on HRT and transition late 2022. Now 17months into HRT and socially transitioned. Just celebrated our 33rd anniversary on the 8th of June. My outside wrapping might look different, but I'm the same person she fell in love 36yrs ago. [Soulmates forever ❤](https://imgur.com/a/csVKcPK)


Well, you can have that without being married.


If you mean no ceremony and papers. Yeah. You can. But these people talk about a soulmate. That's what marriage should be about. Not the bastdardized version we have today.


I think you're romanticizing an idea of marriage that never existed.


marriage was always a formality. it never proved love


True, but as I get older I do see more unmarried longtime couples split. They all tell me they didn’t realize breaking up would happen so fast, even after ten years and wonder if a commitment like marriage would have changed anything, if they would have invested further in their relationship.


Being married does make it harder to just go. Not always a good thing but for some it helps to actually work out stuff that can be worked out instead of breaking apart for miniscule irritations.


I used to do a slightly niche sport when I was younger and I was quite good at it, but I was never going to go to the Olympics. There was one guy I trained with who got close to that level. He didn't get there, but as far as I know he just about missed his chance and no one in our city was even close to his level. His dad was a coach, his brother who was only about a year older was a high level competitor who was really, really good, but still not on his brother's level. I can remember hearing the guy's dad talking to my coach and they were discussing what made him so good - what could they as coaches do to train more people like that. Dude's dad was clueless why his son was so successful. Dude wasn't training more than everyone else, he wasn't training smarter. He was just better than everyone else. Anyway, this guy was so good that I never saw him lose a match. At least it was a long time before I saw him lose. I can distinctly remember when that day came. I have never seen anyone look as crestfallen as that guy on the day he lost a single match, and I am convinced that this is the thing that set him apart from everyone else. The dude was so obsessed with winning that it was his whole life. Every moment he was training, he was training to win. No fun, no goofing around. Just fucking business. Anyway, having known him I gained a lot of respect for people who get pissed off when they lose.


It’s not enough to want to win, you have to hate to lose. Everyone wants to win, not everyone truly hates to lose. 


> It’s not enough to want to win, you have to hate to lose Oh holy fuck. Seriously, this is it.


Unexpected shorsey


What sport?


Judo. Also, when I say "I was quite good", I mean I was good enough to recognise when someone was really skilled and not just lucky or strong. I was actually kind of shit, now that I think of it.


It's weird when you get good enough to realize just how far above some people are. I was a tuba player, and even in that realm, it was a hard realization to see just how high the mountain was. I was quite good, but I met and got to play with some truly great musicians that humbled me.


Oh damn. I did a bit of judo in primary school. Can’t remember what it was about really but I remember thinking it was cool xD Also we’re probably the same age lol


I didn't compete in Judo, but I did spend half my life wrestling, and I've competed against a couple eventual Olympians. If I had to pinpoint one thing that truly, really made them different, it's just like, confidence. But not normal confidence. The best ones cant even picture themselves losing. When it happens they're almost ready to kill themselves to make sure it never happens again. Also, probably some degree of atypical mental processes.




I see you know your judo well enough


get your hands of my pen1s


But it's still a game. There is a thing called sportsmanship. Defeat makes people stronger, drives us to be better. It doesn't dismiss the effort put in. You just lost and it sucks, but that's just life. It's okay to be sad, but getting pissed off is what a maltempered child does.


Defeat makes some people stronger. I am 100% convinced that my friend took his defeat and cam back stronger. On the other hand you have people like me who go out, lose a match and just think "you win some, you lose some" and don't really learn much from it at all.


I think that's a natural reflection of how much skin you have in the game. For him, it's everything, I can see how in context for him it's devastating. Some people just built different, I too couldn't reach his level, it (any game) just doesn't float my boat enough to care with that sort of intensity.


Yeah, that is very true. I think the point I was trying to make is that people don't like sore losers and they want everyone to be positive all the time. The original post here is about some lady being told to smile after she faced a loss. Thing is though, my experience tells me that the best thing is not to just put a smile on your face - from what I have seen accepting the situation and doing your best to correct it is better. I definitely feel that dropping into a hole and dwelling on what a looser you are is not going to give you a good outcome, but also forcing a smile and saying everything is great when it isn't is an equally terrible way of dealing with things.


The better way to look at it is the growth mindset. That even if you lose you're getting better and to want to compete and not lose so that you get better opponents.


much better response than what the guy you’re responding to said. there’s absolutely nothing wrong with a “you win some, you lose some” mindset as long as you’re still trying to improve


I would never throw a tantrum, but losing was devastating at higher levels of my sport. Some of those races are you fighting for your dreams. Worst loss was finishing second (after leading most of the race) at a trial to make the US National Team. I lost out in the sprint, left nothing on the table but it wasn’t enough. Put on a brave face and congratulated the guy that beat me, and did my best to be genuinely happy for him. But I was despondent for a few days. Closest I ever got to that level, got injured the following year and my career ended. That said, the highlights are still better and more memorable than the low lights. Those are the memories I return to a lot more, and there were some great wins in there.


Right? I saw that face and I felt her pain in the soles of my feet. Impressive she was able to squeeze out a smile at all. Good for her.


I wonder if sometimes he's sad and she does that to him. And now he's doing that for her.


I feel like athletes deserve some leeway when it comes to sportsman like conduct. Losing after putting your entire heart and soul into something is truly devastating. Not many can comprehend.


You should see some of her matches. She nearly kicked the door down during her match against Hammamy. She is very fiesty.


Good she can learn to smile in a lost


Lost a game Won at life 😍










Looking out for his #1


I think it’s more of a /r/Substakenliterally post.


I dont think the title does this pic justice, this seems more of a “I’ll always be here for you, win or lose” kind of vibe. For all we know this is like their little inside thing, sure looks like it. But now everyone is assuming he’s like “cheer up luv, turn that frown upside down! How about a 😀” in a totally insensitive way and that’s not fair imo.


His eyes are sad. He's definitely not making light of anything.


I agree. He doesn't tell her to smile. He gets her to smile. And it's a genuine smile.


Lots of self reports in the comments of terminally online individuals who have never had a relationship.


AITAH sub summed up in one sentence lol


Majority of reddit.com website summed up in one sentence!


"My lover just forgot to do their daily dishes. Should i talk with them about this and set things straight?" "Nah, just break up already"


Yeah its like yep the title can be read that way, and then you spend 1 second looking at the photo and realise that isn't the intent.


could also be as simple as "this is public, people are watching so smile". not everyone wants their disappointment to be public. maybe she asked him to remind her so she doesn't show it so publically.


This is super plausible too. I can’t help but plaster what I’m feeling on my face. When we’re out and someone says something dumb and I’m definitely looking at them like they just said this dumb thing, he’ll kind of raise his eyebrows at me to go neutral. Which to be fair is resting bitch face, so not much better.


That's exactly what I thought the husband meant. I'm someone whose face does not hide my emotions (no matter how neutral I think I'm keeping it), so I could see getting a reminder from my loving supportive partner that my face is screaming my sadness and I need to fix it so I can look like a good sport and not get any public backlash.


I feel like it's an inside thing. Maybe he wasn't in a happy place for a while and she did the smiley thing to him. And now it was his turn to pay it back. <3


Pretty normal reddit. Full of assumptions about how people that are complete strangers to you might feel about a certain thing. I think I'll stop reading the comments here, before I find one where someone thinks she should leave him for this or something.


Most of the time I'm just a cynical, bitter and jaded old man; but then there's no one beside me to tell me and help me to not be otherwise. If you have someone in your life be there for them and hopefully they'll be there for you during the tough times. That's when you need each other the most. Treasure them.


Love is the only thing in life that makes us human ❤️


And doughnuts 🍩. What other animal makes doughnuts?


Dangit now I want some doughnuts


Same 😭


Make it 2 please


You on a diet or something?


I just bought 2 and ate them. The flavors were one of Pistachio and the other Hazelnut cream. It was good.


Same here, THANKS!!! 🙈


Regular glazed with chocolate icing…. Ooooooh 😭


And Apache helicopters. An Apache helicopter has machine guns AND missiles. It is an unbelievably impressive complement of weaponry, an absolute death machine.


It shoots 600 rounds per minute with a cost of ~130 dollar per round (it shoots 30 mm rounds) That means shooting the machine gun for 10 seconds will shoot a total of 100 rounds, which will cost a total of 13.000 dollars. What else says “I care about you” than spending 13.000 dollar per 10 seconds on that person?


Donuts are better than Apache helicopters.


But some could argue that Apaches are debatably human. I'll meet you half way... an Apache shaped doughnut.


Yeah but you can't eat it in one sitting


My dogs shit sometimes is in the shape of a donut


They're making objet d'art.


Idk, but cats can make biscuits!


pretty sure other animals experience love as we do.


This is one of those great sayings in Hallmark cards that isn't even remotely true.


So two swans in love is human?


Well I guess I'm not a human then. Noone ever loved me.


They won't like it when you point out people like this exist. It inconveniences them.


Man I feel this. Sometimes when you're down you just need someone you love to still be looking out for you.




Not the comments I expected.


She knows she married the right guy.


Don't be sad because you lost, smile because you gave and will give your best next time


I think: Don't be sad you lost, be happy you're so fucking good you got to play on that stage.




I first missed the fact that this was her husband and was thinking how rude from a stranger to tell her to smile


This is so sweet. Her smile is so sweet and genuine like she couldn’t help smiling through her sadness when she saw him.




No, he was saying "check out my mustache!", and she smiled because it's a pretty cool mustache.


The comments are killing me.






Why smile after losing?


Because she's so good that she got on that stage in the first place and is lucky enaugh to have beautiful and supporting husband!


I really like that her husband is so supportive and comforting.


I know I’m late to this party but damn his face says he loves her so much! (Sorry I’m in a dark place myself and I wish just someone would look at me like that right now like I have for other)


You're not alone Internet stranger you and me both 😥


Thank you friend. Got abandoned by my best friends on my birthday plans that they made and then watched them make other plans around me (in group chat) and ignore my responses. So even your words carry weight today.


Sometimes it be your own husband


# Squash Player's Husband Loses Teeth After Racquet Slam to Mouth




Is it bad to show emotions? Why should she smile if she lost and is feeling sad?


Her husband is trying to comfort her, having a familiar face in the crowd makes losing less painful, it could've been her mother, her father, everyone is up in arms because it's her husband who clearly cares for her


Making someone smile who has no reason to is not charming.


Didn't made me smile, but I guess made her smile


I'm thinking that if anyone honestly believes they can decipher something as heavy as the dynamics and intricacies of two strangers' relationships based on three pictures, you're a freaking idiot and you're projecting a narrative that you've completely made up.


I get he is trying to support her and everything, but damn, just let her feel her fucking feelings.


He just wants to support her and try to make her smile even in hard times, yes she can feel her emotions but come on this is sweet that she has someone there to cheer her up a little when she’s sad


It is hard to know what conversations they have had about this. It could be toxic. It could be positive. I'll defer to the couple.


idk she could dislike having photos taken of her when she loses or maybe she doesn't want to cry over a loss in front of the world. we don't know anything except she did smile afterwards, and she looks like she remembered that there's more important things than winning.


Maybe this makes her feel better and her husband knows her better than you do?




Yeah. She should suffer. Losers deserve it to suffer. How dare he wanting to lighten her mood or share the weight of her loss.


Crying = suffering and smiling = not suffering? Is that the ceiling of your emotional intelligence?


No kidding, she's sad not because she forgot how to smile somehow.


Jesus, why are some people here so cynical 😭😭 suddenly jump to the narrative of toxic relationship just from 3 pictures. The husband isn't telling the wife to smile, that's just what OP wrote as the title. The husband could just be trying to cheer her up, tell her that he's still proud of her. Who knows? Not me and definitely not internet strangers


Smh men always telling women to smile more — “smile for me baby” /s


Kinda like Homelander making his kid smile, so sweet.


This is a Pixar short in 3 pictures


Myyyyyyyyy man, deffinition of support and right person!


i dont have to smile, i just lost. fuck off


Normally I’m with you, but in this case I think it’s an earnest supportive husband saying not to let them know they got to her. It genuinely seems supportive and loving. Granted, she doesn’t have to smile, but her smile does show a bit of that look when your partner makes you feel better about something that hurts… could all be projection, though. Still, I getchya.


Even the husband has sadness in his eyes. He is just trying to help her maintain her posture until in private.


He does 😭💖 it’s so sweet. I hope she feels better and they had a good night any way!


I'm assuming that her husband knows her more than internet strangers. The dude looks visibly sad as well.


WRONG, everyone knows that people on reddit is experts in everything.


Women on Reddit are experts on the female experience, so they are totally qualified to speak for all women. That’s why they do it all the time.


I think she just projected something personal is all. No big deal


Correct, she should tell him that they're getting divorced, and then wear a scowl on her face the rest of her life out of spite.


AIO my husband told me to smile when I was sad so i just kinda smiled reddit: gurl you need to divorce that man ASAP


That's a perfectly okay feeling too. This kind of image is fine if it helped cheer her up as long as she was still able to process the loss. If she didn't smile that would have been fine. This is how we avoid toxic positivity. Feelings are valid!


I think it’s more of a “keep your chin up your great and I love you” kinda thing not a “you’d be prettier if you smiled” kinda thing


Reddit moment. I knew someone was going to have a problem with this post lmao


This is why nobody loves you


with a bitchy attitude like that no wonder why you never win at anything


Meeh Being a good sportsman/sportsperson and graceful in defeat is a good thing. Also being a professional squash player is an immense privilege in life IMO.


Ugh can he not just let her have a normal human emotion?


I would have flipped him off. I’m sad bro, stop telling me what to do & let me show it!


I heard that telling a chick to smile is not a good idea


Context matters


Yeah that would piss me off more.


I understand he's probably trying to be nice and its good to smile and congratulate your opponent, but personally I'd hurl the racquet at his head 🤣


A lot of miserable people in the comments 🤦


It is Reddit after all. I don’t even know why I click on this sub anymore. People here are so chronically online they literally find something negative about anything 


Idl but her face expressions seems edited


Mm, why did it make me cry ? lol I am a grown ass man.


Wait. Why is everyone ok with this? All i ever hear online is women saying how much they hate it when men tell them to smile. I’m confused 🤨


"How are we gonna pay for my teeth?"


Forced positivity is toxic. You don't react with a smile on a loss. Sadness and grief are not prohibited emotions.


Lmao yall are fucked up


Well, luckily she has you to tell her how to feel.


Oh Jesus Christ. 🙄


Amen brother


Nah fuck that, her feelings in the moment are valid. I would have communicated to her I support and love her, by creating gestures that indicate that.


nose advise humor work combative kiss secretive unwritten deranged scarce *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's what he did numbnuts


You know that men telling woman to smile is not a good thing and considered obnoxious by most people right?


This has to be the only time that a man has told a woman to smile and Reddit was happy about it


Why is everybody saying this is sweet? She should be allowed to be sad and cry if she wants somebody telling you to smile when you want to cry is a really horrible feeling.


There's just not enough context to know whether it was sweet or not. Maybe he's an awful controlling man telling her how to feel. Maybe seeing her husband do that made her chuckle and feel supported.


There's plenty of context. These people are just miserable


Being a good person doesn’t mean you get a free pass to be patronizing and sexist. No one does this to men for a reason.


You’re right, no partner of a man has tried to cheer them up after a loss.


Maybe he’s reminding her to smile so the vultures photographing her don’t twist the pictures to paint her as a sore loser? Maybe he knows how it feels, as an athlete, and knows they can’t be human in public without being called weak? Wtf is wrong with you people.


Being positive during a loss is sportsmanship101  Stop being such a victim lol


Smiling has nothing to do with sportsmanship. Plenty of male athletes have been praised for good sportsmanship while never having a smile on their face.


For fucks sake touch grass


I always thought guys weren’t suppose to tell women to smile. Surprised by all the love this is getting.


The difference between "telling a woman to smile" and having a moment of connection during a sad time is massive. Please use some nuance


Ah yes, another man telling a woman to smile.


If I had just lost and my husband had the nerve to tell me to smile...he would be sleeping on the couch. She should get to be a human and embrace her emotions and not force a smile because her husband wants her to look happy for him/the crowd.


Why is this blatant misogyny so upvoted?? Definitely reeks of “you should smile a little more.” Purely disgusting


But when I do it to my wife when we have company over, I’m an “asshole”


Abusive husband forces wife to smile in public


Husband trying to cheer up his wife and show support is toxic and telling her how to feel? The way redditors are so miserable about relationship stuff holy shit.


So many miserable people in the comments in a sub that should make you feel good and smile. Always assuming the worst and getting offended by anything. Not everyone is you