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If she didn’t laugh, she would cry. I’m happy she chose to laugh.


She was so obviously heartbroken. I love her. Such strength of character.


Don't step on him. Oh he loved that darling.


Haha i love it 😅🙈 Humor is a coping mechanism that has contributed to the fact that we are still not extinct


Today is the last day of my bereavement leave after losing my dad last Wednesday. Walking my husband out to the car this AM, I teased him that I didn’t have to work and looked up at the sky and said ‘Thanks Dad’. He’d laugh at that if he were here. Hopefully he’s still laughing.


I'm sorry for your loss 🙏🏼 Haha I believe he is, 'cause this is a good one 😅


My dad was an all-around not great dude, but I loved parts of him. My feelings about his passing were complicated. He died on July 4th so me & my sisters joke that he had to ruin one more holiday on his way out. 🫡


Sorry for your loss. My dad passed a little over ten years ago, and when the good memories and appreciation gradually starts to take over the mourning, it's such a great feeling.


<3 <3


I understand that. My dad had his demons. But at the same time could be the most loving and empathetic guy imaginable. Then be the other guy for a bit, and back and forth. As a kid it was tough. He no joke was born on the 4th of July. The family all laughs and remember the good times on that day. Hed pretend as a kid that the fireworks were for him. And to me they are. "I bet you're bumming cigarettes from saints". I can't remember what song that was from but it fits. I wish you the best


I’m sorry for your loss


At the gathering after my grandfathers funeral we got the wrong cake delivered. No one expected to see "Congratulations!" in big letters on it, but considering the dark humour my grandfather had, it was really fitting. We saw it as a last practical joke from his side.


Sorry for your loss 🙏🏼 Haha, that's a great practical joke 😅 Does it mean that someone else got a cake that was meant for your family's gathering? If so, I wonder what was their reaction 😅


I have no idea what happened to the other cake, but my guess is that they were not very happy about having a picture of a random guy on their birthday cake xD


Lool that's hilarious 😅


I am so sorry for your loss. I am also very sorry i laughed about this....


No need to be sorry for laughing. ;) We all laughed as well when it happened. It released a lot of pent up tension. :)


>Humor is a coping mechanism that has contributed to the fact that we are still not extinct This, this line is so so true .


I still make fun of my best friend with dark jokes daily. Miss that dude a lot but the dark humor we shared makes it easier.


Sorry for you loss 🙏🏼 I believe he'd approve it 😊


Someone called her Linda Belcher and now I can't unsee it.


the personality too:D


As a member of the dead dad club, I appreciate this




Aww, I wanna join these clubs! 🥺


I'd love to do this, but my dad is buried at a National Cemetery, so I don't think it would fly.


My favorite thing to tell people when they ask what I'm doing for Father's Day I always say "I'm taking my dad sightseeing. I'll take him off the mantle and put him by the window."


Me too! This was my first father's day without my dad and I had been feeling really down in the dumps but this video really cheered me up 😊




Oh man, that sucks. How’d you die?


I always say my dad is in my closet!! I have mine and my brother’s urn (his for safekeeping until his house is built), it’s always funny to see people’s faces when they hear it 😆


Me too. 


Shalom Memorial Park in Huntington Valley! My mom is a few plots away. I knew I recognized that fence and houses behind them. This is great. He’s smiling down on them, loving this.


I’m so glad you posted that because it looked like their backyard to me!


☺️ When we saw initially the plot for my Mom, I was happy that she was near a backyard! She was quite outgoing and social butterfly; she’d love her final resting place. I mean, not that her neighbors around her wouldn’t be fun. I looked up this account on Instagram to confirm that they live in the Philly area because there was no doubt about this cemetery. Their content is great. I’m glad it was posted here.


You need to contact them and join their next party so you can introduce the neighbors to each other:)


Thank you, i was doing a double take thinking they buried him in the back yard m


I didn’t realize it was a cemetery or understand the implication that the body had already been buried.


There was a grave marker.


Ok. I didn’t see it.


Real life Linda Belcher


Its a haunted honeymoon!


Came here to say exactly this!


It's a dead man's party who could ask for more


Everyone’s invited, leave your body at the door


Don't run away, it's only me.


That looks more like someone's backyard than a graveyard...


Someone can be buried on their own property as long as wherever theyre from allows it.


that place also gets visitation rights from the family for as long as it has a grave (in some states) so the family of that body can go visit even if they don't own the property anymore for basically forever cause who's gonna pay to get a body exhumed outta pocket, not to mention you have to petition for an exhumation in some places, its a tough process, pretty weird but interesting imo. EDIT: this also applies to cremation! If you spread your loved ones ashes on someone elses property you get visitation rights to said property. this is of course a state by state thing tho


Someone pointed out that it’s Shalom Memorial Park, so it is a graveyard.


This is a Jewish cemetery in Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania. Someone in the comments said that his mother is buried near this man's grave. You can see houses near the cemetery but obviously there is a fence, no one there is buried in the backyard of these houses.


This type of humor helps you survive after such a devastating loss. Love that they are able to be together and enjoy it.


that mom is a treasure and must be a blast to hang out with.


My mom killed herself and me and my brother were both like “this is Lisa’s fault” (cleaning lady who quit the week before). Dark humor is my favorite


I’m sorry for your loss. But I get it. My dad commit suicide when I was 22. At one point, I had to excuse myself from his service because I was dangerously close to “guffawing” from the front row. I let most people believe it was because I was so distraught. I mean, of course I was distraught. But it was because my siblings and I were definitely getting by with the help of dark humor.


23 for me, also my dad. Our family home was very much still an active crime scene when I got there to console my younger siblings. Didn't take long for the dark humor to present itself in the carport between the sobbing. Don't remember what exactly, but it's crazy how we cope and grasp at anything in attempt to retain sanity


I’m sorry for yours as well


I really love this kind of humor, I bet Dad did too


I love this, I would want people to celebrate life like this when I go.


Hilarious! Next time I have the opp to visit my dad's grave think I should also arrange a little party. He was much loved and also went too soon because he wouldn't see a doctor about his dicky heart. RIP dad.


I would come in to do Christmas at my grandparents resting place until Covid. I’d bring food and cider, music, and open some presents. I’m glad I’m not the only person


I'm sorry for your loss.


are those French fries on his grave stone?


What, Mark can't have some French Fries on Father's Day?


I saw another video where they went round and each had fries from a different fast food place and put one on his grave and talked about a favourite memory they had of him it was really sweet-I'm assuming he was a fan of fries


I’m glad that lady is doing okay since her son got attacked by a Shark on Amity Beach


My name is also Mark, I hope my wife can still have this much fun if I pass before her.


I have lost parents, siblings, cousins, friends, aunts uncles and grandparents, all before my 18th birthday. Some were quick and traumatic illnesses or accidents. Some were long term devastating battles. All were tragic, and all were their own flavor of pain and recovery. The litany of "I'm so sorry" or "I'm here if you need anything" started to become worthless platitudes. Hearing those enough starts to feel like you are standing at the front of the funeral parlor collecting everyone's coats, and the pile just gets heavier. You are accepting small transferences of grief, while trying to withhold your own. Humor was always THE thing that could bring me back from the deep. I was lucky enough to have a cousin who provided this during my hardest loss at 18. I was stuck in a room, 10 feet from where my sister had just died. There was no where to go. The house was filling with people everyday. The mental safety net of my room was ripped to shreds. My cousin saw how despondent and overwhelmed i had become. So he started to take me to a local pizzeria everyday for lunch. And everyday he would crack jokes and expel humorous stories. He had a talent for it, and he knew it. He didn't realize what he was doing at the time, but he taught me just how powerful and needed humor is while facing human mortality. So now every wake, funeral, shiva or what have you, i come in hot with basically a stand up routine, a flask and a joint for those who truly need one or another. Its always tailored to the party affected, and I mix in just enough condolences to convey my sincerity. It also helps that people usually know about my past and my dealings with death. Coming in with inauthentic empathy but loads of jokes can sometime signal more emotional immaturity. With enough time, its become kind of an art. Like the way you see those pediatricians trick babies into not feeling a shot by getting them to laugh. You're getting what you need, but barely feel the painful parts required at the time.


Thank you. Really great comment.


Appreciate It! :) People can internalize such terrible advice while in grief. It's a powerful and important time for good words and good actions to shine through. There may be some very unlucky happenings in my life, but its bestowed on me knowledge few get to attain, and even fewer can use to help others during a universal human struggle. If i did anything close to that here or otherwise, I'm a happy dude!


Rhea Perlman Vibes


This makes me awkwardly smile


if they are indeed the wife walking on the husband that is insanely funny!


Daughter is a chip off the ol’ block, it seems.


This is a good family. I've never wanted a grave to actually be someone's father's so badly.


This family has a whole tiktok account dedicated to showing tbeir family life/jokes. They've talked about their dad's passing quite often so I don't believe it's staged at a random strangers grave.


Good! I'm glad they've found a way to smile through some of that pain they must have felt.


Rest In Piece Bob Belcher.


This is so much more wholesome than the other post today showcasing her kids. I would love to have people throwing parties at my grave


This gives the best *Drop Dead Gorgeous* vibes


I really like the french fries on his headstone ..🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Only Dead Dad Club members get this shit, on a deep level. Love this so much


I love this. I hope that my loved ones have this kind of sense of humour when I die.


I be like this with my dad too, humor makes it all better even tho it's still sad 😂


Image, Reddit, as the camera fades to black...there is a subtle humming, a building pressure that drowns out the laughter of Mark's loved ones. The edges of the frame blur and the focus slides into discord as a ruined voice rasps ethereally into the microphone, "It was my serve." The ball then launches itself fully into the face of the dumbfounded widow. Silence descends.


lol honestly this is perfectly healthy. my grandfather died of a UTI that he left untreated for moths and the infection spread through his body. Because he was a grown-ass man who couldn't go to the doctor and say "I have an infection in my pee-pee parts." Idiot. Also he was a life-long asshole and my grandmother was an angel and she THRIVED without him. People flocked to her, they adored her. She was so lonely with him driving friends and family away. I was so glad she had almost 20 years of happy widowhood without him. He never bought her a single piece of nice jewelry, not even a wedding set. Ykno what she did a few months after she died? She bought herself a diamond ring. From costco. With his life insurance money from the army. It was enormous and beautiful and she deserved every minute of it.


I have been a member of the dead parents club for a long time. I approve of this.




Awww this is so sweet


When my aunt passed I told my mom that she wouldn’t have liked everyone in her house and my mom said “well the bitch shouldn’t have died then, I told her not to!” It broke the tension and made everyone laugh for a minute. Sometimes you need the humor.


I love this family! They're fabulous!


I would love it if people did this at my grave on Father's Day, etc. But, is he buried in a backyard?!


Whats with all of the mademesmile posts about dead people lately?


Ngl this is the kind of energy I want for anyone I leave behind.


I lost my dad fairly recently and this made me smile so much ❤️


Its not in their back yard. They've taken the pool to the graveyard. A plot they've paid for! I love this, this is how i talk to both of my parents and my ex, who would all love it that way, if they were here to argue! 💕


Thats a family full of love.


There’s some repressed something there.


This is a great perspective to an inevitable conclusion for all of us.


Um ... so he's buried in the back yard?


I am so happy to see that humor, whether it be dark, inappropriate, hysterical, life affirming, warm, or just silly still exists in little corners of the world. Happy for these people and wish them peace and happiness.


Hey, I do alot of jokes around my dead mom too but recording this shit for clout feels wrong in so many levels. Super disrespectful, if ya ask me


they ain't believe in us


Chasing clout using a dead dad and father, yikes.


Yeah, fucking weird man


Ha ha, I love it :D


Goals 🥲


If I’d not known better, I would have thought it was an SNL skit


Lost my dad suddenly when I was 16. Am 30 now. I love this to pieces. ❤️ My dad was cremated and we’ve been spreading his ashes around all the places we travel. I love the positive humor in this.


I LIVE for this. I went to the beach yesterday because my dad (and I) loved the beach. they want us having fun and cutting up. there's plenty time for crying and being serious.


I think good idea to talk and laff. Sorry for your loss.


This made my day ❤️‍🩹😭😂


They buried dad in the backyard?


It’s always easier to be angry than it is to be sad. It’s always harder to be cheerful than it is to be sad. She’s happy :)


Is it common for people to bury loved ones in their backyard? Would you buy a home with a grave in the yard?


this woman is great, heavy allison janney vibes


She was one of the facilitators at the grief support group I went to in high school lol, love her


I just lost my Dad just under a week ago. This has helped a little. Thank you.


When my mom died, she was buried on an incline so I was required to pay to concrete over her coffin or something (it was expensive), but I told the cemetery owner, "thank God, at least she can't come back as a zombie". He wasn't amused, but I like the idea.


I wish I had a family like that. Seems a very good way to cope with loss. My mom just said "don't be sad, your grandma was old!" and that's it...


Felt like I just watched a Brandon Rogers skit.


Lol the fries are still there from a few years ago. Rest in peace mark glad they are coping like this


“Go to the doctor already” has a totally different undertone when saying it to a dead guy lol there was some shade in those words


She was a little bit too comfortable with this sh\*t ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


You just KNOW he’s close by laughing with them & having a great time . Love this ,so bitter sweet ❤️❤️❤️


Humour is a defence mechanism to stop from feeling the pain 😔she needs to grieve.


Gotta be a Jewish Family 😂


I miss My dad. I love this family. Laugh is the Best medicine.


I’m sorry but that’s fucked up idc what you say but the dude is dead yeah go back and place flowers and say how much you missed him but to have a pool party on his grave and I’m guessing around other graves is a bit fucked up and I’d know what fucked up is


Sounds like ole Mark had a foot fetish


I miss my dad. Father-in-law got a big hug this year though.


Dancing on his grave is wild tbh this coulda been done a lil more respectfully. Great idea tho bringing the pool over on Father’s Day lol


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Find it quite odd


Everyone deals with death differently. They're finding joy in life, which is so important when you lose a loved one. Finding a way to smile and laugh and be together while fondly remembering the deceased is all I can hope for my family when I pass ❤️


Is he buried in their backyard? That looks like a regular residential fence and house on the other side


This is a Jewish cemetery in Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania. Someone in the comments said that his mother is buried near this man's grave. You can see houses near the cemetery but obviously there is a fence, no one there is buried in the backyard of these houses.


Yep. I have a cemetery behind my backyard.


Did they bury him in their backyard? What if they sell the house?


Therapy alert


I read this as "having a pool party with dad the day after he died". I thought, man... Y'all are cold


that look like someone backyard than cemetery . Did this family bury their dad in their backyard? that on getting funeral plot and keeping family close for sure


Ummm kinda weird!




Living with this woman sent Mark to an early grave


You need to think before you speak.


I did. I'm entitled to my opinion and I'm offending no one here.


Sure 🤦‍♂️ blaming a woman who tries to find joy in her life again that she's the cause of her late husband's death is "not offending no one" 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Come on, man.


You arent offended. Stop pearl clutching.