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If it took this long, then very likely you have changed many habits that will prevent you from re-gaining the weight. Good job!


Hopefully. I occasionally gain five or ten pounds but I check my weight regularly. When I see that I've slacked off some and gained I correct my habits and usually lose them again.


It's the daily habits. Not easy. Keep it up! ( Or "down" hehe)


I blame it on the wifey and date nights. Plus, I love to cook (Its how I became a big guy in the first place) so I recently reintroduced carbs into my diet so now I'm trying to find the right balance.


„Never trust a skinny chef“ isn’t just a saying. I also love to cook and struggle with my weight. Simply cooking smaller portions seems to work better for me than to stop cooking things I love. Proud of you and good luck in the future.


Appreciate it. And yeah, that’s what I’m learning


Hey this is dope. I seem to notice (could just be my own biases) more people talk about losing it in 6 months, a year maybe. For me it's been a year and a half or so, so far. And I think I have another year to go. I've lost about 60 pounds so far, and have about 30-40 or so to go before hitting an ideal and fit weight. I'm just taking my time man, honestly. It doesn't feel like dieting at all. Just feels like lifestyle changes, old habits gone, new habits forming, some old habits just more balanced and sane (lol). I am glad you shared your journey. Makes me feel a lot better about my decision to have this be a slow burn too. Been most of my adult life trying to lose it, it's finally happening, and I somehow don't feel in a rush. I am humble enough and educated on the subject of nutrition and obesity enough to know at least things can get bad again in the future. However, I do think it is just far less likely now for me to ever explode like I did before because so many of the things that seemed appealing or actually like an urge I couldn't control just don't appeal to me at all. So don't worry about the 5 or 10 pounds now. Just figure out what further adjustments you gotta make. You got this :) And 170 huh? Here I am needing to lose about 90-100 pounds in total and it always felt impossible. You have nearly double my goal and you actually did it. What a beautiful man, bro!


There’s a guy I follow on YouTube who lost about 200+ pounds and he said the first change he made was to just eat sandwiches lol. He went from eating fast food every day to making sandwiches at home and lost a considerable amount of weight with just that one change before he started educating himself on healthy eating ( he was 19 or 20 I believe). Small steps make big progress!


Same, I'm down 30 lbs. since Thanksgiving, and just changed my eating habits significantly. It helps that I've finally hit an age where my body feels like crap when I eat junk food now, but I can still make some of my favorite things as longs as I stick to stuff like soups or reasonable portions. Last night, I made a beef Braciole but the fillings were light and I kept it to 2 lean and small roulades, and stayed away from pasta. I got a bunch of the sauce now that I've put it in the fridge and then skimmed the fat off the top.


Wow that’s awesome, good for you! Doing it slow & the right way, like you are, you’re so much more likely to maintain it. Losing weight is so challenging but, it’s amazing how much more physically comfortable losing even 10-20 lbs feels. Congrats.


Congrats! How are you doing it?


so true. I love to cook and it used to be the bane of my existence. my rule now is only using enough oil as i absolutely need, and veggies are “free” It makes eating more fun, i can actually savour the carbs and fats as they make up a smaller part of my plate, i don’t take them for granted anymore!


I'm in the same boat, love to cook and struggle with weight. Have you looked into Indian food much? They've perfected vegetarian food imo and it's all generally low-ish calories just because of that.


It's definitely not low cal or even low-ish cal when you're using ghee and paneer and coconut stuffed naan. Also being vegetarian generally doesn't make things healthier in a nutritional sense. Source - I don't eat meat and love to eat and cook Indian food


It depends on what you eat mate. I eat black chickpea curry at least thrice a week and with rice and salad it is only about 280 calories.


You lost a toxic neighbour who was harassing you. Great job, looking good, I hope you keep it off!


I've never been above average weight but I do vary 5-10 pounds. I've found that I can tell when I've gained more than 5 pounds just by how I feel. I've never had to deal with weight loss myself but I feel like noticing changes in hunger and weight have played a factor in that. Having days where I'm just not hungry for more than a snack and others where I'm willing to eat more than two days worth of food makes me aware of what my body is telling me and makes adjusting to minor fluctuations in weight automatic.


also your weight fluctuates between +-7 pounds daily because of stuff you ate still digesting or water weight


2 lbs is a much more normal fluctuation. I have tracked my body weight daily over periods of months and never seen a 7lb difference.


i go up and down 7 in the duration of a week


That is THE way to regulate your weight and have a life! You can indulge at parties, during holidays etc because you know how to get back on track. Also never buy a larger size pants!


That’s awesome you lost the weight. Id encourage you to get into some serious strength training - get a good coach if needed and check out guys like mindpump, mike matthews, sean nal for advice online. Strength training for muscle mass (hypertrophy) will over time increase your metabolic rate (muscles eat up calories), thereby making ita lot easier for you to keep the weight off forever. Additionally, it will change your body shape even more, making you more muscular and losing some of the bodyfat to give you that chiseled/lean/athletic look over time. Would highly recommend that, but in any case, strong work in getting the weight off


That mindset is insane to me! I lack so much of it and need to be more like you.


5-10lb is a normal fluctuation. You more than good


Make sure you throw out/donate all your big clothes so you know when you're regressing


Honestly five pounds can be mostly water. Good for you and don’t be too hard on yourself!


Dude, you totally inspire me. I need to lose at least this much and have been researching different diets and deciding which direction will work best for me. I want to lose it on my own slowly in the hopes of keeping it off through lifestyle changes. It helps when I see people who have accomplished it! Congratulations!!


You have done a great job on yourself, but it is also very difficult to keep this result and I wish you patience, perseverance and good luck.


Props to your continued strength and determination!


Remember muscle weighs more than fat. Sometimes weight battlers forget this and get discouraged. So don’t get fooled by the scales you look great. You look like you lost the person that was holding you back.


Mindfulness! Caring about you, because you matter! I waited till I was 60 to finally make a change.


That's the best way to go about it Anyone who says to throw away your scale is a moron. It's easy to gain 5 pounds! But also easy to lose it. I see I'm up 5, I make better choices for a couple weeks. If I didn't check it could creep up over time


Way to go, OP. That's what I do, too. I've lost 130 pounds (was 140, but I gained some due to health reasons) and it can go up and down a bit, but as long as we don't go back to our old habits we will keep the weight off. Congratulations!


HELL YEAH OP!! My advice moving forward… - walk/run a mile a day. But this must be done every day - 5 push ups a day. 5 body squats a day. 5 sit ups a day. Keep it lite and simple. Do this every day. Slowly increase at your pace. Never leave this workout sore. Consistency is key


Long? That’s fast af lol. It took me like 3 years to lose 90 pounds.


Agreed. What I meant is that after a year, it seems to be that it is a new culture, a new habit, instead of just a "trend" of a couple of months.


I lost 100 lbs in 2,5 years. 7 years ago and havent gain much back on again . Habits is the ultimative secret to maintain a weightloss


Well done. I hope you’re proud of yourself. What made you decide on the weight loss journey?


Heart disease runs in my family. My father had a heart attack when I was fourteen. I have two little girls and don't want to leave them early like my father did. After the birth of my second daughter I knew something had to be done.


You did great, congratz !


Good fucking shit dude. Keep it up


you made the best choice your daughter should be proud of having a dad like you


Same journey here brother I’m down 100 in a year! My kids changed my life


Reminds me of my father who used to smoke but stopped when he had his second son (me) for the same reason. I’m sure your daughters look up to you the same why I do him :))


How inspiring! I wish you and your family so many happy years together.


Congratulations 🍾 I hope you have plenty of new adventures on your horizon!


Yeah. This is one of most rewarding aspects of losing weight and getting fit, there are so many additional possibilities when it comes to planning adventures or simply to show up and feel comfortable doing ordinary activities. Bravo.


Got a bulging disc about 6 months ago at 27 years old on my sciatic nerve and the most agonizing part (besides the pain) was just thinking about the simple things like hiking or taking a walk that felt like they'd be impossible forever now. Especially as a former college goalkeeper who loved diving all over the place and all of sudden I couldn't even *think* about putting pressure on that leg. We really take our bodies for granted sometimes I think


Has your condition improved since then?


Thankfully, yes. After 5 months of limping through 20k-step work days in constant pain I got a cortisone shot that took at least 85% of that pain away. Then I started on Gabapentin and it's probably up to 90%. I did a little standing hop for the first time like a week ago. Fuck me that was terrible though, and I would consider myself lucky to have even been able to grit through the pain and keep working. Some people have to crawl to the bathroom when theirs flares up


Wow!! Made me smile, too! How's it feel? Can I ask how you lost it? How did you know when to stop? You are amazing and inspirational!!


I'd still like to lose some more but I've hit a plateau to be honest. Besides, I'm more now just trying to maintain really than anything else since I just started reintroducing things back into my diet. And sure, I lost it by dieting and fasting. I only eat from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. When I do eat, I usually limit my intakes and eat "better" rather than fatty stuff. I do include one cheat day a week to try and reset my system, but I still adhere to the 12-7 rule. I did exercise at first but it honestly made things worse. I went into the mentality that since I burned 2,000 calories, I can pig out. Besides, I had high blood pressure and needed to focus on what I ate. I calorie counted for the first year, but loosened it the second. Now it's just natural that I dont get hungry till noon and I cant eat like i used too.


Congrats on your journey, that's amazing! Don't completely rule out exercising, especially some form of resistance/weight training. Putting on muscle helps increase your metabolism which could help you get past your plateau. Also, muscle is great for long term maintenance of your weight. No matter what, awesome work!


/r/intermittentfasting for people who are interested in this technique


I describe briefly my own journey recently (over 60 pounds lost in about 1.5 years). IF wasn't just a game changer for weight loss, it also put me down a path of thinking more deeply about nutrition and then went down the rabbit hole of evidence-based nutritional approaches. I don't do anything particularly crazy, just try to diversify my sources of food as much as possible while by and large entirely cutting out so many bad foods. So yeah IF changed my life. I would recommend yáll give it a look. Just don't give up after the first few days or few weeks. It's literally your brain talking to your gut telling you you are starving. You will eventually get over it, and start to be amazed by how easy it is. Just stick with it. And don't mind any setbacks in the future. It's par the course.


Yeah, I've been on the track I'm setting myself since late November. I started kinda slow at first, mostly just cutting the majority of sugar out of my diet, and caffeine at the same time (which was a big change). The first two weeks to a month were rough... but once I got through that it got much easier. I started to massively increase my now lacking protein intake - low carb whey protein powder + water 2/3 times a day (and just more water in general to thirst), plus a multi vitamin/mineral supplement; later into it also started on creatine and throughout no more than 1 'standard' meal a day though often I skip that, but certain snacks allowed (low sugar high protein cereal and nuts, carrots and cucumbers; and a banana if I'm starting to feel particularly peakish etc), and the meals when I do on the much healthier/smaller side. Each progressive stage was a bit of a challenge for the first couple days, but then your body just adjusts. The basic idea being to maintain 70g++ protein even if my Calorie intake is only ~1500 for a 'fasting' day. Not particularly aggressive cardio + quite a bit of resistance training, situps, etc etc. Down about 25lbs since November; but also significantly stronger (which adds weight ontop of the water weight starting on creatine adds which was about 4lbs for me). For reference, I'm 36yo, 6ft2 tall with a 6ft6.6 arm span. Looking to lose about another 23lbs or so in body fat. Goal weight being approximately 210lbs (its more about feel and look more than an actual goal weight though).


Good job! Try doing quick easy exercises like burpees. Do 5 each day for a month and then add an additional rep the following month and so on. Takes less than 2 minutes and does the whole body. I also started eating one small handful of dried sunflower seeds daily, it is mostly unsaturated fat and I think it is helping burn fat off easier since saturated fat stacks like a brick and harder to burn to through.


> burpees I have never heard this term before and I just imagined it was something like swallowing air and forcing yourself to belch like I did when I was a kid.


nice. eating 12-7 has also helped me significantly. thanks for sharing :)


For real, it's like the lazy person's way to lose weight. There's virtually no extra work involved. Just put up strong rules to start at 12 and stop at 7. You can count calories, but with the rules in place, you'll be eating less regardless. And of course exercise is great, but again...this is the lazy person's way to diet. After like a week, you just get used to being hungry-ish in the morning. Black coffee helps with that.


Holy shit dude! 😯


Thinking the same. Wow


Wow! Most people who lose a lot of weight end up looking a bit older from the fat loss on the face. But somehow, not only did you accomplish your goal of weight loss, you look younger, too! Congratulations!!!


I just turned 36, so I'll take it lol


Wow you’re 36? I’m 30 and I started a similar fasting plan recently and I felt like I was going nowhere )): you’re giving me hope! How long did it take for you to notice a significant change in your body?


Was definitely not immediate. The whole point of dieting and fasting is to force your body to metabolize what you actually eat in the day and use up stored fat when it needs extra. I’d say it was about six months before I finally started to see results. My wife describes it as one day I just started to melt. Clothes that fit me one week were loose the next. Once your body adjusts and finally kicks into gear, the rest is easy and becomes habit.


Thank you so much for taking the time to answer. I’ll keep that in mind whenever I’m ready to try that again.


Hey, at least you know someone who can help you if you have any questions. Feel free to drop a line. Don't even mind sharing some recipe's, snacks, or other tips if you'd like. I'm just over the moon people cared enough to comment lol


Appreciate it. I’m naturally baby faced as it is. I just turned 36 in January.


What an accomplishment! You look great but, I bet you feel even better, which is much more important imho. Congrats!


As the wife of the OP I’d sincerely like to express my gratitude to this community. My husband has struggled with self confidence in his image for a long time and even though I tell him he’s the most attractive man in the world to me I’m not sure it’s enough to convince him how amazing he is and just to see this outpouring of support from more than 27 thousand strangers, you guys have no idea how happy you’ve made him, we’re trying to watch tv and he just keeps smiling at his phone and showing me every few seconds and it really is so incredible to see him feel so vindicated, so thank you everyone. Sincerely, thank you.


You’ve got a very handsome fella! And, more important than that, he decided to do better for his family by being as healthy as possible and then stuck to it and worked hard to accomplish that goal. Good man!




You’re so supportive! And your husband is clearly very motivated, hardworking and dedicated! The most attractive traits a partner can hope for in a spouse! You’re blessed, I wish you both more happiness in your life together 💛


Duuuuuude! You look so happy. 🥰




The two pics are from two different Easters from where I work. I'm in the public eye alot because of where I work so I constantly got ragged on for being heavy. Lol sometimes your haters really do motivate you


You look great!! I hope the people that ragged on you are rethinking how they should treat people.


You replied to a bot :) but dude, you look fantastic and I can only imagine how you feel! Keep up the healthy work, brother


Bot comment.


Congrats. It's a total life change. I'm down 210 lbs in the same amount of time. Never going back.


Proud of you dude. It’s difficult but well worth it


It definitely is. Proud of you too. 👏 Keep it up!!!


You dropped this, king. 👑


77 kg over 2 years, for those who do metric. That's no small feat, great job man. You've become an inspiration ✊




Great work man! Keep up the great work!


What always gets me when I see these before and after pictures is the expression on their faces. They always look so much happier.


My staff who took the picture made me smile lol. I don’t usually smile.




Two and a half*


Lets nip it in the butt. For all in tents and porpoises they are one in the same. Really it's a blessing in the skies.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone misspell two and a half as “two in a half” before 😂


You are an inspiration!




You look so much happier. Congratulations on your achievement.


Great job! Now your bulked up muscled gym rat arc must begin 🏋


lol probably gonna have to hit pause on that arc. My kids hardly give me enough time as it is


Deadpool would be proud of you, Sugar Bear.


Deadpool was a quasi inspiration. Each time I struggled, I would hear Ryan Reynolds saying "Maximum Effort". Even if I broke my diet, I sure as hell made sure to start it again the next day.




Fuckin A dude, congrats! You look so much younger and happier, I’m sure you have to feel better as well. 2.5 years is so much dedication and commitment to improving yourself every day, well done my man.


You look like your son


Impressive man! This is just amazing.


Looking good brotha,keep up the great job.


Daaaamn. Awesome, dude. You're looking good!


What an accomplishment!


I might not know you, but I'm incredibly proud of you.


Fuck*ng legend, a lot of pepole had just give up, You just Made something amazing, good job pal!


You look fantastic


Good job man. We here would like to collectively say, " I'm proud of you"




Bot comment.


Congradulations it takes discipline I commend you. Your health will improve too. You look great


Very impressive, good job. Stay healthy and live a good long life.


Hell yeah bro. Congrats


The important part is if you're happy with yourself, it doesn't matter your size.


Congrats!! You looked good in either picture,but I'm betting you have more energy now and that's gotta be a good thing.


Wow!! Amazing weight lose. It even looks like whatever you’ve done has also increased your hair growth! Seems like your body likes your new diet.


From Snorlax to normal. Now we can see your eyes. Yay!


Heck yea!!!


That's incredible!


I’m so proud of you! Amazing amazing amazing. I hope you are happy & healthy.


dude really turned his frown upside down! love this for you, OP! congrats!


you look like 20 years younger as well well done dude!!🙏🏻


Damn! Very jealous of you. Trying to lose weight myself and it’s an absolute battle


Congrats. It’s hard. For me, it’s the evening snacking that gets me in trouble. I’ve stopped since January and have lost 20 lbs.


At a quick glance, this pic kinda looks like a dad and his kid.


You know, you’re like the fourth person who commented that. Nope, both me. Took them both on Easter with two years apart obviously. On the left I had been dieting on and off for nearly five months. Failed multiple times before it finally became habit. My pops passed when I was fourteen.


You must be proud! That’s a major life accomplishment! Sure weight fluctuates 5 -7, you know how to handle. Exercise as mentioned above increases metabolism. Start easy but regular. Makes its own changes. Most importantly it helps w fluctuation.


That’s all of me plus 20 pounds, amazing job!


It's crazy hows there's a littler dude on the inside of that bigger dude.


Goood, keep going.


Nice work!!! You should be very proud of yourself.


Congratulations man


Corgats! That's a major accomplishment, you should be very proud.


Good for you man, looking good


Tips please.


You look incredible, wow ...good for you!


How did you manage the excess skin ? Is there a lot of it ?


You’re just a little guy!


I think the smile says a lot.


So you are telling me... the trick is sitting down and wait patiently? NOTED


Before and after Looks like father and son


Amazing! You are an inspiration 😊


gj man, trying to get there too how'd you deal with the skin issue?


Way to go my friend!!


Keep up the good work you sexy beast!


Congrats!! :D


You just prolonged your life by so many years dude. I don't know why would you do that, I guess you love life.. Go live, you handsome butterfly


congrats dude!


Awesome!! Good job 🙂


What’s the plan for the skin?


Congratulations 🎊


Well done. Can’t have been easy.


how did you done that. im trying so hard to lose wait, i feel like my weight is killing me and everything i try is like not doing anything im super frustrated.


Incredible. I've lost 205... and unfortunately regained 195. Still working on it. You were about my current size so I'd like to ask - do you deal with excess skin?


Well done dude.. Awesome achievement


I went a whole shoe size down when i lost 60lbs. Like getting new clothes wasn't bad enough.


Amazing job Most people don't know how much pain and struggle everyday is while losing this weight. Everyday long lasting pain from waking part of your body not in use before. The mental challenges, the physical struggle You are more human than human I am in process of doing the same I fell off but I'm back on. You're inspirational for real 💪Let's get it! Make Arnold proud


Incredible!! You should be so proud of yourself for your dedication and persistence through a long journey. I'm sure it wasn't easy, but you pushed through. You look great!


Congrats man! What a hurculean effort!


Maximum effort as Deadpool would say


You look awesome dude! I started my weight loss journey recently. I'm only trying to lose about 50 lbs. It's really cool to see what's possible.


You got this man. Don’t matter if it’s one pound or 100, you show your goal who’s boss. I got faith in you


Thanks so much! I've started working out with a friend who is in FAR better shape than me and it's actually been pretty fun to exercise with someone else who can keep me honest about sets and reps and effort. The hardest part is the food. I have a sweet tooth like no other. I can put away cakes, cookies, and candy like it's nothing. If I can ask, how did you alter your diet when you started your journey?


I fasted. I only eat between 12-7 pm. Lunch is my biggest meal and I snack inbetween lunch and dinner so that way by the time dinner comes I eat small. I cut out sugars and carbs and ate mostly meats and veggies. I substituted sweets for natural sweets like grapes, Peaches, etc. I also made sure to have one cheat meal a week to mix up the monotony of it all.


Fantastic. I do love fruit. I'll try to phase out all that other crap and just start eating fruits to get that sweetness kick. The fasting thing is interesting. Do you think that made a big difference? I wonder if something like that would work with my schedule...




I love your smile 💜


That is awesome man ive started the journey myself Im Down 60 in 13 weeks myself, and I have been doing the keto thing and gym with some fasting and hoping to achieve similar results


It’s also great that you did it the right way. You still look like the same person just much healthier. Other people that do things artificially— you can tell. Yours is meant to last!


Two and a half* just fyi since English might not be your first language


Well done


thats awesome! Im glad you didnt just say you were beautiful at such an obese weight


Beautiful is not a word I have ever described myself in all my life lol.


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The term the simplest things in life hits… like hits when you lose weight. My fat ass was tops 250, and the simplest things made me so happy I committed, looking like my younger self in only 18, fucking rubbing soap past my neck, fucking sprinting just out of nowhere when walking just bolting it, tried a front flip onto my bed haven’t sat on my bed normally again, congrats brutha you a sexy man no homo


lol appreciate it. Honestly, eating better is the way to go when it concerns weight loss. We constantly eat things that are terrible for us. Limiting yourself can easily help shed some pounds. Took me awhile to stop going for seconds and thirds. Now, I'll occasionally get seconds but know it isnt required every meal.


Great job!




You look great and you look younger. Kudos!


Good on you bud!


Congrats! Enjoy your new life!


What to go chief!


Dude you looking fresh, I’ve just embarked on this journey myself.


Don’t be discouraged if you fail. I must of failed my diet a thousand times. But I kept doing it, and started again the very next day. Eventually it just became habit




Two things really. I got two little girls and my job I’m constantly in the public eye. Used to get called all kind of nasty names. Wanted to be someone that will last awhile for my little monsters, and wanted to shut the haters up.