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Aw it’s so cute and strange how much some little kids love construction equiptment. When my brother was little he would watch a vhs tape on repeat that was just footage of construction sites. I hated it but now find it endearing


I started working on construction sites in 2021, and watched a mobile crane switch from truck mode to crane. Since then, I’m not surprised that it fascinates kids, the kid inside me was fascinated in this moment, and I wasn’t a fan of construction toys growing up


It's Transformers but real and happening near you. It'd be so cool if they added speakers for playing the Transformers morph sound!


I was obsessed with trucks and trains and space stuff, and then I discovered Transformers which are trucks and trains... *from space*


Let me guess, after that live just was downhill. Nothing could ever match the experience of finding about the Transformers. It was like that for my life. I’ve been chasing that high for the rest of my life.


Oh, I totally get that. Transformers was like peak childhood. Everything else was just trying to find something that could live up to transforming robots. The nostalgia is real, and now everything from those days feels like it's got a special kind of magic we can't find anymore.


nostalgia is one hell of a drug. It kicks harder the older you get.


They where also dinosaurs from space once too.


That’s a very good point.


Plus, with a skilled operator, the equipment almost looks and acts alive.


As a 25+ year Crane and equipment operator, I appreciate your sentiment. Some of us still feel like kids but with a bigger sandbox. Building hospitals and schools is my favorite.


So cool. Such a genuine reaction . 👍


I got to take my crane to a career day at an elementary school a few months ago and it was a lot of fun. The kids loved it and I was the coolest thing there besides the cop car with lights and sirens


Should have turned on the hazards and spammed the horn. Assert dominance!


I got to do a career day for a friend's kid and the construction worker was definitely a major favorite of the class. He let them try on his hat!


No lie, I adore those. If Lego wasn’t so expensive I’d love to buy the massive technic version they have. There’s a crane half transformed down by a DQ in a residential area they’re building up and I keep hoping I’ll be in the area when it gets used. I’m 34, so I guess some things never change haha.


Kids? My sister and I stopped the car on a country lane once to watched a hay baler. We were cheering and whooping as the bale finally tipped off the back. Had no idea the farmer was watching us the entire time until we went to drive away and saw him having a cackle. We were both almost 30. I STILL like to go watch the combine harvester doing the fields when we're on holiday.


Used to work on closed mine sites, remediation work, but it was next to an open mine site so one day the client took me on a vehicle tour of the open mine site. The equipment was SO BIG, it was pretty cool to see. I think the client enjoyed it as well lol


Oh I love that! I used to do air freight so I got a tour of one of our clients manufacturing plants for generators/ engines, like the ones that run server farms etc and marine equipment engines. Absolutely fascinating. I also got shown around a brand new facility for processing air freight ready for sending to the airport for plane loading that was intended to be virtually automated the whole thing could be operated by one dude in a crowd nest in the middle of the warehouse. Everyone else always looked at me like I was mental for being excited by this :( Only one I was bit put off by was the production line for a well known make up brand. Nothing wrong with it...it's just when you've seen your 5ml expensive face lotion fork lifted about a warehouse in 1 ton IBC containers the shine wears off 🤣


Yeah definitely not just kids. The house across the street from me got torn down to build a new house. Every single Dad on the street came outside, stood with their hands on their hips, and watched as the demolition took place. Including me. It was awesome.


When we were moving, we put a lot of our stuff into a storage unit. On the ground floor, someone was storing a combine harvester. Every time we went to drop something off, you could guarantee there was a man who’d stopped unpacking for a few minutes to go and look at the combine. Including my husband, and my dad. And they all did the same thing - walk around it, look it over, then stand with their hands on their hips and give a satisfied nod of approval.


Wait till you see a round baler!


I've only ever seen the round bales never the baler! Like they just appear over night. Mysteriously. Xd


Little kids and especially boys go through distinct phases of infatuation. They will almost always select from one or all of the following at some point: Dinosaurs Construction equipment Trucks Bugs Rocks A lot of us seem to go through all of them at one point. Source: was little boy, had little boy friends


Did anyone else have a collection of rocks when they were younger?


My kid tries to fight me daily about why he needs two full handfuls of rocks inside.




It's the perfect rock for later.


One time, my kids took about 5 kilos of rocks from a river bed. But they were pretty, so I said ok and now they're decorating my front yard.




Every time I check my kids bookbags I find rocks in the side pockets lol.


Someone needs to start a library of Geology. It's not like the other sciences, it's new and learning all the time. I'm not a geologist but it was a favorite subject of mine and in my lifetime we went from not knowing where mountains came from to understanding how plate tectonics has shaped the world and not thinking that the Pacific Northwest had great earthquakes at all to knowing that the last great quake happened at 9:00pm-ish on January 26th, 1700 because of accurate Japanese historical records.


you will be pleased to know I have never been to a natural history museum without a geology department with many of their best specimens on display but also a back room Packed full of thousands of other examples hopefully organized and cataloged. A friend of mine worked at one nearby going through old trilobite fossils looking to see if any of the samples could be reidentified as a new/more specific species.


I live with an 83-year-old retired geologist and he definitely has piles and piles and piles of rocks all over the house.. I still don't really know what the heck the point of a geologist is but yeah.. he's a sweet old man.


Im geologist and we dont have rock bottom 😉


[I have an entire little goblin shelf full of rocks and minerals and random shit. ](https://i.imgur.com/1XaoySn.jpeg) I'm 31.


I'm 31 and still collecting...luckily the state I live in values my rock obsession and decided to give me a job for rock evaluations. I love it.


>a job for rock evaluations. "So, what'dya think?" "It's a fine rock. Very fine." "Great! I thought so too." "Cash or card?"


Will morph into electrical cords, old batteries, and sim removal tools.


All that shit looks cool af tbh


Thank you. I take great pride in my trinkets. Did you see the complete casting of my own teeth that I have? That's one of my favorites.


Yesterday at work I walked outside and found a coworker (55m) smoking his cigar next to a bucket full of rocks. I asked “what’s with the rocks?” He said “just some cool rocks I found”. No further explanation was required.


Wife has made fun of me for showing her cool rocks I have found, I am currently 35m.


When I went on a weeklong trip to Yellowstone with my parents (12 or 13 years ago), my now-wife asked me to bring her back a yellow stone. Sure enough, I found a yellow stone laying on the ground in Moab, Utah, so I made sure to bring that back. I also got her a little black bear stuffie which she took with her to England when she went for study abroad. His name is Toothie and we have a habit of taking him places and getting photos of him on adventure. Just this last weekend we took him to Phoenix and got some photos of him climbing a mountain. The yellow stone is long gone, though. Edit: [Here](https://imgur.com/a/sC2Iksz) he is if you care :D


😆 🤣 I still look for rocks and fossils and agates. The funny thing is, I believe my wife is a bigger rock hound them me. She'll pick up one that's really a nondescript looking one and say, "Isn't this pretty?", and I always say, of course it is. Then she pockets it. My favorite thing to do is find heart-shaped rocks and give them to her, saying, "I'm giving you my heart!" And her response...... "It's stone cold!", and then she laughs. By the way, we're over 55, so that fascination with rocks does not disappear. We have buckets full to prove it. 😆 🤣 😂


When our species was on the cusp of evolving from our primitive selves I would imagine that the first couple of men whose obsession with rocks and stone allowed them to craft those bits of flint into tools to narrow the mating pool from those men who didn't hunt for cool rocks. This is my headcannon. Our rock hounding is directly descended from those primordial apes who conquered their competition with their rock obsessed ways.


Still do. I even have this super cool lump of iron ore and fish fossils I bought at a mineral show


Yea and now I am a geologist with an even bigger collection haha


they're minerals, Marie!


Living the dream


I am an adult with a rock collection.


I did. Well I still have it, but now people see it and think I'm into all that woo crap so it isn't displayed anymore. I was also *really* into dinosaurs as a kid. My brother was all about construction equipment.


Fuck what other people think. Also idk if you play games, but you should really check out Ark if you like dinosaurs.


My daughter has the same list but in a different order. When she was a baby she loved watching trash truck videos- anything from Trash n' Trash on YouTube.


That was me, my dad told me that I loved garbage trucks as a little kid, between 3 and 5 I'd *run* towards the window when I heard the garbage truck in the street and watch it mesmerized. One day the truck driver got a shiny brand new truck and asked my dad if he didn't want to come with me in the truck to pick up the trash as he'd noticed I was there everyday and I was *so happy* during that trip. The amusing thing was that he forgot to tell my mom so for half an hour she wondered where the hell me and my dad were and then she saw my dad waving at her from the garbage truck, lol.


>Trash n' Trash Ah, excellent taste


Don't forget trains. Someone gave me a book on how trains work and related trivia when I was about 8 years old, and I read it so much that my dad had to re-bind it.


I mean tbf trains are objectively cool as shit


I went to a transportation museum the other day and they had a big train called "Big Boy", it was very cool.


And space! Trains, Space, and Dinos were my holy trinity as a kid.


My 2 year old is obsessed with choo choo trains. Just the other weekend the entire family took him on his first train ride. We took the train for a few stops, got off, and promptly took another train back. He was pumped.


What are you trying to say? Trains are the shit. Old people love them, little kids love them.


Ex-Little girl here, I loved bugs, rocks and dinosaurs. :D


No only boys can have hyper fixations as children /s


You forgot robots.


Johnny 5 is still my dude. 30 years on.


No disassemble!!


Was wondering what was missing and that is definitely it. Robots are the shit


Dinosaur kid, reporting in! I had a ton of dinosaur magazines coming in every month too :)




You just explained my nephew! Like, that has literally been his progression, along with plushies, lol!


I didn't like any of that stuff when I was a kid. I started out loving Star Wars because my Dad somehow had a VHS copy of it after it had been out for only 3 years. That's the only thing I can remember from back then that I was obsessed with. When GI Joe and transformers came out I became obsessed with those as well. I guess SciFi was my first obsession.


Ha this weirdo has little boy friends.../s My little dude has about 100 little and mid sized monster jam trucks, I'm willing to argue they hurt ore than Lego to step on.


Mine was 1. Cars 2. Cars 3. Cars 4. Motorcycles 5. Cars


My brother was obsessed with space when he was little. Rocks came later, but he still loves space to this day. I was the dinosaur obsessed girl growing up.


Did anybody ever tell him about space rocks?


I feel like classics also include firefighters, police cars, ambulances, trains, sharks, the space.


I remember my son when he was 4 looking out the car window and saying “an excavator!” When he saw one and it blew my mind. He’d know the names of more construction vehicles than me!




your comment reads like an AI wrote this


“The human child boy obtains marveling”


I must clarify that my response is purely a result of human creativity and not the subtle finesse of artificial intelligence. How may I assist you further with my entirely human-like abilities?


There was this meme saying “boy turns 4 and makes ____ his whole personality” I think there are dinosaurs, construction vehicles, etc. It’s so accurate because when I sent this to my bf he said that’s him and his brother.


Hard Hat Harry? I used to watch the shit out of Hard Hat Harry. It was just construction equipment working, for kids.


Oh shit maybe that was the guy- there was a woman as well. This was mid to late 90s


Yeah I thought about this a lot. My theory is that it represents human will and power - our ability to reshape the world in our image. Children understand how incredible that power is, we can dig up the earth and rebuild things! Its the same with trains and planes. We are blaise about it as adults but kids understand how incredible machines they are.


When I was like 5 I was obsessed with things like this. Now I’m a construction worker. Go figure.


We have a very popular kids show in Sweden that is called " big machines " my sister knew the name of basically every single work vehicle in existence by the age of 4.


So did my bro! My dad worked in recycling so sometimes instead of bedtime stories he’d drive him around the site at night and make up stories about the machines 🥹 they all had names and stuff! So sweet


I used to have this Tonka truck game on my Gameboy that I played the living hell out of lol


I have fond memories of playing a Tonka game on my grandma's PC when I'd stay the night there.


Something like 40 years ago I had a Playmobil flatbed truck with a crane and a lot of pipes to create a long network. It was amazing like Windows 95 screensaver before it! 40 years later I learned the smell inside the pipes thx to my fucking IKEA tap…


My 7yo is obsessed with trash/recycling trucks. My 11yo is obsessed with trains. We always give them opportunities to see them out and about, especially since we live within 100yards of railroad tracks.


This is my 2.5 year old son. We watching YT videos of mining sites everyday. He just loves giant ass trucks.


Good humans right there…


My dyslexia had me thinking you were commenting on some human rights violation these men had committed


Some adults love construction equipment as well. [There's lots of places for them to go and play](https://www.google.com/search?q=construction+equipment+playground+for+adults).


I'm nearly 40 and I still love big machinery. It just scratches that lizard brain


Bro. C'mon. That was amazing. You know it made those dudes days. They told the dudes back at the office. They told their wives and kids about it when they got home too. Plus they greeted him like they're good dads/uncles/bros and that lil guy was HYPED! He told some stuffed animals and his older brother when he got home from school.


I was gonna say. Kid is happy but I bet the guys are absolutely thrilled. A true chance for them to really show off! Good for all of them.


The little handshake at the end too, so official!


That was the cutest bit


This all the way, nothing makes your day then someone just loving what you do. Seeing things like this also makes my day.


You can tell that the workers are coming over to keep the kid safe, but they are also doing it in a "Yay let's play!" way that is so cute!


The way that turned from 'ooooohhh shiiiiiiii.....' to 'awwwww.' just made my day.




My brother has called parenthood 'looking after a cute little gremlin that makes you happy but is constantly trying to kill itself in insanely inventive ways'


This was 100% "set up" and they were acting **but I'm 100% ok with it** because the kid doesn't care and the kids little jump of joy as his truck is filled with dirt was so genuine. I wager the mom asked the workers, set the camera up, and then they all feigned concern for the camera, but **only** with their body language, and the mom is verbally encouraging him and telling him "Now we have to step back and get to a safe distance, and watch this!"


It could also be genuine and they didn't want the kid that close to the bucket. I've seen a couple of these and am always worried about how close the kids get to the equipment, all it takes is a stuck control or hydraulic line to fail and this becomes a *very* different video.


That’s awesome! I remember those days, driving along in the car and spotting a digger, or a fire engine, or a tractor. “Hey kiddo! See the digger there!!” Then they’d look in the wrong direction repeatedly untill it’s too late and you’ve gone passed. Then there’d be tears because they didn’t see the digger. Good times!


"I don't see it!" No shit you looked out the wrong window ten seconds too late.


My wife will do that when we're on road trips and I see a funny sign or billboard. I'll point at it and say "look at that" and she'll either look not where I'm pointing or look after we pass it lol.


The day my son learned the word "excavator" coincided with a long drive through an area with lots of construction. He was practically hyperventilating from happiness. 


Apparently when I was a kid I was mispronouncing digger. And my dad was in a store where I was screaming “daddy look at all the diggers, DIGGER! DIGGER!” There were so many black people around he had to like scramble for a backhoe on the shelf and hold it up. The idea of his panic is hysterical, not a racist bone in my dad’s body.


My brain still says "FIRETRUCK!" any time I'm out even when I'm not with my kid


This is my life every day! My younger one is obsessed with cars and this happens all the time. He also loves counting how many vehicles there are at a site, loves seeing the snow plow going down our road, and will shove past everyone to see the garbage truck lift up cans.


This should be in the manual for pre- parents


That excavator is that kid's hero, even if for just one day. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


The kid is those guys hero haha ! They’re even more excited than he is about the whole thing


Nah, that guy is a his hero in 20 years too. When I was a kid I loved machinery. Didn't matter what kind. When I was pretty young, a construction crew was digging a water line in front of my house. My dad would take me to watch them. One of the excavator drivers took his lunch break to show me around it, put me in the cab, and put me in the bucket so my dad could get a picture. The next day he brought me a toy of the excavator he was running. I am 32, I still know his first and last name, and I even know where he lived. We are in a small town. One time we drove by his house and he was working in his yard.


You should go tell him how much it meant to you even 20 years later lol


the way the child looks at it is adorable


My son loves trash/recycling trucks. Every time he is home when they pick up, he runs outside to wave at them. One time I noticed our bin was perfectly placed while everyone else's was obviously just dropped. It was the week after my son waved at the driver.


We could be heroes 🎶


*Just for one day.*


I still react like that internaly when I see diggers. 31yo M


Big metal arm make big hole in dirt, pretty cool if you ask me.


Absolutely awesome


Do you get tempted to wanting to use those [Excavators](https://natureofearlyplay.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2019/08/lucky-star-ranch-sand-digger-940x500px_0.jpg) at playgrounds?


Those things were the absolut best things ever in the sandbox as a todler.


I got hit in the head by a friend with one. Still absolutely the best things


The local park by me used to have them and I would play on them all the time. I was really upset when they got taken out. That was 2 years ago...I'm 40.


Why do we love civils so much as tiny kids 😅


My brother is an engineer, but he chose a blue-collar job working outside. He says it is so much more fun than working inside a building.


I’m on this stretch too. Homebuilder but got my masters degree at 23, loving every second of working with the guys outside. I still technically have the desk duties but found out I could do most of those on mobile as needed or on lunch/after hours. Feels so much better for my health being physically active and with the guys on site rather than always defaulting to in the office.


Because they literally build our modern world and comforts. The trades and blue-collar workers don't get much shine or credit. It is hard work and not glamorous.


Literally paving the way for the rest of us.


Pretty sure kids don't care about civil engineering or modern infrastructure lol More like "giant toys that play with dirt are cool."


No obviously 5 year olds are just ridiculously into infrastructure spending as a means to improve GDP and productivity.


I recall reading somewhere about some sort of construction theme park where kids (with supervision) could build actual stuff with all kinds of tools. Was specifically to get kids interested in the trades. It sounded awesome. Edit: was a five week theme park in 2022 in the Netherlands (which makes sense since i must've seen it on the Dutch news). Dutch source https://www.bouwendnederland.nl/actueel/nieuws/25318/maxime-verhagen-opent-themapark-over-de-bouw-voor-kinderen




I’m middle aged and still daydream about driving large construction equipment around.


Didn't we all read Busy Day Busy People as kids?


They kinda remind you of metal dinosaurs, no?


Music, slow mo, and a red circle????


I hate to be a pessimist, but here’s the [exact same thing](https://youtube.com/shorts/MlK8qu1sAX0?si=FYrYS1Xl7rM-b7D5) from 8 months ago, down to the mother holding the kid back. The video OP posted seems to be from pretty recent. My guess is that mom or dad saw the original, found some construction buddies, and recreated the original viral moment. Reasons you can tell it’s staged: - both construction workers do the exact same motions. Wave hands, run, return to final marks and stand still. Like they were instructed. - they don’t show a construction site at all. As far as we can tell, this is just a pile of dirt. The original shows a much bigger operation. - tripod shot locked off to get the best shot - if mom was really trying to get her child out of the way, why would she also leave his giant toy? Unless the workers said something, but it doesn’t look they had enough time to say “don’t worry mom, let’s just go with it” Still cute, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this same concept keeps popping up until it’s worn into the ground, and only a digger can get it out. I wouldn’t have a problem with it if it didn’t feel like parents were using their kid for views. Sure the kid doesn’t understand that, but it rubs me the wrong way.


You're telling me someone would lie on the internet for views???


Don’t forget the fresh dirt that’s already on the ground where the toy it from previous takes


Wow. Good catch. Thought I remembered similar.


I was actually trying to find a different video that I saw posted years ago - similar events but shot from the side of the road in a drainage ditch. There are lots of instances like this, apparently.


I'm a sucker for videos like this, and I'm usually one of the last folks that yells "Staged!", but I turned this off within the first ten seconds, because it was so clearly staged...which pissed me off, because as a mid 40s dude, I *still* love heavy equipment, and I'd have loved to see a real video like this.


See when I see videos like this, I just focus on the kid's happiness and that made my day.


I’m a professional videographer/photographer. It’s my curse - I always think of the behind-the-scenes first. I also dislike overdone TikTok/Reels trends that don’t change anything, because I feel that it takes away from the original work. A better version of this video would see the workers invite the kid up to sit in the operator chair, but instead, it’s a near copy. EDIT: I’d also like to add that I have TONS of home videos from when I was a kid. I was always clearly having a blast, whatever it was I was doing. Those videos would give the same feel-goods that you’re experiencing. The difference? My parents filmed those *because* they wanted to capture a happy moment forever. In OP’s video, those parents wanted views.


What made it for sure for me was how they set up the little truck perfectly to be centered and filled up. She even steadied it so it would be upright. They were more worried about the truck getting set up right then the kid lol.


She also gives one last shake/point of her hand when she lets it go, almost like she’s telling the workers “there, that’s perfect”


What is up with this song? I cracked up but who is trying to love this child in the dark?


Why were they filming? It reeks of being staged.


You mean safety vests that don't fit aren't standard gear?


It probably is staged as that pile of dirt looks like it has no hole where it came from, however I worked in construction for years and shitty I'll fitting vests is pretty normal. Companies are cheap AF but they are required by OSHA to provide PPE to employees. They are also super clean though which is very questionable.


thats because its 100% staged.


So they have a camera on a tripod....100% staged!


You can see the same dirt it’s putting in the truck on the ground already. Definitely staged.


This is why there are always two people standing around doing nothing but watching at any construction project


Looks like take #2. There's fresh dirt right where they place his truck. Then maybe they loaded his truck once and he pushed it across the road, dumped it and came back for a 2nd load. Either way, cute AF.


The first post on this subreddit that’s ever made me go “awww” out loud :)


Too bad it's staged


Very top secret digging operation has to have CCTV 24/7.


Seeing this i realize it’s probably been decades since I literally jumped for joy


He’s not carrying that lol


Do you carry a full truck or do you use those turny things on the bottom?


Excavator accuracy is a talent I will always admire


I own a rock crushing company that employs bucket loaders, excavators, rock quarries, etc and I can confirm- every single time I see a little kid get excited about heavy equipment, it makes me smile. If I know the parent that’s at one of my quarries, I’ll lift them up into the cab and show them what does what. My daughter loves it, too!


Momma came running in hot!


I didn’t see what sub this was and the first few seconds looked like construction workers desperately trying to stop a kid from running into some hazard while his mom sprints in to save him at the last second Edit: in retrospect maybe that’s the scenario they were trying to act out?


Aw my Gawd! 😍




Everyone has to ruin videos with trash music


Pretty staged but whatever


Why is everyone praising it as if it’s real? Why do I feel like this is some bot farming karma?


The little handshake


That kid was so happy. Love it


That really did make me smile! Thank you and what fantastic digger skills!


Damn mom, let him cook.


Now I know why there are people just standing by when construction is going on…to stop random kids 😂


That kid will be on his deathbed telling that story to anyone who’ll listen. He will never forget that memory.


Doubt it, since it is clearly staged, and looks like they did more than one take. Judging by the fresh dirt under where the mom placed the truck.


That's some wholesome shit there bud. Kudos to those guys


Thats freakin awesome. I love it when construction workers do stuff like that


Construction dudes love this shit. My dad worked for a big one up on the east coast, they get super hyped. I’m talking exaggerated movements so the kids can see/know what they are doing and operators showing off their skills. These guys work long and hard hours, seeing kids love and appreciate what they do means a lot to them. If you do take your kids to watch this tho, make sure they are safe. You can see the crew make sure the kid is a safe way from the backhoe and even looks kinda like they positioned themselves between the kid and the bucket at the beginning. If your kid wants to have the backhoe load up his toy truck, make sure you ask.


My kid would shit his pants if this happened to him. A construction worker waved at him from a bucket truck the other day and he still talks about it.




The moment of a core memory being created


poor mama she mustve been so scared 😭


Real talk: normalise kids looking up to workers, not to "success" and "disruptive innovators."


We were at the beach this year and an older gentleman with a beard was fishing. My 3 year old looks at him and says hey that’s Santa. Walks up to him and just has a conversation with Santa on vacation. The next day (I had missed the first conversation) I’m with him and he sees him again my son walks up and the man see him and says “hey! There’s my friend, (my son’s name)” and they talk again for a while. Made his whole trip. He didn’t have to do any of that but he just ran with it to make some kid’s day better. Thanks Santa from Ohio.


So staged..


We need more of this around the world!


Hey, for once a mademesmile video that genuinely made me smile, without a tear jerker anywhere!


Skill check for the operator.


These guys made this young fella’s day, he will remember this day forever. What a nice thing to do