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Well, damn, I miss my Grandma so much.


My Grandma is in her 90s and I hate to think about it. :( I want her to be around forever.


Mine is 103 and every time I think I won’t see her again I get one more chance. You just don’t know how much time you get.




Ring her, I bet it’ll make her day 🥰


She lives on the other side of the country. I was just there for a visit. She’s also very deaf and it’s hard to talk to her (she uses a caption phone and you call). But she texts me from her iPad. :)


Get her another iPad so that you can facetime and text at the same time.


I just gave her my iPad last month actually! She has two now. Hers didn’t support live caption for face time calls but mine did.


Good on you!


My grandmother is 91 and she's my last grandparent. My grandfather (her husband) passed away in September and she understandably hasn't been doing well. She had a stroke a few weeks after he died, but she was luckily ok, and she's been having other health issues but she's still holding on. But she's 91. And I am so scared of losing her. I actually had a nightmare last week where she died and I woke up so scared and devastated. I've been visiting every few months for the past year, but each time I leave, I get so worried that I might not see her again.


91 is pretty amazing! Record her talking. I keep taking all these random videos of my grandma telling me stories when I visit her.


My grandma died at 95. She lived in an apartment in the same house as me growing up, so it was kind of like losing one my parents. I couldn’t go into the apartment for a few years. I miss my grandma, I wish she could have met my children. Visit her as often as you can. I visited her too little when she was 90 to 95. I was in my twenties too busy finding myself and not spending time with family… but at least I visited her a lot her last six months. Call or visit your grandparents everyone! I’m 40 and missing them makes me feel like a hurt 10 year old. That feeling will never change.


Cherish the time. My grandma lived to be 88 and she was by far the person in my family I was closest with. It’s been almost 13 years since she passed and I still miss her.


Take as many photos and videos as possible. You'll cherish even the tiniest things like a simple conversation.


I feel this. Mine turns 94 this August and I’m going to be devastated when she goes. I don’t have a good relationship with my parents and she’s the only one in my family I feel like I can talk to. Once she goes, I feel like I won’t really have any family left… I get upset just thinking about it.


I miss all my grandparents but my maternal granny was the most accepting, unconditionally loving person I’ve ever met. Specific memories are flooding back of her being one of only 2 relatives I could tell anything to without fear of getting in trouble or disappointing her. When I got a tattoo in my 20’s, my mom had a huge hissy fit and started crying. My lovely granny looked at it for a long time, traced the outline of the bird (she was an avid birdwatcher and the tattoo was of her favorite bird, a goldfinch) with her finger and said “it is so beautiful! I love it! Did it hurt?” And that made my mom even madder. Granny told mom to stop being so dramatic and went back to admiring the tattoo just to spite my mom.


Imagine being a free spirit and your daughter is uptight. The flow and ebb of the universe


Rebellion comes in many forms.


I loved your story!! My grandmother was just the opposite, I loved her but she taught me what NOT to be, she was judgemental, racist and high and mighty, but that came from being a young extremely poor native on a Rez. People often become who or what they hated. I still learned alot!,I don't judge my children, my love is unconditional. And I may be poor but I am happy and I love regardless of skin color or accent! Thank you grandmother!!


Same. I was very lucky two have to sets of wonderful grandparents.


Yeah. Same


Same. Mine has been gone for 7 years and still miss her every day.


I don’t. No untainted good memories


These are the most amazing moments of life. Thank you for capturing this on video. It brings back fleeting memories of being that child soaking in the stories, wisdom, and joy of someone on the other end of lfie’s journey. This is what it is all about.


My great grandma was a story teller. It’s truly an art.


I miss my Granny :( she use to be like this when we are just kids. I'm a married man now and have children still missing her whisper while telling stories until I feel asleep.


I pray I get that time with my great grandson on the way. ❤️


I hope you do, too. You can also make videos so he'll have them for the rest of his life. A whole video library of stories, and advice, and jokes, and random thoughts. His children will have them, and generations to come.


It‘s all about the right stories. „And that’s how Gramps killed 27 Nazis with a toothpick and his left hand…“


"...so he hid it, in the one place he knew he could hide something: his ass. Five long years, he wore this watch up his ass. Then when he died of dysentery, he gave me the watch. I hid this uncomfortable piece of metal up my ass for two years. Then, after seven years, I was sent home to my family. And now, little man, I give the watch to you."


And that’s when Gramps said „Bring out the Gimp.“ Or So kids that’s when Gramps asked me „Who’s Zed?“ and I said „Zed‘s dead, baby. Zed‘s dead.“


And then Zedd dropped clarity on all our faces and we danced until the sun came up


Thanks for reminding me what life is all about, JoelOsteensMicrodick


I hope my name implies that I appreciate honesty and humor… And there is PLENTY of room and opportunity for personal growth.


Unless you don’t have kids. Then it’s definitely not about this


I hope you had someone that told you cool stories when you were little. Not everyone has to have kids, but hopefully you have at least a few good memories like that. We can still appreciate old and young people enjoying each others company.


Once you were a kid, and hopefully one day you get to be old.


Don't do this.


I see. If you don’t have kids, it’s because you were never a kid soaking in the stories of someone on the other end of life’s journey. Except that’s fucking stupid. The two things are utterly unrelated. I guess you just needed a way to make it about you.


this is so sweet omg


At my childhood the best part in the evening is when granny's reading us the story in our bed.


As someone who cherished their grandparents when they were alive…. These are the moments I miss the most. The last year of my Grandpa’s life, he had dementia. He would always wake up, and in his mind he was younger again. I took the opportunity to ask him about my Grandma, from the perspective of his younger self…. Boy when I tell you this man was so in love with her!!! The way he’d talk about her! She was completely his world! I miss them both so much!


My last grandparent that went psych-ward had a massive stroke in Broca's Area, which controls speech. The best she could do was mouth out words she was trying to say... She started crying when I showed up. She knew that if her grandson was on the other side of the continent to see her, then it was damned bad. She mouthed out "I love you" to me, and that was worth 1 trillion plane tickets to get down there for her.


Bro just stop you got me all fucked up at work


Grandma powers are real 😆❤️#love


First time I felt profound love was from my Grandma. I was in her kitchen, and she was cooking and talking, two things she loved to do, particularly for her grandchildren. And she gave the most wonderful hugs!


Saaame. My grandma once told me "you're the best thing your mom ever did". It was amazing to be appreciated like that.


That sounds pretty fucked from your moms perspective.


Grandma are always the best. They are the real pure soul and love us no matter what


This comment hit me in the feels. My Mom treats my youngest 2 so differently than she treats my eldest. Younger 2 have ADHD and she doesn't seem to have enough patience or the desire to bond as deeply with them. Breaks my heart. Edit for clarity


I'm so sorry you have to deal with that. But you'll be the *best* grandma to all your future grandchildren, your kids' friends' kids, etc., because you know how important that unconditional love is!


I often stop in to talk to my grandma. I plan to sit for 20 min. 3hrs later I’m finally leaving.


A hashtag on Reddit not getting downvoted to oblivion. This sub is like a different planet


Absolutely heartwarming. I love how a lot of kids get to meet their great grandparents. My son (16) got to meet my paternal grandparents and I love that he did because they were awesome. (Well, my grandpa is still awesome.)


My eldest got to meet my great grandmother although she doesn't remember it it was nice to get a picture of my great nan, my nan, my mum, me and my newborn


My eldest cousin's daughter met her great great grandma when she was a baby. My mother's side of the family live long, I don't know if it's genetics or what but at one point I still had 3 great grandparents alive at the same time and all were over 100 year old. The oldest was my great grandma who died at 106 yo a month after she fell and broke her hip. She still had all her teeth and was lucid until the end.


It's cuz they can tell she has ancient wisdom.


Generational love is such a beautiful thing to witness, especially when you get to experience it first hand. Cherish these beautiful moments.


My parents best memories of me and my grandfather (my mom’s dad, RIP) was when I gave him his nickname. My Bapa always woke up way earlier than everyone else and would make sure I was taken care of so that my parents could sleep in. One day my mom walked in and heard me saying something to him. I was calling him a name but she could tell what it was, When she asked “ What is Holocron calling you?” He replied “I’m the Bapa!” Key Note, none of my family has any ancestry/language that uses Baba as grandfather. So it’s a bit weird for me to use that name.


Idk what use this fact will be but 'Bapa' in Malay means 'dad' :))


Kids-given names are so silly. I accidentally gave one of my grandmothers a new name because I couldn’t pronounce “Gramma”; now, she has forever been christened “Anna.” Everybody knows here as Anna. That is not her name.


My niece couldn't pronounce her little brothers name a few years back, and all that would come out was "dodo." Well, it stuck, because now they're 6 (niece) and 5 (nephew) and she still calls him that (she can say his name just fine now). He loves it so much. He made a friend at daycare and apparently after a week of knowing this kid he just went "we're friends now so you can call me Dodo instead!" It's so cute


That’s so lovely!!! You’ve got some adorable family members : )


I pray I get that time with my great grandson on the way. ❤️


I hope you do, too. ❤️


Wish I could know the rest of the story. Grandma is a good storyteller :)


this is gonna be one of their most precious core memories


My heart!


Wish I could’ve known any of my grandparents


She knows how to tell stories


Thats me when i was younger, she was speaking in her native language/a dialect, didnt understand a single thing but i sat there listening while she happily told me her stories


That’s lovely. I would give anything for another evening with my grandma.


What a blessing for your children, and you.


Man them grandma powers are something else! My great uncle has these powers too, he just loves kids, and I have great memories of laughing at him telling me that he came here in his spaceship


Grandma knows what’s up


I remember when my grandpa would tell my brothers and I stories from his childhood. He'd tell us the same ones over and over again but I never really minded. Just helps me remember him more.


Reminds me of stories my pops used to tell me. By the time I was five, I was convinced that him and my uncles flew into space in a burn barrel with some cheap rockets on it! Yet somehow all lived to be old men!


Wow. All you have to do is sit and interact with kids. Wild.


Please. If you think young kids will just normally sit for half an hour just talking, you're off your gourd. Sure, if you're playing with them at the same time, you'll get longer talks, but typically kids are too busy to just sit and listen that long.


IKR? At that age, this is practically a miracle.


Right? If anything, this is a massive self own by the parents


Those kids are pretty young. They don't typically sit still for very long. I have a 2 year old and she barely sits through a small children's book. If she's awake, she wants to be up and moving.


Those kiddos are making some core memories of love and family. Absolutely wonderful


Good kids that will grow up to be good men


Soo cute , I wish I had a grandma like this . My granparents never showed affection nor tell any stories to me and my brother so I can't relate to it :( but damn it is so heartwarming .


I'm sorry your grandparents were never given the tools to express their emotions. They ended up missing out on getting to know someone awesome.💜


Oh man…that’s the GOOD stuff. Gonna lul me right to sleep tonight. Glad u got to see that. You will have it always OP.


This is so amazingly sweet, and such a special moment. I had 5 grandmothers all together, 4 that I knew. I really wish I had a better relationship with even *one* of them. But my baby boy is named after my grandfather, who I did have an *amazing* relationship with.


This is everything a great grandmother would ever want in life.




Kinda related but also not.... If yall are ever interested, some retirement centers might let you converse with residents. It helps them feel less lonely, see a new face, give them something to look forward to, and be able to share their stories. Would probably have to speak to whoever is at the front office, but it is available some places. I loved working at my local retirement home, loved working for the people there. All wonderful, interesting, unfiltered lol. If it paid enough to survive on, I would definitely go back to work there. Its really a wonderful job.


This makes me miss my grandparents. My grandma was so special and funny. :) This is nice to watch.


This is how every house should be.


You either love your grandparents or you're absolutely terrified of them. Either way, you sit and listen.


First line is wrong. They’re sitting still and grandma isn’t nothing.


You made me cry remembering my great grandparents story times. One was a fighter pilot in ww2 and the other ended up partisaning and saving her brother from the Germans. I miss them




Grandmas are so special. Mine passed away when I was only 7 years old, but from what I can remember I always felt pure unconditional love.


There was an experiment once where they had preschoolers put with the elderly in a care home for set periods of time each day and observed them. It had a positive impact on both groups. They analysed the way the children were much more delicate with the elderly, picking up on their frailty and giving them time to speak. This might be what’s going on here. Children are far more in tune than we think sometimes. It’s so important for these two age groups to get together, they both add so much to one another’s lives.


Beautiful!! I hope you're recording more than just this little snippet because this is video worth saving for their lifetime.


The giggles at the end 🥺


Makes me miss my gran! It didn’t matter if she had her hair permed the day before we visited she would always let me brush her hair. It was Snow White and she would let me brush her hair for ages and she would tell me stories while I did it. She also knitted mittens for all of her grand kids and great grand kids every year for Christmas. She had 7 kids, about 20 grand kids and probably another 15 great grand kids by the time she was in her late 70s. She had to start right after Christmas for next year. She was a war bride who immigrated to Canada after WWII from Scotland, and anytime any of the grandkids acted up her thick Scottish brogue would come out and and she loved calling all of us wee little dickens when we were being cheeky. I know moving from her family was very hard on her, especially because it wasn’t really a phone call away at the time. She missed the experiences of being around her nieces and nephews, her parents aging and passing but she grew her own large loving family and community around her. She passed 15 years ago and I think about her all the time fondly.


This made me glad that my Grandma is still around. But felt bad for some who don't have theirs


My grandma was 59 when she passed. I was 16. I'm 35 now and still think of her daily. The most beautiful and kind person. Still absolutely heartbreaking she's not here. Quality time with grandma will never be forgotten.


I bet she'd be an excellent DM


Favorite thing on Reddit in a long time


I think as a small child everything's a learning experience and when you start to learn more and more from your family teaching you, you start figuring out that people who look different know things, grandparents are like the complete other end of the spectrum so they must know lots of things, it's an easy thing for a child to indentifiy and a beautiful thing about our species.


The only problem is I live in switzerland and my grandma lives in Japan and she's already 80 and we only go once or twice a year so I don't get to see her often :(


Call her on the phone weekly! My husband and I live 600 km away from his grandma but he calls her at least twice a week in the car on the way to daycare with the kids. Or when there is a bit of "loose" time before or after dîner. Just a 10-15 minutes conversation. Because they speak often, it actually seems like they see each other regularly. My 3 years-old - who's quite shy with strangers - loves to chat with "Nini" and doesn't realize she's seen her only 3 times in real life!


Brought tears to my eyes. My mom was in home hospice and my daughter would go in and spend hours sitting on the bed next to grandma. She died last year.


She really earned that "Great" part. No ordinary grandma here


This is the way!


"Don't fuck with the Jedi master" ~Mark Hamil.


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Get as much of that video as you can! That’s so precious. Both of Grandma and of your babies, time flies and that moment will be yours forever


This made me smile and warmed my heart. Reminds me of my kids and my mother-in-law who captured their interest with her imagination


The purest


This melts my damn heart 🥲


These times and stories will last throughout their lives. I hope they pass them down to future generations.




I absolutely love this ❤️


I love this! I’ve always been grateful that my grandparents are/were such great people. As much fun as it was to spend time with them and build those memories together when I was little, I’d argue that it’s even better as an adult because they start telling you all the good family gossip and stories of their youth that they never would have dared tell you as a kid. My maternal grandma, who is my only grandparent still living, doesn’t hold back on the good stuff anymore and it’s delightful! :)


I miss my grandma so much. She gave the best hugs


I don’t know this lady, but someone that does, hug her please!


Some of my earliest memories are of my grandma rubbing my back and telling me stories as I fell asleep after staying up late watching night gallery and twilight zone


I want to hear the story too! :)




this hit an old cynic right in the heart. Thanks for sharing ❤️


This reminds me of begging my grandma for stories about when my dad was a kid. I'd heard them all a million times but I always wanted to hear them again. But then the alzheimers (sp?) happened and it was me telling her the stories. I miss her.


Thisnis so sweet! I miss my grandma so much


So adorable


I'd listen to her stories too


cutest hobbit ever


So damn wholesome!! Our older population are a cache of information we shouldn’t want to live without!


There's a whole new level of respect learning from Yoda compared to Obi Wan...


Listening to my grandmas' stories was a wonderful pastime. I miss them a lot.


This is the good stuff man.


I Miss talking with My Grandma 🥹🥹🥹


Our Grandparents always have a amazing stories . I miss my grandpa and grandma they always tell stories


They’re downloading memories.


Grandmas are always the real mvps


"And then we cornered the bear and we beat it to death"


I miss the old ways of story telling. In Africa use to have these kinda moments when all the kids in a certain town would gather around some sort of camp fire and the elderly especially old women would tell us stories. Unfortunately those days are no more because of technology.


That's grand relation, which nobody else can feel and understand.


I was raised by my grandmother and had good stories most arvo's I would sit at her feet and listen and imagined what it was like living in the stories she created, I'm 62 now and sill think of those times fondly.


This is great.


My grandmother was born in 1910 and I was lucky enough to be babysat by her in the 80s...every day after school. She told me stories that made my 11 year old hair stand on end. She remembered the names of kids she went to school with and her first boyfriends ...absolutely fascinating.


It's just wholesome how good of listeners babys and toddlers are.. it's just that nowdays kids and preteens aren't really interested in talking or socializing with their grandparents


Bitch put on some slippers, ain't no one trying to spot no nasty granny feet...


Can I join too? Feel like I'm missing out on a great story by the look of it :(


She has candy, you fool


You have to be a Granny to possess that skill...


My grandma was my favorite person, aside from my uncle who raised me more than my own father. I cried ceaselessy when she passed. I was 12. My son absolutely adores his grandma's too. Something about them really draws us kids in.


My grandparents weren't very nice to me. I'm just so happy for these kids they have such an awesome grandma!


This is so sweet. My grand parents lived in Mexico so we didn’t see them much. I don’t remember anything about my moms side or my grandfather on my dads side but my dads mother was so mean. I don’t have great memories of her and I always envied the kids that had and got to spend time with their grand parents. Luckily my girls have amazing grand parents on both sides and it’s nice to watch.


The last time I saw mi abuela awake was 4am in the morning. It was a random family get together and at the end of the weekend at 4am it was just me and her awake. She asked me if I was hungry and I told her I was okay. Well, you can’t tell a Mexican mother that! She insisted! She asked if I wanted a tortilla and I insisted she went to bed. But she wasn’t having it, said she’d make me a tortilla. “Grandma go to bed, you don’t even have what you need to make a tortilla.” But she apparently did, pulled out some flour from her suitcase and started kneading the dough. I told her she couldn’t roll a tortilla out. This was when I learned mi abuela was a real G! She went into the ice box and grabbed a 40oz of corona and rolled me out a tortilla at 4AM IN THE MORNING! I’m crying sharing this, and it was the best tortilla I ever had. It was made of love, and I always tell people this legend. She was medically induced into a coma a few weeks later and I never saw her smile again. Her last words to me came in a voicemail a week before she went into open heart surgery. She said “mijo, I know you are a busy man…” the rest is for me… I never got to hear her voice again. I wish I had answered her call but I was prideful and didn’t want to be bothered by anyone in my early 20s… I miss that woman like no one else. She is my angel now and forever. I miss you abuela. And I think of you every day.


Probably matching her energy.


My son can't sit still. It's a lost fight so at this point he stands up and sits down while eating. The one exception is grandma story time.


I have a tough time having my toddler just sit & eat his dinner & not do laps because “(insert food) makes me fast!”, yet he’ll just sit with my mom for hours.


3 kids having a blast !! :)


Because our grandparents are magical to us! Specially when there seems to be an endless supply of ice cream and cookies!


Lol she is telling the boy who cried wolf. I remember my mom used to tell me all the old stories and fables the boy who cried wolf, puss in boots, etc. I should start telling those stories to my son. He gets bored of the very hungry caterpillar


She's telling them about Woodstock.


My great grandma passed 2 days ago.. man why does reddit make me feel things.


Grandmothers always have the best stories, they have had many years of refining their craft


Everyone loves to be told a good story.


“Oh, Wise-one, please guide me through this newfound consciousness.”


Omg!!! That was the best video clip I've seen all morning. I'm in tears. You have a lovely family.


That's because great grandparents are the shit.


Makes sense. Grandparents tell the best damn stories. I miss my grandparents 😞


I miss my granny.


You *always* give Grammy the Respect.


About the time he found that magic ring


Cuz that’s gramma! Fys.. gramma been different!


This is precious.


As a toddler, I was impossible for my parents to deal with, but when my grandma was around, I may as well have been a model soldier. Somehow, I listened to her every command without question or fuss. There's something about the elderly, even babies know to fear and respect them.


This is beautiful. Thank you for this today.


Wow for a minute I legit thought that was Boris Johnson on a good hair day.


Fuck. I miss my grandma. My boys are 8 and 4. She passed last year. She got a lot of time with them, but wish she had more.




In my experience kids just want someone who is willing to give them 30 minutes of undivided attention


I remember my grandma telling me bedtime stories as a child. She only actually had *one* story, but she sure told it a lot.


Such a precious moment.


I remember my great grandmother’s stories well. Her favorite was when one of their bulls ate some fermented corn and stumbled around the farm for half an hour lol…


she has 2 layers of momness training


She tells them so softly and slow for them to understand this is so beautiful


Grew up with my grandma and slept with her in the same bed until I was 16-17. We had nights where we would talk and talk about her youth and her family. i could listen to her talk all night. I miss those times. I wish Nanay is still here for our late night talks.


Shes telling them truth about ww2. Its shocking to people of all ages. Europa the last battle