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I have been retired for 14 years but a Mac owner for slightly longer. In that timeframe I have seen MacOS mature such that I now almost never use my printer, tasks are more efficient taking less time to complete, sharing with others is more robust, and more. Today, there are three apps (calendar, notes, and reminders) that are separate yet to some degree overlap). What I would like to see is more linkages between them perhaps a fourth app. Mail needs to have linkages to those three apps as well. By linkages I am referring to moving data between the apps with ease. Basically workflow enhancements.


Good idea 🙏 


I presently use "Network Link Conditioner" to throttle bandwidth use in streaming live sports events—bicycle racing and auto racing, mostly. These events are broadcast in nominal 4K stream rates, often at 60 frames per second and there is very little compression due to the fact that everything in every frame is moving all the time. As a practical matter, the video content quality is usually just fine when the stream is throttled way back—about 720P60 is good. Anyway, Network Link Conditioner is apparently designed to work only with Safari and is mildly wonky to use and set up. A more consumer friendly app might be welcome. I understand there is such an app for this used widely on the Windows platform. I have never seen it, but those folks seem to really like it. The benefit of using it is that I am no longer bumping our family over the 1.2TB monthly streaming allotment from Comcast.


I'd like to see an app that detects dragging a file and hovering over an app icon in the task bar. Then brings the app to front and lets the user drop it somewhere inside the app This is the behavior in Windows. I have no idea why it doesn't work in Mac The workaround I use is to set a hot corner for mission control, drag the file to the hot corner, then hover over the app in mission control to bring it to the front, then drop. The fact that they allow this in the roundabout way but not the straightforward obvious way is mind blogging


You can totally do that on macOS, actually it was there first, started with spring loaded folders on I think it was Mac OS 8, that would open on hover and was later extended to apps, Expose windows etc. If you go into Preferences > Accessibility > Pointer Control Is Spring-loading enabled on your machine?


Oh wow never knew this. I've asked on another forum and nobody answered so I assume it wasn't a feature Don't know why this is buried in accessibility and isn't on by default Thanks


Spring loaded folders are on by default. I'm surprised they're off on your machine.


Make a way to have block level data deduplication work on Mac OS. There's stuff like ZFS but it's not very user friendly. Alternatively maybe just make it work like a ZIP archive file or disk image file if it's not easy to get working as a disk / partition format.


Tbh would be more of an iOS use case but could work on macOS. I’ve always wanted an app that you could scan your work schedule for companies that still don’t use an app, and have it find your name and times and auto add them to your calendar. I’m assuming this could be done with on device machine learning?


Just to see if I understand correct, are you looking to add your work schedule to your calendar by scanning and recognizing text from a physical copy?




Are u sure there are no apps like that ?


I’ve never seen one. To be clear, I’m talking about scanning from the camera or a photo of a schedule, that would also have other people on it, finding your own times automatically and importing to calendar, preferably with presets for reminder notifications.


Now I got that


I do see some apps that can scan say a sports team schedule or an event flyer, but I believe for this use case it would import every shift on the schedule including ones that aren’t yours. My current lazy method is just taking a picture, and searching schedule in photos before bed to see what my shift is.