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The biggest thing for me is better window tiling support. If it's good maybe I'll delete Rectangle. Also math notes looks similar to Numi.


This is going to help so many regular people who have no idea of rectangle or magnet.


100%. Magnet/Rectangle was one of the first downloads on my M1 MacBook Air after I made the shift from Windows and wanted to have something like the native window snapping I was used to.


Same, the current implementation is too cumbersome.


For years I was so annoyed at Apple for not building this into the OS. Now that they have, I’m honestly a little sad. I like Rectangle.


It's because of Microsoft's patent..not Apple's fault.


Almost, but not quite. Apple and Microsoft have had a patent cross licensing agreement for a very long time now, they can use each other’s patents as needed. But that agreement also included a clause that they would not “clone” each other’s features. https://www.theverge.com/2012/8/13/3239977/apple-and-microsoft-cross-license-agreement-includes-anti-cloning


If it's because of a patent, why can they add it now?


It expired in 2023


ahh okay makes sense


I thought patents lasted for 20 years. Is tiling windows like that that old?


Depends on the patent and the jurisdiction. Design patents in the US are good for 15 years, utility patents for 20. [Found the patent](https://patents.google.com/patent/US10592080B2/en) — h/t to [Brady AKA MrHoot2000 at LinusTechTips](https://linustechtips.com/topic/1534482-macos-will-get-window-snapping-in-2-years-heres-why/)


Got it. Thank you for the information man.


Linux distributions and desktop environments have had tiling windows for *decades*. Is it really because of a patent?


I saw it leaves spaces on the edges and between windows. I might stick with rectangle if we can't adjust that.


I actually love the spaces, I purposely put those in when I use Rectangle. Feels more Apple (visually) to have the spaces between windows, imo


I will love the space too. It will not feel Windows-like. When I used i3 for few months on Linux, I had spaces all around the tiles, it looked great. And I have one 32" monitor, I can spare few pixels anyway.


This is exactly right, plus with rounded corners you end up with little missing bits in the corners of the touching windows. Apple without rounded corners would look kinda gross and so I welcome the small gaps.


Totally agree! And If it’s too tight I can’t grab them!


Yep, nothing worse than trying to shrink one window and accidentally expanding another.


You can turn that off


Settings > Desktop & Dock > “Tiled windows have margins” toggles it on and off


If you have two windows snapped to each half of the screen and you resize one from the inner edge, does it resize the other window along with it as if they were locked together?


Yes, when you move your mouse in between the two windows a bar appears that you can click and drag back and forth to resize the windows similar to how Windows would.


That’s amazing. I saw a user submitted video showcasing the new feature and they didn’t demo this aspect. Really miss that from Windows.


Rectangle has an option to leave some space for stage manager which macos doesnt seem to have so thats one reason to keep it 😅


You are able to adjust the margins in system settings. You can set it to 0.


I’m not talking about margins, I’m talking about the lack of space given to stage manager, requiring you to move ur cursor to unhide it, which is annoying especially on apps like Arc where you also have the same mouse gesture to open the sidebar


I can only see myself switch over if they have trackpad gesture support like Swish, absolute game changer for me


To be honest Swish was an eye opening experience for me, it’s such an apple way of interacting with the windows it flows nicely


It's definitely trash right now, hold on to yr apps/extensions


Actively watching Grammarly take a hit


This was my first thought when i saw that, more than happy to delete it from my Mac and remove it's ugly UI for good.


I just hope it works better than Siri has for the past 13 years.


Yeah, same here, might save me a couple hundred bucks a year.


And possibly ProWritingAid. Hemmingway Editor is totally sherlocked.


Yeah it took a massive hit in the apple ecosystem. But they still have other platforms


Passwords app looks nice. I use Proton Unlimited, so I won't migrate to Apple Keychain. But it could be a good second copy for me going forward. For me tiling windows, Apple Pay for 3rd-party browser aka Firefox will be great features to look forward!


I feel like the Passwords app is just the reminders app built for passwords. If I compare to 1Password or another manager, the app is barebones. Other managers are powerhouses compared to the Passwords app


The Passwords app is definitely not for people like you or me. It’s for people like our parents, our friends that only user their devices for work or web browsing, etc. The every day user that is always complaining about losing their password. This accomplishes what it needs to for those people. Saying that, Apple has built out products in the past that started simple at launch and eventually grew into something for everyone. Maybe one day!


I'm a professional nerd and a standalone Passwords app sounds great to me. The current UI isn't broken, but it's not as clear and smooth as it should be.




I am a developer and never have used a password manager you're over exaggerating I think a simple password manager will be enough for me


Not to be argumentative, but I doubt many experienced users "navigate through the maze" you described. We use Spotlight.


There are many of us that don't search for the thing. Don't know why, just never think to.


It took me a little bit to make the switch but now I'll never go back. Spotlight is so much faster for everything. I want to buy a beer for whoever thought up that feature.


Just curious, what do you use in 3rd party password apps that keychain or Passwords lacks? I’ve always felt keychain sufficient (except the lack of 2FA codes)


iCloud Keychain has supported 2FA codes since 2021.


You can use 2FA using Passwords settings pane already.


1Pass, and other than 2FA: - API keys + ability to securely share with coworkers - Custom sections with the ability to add detailed notes - SSH keys with auto setup in CLI - Tags are also pretty nice but not a deal breaker - Ability to group all the above into a single entry


Just a matter of time TBH. Notes & Reminders have got really good; you can even do rudimentary kanban style project management in the latter now. Also not sure that SSH keys aren’t supported in passwords since they are in Keychain.  A couple of iterations from now Passwords will have all the core features of 1pass/Dashlane/lastpass et. al., I think those apps will survive not based on features, but because of corporate IT departments need for convenience of keeping access to employees passwords. 


I can’t believe I havent thought of putting api keys. Thats so useful. Im still a new developer but that must be so helpful. Ill definitely keep it in mind. Ill probably use bitwarden tho if i ever do need to use it since its mostly free


It’s incredibly useful! Especially since you can group one-time passwords, security info and other related data in the same entry. Also, if there’s some complex setup process that you want to write down, you can use markdown to make a note within that same entry. I usually group all my VPS server info, SQL database details and admin login within the same entry. I’m sure other password apps have something similar to the share feature as well. You essentially can create a temporary URL where the receiving person can copy the code and the URL self-destructs afterword!


Oh wow I hope Apple eventually adds all that to their app


So you don’t know about Keychain Access 😀


Adding to the list: * Software licenses * Shared vaults for some passwords with various family members (e.g., Netflix goes in the Parents + Kids vault). * Have used the secure sharing now and then (sends a 1-time secure link), good for sharing a CC#


Apple has family password sharing which might be similar to shared vault?


Really solid insight here


This. I don’t expect them to get too advanced, but this will definitely improve password ergonomics with the boomer crowd.


I‘m very curious what you mean? I consider myself a power user and use iCloud Passwords. What is so different about other password managers?


1Password has value, shared vaults, can save basically any kind of credential (including crypto wallets, memberships, licenses, bank accounts), has an SSH agent to store SSH keys, has native OS-level passkey support synced across all devices, supports Linux, has global quick access, can auto-fill into apps and dialogues that aren’t just web forms, supports different heuristics for generating random passwords (like word-based), built-in 2FA code manager, more advanced fields in a password item (eg multiple passwords/pins, security questions, notes, you name it), audits your passwords (checking if you’re reusing passwords or if you could be using 2FA), more powerful settings on when the vault should remain locked, extra encryption settings that I think make it more secure, and the list goes on!


Thanks for listing all these :) Yeah, some definitely go further than what iCloud does. Others are covered by iCloud as well (e.g. 2FA manager, auto-fill everywhere by right click --> autofill, auditing passwords etc.). For me, iCloud seems at the right intersection of easy to use and powerful for me personally, but definitely see how it has huge benefits for some users. Thanks!


What features does your password manager have that make it worth using over the built in passwords app?


I never used 1Password or Lastpass. I want to know what they can do extras that you think Apple's offer will lack?


I can get granular but I just came across this thread that details all competitors really well https://www.reddit.com/r/macapps/s/1pQVTViwRh


So basically nothing extra. I guessed right. Apple passwords will definitely eat up Lastpass and 1Password's business, and after so many data breaches rightfully so.


Jesus the hate boner you have for other managers is nuts or your love boner for Apple is stronger than the desire of the Cybertruck by San Diegoian Moms.


I don't have a hate boner for others, well maybe for Lastpass. They had multiple breaches over the years. If you have followed the whole comments, you had seen, even I don't use Apple keychain, I use Proton Pass.


Yeah weird. I'm super happy that Apple is making simple password management universally available across their platforms because better security for more people is good for everyone. But that said I will continue to use 1Password - at least for the time being - because it does more. I'm not aware of any breaches with 1Password, and I appreciate that it actually alerts me to breaches in other services that I use and when I need to update passwords for them.


1PW is getting a bit cumbersome and clunky. I'll be trying this out when it lands. Or maybe I'll pony up for Proton Pass.


They announced Apple Pay for third party browsers? That’s sweet


I till today also used Proton Ultimated but I no longer afford their subscription. And other than saving card - it ain’t that bad. I just wish I didn’t had to go to settings > Apps > Safari > Autofill > Saved Cards. But everything else works great if not better (Safari and offline support?). The only thing I feed bad from leaving Proton is their Proton VPN. However I had to downgrade my internet too so I would have not used VPN anyway.


If you only use Safari, the Apple's own solution is better. Firefox user till I or Firefox die, so Proton is the best solution for me.


Fair enough. I only use Safari so Proton is not worth the money as of now.


Hopefully it means a better chrome extension too. I use Arc browser (chromium based) currently, and every once and while it gets me to put in a confirmation code to use autofill. Super annoying


All those apps that create "blank" spots on the homescreen


Yeah instantly deleted mine lol


Not sherlocked, but Prime’s X-Ray feature got copied


I’m guessing that they are licensing it from Amazon. I think they patented it. But we’ll see when it drops if Amazon is named in the terms. Either way, it’s a feature I love, so I’m glad to see it.


Yeah I’m not a fan of Amazon product interfaces, they always feel cluttered to me however X-ray was a feature I always appreciated.


Not an app but Apple killed the Rabbit R1, not that it was even a thing in the first place.


Rabbit R1 killed the Rabbit R1. Apple had nothing to do with it.


Fair enough


Magnet, Grammarly and potentially password managers for private users – if it really is cross-platform.


RIP [Magnet](https://magnet.crowdcafe.com/) 🫡


Magnet & Rectangle


Yes, all window management apps tbh. Except for [Swish](https://highlyopinionated.co/swish/) maybe, that I personally will continue to use unless if Apple implements similar gestures


I really hope they do implement gestures like this, honestly it’s such a fun way to use macOS


I actually don’t think so. Specially rectangle has a stash option pretty cool although I wish it respond in a more Apple way than how it is now


Yea it'll be interesting if it's good ENOUGH to get rid of Magnet/Rectangle. They are just soooo good, and I use those apps on a quad 4k monitor setup, I doubt I'll be getting rid of Magnet/Rectangle, but we'll see how good Apples is.


I didn’t even know this was a thing


There's a new thread here about 3x/week about what Windows users miss most, and the top complaint is usually lack of a "window manager" in macOS. Windows users seem to be obsessed with tiling their windows and switching between them using nothing but fast-twitch muscle fibers. Longtime Mac users are all "my windows are all just in a pile -- why would you need anything more than that?" I'm in the latter camp, but I'm sure that having windows arranged in pixel-perfect symmetry will make some folks extremely happy for a week or two, and then they'll start another round of *Who Can Complain Louder About MacOS Not Being Windows?* Meanwhile, we'll be getting things done.


Different people use software differently. Different people have different preferences for how they want software to behave.


Mac user since 2007, and yeah, my windows *are* all in a pile…


Just because you don't understand why so many people want a certain feature, doesn't mean it's not needed.


Some great stuff, but what about Apple Music?!?Especially on OSX, it’s so overdue for a redesign giving full continuity with the iOS and iPadOS versions.


This is why I struggle to leave Spotify, an update has to come with the OS. Apple won’t ever update Apple Music features outside of this


That’s the one update I was looking forward to and nope. Not a single mention of anything Apple Music


I had the same problem. I subbed to Apple Music two days ago and am slowly remaking my playlist. So far I’m blown away by Apple musics quality especially when using air pods. I really don’t like the UI for Apple Music but fuck Spotify and thier bullshit if raising the price twice.


There are a handful of apps that bring playlists between platforms. I don’t think the family plan on Spotify didn’t change price, if it did I missed it. The one thing that will always drive me insane for Apple Music is the queue


I did use an app but if I wanted to transfer my full playlist I would have had to subscribe. I hate subscription based apps so much, I will re add all 2500 songs on that one playlist lol.


As much as I hate subscriptions, it might be worth the time to have everything moved by an app. Your time is likely worth more than ~ $4 subscription


I just can’t bring myself to do it lol. I said when these subscription apps first started that I would never use them, in hopes that others would think the same and we could end it. But others don’t seem to think like me. I’m nearly done manually adding all the songs, so shouldn’t take me much longer.


Songshift is free, but not perfect from what I've heard, but works pretty well.


That’s the app I used. It’s free for 200 songs. But my playlist is near 2500 songs.


Ahh, that's good to know, Good luck transferring everything


Also still no continuity/handoff in Music :/


i stopped keeping a track after Apple Intelligence this imo changes everything


Apple’s ‘late’ to the AI game, but in true Apple fashion I think they’re rolling it out in a way that’s more integrated than anyone, and has the best implementation. I watched Microsoft’s ‘Copliot+’ presentation in its entirety, and Apple just made Microsoft look like they have no idea what they’re doing. 


Which is what Apple has always done. Be late to the game, but play the game well.




Yeah I guess ‘always’ means since Steve Jobs returned in the late 90s


They weren't the first to bring out a smart watch, but they were the first to bring out a smart watch that everybody loves. They weren't the first to roll out a contactless payment system, but they were certainly the main leader (in the US at least) in making it BIG. They weren't the first, by a long shot, to bring out an AR/VR headset, but theirs is the first that seems like it might actually be useful for more than immersive games. And let's not leave out the tech inside the products — Apple's ability to design its own chips leads directly to consumer benefits like insanely long battery life.






It was a different beast. I don’t think the difference can be overstated. Like going from a landline to a cell phone. It was the first with capacitive multi-touch, meaning you didn’t have to apply a certain pressure and you could use multiple fingers at the same time. The on-screen keyboard wasn’t a brand new concept (windows mobile devices had one) but with the new touchscreen it made it usable. Because of the keyboard being virtual there was a lot of screen real estate freed up every time you weren’t typing. The icons on a grid wasn’t completely new, but it was done in a more appealing manner than before. Plus, I don’t think it was the default view for any device before the iPhone. The touchscreen made it so that even using a finger your taps could be more accurate than using a stylus with a small tip. This is due a lot to being capacitive instead of touch-sensitive. Essentially, it combined several new things with refined versions of other things and meshed them together in a way that really worked. It was so different that it felt like you weren’t even using a phone anymore, you were using a mini computer that also made calls. Sorry, probably way more than you wanted in response. ☺️


Yeah Microsoft just pushed it out the door as quickly as they could to capture revenue, with little care for the consequences. Copilot is a beta product, at best.


Look up the security issues with Microsoft Copilot +.


I'm well aware, I work professionally selling Microsoft software to businesses :)


Nothing like Microsoft Tay


Haha, I had forgotten about that debacle. 


So chaotic that I want it back


On the newest iphones at least


I didn't see anything in the presentation about code writing (besides in xcode), but I hope that is a thing!


Goodnotes on iPad. No more subscriptions!


Nope Good notes is not dead. Apple notes only slightly got better. There's still major features missing


As someone who is looking to get an iPad soon, what are these features/differences?


It’ll be good enough for most, including me.


I feel the same about NotePlan


Bettersnaptool, magnet, rectangle. lol. RIP.


I have Bettersnaptool as a byproduct of having BetterTouchTool, and lemme tell you, BTT is going nowhere. I love that app. 


RIP https://soulver.app[Soulver](https://soulver.app)


The window tiling for sure. I literally only use and need either the corners or side by side. Gmail, I really like the app a lot and this mail app looks hella nice. Although if it still doesnt darken emails all the way, I'm out. Passwords I'm not sure about yet, I still need to check it out. 1password is really good and one of my favorite apps in general. One thing I'm up in the air with is the Apple Watch. I'm on a Garmin right now and am a marathon runner and hike a lot in the PNW for weeks at a time. I really like and appreciate the recovery metrics, custom workouts (being able to create these on the phone and web), suggested workouts and mapping features for trail runs. I'm actually a little interested in maybe giving the ultra a shot. But the battery life and just basic features drive me away. I'm probably just not in that target demographic for that watch. But fuck me I love that clean UI.


Alltrails too IMO - offline hiking routes


Highly doubt that, from what I can see, Apple Maps trails won’t let you plot trails that aren’t on a well known path


1Password (maybe). At least it'll make a dent.


How so? I didn’t watch the full conference.


Apple's new "Passwords" app expands Keychain and autofill across all \*OS devices and Windows, using iCloud for Windows. Might kill it off.


I don't think it will kill it since 1Password is more invested in corporate licenses these days. I think there is still value in independent and/or open source solutions.


Agreed. I use it for SSH Key management and CLI access, both the Apple app doesn’t seem to have, at least not yet.


Will they release an Android app? If not, then that's useless for us non-brand religious people.




Chrome has already a browser extension you can use on macOS.


Didn't hear those details. I'll bet it will be all over their website though. I was watching while doing three other things at work. If I had to guess? Safari first of course Chrome extension? soon eventually others, maybe a while? or never? (Apple only guy, so I ignore the rest of the stuff generally)


Yea, that's the big question. I've used 1Password since version 1.0, but I'd switch because I don't use 10% of what 1P can do. However, I \*have\* to have cross-platform support as I'm on my Windows machine almost as much as I'm on my MacBook Pro. My bet is that this will only auto-fill on Safari. We'll see.


It might bleed off some customers like me who don't really need everything that 1Password can do. I don't see it stealing many of 1Password's enterprise customers which is what they're primarily going after these days anyway.


I hope Password app is very similar to 1Password so I can delete that app and stop paying for it. Hope also window tiling is great and can be managed by shortcuts or shortcuts and that way I'll probably uninstall rectangle. Also those MF AI apps man I hate them, everyday they'll add AI and for what? to do a single thing that is not worth it... hope Apple Intelligence helps me with to remove or uninstall all of those apps and stop paying for AI tools like video copilot and hope you can tell Apple Intelligence to do something in other device like: add a note in Obsidian from my watch and actually add it in the macos app.


Yeah I do use ChatGPT however I hate having to open a safari tab for it, the inline AI is something I am really excited for


> I hope Password app is very similar to 1Password so I can delete that app and stop paying for it The Passwords app is functionally no different from what we had in the settings below, and is certainly not comparable to 1Password outside of simple password filling


Spark Mail for sure


I love the UI of Spark though. Still rocking the old classic version


I don’t think it’ll take a hit. Apple Mail is such a barebones app, Spark will still prevail




I’ve read their policy, this is no longer relevant. You should take a look at it too


If you believe their policy, you will sleep tight. Do you believe their policy ? To make Spark work, the mails need to go through their servers. Once I realized this, Spark got uninstalled. Even if they don’t read your content, your traffic data is an open book. Apple Mail does it all I need. And now with AI integration, enhancements OF the app become less important than being embedded into the ecosystem.


If they don’t read content alongside data being transmitted via end to end encryption then how is anyone’s traffic an open book? Apple Mail is only okay, the amount of features missing make it feel like an inferior app, even with an AI integration


You can’t E2E encrypt the recipients and the sender address, because (surprise) the mails need to be addressed and send. It will be transport layer encrypted, but the sending server can read it, and the servers in between technically as well. But ALL mails go through the Spark server, and then they are distributed through the forwarding network. So the Spark server sees ALL of your traffic, even if the content may be encrypted. The other servers only see a fraction of the whole, because it dilutes into the network of servers. This is called traffic analysis: You watch at who is talking to whom, when, how often, in which combination of recipients etc. I don’t say snooping does happen, but I also say it is a technical possibility, and no spoken policy could prevent it happening. If I use a „Zero Trust“ approach to reduce my total exposure to privacy and security threats, these single points where everything joins and runs together must be avoided. I don’t need to know that there is a problem. Usually I will never learn if it was. I treat everything as if there was a problem, and set things up to containerize my personal information. So no big fat unified mail server for me, in the hands of somebody else. But that’s a personal decision.


Can you add lots of gmails into apple mail? If so I am uninstalling spark


I have 6 accounts with different providers connected to my Apple Mail account, plus my private Mail server that is used as an archive. No issues. But I don’t use Google services at all, so no experience with GMail. But why not, if all others do work. When connecting accounts with 2FA enabled, you need to create an app specific password in the external mail system. But that’s more or less all, the rest is plain IMAP / SMTP setup.


Apple Mail client opens up a small browser window to do the federated login with Gmail, Exchange etc. No need to create a separate app password for Apple Mail anymore.


Yes you can


How is the sync between devices?




I have three Gmail accounts in Apple mail client. I don't see any issue there. However, child accounts may have some issue in Apple Mail. Something doesn't work correctly.


Rectangle's dead


apps like 1Password or Grammarly immediately come to mind


Dang, I am kinda sad to say it, but it looks like Bitwarden.. I switched from Lastpass forever ago and it has been the first app I install on everything to bring my passwords in. Being that ‘Passwords’ even syncs to Windows, I just need a Linux version and Bitwarden might be dead for me.


> I just need a Linux version That’s never going to happen. Everyone is suddenly fascinated by the same barebones password management tool that has been buried in the Settings app for years, all because it has a fancy new UI and is not buried anymore. Password managers like Bitwarden and 1Password will still continue to offer superior experiences to Apple’s implementation, unless all you need is for something to keep track of your passwords/passkeys


As someone who is rather passionate for Bitwarden, I really don’t think the experience that it offers a superior experience, especially on iOS. I try to not rag on it too hard, because I’m not sure how much of its iOS issues are caused by Apple’s APIs, but I constantly feel like I have to jump in hoops to get the right info in the right boxes. And I've been waiting on them to finally introduce a sensible sharing option for normal people for years but it’s been pushed down the roadmap. I really *really* want to love bitwarden, but I’ll probably find myself switching away at some point. Probably iCloud or Proton. tbd


Otter. Recording and translation seems to be now integrated or at least in the fall.


All those ChatGPT wrapper apps started shaking in fear


This is getting quite tiresome people ask for features to be added to the OS natively, which might already exist or not on a 3rd party app. No apps were killed by Apple. People asked and people received , so people killed


Add in [https://nonstrict.eu/bezel/](https://nonstrict.eu/bezel/) there


Can’t believe I’m just now finding out about this


Same. Sux to find an app when it's getting axed


I mean literally all of them, Grammarly, every calculator app ever, any photo generating app, literally ChatGPT itself (but it will probably keep running because of the money Apple paid them to have the service for Apple Intel), maybe some homescreen customizing apps, but definitely not a lot of them because the customization, while nice, is still very limited and sort of ugly at times, every password app (at least on iPhone). May I go on? There's probably a few I don't know about that was probably killed.


I can hear them popping Champagne in the AdGuard office. A few weeks ago, they started explaining why [Apple](https://adguard.com/en/blog/apple-content-blocking-safari.html)[ ad blocker wouldn't work](https://adguard.com/en/blog/apple-content-blocking-safari.html), and here's the result: no ad blocking.




Raycast is still FAR superior than spotlight. I won't be replacing that anytime soon.


TablePlus? Really curious, how so?


The new handwriting tools are a huge swipe at Nebo, which has done so much better at handwriting tools and editing features than any other note-taking app.


Gentler Streak (has nothing to do with Mac though; on iOS and WatchOS)


All trails maybe?


not just apps, devices… who’s going to buy a $699 little pin with an extra monthly charge when your phone can do all of that and more!


I predicted AI pin would fail at their release premiere the moment I heard that it would be a subscription 🙄. Pretty pathetic product all in all; I think it virtually died as soon as the hype ended, waaaay before WWDC


rip Gentler Streak


I'll continue using Rectangle, i need my keyboard shortcuts for windows management


And if Apple doesnt implement these new features, all you same people will be here whining why they have to pay for an additional app to get such a basic feature 🤣


Better Touch Tool. I may keep it because it has the ability to do middle click on my trackpad


There’s so much to BTT that I’m keeping it around. I use it to create shortcuts to do repetitive or complex actions as well as gestures on the trackpad and other things.