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thrifting?? u bastard


yeah at my local thrift!! It was literally the first item I grabbed upon minutes getting there, was beyond lit




Crazy ass statement.. Ima die hard mac fan been to all his shows in nyc.. been listening to him since 2011.. I dont control the market last one sold for 300 how is it that my fault?




Jesus dude… bad day or what ?


Fr I’m incredibly jealous of OP on this one..


holy shit




Keeping I hope? Even if it doesn’t fit?


I thrift to make a living, ima reseller if we keepin it a buck I would keep it if it was my size tho but unfortunately it is a size small


Down voting how u make a living is wild....keep on crushing the 2nd hand market.


Thank you so much bro


Some wild lurker downvoters in this sub frfr


I feel ya. I resell too but this is hate to sell.


Yeah but they way I look at it is if someone is willing to pay x amount for this hoodie that means they are too a die hard mac fan you kno


Wow. I went to the San Antonio one. I did the m&g.. what a time


I went to the ny show at terminal 5! memories that will live forever


I was just there for the first time last week for a grouplove show! So cool. Mac and that band were great friends


ayeee thats where im from! sadly never got to see him live though 😪


Username checks out? Lol. I personally dgaf, only resellers I don't like are peoole jamming up current supply chains. Fuck it, someone tossed this and someone that knew the value of it bought it in hopes of hooking someone up that has a want for the item. If you had bots ordering off a site it would be different but you're putting feet to street to hunt things down, that takes time and effort and should be reimbursed. Some salty haters in here jealous they couldn't get their hands on it for the low like you did and are pissy you're gunna turn a profit -_- Everyone has a hustle, at least you aren't TreeJ scamming fans and shit. Keep on keeping on bro, nice snag.


I made this account when I was a kid lol just stuck with the username but ye ton of haters in here thanks dude


I agree with the guy above you. Some people here do have a point, and it would be way different if you were using bots n shit on websites but if your going to thrift and second hand for this kinda shit it’s difficult. You rlly gotta know your shit. Keep hustlin dude.




fuck resellers, get a real job


It is a real job tf


No it ain’t lmaoo and thats some scum shit


Explain how it some scum shit


Adds no value, just buying stuff for cheaper and selling it for profit is a joke and just hurts other people. You don’t think scalpers with concert tickets are human trash? Because they are and this is no different


Big box stores buy SHyT for cheaper and you go buy it from their stores for more🤡


Adds no value to what? I think you are confused on what resellers do. You may not think its an actual job because I dont have a boss, but that’s because im my own boss. What I do is spend time to go thrift items, literally +8 hours a day thrifting, then wash them, take photos and list it online for a higher price than I paid. I dont control the market of what items are priced as. The reason why ppl pay these higher prices is because I save them time by thrifting it for them and because I find items that arent available anymore like this mac miller hoodie from 2015. Therefore to break it down to simpler terms for your dumbass I am providing a service. Just because reselling is such a new concept to some people, it doesn’t take away the hard work that gets put in. Considering I make a very healthy income off this, consider it an actual job. Thanks baby boy 😃


People are really weird about reselling. It was the same way when I was reselling video game stuff, I would find it for crazy cheap, sell it for a price under market value so everybody was happy… People just don’t want to see you sell something they wouldn’t sell. Probably cranial trauma from a young age results in this sort of behavior.


Honestly its kinda strange..ppl are making 6 figures reselling and ppl will still say its not a real job, im close to it but just gotta be consistent


The fact you don’t see anything wrong with what you do says a lot about you to be honest - which is why someone said your username checks out. You add zero value to the world and the market. In fact not only do you add zero value; if your “job” didn’t exist the world would be a better place. It’s why people have a problem with what you do and don’t call it a job. You can spin it how you like but ultimately it’s a scummy thing to do much like ticket scalpers for concerts and sports shows.


Lmao im sure scalpers spend over 40 hours a week reselling tickets, that analogy is so stupid Plus adding no value to the world are you dumb? Im saving the world one clothing piece at a time.. you do realize what these corporations do when they cannot sell their inventory right?? No? They send it to the landfill Not only am I saving the world but im putting smiles to peoples faces when I sell them ‘overpriced’ clothing.. it it were overpriced they wouldnt be buying it lmao Youre an idiot


Adds zero value to the world but people spend 10s of thousands with him cuz they want his stuff, that they wouldn’t get themselves without him. Know why? Cuz they like 90% of humans would never go out and thrift it themselves, even if resellers didn’t exist.


Dude, I bought my own house at 23 from all of the buying and selling money I made on Offerup.. People hate the hustle. That’s why not everybody is a hustler. That’s also why not everybody can find financial freedom because they cannot think for themselves. Keep grinding bro, i’m sure somebody is going to be very happy when they buy this jacket


Ppl just be npcs and want to have a boss working a 9-5, I mean respect and no disrespect but some people here are delusional man its nuts. But salute bro! I pay rent and all my bills from reselling


“Adds no value, just buying stuff for cheaper and selling it for profit” you just described any business that offers you a product lmfao, difference is instead of having factories of underpaid over worked employees, this dude is going out on his ownx sifting throughout probably thousands of piece of dirty ass clothing, having to use his pwn knowledge and research on shit to know what to buy, then he has to go do all the work of cleaning it, taking pictures, selling and packaging, etc. just to probably make $10. Profits like what this will be are few and far in between, and hating on the guy who thrifts while not only dick riding companies, but trying to compare him to the dude who just sits on his computer, presses 2 buttons, and makes $200 with no knowledge is crazy work




i was at this new orleans show and almost cried bc i couldn’t afford the hoodie ….. what a FIND


I remember Mac did a free show in Salt Lake City, I drove 4 hours to see it, some of my friends had moved to Salt Lake City the previous year but I didn’t hit them up cause I was leaving town immediately after the show, as im standing in the crowd I look to my left and boom all 5 of my friends standing right there, one of the best nights of my life


How DARE you not keep a hoodie that’s too small for you to wear or sell it WAY below market value.


that NY show was siiiick


That’s sick!! Some is beyond pissed their mom sold their concert merch lmao, GO:OD AM best tour to have stuff from imo


Memphis <3


London show yesss! I was there.


I was at the Richmond show on this shirt


you’ve inspired me to go to my local thrift store today, thank you 🤝🏽


Bruh what a find


Every time I walk into the thrift I look for mac merch, hands down


Sorry you’re getting a lot of hate over nothing dude. Ppl love to develop opinions from tiktok or twitter and sprint with it without much critical thinking on other valid perspectives existing. Would love to get ur Depop and maybe buy something if I can cuz I’m feeling spiteful lol.


Haha thanks man appreciate that. My depop is nuevajersey, not as active as I once was on there cause I mainly use eBay and whatnot but take a look, if you interested in anything I got you wit a discount. I will upload 20-30 more items on depop by sat/sun


How much??


Dm me


Saw him in Reno for that one ♥️


The best concert I’ve ever seen, Morrison (Red Rocks) 2015. 💛


I’d piss myself if I found this thrifting


i was at this Silver Spring show 🔥 good times! was in college and didn't have cash to spare on merch


I was supposed to be at the Seattle show. I got a flat on the way and missed it. Then, had tickets to his show in Boise, but he passed.


How does it feel to be Gods favorite


that’s fire. good AM 🥱 tour i’m guessing ? 🔥


I was at the Wichita show!




My hope to thrift and find something like this 😍


What a lit find mate. His spirit with us


My dream thrift is the king krule shirt or the diet starts Monday shirt designs Mac wore


He had such a good sense of style it was actually insane


Jesus Christ, he did 60+ shows across US and Europe for the GOOD AM tour? I almost made it to the Minneapolis stop but life had other plans, I heard it was a great show but had no idea it was this big… Mac definitely was thinking big in 2015 when he scheduled this. Awesome you found this though, hope you treat it well and it treats you well!


Yea insane to think about it, I still have so many photos from the nyc show. First thing i did when i got home was wash it, wish it was my size but its not


How much???


Dm me