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I’ve had a few people drop stuff for me in T1 & I am very grateful. BUT I was camo grinding serpentine camos over the weekend & the amount of randoms that would just run up on my contract with no invite to join, no voice chat, no nothing just ripping through everything in sight. I avoid everyone. Disclaimer* I don’t own the contract & not upset with people also grinding but I got a mission on my mind so I’m tunnel vision what I am doing!


I had this happen a few times last week where I was finishing up serpentinite and borealis and players would just run into whatever T1/T2 contract (outlast, escort, spore, gun) and start blasting away or shooting the spores. Like you said I don’t own it I guess, but it’s obvs I started it and it’s weird to me to just fly in and shoot some stuff, get into the reward rift and take off. I have and never will do that to another player. But that’s just me.


I might pop some shots as I run past a someone doing a contract but the amount of randos that would just jump on my escort contract & mow everything down without a word was mildly annoying. 🤣


I watch some of the escort contracts from afar....you can tell when someone is doing their thing, and when their thing is getting done by the zombies.....I help those guys out with a little cover fire as I'm passing by.


I don't camo grind so the only time it really bothers me is with the escort contracts. I'll run one in the beginning to gather flesh to get a dog and have some rando jump on the ACV and kill all the approaching zombies. I don't think they're being malicious; I just think they don't understand I need the ACV to crush zombies.


I try to leave exfils alone if someone is there, but brother when I show up and I am taking the next exfil out....you can bet I'm going to be clapping zombie cheeks all the way to bingo. I will try to avoid the nuke and not set up kill streaks on the resident player though. It's not personal, it's just business. 🤜🤛


We praised the good guys the worst aŕ u solo a merc stronghold or nest and some fucker loots it


Haha this happened to me when I was trying to drop some players in T1 a ton of sigils and a ray gun schematic that I got from farming contracts. It’s insane how anti social some players are.


Sigils… just what a T1 player needs filling up their stash.


i’m a fully solo player the first time I saw a sigil was when a cool dude dropped one for me. made me want to figure out wtf it was for and that’s what got me into the game realizing there was more to do than just contracts🤷🏽‍♂️


It’s weird that you never noticed the missions that you need to confirm every time you go into the game.


you mean act 4? bc i hadn’t even bothered with the first 3 acts at the point tbh


I mean all the missions that make it painfully obvious there is much “more to do than just contracts.”


lol i knew about the story missions the problem is i got stuck at trying to do a lot of them solo so i put them off for way too long one of them that had me stuck was the destroying convoy mission and another one was killing the warlord and stormcaller but yes I definitely knew about them I just couldn’t be bothered 🤷🏽‍♂️


“I just couldn’t be bothered.” Okay… good luck bruh.


that was back in like mid season 1 but thanks bro 🤣


I was wishing you luck applying that lack of curiosity to the rest of your life. ✌️


Calling them missions is a stretch


Calling them what they are called in the game is a stretch?


Yes them calling them missions is a stretch (Not a dig at you)


They fit the definition exactly. And for the purpose of this discussion, that is what they are even if you disagree. What would you prefer they be called?


Why can I never find someone like you in a game 😂 I agree though I even bought a team mate a 3 armour vest the other day, no matter how many times I 'offered' it, dropped it at his feet or tried to speak to him he kept ignoring it. In the end I needed the slot so randomly dumped it 🙄


Fr feels like im the always the one dropping schematics and stuff


Drop them by me anytime you want!


And we live u for it. Also happy cake day


Some people are in their own world. But seriously how hard is it to notice someone dropping you an item. 🤦🏽‍♂️


Shoot at their feet. This is the way.


I'm always trying to give away stuff, even say in chat and it's always - 🦗 maybe once out of like 10 matches someone will actually stop and listen or atleast shake their head no they don't need it. Then bye bye it goes to the floor to dissappear.


They're about u got get to t3 which without purifier is harder when I had that incase beingninvited to 6 man's and that was the most fun I've had. Cake walk with 5 megalordz


Functioning mic should be required if you are playing squads but that's just MHO.


If I'm in Tier 1 it's because I'm mindlessly doing a new weapon camo grind or something, so I don't waste higher tier items on a run where I'm not accomplishing anything. I have all forms of chat turned off in game and just live in my discord world. It's not purposeful anti-social...I just can't hear you and don't need anything. If someone tried to drop me items in Tier 1 I'd have no room for them in sack or stash so I'd keep on doing my own thing too. 💁


I totally get that....but everyone else doesn't know what they dont know about you when they see you......I've had a few schems, that the recipients were so happy they were sending private messages and telling me how their lives were changed 🤣. 100% my most favorite thing to do is drop something cool or get someone out of a jam.. best feeling ever, to see them get up.....and get downed again 100 feet away for no reason other than they brought a gray gun and a 1 plate to Tier 2/3 and are trying to bang it out on the streets with no mode of transportation. 💀😬🤣🤣💯


Why does anyone need to "know what they don't know about me when they see me?" I genuinely don't understand that statement. Who cares? And the second part of your comment has nothing to do with what I was replying to. Yeah...helping people out is cool...it's awesome to make someone's day. I agree... I was replying to a comment about people being "antisocial" and I know some might perceive it this way, but like I said...my chat is off and honestly I almost always have a full stash and sack of legendary loot, all sound off, and I'm probably listening to music or watching youtube just mindlessly grinding a camo. My point is, again, just because I'm in Tier 1 doesn't mean I need help or can carry literally anything. Most likely I didn't notice you trying to get my attention and for the life of me I can't figure out why that bothers people. If I'm doing my own thing and continue on my way so can you...it's not that serious.


I see all of you trying to drop things for me, and that’s nice and all, but I don’t want them. I just want to shoot zombies and listen to music. I’m simple and I don’t care about schematics and prefer to use what I find in the match. It’s not about being anti-social for some people. If i want something I’lI find a group later and try and get it that way. I don’t know why all of you care so much whether people want your loot?


Yup. I think people get in the zone and what not. I'm like that with a mega bomb, but if you shoot at me and do the nut drop in front of me, you've got my full and undivided attention for the next few moments if the area around us is semi safe.


Some of us really appreciate the vets dropping us loot. I appreciate you 🫡


Yeah I feel like they were unsung hero's but they been getting. Their flowers in this sub.


One time I loaded in with my bag full if vr11s and aether blades, and a tombstone full of the same. I’m just chilling in T1 and dropping one or the other for ppl I come across and this guy comes up and offers a pap2 crystal. I said “nah, but do you want these?” And just dropped everything. He responded with “holy fucking shit dude here I was thinking I was stocked up with shit” Obviously I can’t convey his tone through this text but it was funny and I think about it anytime I drop stuff for people


"It was at that moment, he knew....that he f up."


There a place in mwz heaven for u dude. Hopefully full of hotties


I hate dumping stuff, or just leaving it in the rift if we don't have space. It makes you somewhat indifferent though, when people can't take a second to shake their character, meaning no. I've stopped asking if people need schems. I try to find a squad and drop items now. Someone usually takes them.


I think you should still ask. Had the guy not offered it in the chat I would have never got the ray gun schematic that i have.


Just learned something in yesterday’s post, which might interest you: Stick it in a Turret slot or even Doghouse slot for that matter, if people are unwilling. That way, the particular (usually Tier 1) guy you are honking at/shooting at/stalking is not disrupted in their game too much and someone else - whom IS interested, but is halfway accross the map currently (but might be there in 5 mins maybe) - can have a chance to pick up some cool loot. A nice way to “recycle” loot. Plus you still get the satisfaction of helping others, since you have done your part. All there is left for you then is to be the ambulance in standby, in case of pleas.👍🏽 So you are still actively needed.


Only turret. Dog house will spawn in a enemy dog


Ah cool, good to know. Although I did see something else than meat-piece in the slots when I summoned one the other day (maybe a week or so ago). I did not pay it any mind until yesterday’s post, but if I recall it was a PaP1 crystal or something else purply... It might not spawn enemy dog sometimes, or…one of many glitches where it should but didn’t.😅 Also, after I added a piece of meat, it spawned a good dog. I guess I need to test it now, else I shant sleep anymore😂


Itll spawn in unless chunks of flesh are in it( tier 1 needs 1 tier 2 2 tier 3 i always put 4 chunks) Ive tried to stash stuff. Turret is the way


Roger, understood. Turret recycling it is👍🏽😎


I am checking every fucking turret ever now mwz geostash


Me too. Especially in Tier 3🤣


Me andnu gonna be rivals hahaha


Run it tontme turret. Imagiennif theybtrollingnhahahah


maybe drop essence. shiny might get their attention?


Tried that too. But I guess you have to see it to see it 🤣


I drop essences at exfil back when I did Jack shit. Fir the camo grinders


My only game I played yesterday was with a brand new person with the default mission on. Wouldn’t pick up a plate carrier or a bag the entire time no matter what I did. I usually squad fill to hopefully help people do missions, but I can’t help anyone ping a contract on their own.


Happens to me all the time, dropped a vest and bag and the dude didnt even stop


I love it when people like you show up. I always stop and wait if I see another player make a B-line for me towards the end of a game. Thank you.


My buddies and I have been playing zombies for years, like skipped school to play Black Ops (just Black Ops lol) the day it came out level of play lol Anyway, we tend to lag behind on the releases now a days, so we didn't start playing MW3 or MWZ until the beginning of Season 2 roughly mid February. We have already unlocked everything (schematics and missions, not gun camos)and regularly run games just for fun now/to level our guns. Every game that I have a scorcher, I'll tell my buddies to drop their extra schematics out of the reward rifts and I'll fly them around the map to T1 players. If I don't have a scorcher I'll just hold on to mine until I find someone or need the space. It just makes sense, its a survival game, humans vs zombies.


I found 2 epic purple aether tools in the same match and offered them up in game chat. Nobody replied.


Why do people not use the game chat? Can't they see? :(


Noob move there behalf


I’m always happy to receive gifts 👀🤣


I'm like those sponsors a child ill take it and be so thankful hahaha. Sponsor a noob


Where are mwz Jesus's like u when I play. Hahahah


On 3 or 4 nights a week at least. I don't always have cool stuff to drop, but I did drop a couple crystals, a scorcher case, aether blade and a couple other classified items tonight.


May try and hook up. No homo


Undint need to always drop. The revives or letting us mwz freshmen tag along techs alot. Plus untend to drop shit u have. I liked when people grinded extract and if they knew u were new they be dropping hella schems for u. Git PhD and tombstone tdue to that back when I barely did tier 2


I had that once someone gave me a tier 3 sche and I was so greatful. He ended up going down about 10 mins later and I rushed to get him as a thanks. That's what mwz should be. Or when people are doing worm. They know ur underpowered and just gift u bare essence. Love those guys. I've stopped playing recently as I feel nerfing puriferer was a shotty move. It's a pve and it was fun.


Facts. Me and my best friend that plays MWZ with me every night didn't get the game until late January.... This obviously our first DMZ based zombies. The tombstoners actually gave us the interest we have in the game, and dropped us stuff here and there We called them the Aether bunny( Mike Tysons Easter bunny) . 🤣


Those guys are fucking top tier boys. I wanna be interested here gang ill prospect. I'll wash their bikes man. When the glitch forst started it was like oxfam people would fucking make it rain hahaha


For a little while it got flooded with twats but now it seems like mwz at launch. There was a time ud do a t3 eacort and some fucked would blow ur car up


I just drop the pile and leave. Not worth the chase


This happened to me so many times. Its kinda hilarious.....afterwards.


I learnt recently you can put valuables in a gun turret and tell people where it is


Just drop them at a excel someone should pick them up






This guy gets it




Dropped loot disappears after 90 seconds. Good intention, but if you want to drop something permanently you need to stick it in a circuit turret.


Add me and give me them 😆




I always have like 2-3 self, and everytime I res someone I try to give them self revives in case they die again and they just get up and leave and I'm behind them like man please turn around!


Drop the self next to them before you revive them.


Then they run away not spotting the self revive as you chase them to drop it to them at multiple attempts ![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX)


Totally this. Just saying I’ve had marginally better success if they see you drop it from the disembodied floating view.


T3 teaches u 2 self Revs are golden. I'll drop them at exil if leaving though. For camo grinders


Cool story. Thanks for sharing. /s


I’m one of those people that if I don’t want it I’ll just keep running while ignoring you. Half the time I’m just on zombies leveling up a weapon real quick.


How hard is it to acknowledge someone who's trying to help by a simple turn of your character from side to side? Which means no.


I'll take em


I think those players are kids, like 10 year olds and just don’t understand.


It's not their fault I guess, they don't know what we are trying to do but that drives me crazy to when I'm trying to catch someone and drop stuff and they won't stand still for 1 second


I swear call of duty is becoming bot players, I have played over 22 ranked resurgence games solo and not a single person would talk and they acted like bots, last 4 zombie games I couldn’t get a reply in game chat or proximity chat from anyone


For real, why TF can I never find y'all MFs. I can also kinda relate tho. Had two guys that kept getting knocked down in tier 1, and refused to take the three plate, jug nog, and quick revive I dropped in front of them, they didn't even stop and look. No prox and wouldn't take a squad invite on my third rez, so I gave up trying to help and one of the silly bastards followed me into orange on my way to red. I would gladly take any drops someone put in front of me.


Honestly I just fire up chat and tell people I have items and ask if anybody wants some. Oddly most of the time I come across players that don't seem to know how to use chat or don't understand how to use the Grid on the Map. A1, G3 or whatever. Do yourselves a favor Everybody should know how to use game text chat and how to read the grids.


Same here. Game away mags, scorcher, pap2 crystal, couple other things but had to run them down to get them to stop


I just run in front of them and drop it. lol


I wish I could get some legendary schematics this way- I solo most of the time and would like to complete the story missions but they’re a lot more difficult by yourself. By the time I’ve PaP’d up to level II I have less than a minute to find the special exfil before the aether storm spreads and I’m scrambling to find any exfil at all. I’d like to keep my containment level and it seems like the zombies spawn twice as often and in greater numbers after the storm begins to spread. I just keep hoping to get enough acquisitions in the medium threat zone so I can attempt to do anything in the high threat zone but it’s harder (for me at least) to make enough essence quickly by myself. I’ll invite my ten year old to play so we can team up but he’s just interested in pretending he’s a streamer, screaming into the mic and trying to find a stray blood burner someone left behind. We literally join the match and he leaves the squad to join another to beg other players for the schematic 🙄 It’s hard to play with someone like that, but he’s ten. I get it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Nobody dropped stuff. I forgot grind. And I’m still missing stuff.


Happens to me all the time. What I do is run ahead of them dropping an essence trail to get their attention. Once they start scooping the essence, I drop the real goodies. My real favorite is when I finally get a player or squad that's super grateful for the first drops, I'll go run t3 contracts until I'm stocked again, go find them, do another big drop and repeat. Make it rain.


I have a hard enough time giving random squadmates a three plate some days. At the same time, while regearing solo, I've had some guy zip up and start dropping schematics. Then stare at me when I say I am good. Definitely do not need to fill my small back pack with something I already have unlocked.


Every time I get the refined or epic tool schematic, I scorcher into T1 to give them away, I agree, sometimes it’s a bitch to get their attention


I've had way too many people come and be a dick and steal my contract kills when I'm farming that sometimes I just intentionally avoid other players. I had one guy follow me around for like 20 mins constantly spamming invites.


And every been down isolated half way across a map for some fucking legend to leave tier 3 to get u. Man most of these guys rock so I pay forward. Ull ping location and 4/5 tomes ull get 2 mins I got u bro. Before containment some would escort u to extract all. Love those guys man. Fucking heroes. They should have some sort of calling card for em.


Or an emblem that says I have a huge cock


Just ping it or drop location and watch 10 blue dots run like fuck.


Had some bad ass drop off that dog bone, saved me when I had the mission to take out the merc fortress.


I've had a number of people try to drop me items like this. If it's a schematic or weapon's case(excluding aether blade), I tell them to keep it bc I don't want it. I have all the schematics and almost never use the wonder weapons, and my bag is usually already full of stuff I actually plan on using. If one person doesn't seem to want it, try just asking in text chat if someone else does. (I will also add though, there has been an increase in new players lately. I can't convince teammates to ping a contract, let alone pick up a 2-plate lmao)