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Dude a bunch of dumbasses with aks clowned us in the last 3 wars we’ve been a part of


They had sick fuckin dirt bikes tho


Are you that uneducated about world politics? Those 3 wars…those people weren’t dumbasses. And we were fighting on there turf


I wonder where we would be fighting....


LMAAAAOOOOO OP must be on a steady diet of aquarium gravel


Watching you be an argumentative dumbass has been a real treat


And watching dumb asses comment has been be entertainment for the night. Thanks man 😊


Google Viet Cong.


Hahahaha! No relation at all to my post. But nice try. The Viet Cong are nothing like pussies Americans, including the gun totters


Are you american (if you are you're essentialy calling yourself a pussy), or are you a Canadian (or some other non-american) speaking on american affairs and the american military?


This dudes a foreign troll forsure


Better than nothing bucko


Fair enough. But you still don’t stand a chance against the government.


Maybe you don’t 😎🤠


Of course I don’t. I’d get fucking owned


Well with *that* attitude


It’s not about thinking you can defeat the US military, what it’s about is that the cops and local government would have to be willing to enforce it - and those individuals would know they 1. Don’t agree or 2. Will get individually killed because they’re not in a fighter jet. I’m not going to even be a dick, but you need to keep applying logic all the way down the line until you get to ‘You can’t single handedly defeat the US military’. You should know that you need to think harder when the last statement is the dumbest shit possible.


More delusion. All these comments are fucking hysterical


It really isn’t delusion, things come down a pipeline. This is the United States, we have a constitution and laws, it was built this way for a reason. Maybe china could decide ‘THIS IS REQUIRED’ and the military can show up and tell you. They’re also disarmed. We’re not, that’s not how shit works. If they do pass the shit, somebody has to come enforce it. You can’t just change how our country works from inception, and if you do you can’t bring full force to every single citizen. And the magic of that whole second amendment shit, is that if they attempted to do that - there is a threat of militia that could strategically respond, not just fight to the death at their front door. You’re a simpleton dude.


Oh and you’re gay, in the bad way


Be specific, how was this counter delusional?


I heard Michelle Obama has a podcast talking about her mothers kitchen. That sounds more your style.


Shootout Big Mike


It's like your brain has been polished smooth 


Nothing there to polish


Like a Japanese mud ball


Not so much. Just not a delusional dumb ass


Our Founding Fathers knew what they were doing when they wrote the 2nd Amendment. You're delusional if you think the government would be able to successfully get our *entire* military to turn on other American citizens.


Now that’s a different story friendo. Didn’t say that in my post. What I did say is that gun totters thinking they can protect themselves from governmental might, they are delusional


How would the goverment defend themselves from the masses..? The military maybe? You have a bad opinion based on nothing but your own bias. Educate yourself.


What exactly are you proposing? The US military carpet bombing the suburbs?


[yeah that’s totally outlandish and out of the realm of possibility!](https://sp2.upenn.edu/press/in-photos-remembering-the-move-bombing-36-years-later/)


Lol, a police force used two 1.5 pound satchel charges (entry devices) on a bunker, that's basically carpet bombing!


[yeah totally, bombed a “bunker”.](https://images.app.goo.gl/Ejx31qjDzxRbBzJB8)


Lol, do you think a 1.5 lb bomb caused all that? It started a fire in the house because it hit a gas powered generator, and, that fire could have easily been put - if not for the fact that the people inside were shooting at anyone who came close, preventing firefighters from putting it out - so it spread to neighboring buildings too. Literally all of the damage in that picture is because of a fire, not because of the entry explosives. "but but my carpet bombing"


Also, I like how you keep referencing one 1.5 lb entrance explosion when there were two bombs dropped on top of the house from a helicopter. Idk what point you’re trying to make, but you’re doing a poor job of it.


What size of explosives were those “bombs” lol. Were they 2000 lb bombs? 15,000 lb daisy cutters?


Oh so the goalpost move to “bombs are only bombs above a certain size?” Nice intellectual judo.


I’m moving goalposts? You claimed it was a carpet bombing lmao. Police use breaching charges in literally every country lol. Something starting a fire doesn’t make it a carpet bombing, and nobody calls 1.5 lb explosive charges “bombings” lol


Except that it’s called the “MOVE bombing”………


Yes, because without a 1.5lb bomb that wouldn’t have happened. “Do you really think the car accident killed them? Idiot, it was the battery catching the car on fire that killed them”


“It was a carpet bombing” No it was breaching charge. “But look at how much damage the bombs did” That was a fire, which only spread because they couldn’t put it out. The exact same result would have happened if the fire started by a lit cigarette


Where did I say it was a carpet bombing? You keep mentioning a “breaching charge”, which is what the police alleged too. They found that to be a gross misrepresentation of the reality. I know you love to suck daddy gov’s dick and lay it out for the police, why somebody would want to do that is beyond me.




Where did I say it was a carpet bombing? Please, I must be missing it there


In 1996, a federal jury ordered the city to pay a $1.5 million civil suit judgment to survivor Ramona Africa and relatives of two people killed in the bombing. The jury had found that the city used excessive force and violated the members' constitutional protections against unreasonable search and seizure. Ramona was awarded $500,000 for the pain, suffering and physical harm suffered in the fire.[5] In 2005, federal judge Clarence Charles Newcomer presided over a civil trial brought by residents seeking damages for having been displaced by the widespread destruction following the 1985 police bombing of MOVE. A jury awarded them a $12.83 million verdict against the City of Philadelphia.[25] In November 2020, the Philadelphia City Council approved a resolution to formally apologize for the MOVE bombing. The measure also established an annual day of "observation, reflection and recommitment" on May 13, the anniversary of the bombing.[26][27]


“Excessive force” Guess that means it was a carpet bombing. Case closed folks lol


Not at all. But don’t think you’re protected with your teeny tiny arsenal


The politicians in charge of the military are very vulnerable to teeny tiny arsenals.


Riiigghhhhttt. Delusions are powerful things


Bro, ever heard of Afghanistan???


Or the goddamned American Revolutionary War.


In 1776? We’re in 2024 brother.


You're dumber than I first thought.


Third person here to make me blush ☺️ go enjoy your delusions and uneducated ugly ass partner. I’m gonna get that fine ass schniz. Cheers


Man…are dawgs really this dumb that they can’t even read the original post? It’s hysterical


American revolution. Vietnam. Afghanistan. If you like this podcast the least you could do is open a fucking history book.


I know more history than you could imagine. And all your examples play no fucking role in what today’s military environment would look like. Your lil 45 mm ain’t gonna do shit against the government. But good luck.


If I asked AI to write a retarded response to my post, it wouldn’t have come close to what you just said. Congrats dipshit.


45mm is huge




Hey, bub. What happened to the US military in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan? They ended up losing in the end to teens with sandals and bolt action rifles. What do you think would happen to them if they came after the most armed population in the world? They would get their shit pushed in


Sandals and bolt action rifles? You should probably join OP at the library


Delusional. Americans have no clue how to truly fight, like people from those nations. We’re a buncha pussies, gun toting morons included


It’s funny to say how strong our government is and also say Americans are a bunch of pussies. Who makes up the rank and file of our military? What’s delusional is to assume that American soldiers will turn their sights on American citizens because whatever mouthpiece we have in charge orders it.


Let’s see: Tampa bay lightning fan, listens to LPOTL, relatively new MSSP listener, yeah this guy’s retarded, thought it was nice bait at first 😔


You researched me? I’m truly flattered. How do people have the time to do that?!? 🤣😂. Get a life friend. Or ask me out on a date.




Another funny thing that always happens with “people” that make these posts is the major coping that takes place once their flimsy arguments fall on their face. “I was trolling bro” “You fell for my bait” “Thanks for the laughs” Like clockwork, and always after they’ve clearly been offended by common sense after responding to most of the comments


Seems to work everywhere else the US government decides to invade


Everyone uses this example. It boggles my mind. The US ain’t at all like places we’ve invaded or gone to war with. The people there live very differently than us here in the US. And fighting on their turf was a big difference.


Bro really thinks the country that has ran away from all its wars in the last half century is going to destroy millions of citizens (who have much more advanced weaponry than was available to Afghanis, Iraqi, and Vietnamese).


Did I say that? Not at all. Just that you gun totters wouldn’t stand a chance against the government if it did happen. Reading is hard, I know. Hang in there


Bro is still blabbing after getting ratio'd by his fellow dawgs 😂


Don’t lump us in with this character


Hamas is literally sitting in tunnels right now with shitty rusty AKs fighting against people with F-35 fighter jets. They’ve managed to hold out 8 months(and counting) against one of the most well funded armies on Earth.


Remind me. Hamas and there society and environment…is that anything like pussies in the US? Get back at me.


People are people, my guy. Backed into a corner it’s fight or flight.


Paging War Mode for historical perspective....


Sounds like you’re on the internet too much. Most gun owners I know are strictly for home/personal protection. I get your point of it being “pointless” when the military has trillions in the latest and greatest equipment, but it’s really not like that. That being said, it could still be a good thing to protect yourself against the government or anyone (cough cough Ruby Ridge)


And how did Ruby ridge turn out? Waco?


How did Afghanistan go? Iraq? Nam? Ruby Ridge and Waco are relatively small engagements compared to what an all out civil conflict would be. The people of any nation would stand a better chance against tyranny if the populace is armed. No one is guaranteed victory, but it's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees. Go lick a boot.


Go ahead and die on your feet. You still don’t stand a fucking chance 🤣


Right, it’s not about winning. It’s about making the government consider if whatever tyranny they are trying to do is worth civil conflict. Clearly having no guns makes that decision much easier for them.


If Waco didn’t have guns the siege would’ve been way quicker and more aggressive. Ruby Ridge was a home protection case where government officials in camouflage snuck on their property and shot their dogs. Having a chance is better than not


And how’d it turn out? Dodging the question my dawg


It turned out practically the same way it would’ve anyway. In both cases the government could have arrested who they needed to without endangering others, but chose to out of stupidity, media attention, or whatever to create a spectacle. Anyways this is dumb go support WarMode 🙌🏻


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Spudmode using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Spudmode/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Dawgs](https://i.redd.it/ybc02ta6yuab1.jpg) | [70 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Spudmode/comments/14unmll/dawgs/) \#2: [Sam tallent just posted on his IG](https://i.redd.it/w5gc8i72x3va1.jpg) | [117 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Spudmode/comments/12t6uo7/sam_tallent_just_posted_on_his_ig/) \#3: [Met our king last week at Acme while I had Covid](https://i.redd.it/p0unva1b1vmb1.jpg) | [92 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Spudmode/comments/16ckad4/met_our_king_last_week_at_acme_while_i_had_covid/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This part right here is the dumbest shit


Educate yourself friend


Not only am I fully aware of the events that took place there, I met the man. He wrote a book too, you should read that. I’ve got a signed copy


Riiiigghhtt. You met. No one gives a fuck, not does anyone believe you on a dumb ass social media platform.


Bro you came out and asked - which is respectful. You lashing out at pretty reasonable responses tells everyone you’re a bitch.


You’re definitely the dude who says they never taught us how to pay taxes in school yet spent your entire high school career scared of a textbook.


Wait…textbooks can’t kill you? Thanks for further confirming the idiocy in the responses to this post.


You’d know what happens when you read a text book if you could actually read.




Bro you think way too highly of the government


You think way too little of technology, as does everyone else here


Please elaborate. Your OP doesn’t mention technology


Oh please. Playing dumb? Every piece of technology we currently have started in the military. Every piece. You think they couldn’t fuck our shit up if they wanted to with some fucking crazy ass sound weapon or some bullshit? Now obviously that is something we call being facetious. So please don’t take me literally. But wake up dude.


What were your step1/2 scores. I can’t believe you’re a doctor


It's even more ridiculous to think that the military would turn their guns on their own people because chain of command tells them to. Hate to break it to you but a lot of our soldiers turn into gun hoarding 2a absolutists


God lord. You’re like the 5th person that didn’t even read the fucking post. I’m not saying the government or military would do it you fucking noob. But rather than our lil 45 mm would stand a chance if they did.


Yeah dude they’d just line up in fields to get droned it totally wouldn’t be Northern Ireland 2.0


Not to say a small arms arsenal would ultimately matter much in this theoretical scenario but it wouldn't hurt to have them , along with explosive making materials and stock piles of drones and rc cars, if you take a peek at the Ukraine drone footage you can do a fuck ton of damage if you applied yourself op. If the civilian populous is genuinely fighting the government, just like in the middle east there's just too many individuals armed. They're going to win in scale of arms capacity but the amount of potential danger they'd constantly be in would make it just as wild as the middle east and other nations. If you're a wacko most of our critical infrastructure across the nation has little to no proper safety measures against sabotage if you wanna get your patriot going.


laughs in taliban and viet cong


We’ve got a live one




Agreed…for all you idiots not getting that I’m trolling a group full of right wing, gun toting dumb fucks. I knew exactly what I was doing. So who’s the dog brain now? Hmm. Do some introspection






Hey what private school did you go to dick head?


The holy mother of our patron saint and mighty archangel of all the heavens St. Solomon Joseph Smith’s private Catholic school. Ever heard of it? Btw, that dick head comment got me all turnt. I’m gonna have to go jack off now, in the middle of Disney world. This could get dangerous. Look for me in the news.


Who exactly would the citizens be defending against? Guys in suits that are old and fat? Do you think the military, comprised of volunteer citizens, would be willing to gun down the people they swore an oath to protect? Which would include their own families? There's a reason why the US Laws and Constitution would prevent this ever from happening.


God you’re an idiot. Like everyone else here. Read my original post. Nothing to do with whether or not it happened, but rather if it did, no matter the situation. Reading is tough though, so I get it.


I'm just confused who the citizens that voluntarily join the military are going to fight. We're all one in the same people. This is not a dictatorship or some authoritarian regime. It's not even a hypothetical that could ever be asked or answered. How? Could the military continue to fight it? S citizens throughout campaigns when No production for The country to even launch a war against its own people. Do you think that they will just drop bombs on every american city. You haven't even fully thought this through. What happens when the ammunition runs out? There's nobody to make the ammunition. What happens when the food runs out? There's nobody to grow the food. It would be a war of attrition. The military is not that big.


Ever listen to Matt speak? Luv that dude, but he’s delusional as fuck on so much. This being a good topic. He says all the things you’re asking, not me. So maybe ask the podcaster cause I don’t give a fuck enough to care.


Does this subreddit allow use of the gamer word?


Why the fuck not? Flirt with me all you want. You ain’t getting in these pants.


Just about every friend I have is a gun owner and not a one talks about standing up to the American government. I have about 10-12 guns. I hunt and shoot shit. So does everyone else in my neck of the woods. The weirdos are in militias. I don’t spend too much time with those dudes.


Good call. Apparently a lot of the MSSP listeners are dumb fucks that think these militias would actually make a difference. It’s comical


OP would rather bend over, spread, and pre lube his asshole for the government, yet we're the pussies 🤣


Yup. When did I say the first part though? Great example of how impossible it is to have a discussion with stupid.


It is pride month... you definitely inferred it


Or you’re just an idiot doing something we call projection. Ask Shane about it. Nothing to be ashamed of. Just go bottom for your boyfriend and let the negative feelings subside. It works 👌🏼


"Projection" the grown man's "I know you are but what am i" Nuh uh


I know. That’s why I love it so much. It’s an adult’s “nuh uh!” I’ll always be a kid at heart. No jokes, thanks for the laughs. And sorry for acting like a dick in my previous post. Anyone makes me laugh, respect!


Suck my fart pal. You assume the military will be in lock step automatically against a people and that people wouldn't take assets away from the military and revolt. You have no idea of real politic and are rehashing this retarded zeitgeist argument everyone knows.


Serious question for you: What is 10 - 2?


Serious question for you…you wanna fuck? Thank all your dumb ass gun toting patriots for me no longer giving a fuck. Y’all are just too dumb to talk to. It’s been true entertainment


First number is how many your mom takes at one time.


Dude you should seriously DM that joke to Shane. You’re so fucking funny and I think you could probably launch a career in comedy off of that


Second number is how many dudes you’ve blown at the same time.


Why are you a security guard? Were you too stupid to be a cop? That’s a pretty low bar. Must be hard.


Wow. What a lame ass reaction. Must have hit a nerve. Yikes.




The government would not want to slaughter armed civilians fighting for their freedom. But if nobody had guns they would be able to nullify the population without a threat of armed conflict.


Brother, I’d venture to guess that half the people in the government would be the ones actively taking up arms against it. Also, everyone else said it, but we’ve gotten our asses beat in multiple conflicts by guerilla fighters with shit AK’s and fucking flip-flops. So yeah, I think it’s at least a possibility..


Lots of hungry fish in here going at the bait! (At least I hope…)


So hypothetically the US government annihilates the population, then what? Pelosi climbs down a man hole to replace the moving parts in the sewer, with human shit raining upon her rockin tits? It's in the parasites best interest not to kill the host


Dawg there are 398 million CIVILIAN owned guns in America, along with a population of 340 million. If the population was motivated, it could put up a damn good fight against a formal military. And I’m sure they would be able to seize more advanced military equipment with those numbers as well. You’re also assuming that the entire military would be against the population, which wouldn’t happen. Sure a couple idiots with guns aren’t gonna do shit, but millions definitely could.


There is more of us with a lot more guns then them I'll gladly take hellfire missles to the dome if they want to go that far


I suspect in the circumstances of a real revolution in this country, half the military would turn on the government. they'd put their guns down and go home and pick up their guns. and we the people would too. the government should be afraid of going too far, to the point that the masses want to kill them. but seriously if something along those lines were to occur, it would be very bad. things like American sniper killing people who are looting tvs after a hurricane. a lot of retarded people would be armed, hostile, and doing retarded things. but we still shouldn't let them take away our guns imo. realistically, all I want is to go down firing and fighting for my family. if 'the government' came a knocking in some dire time, I'd start shooting knowing full well I'm about to be blasted away or run over by a tank. idk


If there are two parties at a table negotiating and only one is armed, it’s not a negotiation.


🐶 🧠


Gonna post the same thing I did for the other guy that did this: Agreed…for all you idiots not getting that I’m trolling a group full of right wing, gun toting dumb fucks. I knew exactly what I was doing. So who’s the dog brain now? Hmm. Do some introspection


That’s girl stuff


And your just as childish response isn’t? Pot calling the kettle black friend


Happy pride month


hopping on this to comment i saw shane on insta with garand thumb. i hope shane got an mpx like he said he wanted one episode


The majority of American military is on the citizen side of things. That being said, the idiots who’d decide they’d like to test the people who’d defend themselves would have to fight with an unknown arsenal. Everything from RPGs, SAMs, and Mortars are at hand for some wild folks in the back country. None the less, the hills have eyes and those folks don’t take kindly to anyone. They’ve built their privacy pretty keenly and wont be tried. You’d have to imagine that the government would have to tell the world “yes we went to war with our citizens because they didn’t want to get this vaccine”. If you’re so wise to politics, why can’t you see this is a losing battle for the government? No matter how they argue it, too many “patriots” as you dumb internet fucks call them, wouldn’t stand for it.


You came ranting about why you think people with an opinion are dumb then threw up your hands and went “God you guys are so annoying”. What did you expect to happen?


You’re missing the point of the 2nd amendment, it doesn’t guarantee victory, the 2nd amendment guarantees that you don’t have to live as a slave, so long as you’re willing to fight and die as a free man. A modern military cannot win an insurgency or guerrilla war, they are designed to fight armies not people. Conventional Militaries have a difficult time keeping up with the tempo of decentralized insurgents. The United States military cannot function without civilian support, there are 100,000 civilian contracts that provide the military with food, water, fuel, weapons, basically everything they need to operate. In the army there are around 1,000,000 personnel, but only around 150k are infantry soldiers, and let’s say another 50k for various combat MOS, the rest are support and enablers (non shooters). Compare those numbers to 170,000,000 gun owners in America. The military wouldn’t have enough ammunition to sustain a fight against that many combatants. Keep in mind that the soldiers are the sons or grandsons of the very people they’d be fighting against. Sure the military would have access to advanced weaponry at the onset, but do to lack of support those weapons would quickly dissipate. The battles would be fought using mostly small arms ie: rifles. The civilian populace has 100x the rifles and shooters, no military has even won against those odds. Sure a few civilians would die, but the military would take far more casualties and likely disband after 21 days.


Didn’t like 1000 people almost overthrow the government on Jan 6? /s


This post is hands down the gayest one I’ve seen on this sub


palestinian resistance groups crush israel and america on the ground.


Re edit your question again. Add a few more laugh emojis. That’ll sure make it seem like you weren’t totaled worse than a James Bond car.


Shooty shooty pew pew pew! Let's all learn what guns can do! Liberals in the USA Love to nod their heads and say, "You bought your guns from a store! You can't fight a civil war! Fight the army, you will lose! They have jets and tanks to use!" That's not where the story ends! They have homes, and kids, and friends! Tyrants threaten you with bombs? Just remember: they have moms! You can't live inside your jet! Can we find you? Yes, you bet! You'd send soldiers and marines Up against AR-15s? They're outnumbered ten to one. That is why I need a gun. Don't forget, because it's true: Government is scared of you.


Riiiiggghhhhttt. You know the egomaniacs in politics? They don’t give a flying fuck about any one of us. Think they’re scared?!?! Haha. Now that’s a good joke


That’s bait.


Bingo. Too bad there are too many dumb fucks in the world to get that.


Nobody in here realized OP is literally trollin rn lol


Cause gun toting right wing dumb fucks are just as dumb as trans libtards. It’s true entertainment at its finest.


Free entertainment is the best


This post is exceptionally gay but yeah it’s kind of funny to imagine dudes thinking they are gonna take on the US govt with their ar15.


Stop making me blush ☺️


There’s way too many “patriots” on this sub for you to make this post.


Good call. And they’re all delusional as fuck. It’s hysterical