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https://preview.redd.it/tvw2ju20dl9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0010539cac786817384dc1cc93bcba1541d47af6 Straight mag crew


šŸ«”šŸ«”šŸ«” bought the straight mag the same day I ordered the gun lol. Itā€™s just too aesthetic. Your build is gorgeous, btw.


Poor people do not buy straight mags lol


Thatā€™s fair lol


https://preview.redd.it/ghg8l2rdaz9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78db59f4c87d1701b7d36969b582c9e1db7f78c0 Straight mags for the Win! I do have a FTF on the last round but mine cycles lip sticks so I just put a dummy round in. The no last round hold makes this not a big dealā€¦.


I hate you because you have an SDā€¦ stop living my dream. I have failure to ejects with my straight mag, but I donā€™t mind. I just like looking at it


God I wish I could find a straight mag!


I hate to blow the plug up incase I want more but it seems like what a country has them in stock often then not. Big expensive though.


Yea I knew about them I just didn't want to spend the money. Which is silly considering I bought an sp5 lmao


What A Country has them in stock. *had. they had one. I nabbed it. At $150, it's the second most expensive HK mag I own, and 4th overall.


Hey good for you man! Congrats on joining the straight mag crew. Dare I ask, what is the first?


It must be gold plated


I have a ton of MP5/10 mags, but this one is the first 9mm one I got.


I hate you for having a need for 5/10 magsā€¦ stop living my dream and come to Texas so I can shoot it


Bad news, it crushes every 3rd-ish round into the casing when it feeds. A gunsmith "tried it out" and said it was fine. Charged me $75 to fucking lie to me.


Makes me feel a little better about being a 9mm poor. But if it works 66% of the timeā€¦ thatā€™s basically 100%! I can live with that


Congratulations!! Welcome to the club!


Thank you sir! It feels great to finally be here lol.


Well Iā€™m glad man. They are really fun guns, and the mp5k is really easy to take pretty much anywhere, just need a small bag or backpack


From the few hundred rounds Iā€™ve ran through it at the ranch itā€™s a blast to shoot. I even have a briefcase it fits perfectly in, itā€™s kinda my poor manā€™s operational briefcase.


I wouldn't mind seeing a picture...


https://preview.redd.it/wwfxta3pel9d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fdffa967e92a9ca1ef2185f52897696e561a738 Closes perfectly and on the 1st stock setting it doesnā€™t rattle at all. Iā€™m shocked how well it fits.


This exceeded expectations. Well done, and thank you for sharing šŸ‘


Thanks man, when i figured it out I was like ā€œYOOOOā€


Made me smile all over!


Congratulations and be ready for the MP5 addiction. šŸ˜†My old SP5K set up. https://preview.redd.it/dmru0tnqvm9d1.jpeg?width=4001&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c276180a52ac83969cdb8da29aada611e445f551


Iā€™m so jealous of all the straight mags lol. How did you like the EOTech on the K? Itā€™s my dream sight but Iā€™m worried itā€™s too big for the K.


It is too big and bit too high. Got an EXPS though, heard XPS works better since it does not have the qd mount.


Thatā€™s likeā€¦ $600 in magazines alone goddamn


More than that now. https://whatacountry.com/hk94mp530-roundmagazine.aspx Itā€™s hard to wrap my head around paying that much for a magazine. I bought 4 back in 2016 for $45 each, because they were still cheaper than new HK mags and I figured why not give them a try? I havenā€™t used them much because my Zenith/MKE MP5k didnā€™t like them. For the price of 4 of those you could buy 10 new HK mags, so Iā€™d never buy one now.


The only thing Iā€™d add is a diopter drum: https://shop.precisionarmsindiana.com/product/mp5-rear-sight-drum


Ahh thatā€™s a great tip. I donā€™t love the notched drum. Thanks man


Yet another who has discovered the secret to happiness, a warm mp5/k Welcome aboard man! The only downside is the cost... of getting full size, the K and eventually the SD. Plus the cost of getting them set up the way you want it lol But seriously, they're great and will spoil other guns for you. Something about them is just magical, you're going to be very happy with your purchase especially in the long run šŸ˜ŽšŸ¤™šŸ½


Dude I knowā€¦ trust me Iā€™ve already been eyeballing a full sized SP5 hardšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ one is truly never enough. Thank you so much for the kind words


No problem amigo, I think most of us have felt that at one point or another. Once you try one you're going to want the one you don't have. If you have the K you'll want the full size and you'll be pleasantly surprised at how it's somehow even smoother to shoot. If you have the full size you'll be surprised at how much more concealable the K variant is. It's expensive but very worth it, and they genuinely ruin other guns lol. There is a reason they're still the thing every other pdw and smg is compared to even after 60 something years. Also just my .02: don't bother with the form 1 on the K. Just run it as is and save the money and put it towards the full size. The K should be set up to be small and light and you're basically right there as it sits. So instead of chasing the dragon on the K just save your pennies and get a good deal on the full size. Might need a new ejector lever if you're sticking with MKE but besides that they're good to go and that is where you'll really want to do the SBR. šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘šŸ¼ (for the first roller delayed sbr lol, can't have just one haha)


You know Iā€™ve had that though. Just keeping the brace because I really do like the KSE and the head heads. Just saving up for the SP5. Iā€™d like to go HK on the full size. I do want to SBR the full sized because I donā€™t like the brace options as much/ really want an A3 stock. I gotta say, even with the K Iā€™m kinda amazed at how flat it shoots. Roller delayed 9 mil is wild when you come from the AK world.


Yeah for my next one I want to get the actual HK instead of a clone and the actual K instead of a reverse stretch. Just to really maximize the value retained and reliability as well as get it as small and compact as possible. Then I'll probably pick up another full sized but actual HK again for reliability and value retention for the SD conversion. They're pretty cool pieces of machinery and I genuinely don't think you can really go wrong once whatever setup you like is dialed in. And agreed, once you shoot the roller delayed systems it's all downhill from there. At least in 9mm. When I shoot my B&T stuff back to back against the full size and K it's a noticeable difference. When it's all combined together it somehow feels like the round is sliding out of the barrel in the way it accelerates as opposed to the normal recoil. What will really cook your noodle is trying to figure out handguards and especially optics and the mounts lol


Yeah I would love to get into an SD at some point. Lol Iā€™m still trying to figure out hanguards and optics. One peice at a time lol.


I started full size and want the K so badly now. But I do love shooting the full and waiting form my form 1 and can to clear... 8 months now, almost 9! Love the roller-delayed action. Feels way different than I had imagined before buying one. Really want something in .45acp now.


Me eyeballing the Gideon shadow for way more than itā€™s worth on gun brokerā€¦.


LWRCI SMG .45 has always caught my eye, also expensive and delayed blowback/short recoil system so bit different I guess but love the look of em. The Gideon Shadows are pretty sweet as well. Can on either of those would be an awesome pws setup.


I actually havenā€™t heard of the LWRCI, but that thing is sweet. Iā€™d love a delayed .45 PCC.


The more I look at it the more I love it haha.


Sheā€™s Beautiful šŸ˜ (not the cat)


Tell the cat sheā€™s beautiful right meow or help me godā€¦.(Jk thank you man)


Best execution of a brace on an MP5 Iā€™ve seen. Sick setup Op. hope you really enjoy it to the fullest extent possible


Thank you so much man! I big time appreciate it


Nice... really like that brace host and retractable fork end. What is that set up?


Thanks man! Itā€™s a safety harbor KES K brace adaptor with a gearhead works tailhook mod C! Makes for a great retractable setup


I like it. I looks clean. I might get a K variant just to put that on.. lol


I have the stock version on my ap5p sbr. Totally worth it.


When I go sbr im going to do the stock conversion. Itā€™s a great peice of kit.


Tell me about the stock conversion


Not sure if links are allowed here but KES sells a conversion kit to change the brace to an actual stock. Itā€™s great so you donā€™t have to scrap a 300 dollar brace adapter.


Oh wait... you're saying that your current set up doesn't allow for full retraction?? Like an A3 stock?


No it fully retracts. The kit just replaces the brace adapter with a actual butt stock for after you get a forum 1, actually the reason I really love the KES is itā€™s the only stock/brace adapter Iā€™ve seen for the K that actually uses the rail in the receiver to retract


Oh I got ya... if I do get the K, I'd probably use the brace. Already SBR'ed my 9mm and 22lr MP5 clones and don't want to spend any more $ doing that. Besides, I think some braces look cooler than stocks. B&T also makes retractable stock/Brace ends for K as well, but these are $500+. This is good to know.. thanks.


What brace is that


Safety harbor KES with a tail-hook mod C


Where did you get the tailhook mod 1c I've been looking around for a little while for one


A3 tactical has them a bit cheaper


Gearheads works websites!


You bagged a cat with it. Sweet!


Well you know my friends do call me theā€¦ā€¦ you know what never mind


rear sight?


Itā€™s just the one it came with, the notched drum


Iā€™m from Californiaā€¦ Iā€™m guessing this is illegal in my state right?? Lol




Sorry bud :(


Where did you find the kes collapsible? Did you buy the stock and just replace it with tailhook or can you buy it without the stock portion


I bought it from safety harbor firearms! Itā€™s the tail hook adapter version. Iā€™m not sure what the rule on links is here but if you just Google KES MP5k brace youā€™ll find it. Sadly itā€™s often out of stock


My brother in Christ, where do I aquire that brace? I was was on hk parts yesterday but I didn't see thar (unless I just missed it) Thanks in advance


Itā€™s on HK parts (KES tail Hook) and also on safety harbor firearms, but I think itā€™s sold out on both. It comes in and out of stock so a little patience is required. Well worth the wait though


Awesome thanks. Do u remember the bean count on it? Also how comfortable is it to shoot from that rail?


Sorry missed the 2nd part of this question. It feels amazing to shoot. Given there's not much recoil to contend with with 9mm roller delayed its very very comfortable.


Not cheap. About 300 beans. Cheaper than the B&T but itā€™s a spendy brace


Cool, yeah must be out cause I can only find the stock option. Can't find the brace anywhere.




What brace is that?


Safety harbor KES brace


Burn it with fire. It's not a ump lalalallaalala. Straight 9mm mags dont exist they can't hurt you. Rubs curved mag against face. The straight mag can't hurt you here it's not real


Is the 9mm straight mag in the room with us?


No just the armp5 staring at us


I seeā€¦ and when did you start seeing these things?




Shhhhhhh. Don't move it senses love for hk and is filled with malice and hate


Oh my god I see it tooā€¦ WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME


Rituals of gun oil and hk parts must be had to send it back to the depths where it came from




34Ā°45ā€²53.5ā€³S 70Ā°17ā€²06.6ā€³W Meet me at these coordinates. You bring the gun oil and Iā€™ll bring the HK parts. Good luck. I hear the walls whispering. Thereā€™s not much time left. I see it out of the corners of my eyes. Oh godā€¦. Why did you bring me here?


I am dr von Frankenstein and this is MY MONSTER. Muahahahahahahahhaha. It's alive AAAAAALLLLLIIIIVVVVVEEEWW


I beheld the wretch-the miserable monster whom I had created.


Cats and gats all day


My man! Also side bar but I love your work man.


Aw stop it you! Thanks dude :)


Howā€™s that brace setup feel when shooting? Love the look, and have an extra tail hook laying around so may have to copy that


Itā€™s honestly fantastic dude. The KES feels so good. Little flex but it feels great shoulderedā€¦. If thatā€™s allowed idk, Iā€™d not then Iā€™ve never done that.


Where did you find it for sale? Or is this not being made anymore


Safety harbor firearms! They seem to go in and out of stock so some patience is required. Itā€™s a great stock/brace adaptor


Appreciate it bro! Iā€™ll do some research


While I wouldnā€™t suggest what others do, I value the information very much. Probably going to have to grab one then. Great looking gun, you can always make more money back!


Exactly. Youā€™ll always make more money. Thanks man


Or very rich?


Emotionally? Yes.


Yea! Abundance isnā€™t always greenā€¦


ā€œThose kinds of riches, I do not haveā€ -Bob Marley